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About Nungali

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    Reverse geyser

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  1. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    By the way, the above paper was very unpopular with some . I heard that after the author died the family took control of the work and suppressed it . It was gone off the internet for a while . It seems someone resurrected it ? Like Homer ... no one wanted to hear " You lot are really being stupid ! "
  2. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    Indeed ! I prefer this definition ; (and in honor of our opening poster / thread maker , I present 'harmful cat ' : " A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses. ... We all recollect occasions in which a fellow took an action which resulted in his gain and our loss: we had to deal with a bandit. We also recollect cases in which a fellow took an action which resulted in his loss and our gain: we had to deal with a helpless person. We can recollect cases in which a fellow took an action by which both parties gained: he was intelligent. " ..
  3. Supremely Unpopular Opinions

    It could be a route to not having overpopulation .
  4. Yoga in Christianity

    I am old enough to remember a certain Christian outrage about yoga becoming popular here . I had a rather 'progressive auntie' yoga teacher that suffered it ( church removed her right to rent a hall and other things ) . It still might exist in some hard core Christian groups . .
  5. Stories vs. facts

    Certainly . Also 'information' seems better relayed (accepted ) in a jingle or rhyme - just look at advertising . Same with memory ; the indigenous with expansive oral recall do it via learning stories , not by strings of facts . And song helps to remember the story better .
  6. Dropped identifixation

    Awareness , evolution, progress depends a LOT on memory . So many times I have found ; Me; " Hey ! Dont do that , remember what happened last time ? " Other; " No ..... what, something like this happened before ?" or someone who keeps doing something with bad results and keeps doing it even though they dont like the results but cant seem to remember what results came from those actions before . How are we going to get anywhere or improve if we can not remember the mistakes of the past that our 'knowledge base' is supposedly based on ?
  7. Yoga in Christianity

    St Paul died some time ago . Does 'levitation; count if you are dead ?
  8. Dropped identifixation

    Thats called 'Having a Grandpa moment '.
  9. Errrmmm .... I am assuming that didnt mean ; If not, then try punishment again and again until there are improvements show otherwise ;
  10. Phone addiction

    The South China Morning Post reports that an unnamed woman in Xinxiang City, China, dropped her phone, worth about $320, into the open pit toilet. Her husband tried to find it but was overcome by the stench, lost consciousness and fell in. His mother then dove in after her son but she also fainted. Neighbors were called for help after the owner of the phone then tried to save her husband and mother-in-law but also lost consciousness. A total of six people had to be pulled out of the toilet.
  11. Phone addiction

    I used to watch those guys on the train ... well, not those ^ guys , a little later , but still ; the 'newspaper' thing . Most had a 'normal' newspaper but one of the dailies was huge , double size , but had all the 'business news', stock market , etc . the train would be cramped and I noticed some of them had developed an art of folding it down to 1/4 size and through unfathomable origami where able to work their way through the paper with it never getting above half size = normal size .