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Found 61 results

  1. Spirit Science

    Has anybody seen these? Pretty good, even if a bit biased about some things from time to time... Here's episode 1 for those interested: I apologise for the typo in the title of this thread. Can I edit it?
  2. A great deal of our growth in the arena of expanding our awareness and on the path of enlightenment has more to do with the simple basics and far less to do with the so called "advanced" practices. Advanced practice is reached primarily from basic practice. Basic practice becomes advanced all on its own. As you progress on the path, the simple teachings are in fact by a very long shot the most important and the easiest to skip over - pushing them aside in a race to "master" the basics. It can also be hard to think straight in your teens and early 20s with what for some of us is a raging hormone storm and this may create the feeling of the urgency to "master" the basics aside from the intense desire to do so. Included in the basics are meditation, some breathing techniques, and some posture basics. Often wholly brushed aside is diet - or as is freqently the case - it is an egotistical way of life diet of only organic items and a very full identification with this diet (certainly nothing wrong with the diet - it is a very good diet - but the identification is often so enuciated it should be obviously an area to work on). Also brushed aside in general is the Ego - we see this all across these boards - statements of surety that is so obviously way beyond actual experience, the over use of quotes as though this redeems a lack of thinking or real experience. Almost no desire to consider what Right Thinking actually might mean - little discussion of it if any - an assumed understanding - ["my" understanding] Right view Right intention Ethical conduct Right action Right effort Right mindfulness Right concentration Take right effort: About 99% of the effort is done towards Gain The gaining of advanced practice skills, and the effort to maintain a good practice in order to continue "up" along the path. We indulge in poor food, alcohol, smoking and a limitless supply of energy reducing behaviours and think nothing of it. Even if we eat well, do not smoke and our drinking is none or well within a composed fashion, we attach ourselves to every cause under the sun and compress huge amounts of judgement into them and cast our will about the universe with abandon - often ready to pounce upon any protrusion from our indefatigable indignation. We practice this daily! It is our story and our biggest practice! It is primarily how we die - and how most of us are completely dead by the age of 45 - deadend to our story - our treasured illusion. We come out of it briefly in our old age when it hits us that we have been way off and need to purcase some insurance. Or we do not come out of it - and our after death is quite a delay for us. Another thing we skip over - though this practice is now coming to light - is the mindfulness to those energies we have come to know: If you have come to feel a particular chakra or energy center - try to stay aware of it at all times. This is a primary way to Awaken Say you feel the warmth of your 4th chakra in meditation and everytime you put your awareness on it you can feel it - then put your attention on it and be with it during the day. Slowly but surely it will be present more and more - and with it will come an increase in other awarenesses as well. Soon you will be more in this space than not - perhaps all the time. Practice not venting your energies on your story - stay with your being - notice when you leave your awareness space - you will find it leaves you often during the "you" that you believe you know best (the one you identify with). Many of the most "advanced" practices become your story - your new story - you are identified with your prowess of stretching, your ability to do some esoteric practice - and your ability to use the word esoteric as though you know what it means to be inside the innermost 3rd circle. If you ignore the basics - the balancing basics, then learning the "higher" forms present much more danger than they afford apportunity and growth. Another form of over engineering comes from fear - but this is a long enough beginning for now. Please join this discussion!
  3. Thought I would share this YouTube vid given by U.G. Krishnamurti. He says a lot of interesting things about thought, thinking, space-time, science, Descarte's I Think Therefore I Am and most of all - what he calls The Mystique of Enlightenment - which is the title of the Youtube vid. Ever since I discovered him several years ago I'd been interested in some of the things he said. I love his critique of Descarte and of people wedded to thinking in general (or as J.K. Rowling calls them - muggles). Imo this YouTube vid could just as well be (and far more accurately) titled The Mystique of Thinking and Opinions - since that's the discourse he keeps coming back to over and over and over in the interview. Wanted to mention U.G. discusses the scientific search for the Higgs-Boson particle and science in general.
  4. Ancient Memories

    Many lives, many worlds, one focus....consciousness and it's expansion. Large scale field coordinator seeks old souls for the purpose of collaboration. Those who walk the Path, reveal yourselves!
  5. So far I have interpreted Taoism's purpose as gaining enlightenment. Lao Tzu has many words to say on this topic and as my general understanding goes, this appears to be what monks are striving for. Then you look at the other side. We talk about having our own "Way". For me, at present, I would call that not being bound to anyone or anything and doing whatever I please. In a nutshell...that's me. Naturally, just doing my thing and not caring to conform to trends. That was very brief, but my question is this. Do you think we really DO have our own Way? Or is there a universal true Way, being the path to enlightenment? Right now, I would say I'm using the Tao of music and entertainment. And kung fu too But occupying my time with such paths distracts me from a path to enlightenment. I have had many moments in which I have touched the universe and the heavens...and it would be great to devote my life to this. I would love to. But I'm already so far on my current Way. Am I attached to this Way, or am I just "normal" by deciding to put my life's work, girlfriend and hobbies at the forefront? What do you think. Has anybody else had similar thoughts?
  6. Dear Ones, I am currently experiencing my Sacred Space opening. My heart opens, thanks to the cultivation of stillness and silence in meditation and the lifestyle changes that automatically go hand in hand. My environment I live in, became over the last months very, very harsh. Basicly the contrary to where I was and am heading towards. I had times where I cursed this place and now times where I experience this to be the best place one's heart can possibly open. This might not be the case for everybody, since I can only speak for myself. It works for me, so maybe for a few more than just me. My neighbors became very abusive and controlling to their children. Constantly yelling and forcing them to obey their will. These children cry on a daily basis and when interacting together, their voices are already mirroring their parents. Which is only natural. There are exceptions and those children, mostly girls, are very loving and carying for eachother. Nonetheless, the harsh interaction outweighs. Why is that so? Due to the vibrational changes on this planet and the gradual shift into the higher dimension, people are either drawn to negative or to possitive in a fast and rather extreme fashion. You can say this helps the planet to faster clean itself from it's negative, to as hard as it might sound, get the lower vibes faster on one side and the higher faster on the other. To seperate in one way or the other. In the end, this is neither good nor evil. It just is, for the sake of the expansion of the universe. I myself have experienced in the past months how fast one can internally change from loving attitudes to really hateful ones. And how those negative start growing bigger and bigger so fast like I have never ever experienced in my whole life! This is a very good sign in my eyes, to show each and everyone where his intention is at the moment. So even people who are not yet tuned to very subtle things, experience their actions in a more drastic way. Is this understandable? It is logical for anyone who is abit more into spirituality already, I assume. Intention what is so powerful and wants to be understood at this moment in time. Where we go, everything is experienced right at the moment where the idea comes into our mind. Instantly, without the limitations of time and space. When you have travelled to other dimensions already, you know this. This can be "just" lucid dreaming or astral projection. Everything above the 3rd dimension works in this way. Which is just a relief for all of us here no more boundaries, everything is open to explore. So please, to everyone who is in a similar situation and wants to retreat to a more quiet place... listen to yourself for a second. It is all up to you, what your inner desire is and please following them before you listen to anyone else. Including me. Right in the moment we experience negativity, this can be transformed and hurl us in a faster way in a possitive direction. If we want to understand it! What I and what you experience negative from the outside in such a heart-opening IS related to the heart. So when you experience something so low vibrational, observe it and be with it. If you want to cry, cry. But do not send more hatred to those people because you want a gentle heart opening. This only creates more negativity inside yourself that has to be cleaned again, for the actual opening. Please understand this. The sooner you understand all aspects of your heart, including the perceived negative, the faster you are naturally protected from this negativity. Why does this come automatically? Because of your willingness to understand. And if you have understood it, things are done and you can move on. That is it. No repetition people can create more hell on this planet, you will not be affected by it anymore. How good is that! And you do not need to worry if you might possibly be thrown down again. You will not. If you really feel and stay with your heart every day, listen to your heart, you are "there" - from there it is only a tiny and easy step into the Kingdom of God/Creator/Source and how he will let you experience him/it So please, be kind to yourself. Send love and kindness to others around you. Especially those who abuse right at this time. If it feels difficult at the beginning, that is perfectly normal, keep on doing what you are doing and your intention in this direction will become naturally stronger. Much love and light in these troubleful times, we are all getting through. All of us And I want You to have to most meaningful and pleasurable experience of all of them!! Connect to your heart and stay there, every day. No more other teachings, only the heart. From there everything else in us is opened and prepared, the heart IS our center.
  7. Honored Elder

    The need to escape from the cycle of life, suffering, death, and rebirth. This is one of the principle motivators of Buddhism. One of the issues that I have is this: The Buddha, being an illumened being, would not abandon the world after his own enlightenment, but return, again and again to aid others in their quest to be relieved from suffering. Any person, in the quest to achieve enlightenment, upon approaching that goal, will desire instead of release, to return, to aid others in the quest to be relieved from the karmic chains. When I regard my daughter, I am looking upon a being that has been incarnated many times before. She has endured immeasurable hardship, and promotted the ideal of the Bhodisatva in her actions many times in order to be born in this incarnation, in the care of myself, I remind her of her true nature, and hope to aid in her advancement of spiritual perfection, as well as the encouragement to attain to the perfection of all sentient beings. She is, my honored elder.
  8. Self realization is the realization of the Self, or Atman. The Self can be related to the experience of impersonal being, or the sense that you are pure consciousness, or that you are silence itself or awareness itself. Self realization could also be said to be the freedom from the sense of being a personal “me.” You transcend your ego identity and realize that you always were and always will be consciousness itself. Stress is created out of this sense of being a personal “me.” This personal me arises out of identifying with your thoughts. You believe you are the thinker of your thoughts. The thought arises “I don’t like potato chips” and you are the “I” in that sentence. And so every desire, fear, worry and thought that arises, you are the subject that is in fear, that desires, that worries. So it is a feeling of being bound, of being trapped in a separate sense of “I” that is in opposition to the rest of the world. It is the source of all conflict. But once you start turning your attention back upon this “me” that claims to be and have all of these thoughts, you find there is no “me” there. And this happens through meditation. Beyond the thought that “I am this,” there is no sense of personal “me” here. There is only impersonal being. And this being is aware, it is awareness itself. It exists beyond all thoughts. In fact, all thoughts arise out of it. So through this inquiry or other meditation techniques you begin to rest your attention on what is prior to this sense of being a personal me. And after a while there will be a shift, that attachment to being a separate “me” gets broken and you realize the Self, you realize you are consciousness. The feeling of this is very freeing, very peaceful and blissful. It can be a feeling of being silence or being love. But although you realize that consciousness is all that there is, there is still a very subtle sense of separation that is still there. It is not a concrete separation, but it is still there. The experience of Oneness is when you go even beyond The Self, and you feel you are everything. So self realization is you are consciousness and in oneness you are everything. Understanding this from the mind may seem like a small distinction, but it is quite a big difference. In self realization, as you remain identified with The Self, it is an inward experience, not an outward experience and there is that separation between inward and outward. You often here self realized teachers saying there is no world, it is all illusion. But in oneness, there is no separation between inward and outward. There is no denying the world. You are everything. You are fully free from being anything. There is a great release in this, an intense feeling of unconditional love. You feel yourself moving through everyone and everything. Everything is alive and radiating love just as you are alive and radiating love and there is no separation in that. You are the universe. You are the world. You are love itself. To experience either Self Realization or Oneness, spiritual practice especially meditation is needed, a healthy diet and lifestyle is also quite important and other spiritual disciplines beyond that will probably be practiced. But the most important part of attaining self realization or oneness is to receive the shaktipat from an Enlightened Master. When you receive shaktipat, the process of self realization and oneness begin to happen automatically deep within you. You begin to experience a spiritual energy within you, vibrating and moving through your body, awakening you to deep states of meditation and unconditional peace. Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music Shaktipat Meditation Music Proven Repeatedly to Awaken You into Deep Meditation & Oneness To Hear Free Samples Visit the Spiritual Awakening Website For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Self Realization Please Visit the Spiritual Enlightenment Website
  9. The Game...

    The game of being has a 'time-out' box where beings enter not to be... the dreamless dream. Not-being involves accepting 'what is not' as being and holding "what is" as not being. 'Dualistic' notions of not-being reflect being within the dream. At all time Beings being none-beings remain within the not-being being unaware of being until the moment that what is impossible becomes possible and the impassable passage be passed. At any time a being can choose to wake up from the dreamless dream though thats impossible for a none-being to accomplish, for those who think they can't do it will not do it even if they could do it. For those who know, I have little to add for those who do NOT know I will say: - the man who refuses to see, and wishes not to see, sees without seeing where as the blind man, sees without seeing Some see 'seeing without seeing' as the key to see and to not see some know the elephant as the elephant! - "A ray of light suffices to enlighten and disintegrate darkness". Lies just disintegrate in the presence of the truth... and those who know and recognize the truth can experience all the possibilities and realities with a single thought (feeling understanding act) though they do not have to experience it all to know it all. I would like each and everyone to know the truth and be enlighten... and keep on watering the plants and chopping wood... What would you like be? Can a finite temporary experience include it all while also transcending the finite temporary experience? The enlightened know from experience the singular valid answer... believers know the stories told until they experience a singular transcendental enlightenment instant ... of course there are all sort of storytellers with all sort of captivating lines and all sort of motives... which do you seek to cultivate and contemplate.
  10. You sometimes will see that there are people these days who always like to portray the past religions and past spiritual traditions in a negative light. They like to blame the stumbling blocks, limitations, and mistakes in human history on Spirituality and Religion. However, in reality humanity is simply growing and progressing over time. Ultimately, building on the foundations of the past, progress is always made, and greater and greater understandings towards a higher spiritual ideal are ultimately realized. 3 major paradigm shifts in Human History- http://childrenofthe...lisone-paradigm Glossary of terms for the new millennium and future paradigms-
  11. Mary Magdalene was no Prostitute

    Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute. I believe it was the Catholic Church which slandered her as one, because she was a closer disciple to Jesus and actually outranked Peter, who they claim was the first Pope. Mary Magdalene was really the first one to see Jesus after he came back to life, and was the one who propagated his teachings the most after his death. It was Mary Magdalene who started Christianity in it's earliest form, not Peter- Gospel of Mary Banned from the Bible- Lost Gospel of Mary Magdalene- YouTube - The lost Gospel of Mary Magdalene The Lost Gospel of Phillip claims Jesus would kiss Mary Magdalene and loved her the most out of all the Disciples- YouTube - The lost Gospel of Philip, Jesus and MaryMagdalene The Real Mary Magdalene There's something about Mary Magdalene- Did God have a Wife? Peter denied Jesus 3 times and had issues. He always screwed up and was seeming to miss the point of Jesus's teachings while Jesus was alive. Jesus initiated him and taught him to unselfishly love and be peaceful, then he goes and cuts off a Roman slave's ear, etc. etc. etc. At first he did not want to accept that Mary Magdalene had the highest teaching from Jesus. Info- The Gospel of Mary Magdalene more info- The Life of Mary Magdalene Gospel of Mary Magdalene- The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene