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  2. Experience is what is needed

    Kensho is not religious conversion nor North Korean brainwashing nor trance possession. As mentioned before, Kensho is the opening of the mind's awareness. There is no different belief system that will relieve the stress. The stress, in the case of Kensho, is self induced. And not forced upon one. Being self induced it can be relieved by the self at any time. When someone deprives you of food, that is forced upon you and can not be stopped by you. When you choose to fast, that is your choice and can be stopped at any time you want. The two outwardly appear to be the same. A person in starvation or being hungry. But, inwardly, vastly different. I am sorry that you do not see the difference. It is quite right to express your opinion. I am sorry that I made it out as being too negative. I just do not want to see someone discouraged from seeking Kensho because it was called brainwashing. Personally, I do wish for you to experience Kensho and know for yourself its true meaning. Thanks for reading.
  3. Taiwan

    Here is a different approach with the sounds of nature. It is suppose to be good for the soul and body. One may considered these six Tibetan sounds as a form of Qigong. Only, and if only, you believe in that breathing is a form of Qigong. 唵嘛呢叭å’Ŗ吽 Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum The sounds are really coming out deep from the dantain(äø¹ē”°).
  4. Today
  5. Experience is what is needed

    You might want to take a glance at "Battle for the Mind". Sargant made a study of religious conversion, North Korean brainwashing, trance possession. Surprising bottom line from North Korea: if you couple extreme stress with the suggestion of a different belief structure that will resolve the stress, the subject will wake up one morning with a complete acceptance of that different belief structure. It's not like they have a rational change of belief--it's like a total reversal of belief overnight, rock solid and no doubt about it. Typical stressors are starvation, lack of sleep, disease. In the case of Christian conversion, add threat of damnation. I'm not saying there isn't a practice of Christian belief that is mystical and allows the practitioner to transcend themselves in their actions. Or that there isn't a similar practice in Buddhism that does the same. I'm only saying that you want to be suspicious when people are deprived of sleep, fed very little, and pressured to have some kind of realization. That's my view. Is there a transformative experience in Zen? Ok, I believe there is. Does it have to do with understanding, or with insight? No, it's a physical experience of the activity of the body in the absence of habit and volition. There's another one that has to do with the experience of the activity of mind in the absence of habit and volition, I don't expect to attain that, but I think the first experience on a regular basis is all I need for now. And for me it has to do with action, not insight.
  6. Yesterday
  7. The four kinds of Chi to be cultivated in Qigong

    Amen, brother! I bow to you on both knees! PS And @Cobie too!
  8. The four kinds of Chi to be cultivated in Qigong

    It is only a figure of speech. It means put a bullet through my head. It takes a little imagination with a Chinese speaker. Same thing with Qi. A slightly off tone, the meaning will be thousand miles away. How would you think about that? That is why I can't communicate with westerners and easterners. I am really suffocating when I am talking about Chi here. People always think of what they wanted to be meant and never tried to listen whet others are saying. I am so sorry that the Chinese invented the character ę°£ to confuse themselves and the whole wide world. I have never said that Chi is always meant air. It only means 'air' when we are talking breathing in context. PS @Cobie Thank you for being here to defend me!
  9. Christianity

    but not in my spot on the globe, I've seen it shrink from around 80% in my childhood to now 30% and regard that as a good thing.
  10. Thatā€™s not how it works. The list is of various distinct meanings. "Chi" often has the most basic meaning of just "air"; it all depends on the contex.
  11. Finding my spiritual Path

    Why do you think it's egotistical to be happy?
  12. Exactly. A while back I posted on the forum a very long list, the meanings of 道 . A character is a semantic field, and very flexible.
  13. Kundalini vs Preheaven Chi

    There is an interesting parallel between amrta and the jade fluid in the two traditions (tantric yoga and Neidan) though there is variance in methodology (e.g Khecari mudra/Nyasa vs MCO). My understanding is that Jing is not sexual energy though it may be a very, very small part of it. . According to the early Daoists (Nei Yeh) Jing is qi in consolidated form that is required for life and that we are naturally endowed with. According to them, it is lost through desire, emotions and selfishness. Stilling these things stills the Jing allowing it to be in its natural state (and to fuel the cultivation process in Neidan). my understanding is there are paths of addition that cultivate energetics and paths of subtraction that donā€™t. However, in the end the paths of subtraction also end up energetically in the same place as the paths of addition. I imagine this last step for those on the paths of subtraction must be quite exciting! I think people tend to dumb down Kundalini into simple energetics. My understanding is that Kundalini is at a much deeper level than cultivating Jing and qi. Itā€™s more like at the refining shen level in Neidan. In yoga people get kriyas and call it Kundalini, in Daoist internal arts they get the similar kriyas and call it Yang qi or Zi Fa Gong. Itā€™s less problematic in Daoist arts because they have cultivated a strong grounding mechanism, the lower Dan tian, to keep the excess Yang qi out of the head. Yoga has the kanda but I donā€™t think that many cultivate this as a grounding mechanism leading to more energetic issues with ā€œKundaliniā€.
  14. Christianity

    ... and isnt the world going wonderfully !
  15. Christianity

    Not as much as Islam though .
  16. Christianity

    It was either that or 'Prince Sourdough' , I suggested (with avatar ) ; Sir Darius Sourdough III But he chose differently . I cannot force people to do what I want . However if anyone knows how I could do that , please PM me with details .
  17. Kundalini vs Preheaven Chi

    Yes but everything is interconnected, interrelated and interdependent... so those who achieve some sort of spiritual awakening through a more meditative path, inevitably will have energetic shifts and transformations of the body, mind-body-consciousness-spirit-chi-nervous system-physiology-brain chemistry-prana-kundalini.. all interrelated. maybe there are different depths to how deep realization can be? or how deep spiritual realization has been integrated?

    You are not true , you are a distraction . See . Its easy peazy to write such mere opinionated statements . Like you did about magical tools in Abramelin ritual . However I was able to cite proof ., cause, rationale, logic . .... be careful Daniel Denial ... next time you get sent off to the wilderness , they might make it more permanent !

    Pushed it over a cliff backwards .
  20. Christianity

    Enjoy. Globally more than half of all people are of an abrahamic religion.

    great answer (sarcasm)
  22. Christianity

    Christianity is thriving and growing fast globally.
  23. Christianity

    I will say I agree with thisā€¦ If there were a magic button to press, that would rewind the world to its natural state. With us all still living.. Totally back to nature, no phones cars computers, no governmental structures no nothing. As shocking as it might be I would be tempted to press that button. I agree it is Romantic. But I think looking at the world now and moving forward is also a super way to treat this thread. Compatibility as one possible fork in the road, (with other practices) or Adaptation and growth in these times. For one and I know this is highly controversial. But I think, monogamy in modern living should probably be rethought. Itā€™s not leading to a very good outcome if you look at birth rates. The challenge is preserving enough family structure so itā€™s fair in kids though, and addressing the challenge of housing and resources for multiple families. I see this as something that could possibly save western civilisation ā€¦ Maybe, but as I say controversial and a complete 180 on Monogamy that the church insisted upon for all these yearsā€¦ I think if it continues on this trajectory it will fail, and thatā€™s just simple maths, numbers wiseā€¦ So much of its Cultural, I donā€™t think hedonism is the key though, birth rates are too low as it is. And more people going on birth control, becoming sterile or not mating with the opposite sex,,, could just mean the Wests decline in numbers will crumble the whole thing. And the replacement will happen. We will return to tribal life but quite honestly, it will be the tribe of Islam. Thats not needless speculation, thatā€™s a blunt and honest factā€¦
  24. Christianity

    . Yes Yes, quite quite. I will put my thinking cap on and get back to you.

    About as much as these guys:
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