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  1. Today
  2. Before enlightenment chop wood, carry water After enlightenment chop wood, carry water After enlightenment there is no 'practice', there is only being. It's true that activities still occur but this is incidental to being enlightened.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Transgender Q&A

    Fantastic stuff @Maddie Thank you for sharing so openly and dealing with the ignorance of some so patiently. High skill on display. You are inspiring.
  5. Modern AND traditional mystics have a hard time explaining the "appearance" (or any other qualities, for that matter) of "emptiness" because it doesn't have any that can be truly be defined as "characteristics". You can try: it is still (while still in motion), color saturated, silent (while there is still sound), timeless, spaceless, without subject/object relationships or a "self" present that observes. These will sound like nonsense to most people. The only "concrete" example that can be had is your own experience. Very few if any are going to read about it and suddenly get it. Demonstrating what emptiness is really requires and in-person meeting and "pointing out". Once seen, some supposedly will get it and become "awakened" immediately, but most will either sort of get what you are pointing at and be underwhelmed, or surprised or in disbelief at how simple it is. Unless seen at its full depth it doesn't truly impress without putting the time and work into learning to rest in it during meditation and being able to watch as it transforms experience.
  6. So interesting. Yet it is the Buddhists who say “kshanikam kshanikam sarvam kshanikam” and the advaitins who say, “sarvam khalu idam brahma”
  7. ‘clapping’ means ‘ two hands coming together’. So this: is a
  8. Transgender Q&A

    Lol that's funny because that's exactly how it felt then and feels now. You're good lol.
  9. Ummmm ..... that sound you hear when you ask a question and get a lame overused philosophical obscure answer ?
  10. Transgender Q&A

    Maybe I´m just imagining this, but you do look much more at home in your body as a woman. To me, the picture of you as a guy has a bit of a nails-on-a-chalkboard feeling that I don´t see in your present day images. I think when we´re more comfortable with ourselves, it´s easier for other people to be comfortable with us too. Wow!
  11. Transgender Q&A

    Yeah ..... I should have made TWO lines ; physical ; Female ............................................................................................... Male . and people can be born anywhere along that line . Many seem clustered at either end but few are on the exact end extremities . 'Perceptual' ( add emotions, feeling, 'spirit', whatever ) Feminine ................................................................................................ Masculine same applies . Note ; the points where you are need not be the same on the physical line to the perceptual line . Eg . Some men might be entirely 'masculine' but show vestigial feminine traces in their genitals due to early physical development of genitals .... " The external sex organs – the penis in boys, the clitoris and labia majora in girls – don't start to differ from each other until about 11 weeks. And even then, it takes several more weeks to be able to easily see the difference between boys and girls on an ultrasound. as we know , sometimes this process ' gets confused' and the body can produce any variety of physical combinations or mixtures of those physical organs .
  12. Transgender Q&A

    i think there's a nice piece in the golden flower too, but for today I am finished sleepytime
  13. Transgender Q&A

    I'll let you judge for yourself. On the right was the last picture I took of myself as a guy before I started transitioning. On the left is a picture I took a couple weeks ago.
  14. Transgender Q&A

    i think it came along in a dutch newspaper or something, but this looks like somthing
  15. Transgender Q&A

    Well, that depends where you got your morals from ; Christian perspective ? No, you are required to see them as you see yourself and treat them as you want yourself to be treated .
  16. Transgender Q&A

    now that i call interesting
  17. Transgender Q&A

    Oh wow ... ya GOITTA 'site that one . ( meaning ; reference please )
  18. Transgender Q&A

  19. Transgender Q&A

    Love this!
  20. Transgender Q&A

    It wasnt the thing itself I was 'endorsing ' but the persons perception of what their True Will was . I dont support alcoholism , but if that is a persons path ..... <shrug > . I am a Thelemite , so I dont ' Treat others as I want to be treated ' ... my Goodness ! what problems THAT would cause . I aim to treat them as THEY WANT to be treated if I am going to do something like that .... or I might not bother . I know, its probably a weird perspective for most . I said how I gave ........ ten bucks in her street cup . Miss Doo-gooder decided to inform me and everyone else present that ...... is a junkie , dont give her money . Then she went on to delight all of us present in how fantastic she was by buying the woman a healthy balanced lunch instead and giving that too her instead .... you should do that too . Nah ..... she asked for some money, I gave it to her, or I could have decided not to , its up to her what she does with her money . besides , what she gonna do with 2 , 3 or 4 lunches !
  21. Transgender Q&A

    I feel like the TTC is much more gender ambiguous than our modern society is. Also even though I identify as a Buddhist lately I absolutely prefer reading the TTC.
  22. Transgender Q&A

    Now I am confused again . You seem to be talking about truth as if it has some human type attributes ? Perhaps you are talking about a human's perception of how truth is ?
  23. Transgender Q&A

    That literally made me laugh out loud 😂
  24. Transgender Q&A

    This thread became very confusing for me .... I have to pay more attention to whats going on . I thought I was reading a post from Silent Thunder but it was from Blue eyed Snake ; I was .... Silent Thunder is like 'Bob' from 'Fight Club ' ? Well, I got that sorted , so now I can return to the world of 'normality ' .
  25. Transgender Q&A

    I like this little subgroup. We need a section called the queer bums 🌈 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️lol. Jk last thing we need is another subsection I think at this point LOL 😂
  26. Transgender Q&A

    Wu wei ☯️
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