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Found 187 results

  1. Hey guys my xingyibagua sifu is wanting to do some seminars in the near future. What focus would you like to see? What kind of venue would you prefer? I'm probably going to have to organize all of this so I'd like input from you guys to see how we should proceed.
  2. Hello

    Hello All Interested in all things Dao With Gratitude
  3. Beginning QiGong

    Hello, I was looking to encorporate a QiGong routine in my daily life primarily in order to increase my energy throughout the day and relax at night (after MMA|weight training). I have found two systems: Zhan Zhuang and Flying Phoenix routines by Terry Dunn. What do you think about the two systems that i have converged. Are there some other systems that i need to check out? I am relatively new to the QiGong if you except my Wing Chun training which lasted for about a year. Also i do heavy weight lifting throughout the week so i wouldn't want my QiGong to interfere with my training (that's why i was a bit skeptical about Zhan Zhuang) Thanks
  4. I have read in the book "China's Super Psychics" that most of the children who excelled at perceiving auras and different types of energy, were those who practiced chi kung from a young age. While it is too late for me to do it from a young age, there is no harm in starting now and seeing how far I get. However, the book did not say what specific type of chi kung these children practiced. If someone wanted to develop psychic abilities - specifically, the ability to perceive auras and qi energy - what is the best form of qigong for doing so? I am not at all adept at qigong, but I know its power. I recall my first ever qigong class - a woman instructor, dim but clear lighting, etc. And during that qigong session was the first time I ever saw a human aura - hers. It was golden/yellow in color, like a halo around her whole body, a subtle light with no apparent source. I abruptly stopped taking the class after that experience because I thought that it was too much for me, that I wasn't ready for that level of spiritual advancement (perceiving energy), and perhaps was even frightened by it, because I wasn't expecting it. I essentially denied myself that progress, for reasons unknown. I would like to repeat that experience, and perceive energy again. I think I am ready to begin again now. I do not remember the specific type of qigong that I was practicing on that day, unfortunately. I would like to see if other forms of qigong produce the same effect. I have bought some qigong DVDs, one that seems excellent (the type is Flying Phoenix Chi Kung), and another that seems generic and ineffective ("Qigong for Stress Relief" is the title). I would prefer to learn Flying Phoenix from an in-person instructor, but it seems a rare art, because I cannot find anyone who knows it in my area. But I don't even know if that's the best type for perceiving qi. Does anyone know what form of qigong is best for perceiving auras/qi with one's physical sight?
  5. student of mystery

    hello! i am new to this site. i have a daily practice of meditation and qigong. i have a taoist teacher. i identify as a gnostic christian. i have read books and listened to webcasts by the christian mystic andrew harvey. I searched on jing qi shen ling and was lead to this website. -woody
  6. hello everyone i am new here

    hello every one i am new to the forum. was hoping if anyone could help me to study neigong in Australia Brisbane i have a intermedia understanding of the qi.
  7. new to forum

    Hello. It is nice to discover such a forum with dedicated practitioners. I love mountains, nature and the way of nature. I study nature, martial arts, yoga, qigong and meditation and I enjoy learning about myself in these practices. nice to be here.
  8. Hello, You guys are all always saying how good or important a real life teacher is. Does anyone here have any opinions on Traditional Seven Stars Praying Mantis Kung Fu? A friend of mine teaches Traditional Seven Stars Praying Mantis Kung Fu. I've gone to them for traditional Chinese medicine before (acupuncture and massage) also. I've always felt great after the sessions and, just being around them, you can tell they have a very calm and calming demeanour. Due to my recent interest in the Neidan/Neigong Taoist/Chinese side of spiritual/energy work, I asked them if what they taught covered any of the following: Neidan, Neigong, Weigong, Qigong, Daoyin, Taoist Magick, Hand Seals, Star Stepping. Their reply was that Traditional Seven Stars Praying Mantis Kung Fu incorporates all of those things. So, I am thinking of getting involved and starting some lessons. They all seem to work together but I think there are some lessons on Qigong/Daoyin/Meditation and some on external movements/Kung fu. I'm thinking of going with both. Any thoughts on this approach, the Traditional Seven Stars Praying Mantis Kung Fu system as a whole, etc, are welcome. Thank you for your time. Satya
  9. Introduction and questions about chi

    Hello, let me start out with an introduction. I am new to this website and wanted to see if any would help me out with their perspectives on some questions I have about chi and qigong. I have been interested in chi for a few years and ever since I was stuck in my head trying to figure out what it really meant and the meaning behind the power of it. On my path I found myself lost trying too hard to balance myself and wanting to control every aspect of my life. My path consisted of so many ups and downs, but it was if I was going in circles; and when I realized I was going in circles I would break out into a new path, but then I started going in circles again in the new path I was going in. I couldn't distinguish between which was yin and what was yang though I read online the feelings associated with both. It seemed like I was more consumed by the mental aspect of what chi was. Mentally I felt like nothing could harm me but deep inside I still felt off balance and wondered why things in my life (mostly people) would still reject me for who I was though it was all truly in good meaning. I would sit for hours in my head thinking of so many possibilities of the world and why things are the way they are. Many "wierd" and "normal" questions and thoughts went through my head and it seemed as if I was still while the world was passing me by. " Is immortality possible? Can I have superpowers? Why do we exist? Why am I here? Is this life real or is death real? What if the people who are close to me die? I wouldn't be able to deal with that pain but thinking about it brings me pain. I wish I could just die and end this pain. I'm not meant for this world" and so on and so on. Imagine how much pain built up in me living like this for years. As of recently, all that changed. I think I finally felt CHI. I emptied myself of all these thoughts but somehow kept a little hold of them in order to process reality in my own way. I found out that by keeping myself in this box of mine, I rejected myself of my physical body. I was feeling both energies but I was consuming myself with yin I believe (I am a guy though) which kept me inside of my head. As I released this energy I felt more energy going throughout my stomach and through my body which had been there all this time, but was just stagnant because of my mindset that I didn't have to worry about my body because I thought I knew it already and me not being able to distinguish between the yin and yang energies. Now I seem like I know it. I was now able to go deeper into these areas and I found myself being able to feel and discover areas of my body I didn't really think about much such as places on ears or my toes. I started living more in the moment not because it's what I have heard so many times, but because it felt... right. I realized that my immediate desire to balance my chi took me to my lowest, but at the same time brought me to my highest, and at the same time the realization allowed see and capture what I truly wanted. As of now I see truly see my mind and body as one thing; and whenever I put my energy towards something, I also see it as one and everything else seems to fade around it.Though it may or may not seem as a powerful story; to me it is really just a release that I found the opportunity to act upon. I know that my journey will never be done and I will continue to develop through my life and hopefully if there is an afterlife, will continue then. Don't worry I'm not suicidal or anything I plan to live as long as possible and take what life gives me. Anyways sorry for the very very long introduction hah I got very into it. But now for the questions. Have any of you learned how to store chi in the dantien? If so what does it feel like to you? Also have any of you been in very deep meditation and what experience did you have in doing so? How do you know how much chi is in your dantien and when it is full? Last, how do you project chi (such as using it to send heat through your hand)?
  10. Stillness Movement?

    I've seen lots of threads and conversations about a system called "Stillness Movement". What exactly is it about? Does it teach healing? Who teaches it? et cetera
  11. Qigong Ignorance.

    One topic I've never delved into, or done much research is Qigong. I've remained actually quite ignorant of it as It seemed to be some people flailing their arms in the wind. This is the stigma that is attached to qigong, and how I saw it when a friend of mine talked about it. I don't wish to remain ignorant and my wonderful partner bought me a book about qigong and healing. (I'll update the title of the book shortly). So I ask, can you tell me your personal experiences with practicing qigong? -How long have you been practicing? Is it a daily practice? (Does it have to be?) How much time do you dedicate per day? Your personal benefits (any and all) And what you've gained from it What has it healed, or helped you overcome Any other input is greatly appreciated.
  12. Looking for a teacher

    Hello im wondering if anyone on the forum knows of any masters or skilled teachers that are in Vancouver B.C. Canada. Im going to be moving down to the city to go to school and would like to immerse myself more in the internal arts. My goal being I want to integrate the old with the new and supplement my boxing/wrestling (mma training) as well as develop healing abilities along the way. Currently I practice Zazen meditation and the spring forest qigong level 1 standing exercises.
  13. Texan Practicing Qigong

    Thank you for letting me join your forum. My primary interest in Taoism is rooted in the physical forms of Taoism. I have some training in Tai Chi and Qigong but most of it was decades ago. I've recently returned to qigong mostly because I've missed who I am when I practice it regularly. You perhaps know what I mean. I feel more rooted, better balanced, and more alive when I have been regularly practicing. My original practice was with Yang Tai Chi with an instructor who is outstanding. Unfortunately, I moved and never was able to repeat the experience. My interest has shifted to investigating different forms of qigong -- it is amazing how position and movement can affect every aspect of my mind, body, and emotions. .Stuart Alve Olson's books and videos seem to be the best that I've found so far. I particularly like how he layers information from the most basic to how what one is doing connects with the world view of Taoism And, it would be possible for me to at least attend a seminar at least once a year. I'm considering using a blog to make me more conscious of what I'm doing daily and enjoy sharing it. Any suggestions or pointing out anything I might have missed is always welcomed. My background is very limited to some books I've read and my early Tai Chi instruction. I know just enough to follow most discussions.
  14. Qigong systems

    Can someone list all the qi-gong systems in order of strength, or the known ones anyway and since there are 3 broad energies called qi, shen, and jing; does this mean that there are systems like shen-gong and jing-gong or along those lines. If so, could you name a few and the differences of the systems.
  15. Taijiquan / Xingyi quan / Qigong / Dao Yin / Inner Alchemy in London -
  16. Hey guys just wanted to let you know I'm starting a practice group here in Sacramento. Feel free to contact me.
  17. Master Gary J. Clyman is in the press again! New Chicago Sun-Times article about a reporter testing Master Clyman's life-changing Emotional Liposuction treatment! PLEASE CLICK FOR FULL SIZE VIEW!
  18. Dividing Dragons from the Snakes

    Hello Everyone! I thought I'd introduce myself, give some background, and explain my goals for utilizing these forums. Hopefully someone might be able to point me in an appropriate direction after reading. Soon I will be leaving on a sustainable agriculture initiative to work with some tribal peoples in South America. I will essentially be spending two years in a very remote place without running water or electricity with a decent amount of free time. This to me seems like the perfect opportunity to get some real work/practice done in qigong/yoga/neigong/neidan/weidan/etc and/or the other techniques discussed in these forums without the usual distractions of daily life. So, I've been digging around in the forums for a few weeks, as I wanted to do my due diligence before posting. After hours reading through with seemingly hundreds of tabs open on my browser, I feel I haven't made much progress in finding truth. Threads tend to devolve into arguments and heresay. So I'm hoping those with a little more experience can help me discern the Dragons from the Snakes. Who is legitimate? Who are the frauds? Wang Liping, Dr. Jiang Feng, and John Chang appear to be authentic in achieving a high level of mastery in their various lineages. David Verdesi is a controversial figure to say the least. Can anyone say with confidence who has real attainment and is worth pursuing as a teacher and mentor? I would love to hear your recommendations about where to start my journey. I hear one can injure themselves pretty severely if they train incorrectly. I'd like to eliminate that option from the get-go. Here are the books I own so far: -Opening the Dragon Gate - The Making of an Authentic Taoist Immortal trans by Thomas Cleary -Ling Boa tong Zhi Neng Nei gong Shu - Wang Liping and Richard Liao -Daoist Neigong - The Philosophical Art of Change by Damo Mitchell -Both of Kostas Dervenis books The Magus of Java and Nei Kung: The Secret Teachings of the Warrior Sages -2 of Bruce Frantzis' books on the water method of Meditation: Relaxing Into Your Being and The Great Stillness I would certainly also appreciate your recommendations as far as resources and books. So far all of the complex metaphors and translation issues has been fairly confusing to me. Does anyone have a preference for a translation of the Dao De Ching? I'm also beginning work with a yoga instructor so that hopefully I will be able to sit in Full lotus position by the time I leave for South America. Lastly, I wanted to share my motivations for pursuing this path. Obviously they are multifactorial, but ultimately it boils down to simply a yearning to understand the nature of existence itself. Who and what am I? Why do I or any of us exist? How much potential do I have, and how can maximize my ability to make a positive impact on the world? Don't get me wrong, of course I'm psyched about the abilities that supposedly come along with that understanding, but to me those are just awesome side effects and great tools for helping people. Anyway, I wish everyone the best and look forward to hopefully hearing from some of you soon!
  19. For anyone interested in training for internal power, GM Sam F.S. Chin (lineage holder of I Liq Chuan internal martial art) will be teaching a seminar in Boston, Mass. on March 29 and 30, 2014. The 2-day workshop will be an overview and intro to the critical elements for developing and applying internal power and connectivity. His focus on mindfulness, awareness, and taiji and Chan (Zen) principles as the training approach, might be of interest to some folks here. You can check out seminar details, as well as background info on Master Chin, his art, and philosophy, on the ILC website at
  20. I made a quick search here but I didn't notice that anyone else had posted yet about this. So here is a link to Long White Cloud Qigong: Here is a link to a video I made showing you how to download these, should you wish to do so: Finally here is a link to Give Freely Recieve Freely, the philosphy behind which this course is shared: I can not recommend the lessons at this time, as I have not followed much more than the Introductory Material. I know there is a focus here on teachers that instruc you in the movements, not just choreography. I don't know how John teaches. But so far the videos seem very in-depth, covering many important aspects at the beginner level, starting with how to use the videos and breathing exercises. I leave it for you to try and see for yourself.
  21. Hell Taobums

    Hello Taobums, My name is Jock and im trying to meet new freinds who share the same interests as me.
  22. Most of the inhabited world is now blanketed in electromagnetic pollution. Many of the top scientists researching this topic have concluded the high levels of electromagnetic pollution have a detrimental effect on human health and the health of the ecosphere we live in. The extent of this damage is rarely acknowledged and is in my opinion one of the most pressing but difficult issues of today. There is active resistance to these conclusion due to the how critical mobile phones, WIFI, and laptops, etc. are to the functioning of business and convenience living. This information is well-summurised in this documentary called Resonance; Beings of Frequency: As a qigong practitioner, not only have I experienced greater sensitivity to the negative effects of EM pollution, but in discussion with others, it seems this situation is inhibiting the natural energetic development of qigong cultivation. With people who do not consciously cultivate one way or another, the effects seem to be worse. If you are a long term practitioner have you noticed similar experiences in the build up of EMF over the last 30 years? In terms of protection, it seems a significant but also limited amount can be achieved through energetic 'shielding'. Many protection devices are also on the market with inconsistent results, some seem to be outright exploiting people. Mindfullness practices and holding composure and cohesion of one's awareness also seems of benefit. This is consistent with ancient Oriental theories of 'Evil Wind' and strengthening the mind to create no way for it to enter. It seems there are new technologies on the horizon which could replace the current devices, although this could be quite a challenge to do, similar to new energy technology. Please share any thoughts or techniques you have found useful....
  23. I would like people to recommend particular practices that they have found beneficial. I realise that this can span a fairly wide area of experience, and so I hope others can respect that. I think it would be particularly useful for people to discuss their own experiences, rather than to attack or disparage what others have, or are, doing. I can assure you I've had my eyes opened by a lot of things that I didn't expect, and found prejudices to be deeply unfounded. So, please, some positive recommendations. The idea here is to offer people some beneficial areas for them to investigate. Everyone will have their own particular inclinations, and so there will be differences of opinion. That is fine, as long as people remember everyone finds their own particular path, some of whom will be fellow travelers, and others who will be seeking the same destination but via a different route. That a particular path did not suite one person does not mean it is not right for another. Finally, I would request that if someone trolls, please do not respond, but simply ignore them. That way they have no effect on the conversation and will soon disappear (either by choice or by moderator intervention). Thank you.
  24. Self Taught Neigong?

    Hello fellow wayfairers, I find myself with very low energy now and for the past, maybe, 6 months. Before that time and especially a few years back I was typically a high energy person and fairly well centered/grounded. I think Qigong/neigong is the way to fix that for me. I have 2 books which came highly recommended, The Way of Energy by Master Lam Kam Chuen and Opening the Energy Gates of Your Body by Bruce Frantzis. Ive begun practicing Zhang Zhuang along with some of the internal techniques and body alignments Frantzis talks about and I have felt a increasingly strong chi sensation as I practice as if I'm improving and tapping into my chi. I also feel more energetic after a practice session. The closest things to chi instruction I have near me is a shoddy Aikido dojo and a young american Tai Chi Chuan instructor that claims to have spent time studying it in China. Now my question is, is it possible to learn Qigong exclusively from books, videos, and mindful practice? Anyone here have success with self/book taught Qigong for healing themselves? Should I try out the Tai Chi guy? I appreciate your help friends