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  1. Today
  2. Lets take a for granted that god created the world

    In regard to what ? The fight against Chaos ? I am not that good on Zoroastrian myth ; try the Shamaneh , its immense . I'm better on the 'philosophy' side of it . Its OUR job to fight against chaos . By uniting the parts of psyche (to get balance and strength to be able to do this ) , practising good words, thoughts and deeds, by doing the practices which cultivate those things (good mind - spenta mainyu) and avoiding things that 'cultivate' bad things (bad mind ; angra mainyu ) . When this happens it brings 'beneficent swelling ' of mankind - 'Sayoshant ' ( from the PIE root *ḱewh₁- 'to swell'. The Avestan sūra- 'strong' and yawaēsū- 'ever-thriving' derive from this root.). Now some might refer to 'The Sayoshant ' as a future coming 'saviour' / personage ( like Jesus' second coming to renew the world { and some say Sayoshant is the origin of this archetype } ) yet in the Gathas it refers to three levels or usages of the word : - Gathas (older); As a common noun to refer to the prophet's own mission and to his community of followers, who "bring benefit" to humanity. - The common noun also appears in the Younger Avesta (e.g. Yasna 61.5), where it generically denotes religious leaders, including Zoroaster (e.g. Yasna 46.3) Another common noun airyaman "member of community" is an epithet of these saoshyants. - These saviours are those who follow Ahura Mazda's teaching "with acts inspired by asha" (Yasna 48.12). It first appears as a proper name in the Younger Avesta. The role of the Saoshyant, or Astvat-ereta, as a future saviour of the world is briefly described in Yasht 19.88-96, where it is stated that he will achieve the Frashokereti, that he will make the world perfect and immortal, and evil will disappear. Then this version goes more into 'personification' , 'pontifications' ( ) and ends up in mythology . But I contend the more valid meaning is the earliest form . Its up to us .... of course . However it does predict eventual Frashokereti ; yes, there is the other side and it made a big difference (on many levels ) , it was common, one way or another ; we where annoying to the Gods and they often tried to wipe us out .... too noisy ! Too this too that , did this wrong , did that wrong ... poor humans under the sight of the Gods . However in Zoroastrianism , it was the opposite the Gods created us to .... and here is your 'reason' you asked about above .... to have a good life , not to be slaves ... to live and enjoy . ... 'Ushta ' ! " The goal in life is to achieve ushta: abiding spiritual resplendence, happiness, and peace - an individual at peace with oneself and humanity at peace with itself. Spiritual resplendence gives a person the light of wisdom, a sense of spiritual confidence that the path a person has chosen will lead to a meaningful and fulfilling life. It is inner enlightenment of the spiritual self and a beacon that lights the path ahead. " " Metaphorically speaking, if individuals in their spiritual quest journey to a mountain-top seeking quietude and the space for the inner voice to be heard; the space for introspection, reflection and meditation while occasionally reciting a mantra when facing a source of light, the spiritual resplendence of ushta will be found on their return. " " ... Super-consciousnes of the highest order is obtainable by known methods. Therefore, by employing the quintessence of known methods we cause the world to progress. ... The essential acts are retirement and concentration ... " However , that does not make us immune to 'our own punishments ' ( I hear the UN has just announced we missed our deadline of 'too late to act now ' regarding climate change ) .... Zoroastrians they where the first to pass legislation against polluting the earth water and air . They understood 'karma' . No doubt these attitude helped engender their concepts of egalitarianism, sexual equality , freedom of religion , etc (for their time ... we can see a 'remnant ' of these 'religio-ethnographic traits' in the basic tenets of the Baha'i Faith , which originated out of the Zoroastrian / Islamic / Hermetic sects of the Iranians . Eh ?
  3. The Bible . A huge old antique tome passed down through the family .
  4. The Construction of Judaism

    Now you understand why I said a yod is a lick of flame and the script is based on fire . Arabic is 'based' on air ..... but we better not go into that here . ( because 'where there is smoke there is fire ' .)
  5. The Construction of Judaism

    Thats what I wrote in the part you omitted from my quote . It is a 'formation' of the 'pure fire / flame ' , which needs to be in three parts (as the one flame is the ideal or root energy of fire) . As you know , in the 'world above' ; things form through 'triplicates' before they break through the 'veil ' from the ideal to the real or 'formed heaven in the Universe'. The year, head and soul are 3 of the ways it manifests . 'King over fire' is an interesting concept . 'Attributed to fire ' ? Like the other mother letters have their elemental attributions ? ( for those unfamilar with the concept ; " The three mother letters - Aleph, Mem, and Shin - are air, water, and fire in the world. Heaven is created from Fire [the shin in shamayim]; the Earth from Water [the mem in mayim]; and the Air [the aleph in 'avir] which decides between the fire and the water." ) And this is similar to the dynamics of the inner ( and 'personal' ) planets in astrology and the arrangement in 'mythic psychology' , which is : a polarity between 'heaven' and 'earth' : fire ('source' of heaven ) and water (source of earth ) with air between or Mars and Venus with Mercury 'in between' / 'regulating . ......... ....... ........................... Also the three primaries ; yellow red and blue . Anyway, I have written heaps elsewhere about how this archetypal pattern manifests in everything ; ' the 10,000 things carry its signature ' Also it indicates that Hebrew is a 'divine' or 'magical ' alphabet , on the lower level it has number values to letters ( hence 'gematria' ) and a higher level , it has the universal pattern inherent in it . I know it a 'yud' , I dont randomly post 'squiggly lines and dots ' a thorn ( or a horn ? ) and a tail eh ? Thats the 'devil in the details' I suppose ?
  6. The Construction of Judaism

    It's true. I do love it. It's written in our scripture: Jeremiah 23:29 הלוא כה דברי כאש נאם־יהוה וכפטיש יפצץ סלע׃ Is not my word like fire ( אש aysh aleph+shin )? says YHVH; and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?
  7. The Construction of Judaism

    The letter Shin, like Shamayim, is fire. That is a yud. The yud is a point, a dot, with a thorn pointing up and a tail pointing down. It represents eternity.
  8. The Construction of Judaism

    The earliest that I know is Ostracon 18 from Temple Tel Arad, 600 bce. However new discoveries are made ( and debated ) currrently.
  9. Yesterday
  10. Two of the types of Qi in Tai chi

    agreed 100% It’s interesting that you made the point. After I started with my teacher, I happened to get a chance to touch hands with his then second most senior student. It felt like a tank was coming at me, though he wasn’t really “turning it on”. It was intimidating. My teacher on the other hand felt like a cloud (still does), and he can “disappear” at will and “reappear” suddenly, by which point it is too late to do anything. A few years later, I touched hands with that person again (I didn’t get a chance to meet him in between). I felt like he was a child, and I could move him around at will. I figured my skills had improved (I’d been working out with my teacher diligently for a few years, plus my own daily practice of 2-3 hrs).
  11. The Construction of Judaism

    I dont get them ... apparently due to my thick luxurious hair , You might be confusing that ailment with 'setting the record straight ' ?
  12. The Construction of Judaism

    Aboriginal creation story says similar .
  13. Dear Buddhists, I have a question

    Buddhism is a large umbrella, covering many different faiths and many different teachings. If you want to familiarize yourself with Gautama the Shakyan's teachings (the Buddha), I would recommend the first four collections of sermons (the first four Nikayas in the Pali Canon) and possibly the rules of the order (the Vinaya). In the Nikayas, Gautama offered four "truths" about suffering (in this case, the Pali word has been translated as "anguish"): “And what has been explained by me… ? ‘This is anguish’ has been explained by me. ‘This is the arising of anguish’ has been explained by me… ‘This is the stopping of anguish’ has been explained by me. ‘This is the course leading to the stopping of anguish’ has been explained by me. And why… has this been explained by me? It is because it is connected with the goal, is fundamental to the [holy-]faring, and conduces to turning away from, to dispassion, stopping, calming, super-knowledge, awakening, and nibbana. Therefore it has been explained by me.” (MN 63; Pali Text Society translation vol. II p 101) “Birth is anguish, old age and decay, sickness, death, sorrow, grief, woe, lamentation, and despair are anguish. Not to get what one desires is anguish. In short, the five groups based on grasping are anguish.” (AN 3.61; Pali Text Society vol. I p 160; Pali “dukkha”, Horner's translation “anguish” here substituted for Woodward's “ill”) About the five groups (from my own website): Anguish may be brought to an end, said Gautama, when the cause of anguish has been distinguished; the cause to which he attested was “grasping after self”, deriving a sense of self from the phenomena of body or mind (MN 75; PTS vol. II p 190). Phenomena of the body or mind cannot rightly be called one’s own, as Gautama pointed out to the Jain Aggivessana: “What do you think about this, Aggivessana? When you speak thus: ‘Material shape is my self’, have you power over this material shape of yours (and can say) ‘Let my material shape be thus, Let my material shape be not thus?’ When you speak thus: ‘Feeling … perception… the habitual tendencies… consciousness is my self’: have you power over this feeling … perception… the habitual tendencies… consciousness of yours (and can say): ‘Let my consciousness be such, let my consciousness not be such’?” (MN 1 35; PTS vol I pp 284-285) “The habitual tendencies” Gautama referred to here were the “tendencies” to exercise will toward sensory contact, one “tendency” for each of the senses (including the sense of mind; SN 22.56 6, PTS vol III p 53). My favorite declension of "the arising of anguish (suffering)"--there are many subtly different declensions in Gautama's teaching: That which we will…, and that which we intend to do and that wherewithal we are occupied:–this becomes an object for the persistance of consciousness. The object being there, there comes to be a station of consciousness. Consciousness being stationed and growing, rebirth of renewed existance takes place in the future, and here from birth, decay, and death, grief, lamenting, suffering, sorrow, and despair come to pass. Such is the uprising of this mass of ill. Even if we do not will, or intend to do, and yet are occupied with something, this too becomes an object for the persistance of consciousness… whence birth… takes place. But if we neither will, nor intend to do, nor are occupied about something, there is no becoming of an object for the persistance of consciousness. The object being absent, there comes to be no station of consciousness. Consciousness not being stationed and growing, no rebirth of renewed existence takes place in the future, and herefrom birth, decay-and-death, grief, lamenting, suffering, sorrow and despair cease. Such is the ceasing of this entire mass of ill. (SN 12.38; PTS vol II p 45) How the exercise of will in speech, in action of the body (in particular in the activity of inbreathing and outbreathing), and in action of the mind (particularly in feeling and perceiving) ceases: “…I have seen that the ceasing of the activities is gradual. When one has attained the first trance [first meditative state], speech has ceased. When one has attained the second trance, thought initial and sustained has ceased. When one has attained the third trance, zest has ceased. When one has attained the fourth trance, inbreathing and outbreathing have ceased. When one has attained the realm of infinite space, perception of objects has ceased. When one has attained the realm of infinite consciousness, perception of the realm of infinite space has ceased. When one has attained the realm of nothingness, the perception of the realm of infinite consciousness has ceased. When one has attained the realm of neither-perception-nor-non-perception, the perception of the realm of nothingness has ceased. Both perception and feeling have ceased when one has attained the cessation of perception and feeling.” (SN 36.11 2, PTS vol IV p 146)
  14. The Construction of Judaism

    Okay Daniel is gonna LUV this one . Hebrew script is based on fire ; a lick of flame ; All the letters are basically rearrangements or different forms of that . Shin is the most obvious and also represents fire I dont worsjip Jahovah or jahovah type Gods , so I am more interested in the suggested formua , as you put it ... the little family unit. There is a lot to learn from that pattern and it goes across the board ; it could be based on the Kabbalisitic concpet of four worlds . Liking tarot, I see it in the four suits that relate to the four elements . In the correspondence charts , mnost things are shown in their four levels . The Golden dawn uses the 'tarot scale ' King Queen Prince Princess ' I prefer the updated more modern one of 'Knight ( the first active wild and volatile part of the energy , it 'goes forth ; to do the rulers will ) , The Queen ( the stable ruling part of the energy ) The Prince - a more subtle form of the energy and the princess - an early formation of the energy that can be influenced by other energies , stabilized . Even a totally unaware of this person (like color theorist Don Pavy ) notices this in nature , he puts colors in these 'scales ' the first is ones that demand attention and scream at us ( the knights ) , like bright, shocking, forceful or modern fluro colors ) . next he talks about the 'commanding colors ' , the 'pure and primal ' colors ) - the Queens . Then mixed and all sorts of colors , the vast range of mixed colors - they 'speak to us' . Last are soft pastels , the princess , who 'whisper' to us . I am sure we can think of 'Gods' in each of those categories
  15. And now something totally unrelated, , 挑毛病 came to mind.挑毛病.html
  16. Two of the types of Qi in Tai chi

    That's a good approach. I hold in rather low regard teachers who start talking taiji esoterica with beginners before they get the basics down pat. (And "the basics" are huge -- a long learning curve!) When the student in the video tells the master that "it's like coming up against a wall" that reminds me of some "high end" push-hands encounters -- a wall, a tank, you name it, an unstoppable force advancing on you. Though I must confess the opposite impressed me more when I had the good fortune to deal with it -- a cloud, a swath of fog, a nothing... nothing to hang your hat on, I mean your skill. I would like to see how a wall or a tank would fare advancing on a cloud.
  17. The Construction of Judaism

    My prior assumptions where much like you current ones Daniel . I was bought up to believe in the Old Testament and shared many beliefs with Judaism . I agree though , you should have written something else , and aslo something else aside from your adove attempted didaction
  18. The Construction of Judaism

    I knew we would get to him sooner or later and I was wondering how Daniel would try and eliminate him from the picture I ureg folks to form their own opinion based on other sourcers than Daniel's info ; " a Sephardic rabbi and philosopher who became one of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages. .... During his lifetime, most Jews greeted Maimonides' writings on Jewish law and ethics with acclaim and gratitude, even as far away as Iraq and Yemen. Yet, while Maimonides rose to become the revered head of the Jewish community in Egypt ... He was posthumously acknowledged as one of the foremost rabbinic decisors and philosophers in Jewish history, and his copious work comprises a cornerstone of Jewish scholarship. His fourteen-volume Mishneh Torah still carries significant canonical authority as a codification of halakha ... Aside from being revered by Jewish historians, ... Then the article lists his immense tratises and works on all sorts of subjects and then Philosophy Through The Guide for the Perplexed and the philosophical introductions to sections of his commentaries on the Mishna, Maimonides exerted an important influence on the Scholastic philosophers, especially on Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus. He was a Jewish Scholastic. Educated more by reading the works of Arab Muslim philosophers than by personal contact with Arabian teachers, he acquired an intimate acquaintance not only with Arab Muslim philosophy, but with the doctrines of Aristotle. Maimonides strove to reconcile Aristotelianism and science with the teachings of the Torah.[47] In his Guide for the Perplexed, he often explains the function and purpose of the statutory provisions contained in the Torah against the backdrop of the historical conditions. The book was highly controversial in its day, and was banned by French rabbis, who burnt copies of the work in Montpellier.[65] In his commentary on the Mishnah (Tractate Sanhedrin, chapter 10), Maimonides formulates his "13 principles of faith"; and that these principles summarized what he viewed as the required beliefs of Judaism: The existence of God. God's unity and indivisibility into elements. God's spirituality and incorporeality. God's eternity. God alone should be the object of worship. Revelation through God's prophets. The preeminence of Moses among the prophets. That the entire Torah (both the Written and Oral law) are of Divine origin and were dictated to Moses by God on Mt. Sinai. The Torah given by Moses is permanent and will not be replaced or changed. God's awareness of all human actions and thoughts. Reward of righteousness and punishment of evil. The coming of the Jewish Messiah. The resurrection of the dead. Maimonides is said to have compiled the principles from various Talmudic sources. These principles were controversial when first proposed, evoking criticism by Rabbis Hasdai Crescas and Joseph Albo, and were effectively ignored by much of the Jewish community for the next few centuries.[66] However, these principles have become widely held and are considered to be the cardinal principles of faith for Orthodox Jews but Daniel tells us " It's one of the reasons why Maimonides was outcast, his books burned, and he was considered a heretic. "
  19. The Construction of Judaism

    I am sure you can find many interfaith dialouges on the internet . But was it that ... or the Hermetic Wisdom that got you going ?
  20. The Book That Changed Your Life - What Was It?

    the DDJ stranger in a strange land by Heinlein The wisdom of insecurity by Alan Watts the secret of the golden flower
  21. Two of the types of Qi in Tai chi

    I think he’s showing concepts, so focusing on a specific aspect he wants to demonstrate. In our system we train all aspects, from close-range tuishou to the more esoteric. My teacher wants us to focus on the esoteric stuff, and the rationale is that the “normal” stuff ends up becoming more physical and we’ve already spent years on it. But for beginners I would not teach the more advanced concepts before they’ve spent sufficient time working on the foundational skills.
  22. Dutch. The video still didn’t explain it for me, but the pm did.
  23. The Construction of Judaism

    Hope you're from the UK Cobie? If not; see short Youtube Clip...
  24. It’s very different of course, but It brought 太一生水 to my mind.
  25. The Construction of Judaism

    ("Connecting with primordial forces of creation? Fire and water?" pm'd.) I read that the Idea was that Hebraic's were created backwards from last letter to first, This is fascinating to me. And I actually would have guessed that to be the case. (Cyclic Recurrence, I'm a fan of it's ponderance) Can you tell us, when did YHVH appear first in writings, from the likely origin point of Hebrew as a language to the time YHVH was written in Hebrew, How much time was there? is it measurable or is there no way to tell? Also I'm assuming the Dad, Mom, Son, and final Daughter are all suggestive in the physical sense, or have I been wrong in my assumption all these years? Thankyou. Nungali, I'd love to hear your views specifically on this.
  26. Experience is what is needed

    Not literally seeing - I mean realizing, or apprehending. It IS true that the emptiness of all appearances is obvious once seen, and pervades all imagined qualities of them, but is the realization that matters. Zazen is always walking around - also: sitting, baking cookies, washing the car and doing taxes. It is noticing its emptiness that allows you to see it. You don't have to be enlightened see it, but it does help to get some pointing it out sometimes. I agree. I think it appealed to him because he didn't have to BE Leonard Cohen when he as at Mt. Baldy. He could drop all of that and just BE. That is the refuge of practice, as the video visually presents, and why I keep coming back to it.
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