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About Immortal4life

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  1. Current Events Discussion

    Ok mods I'd like to read this section
  2. Downvote challenge

    Christ is King
  3. In Drikung kagyu there is the practice of love, compassion, and bodhichitta, as a foundation for Mahamudra practice
  4. Hereā€™s a good one, that can be used as a foundation by almost anyone
  6. Truth Of Casual Sex

    Things arenā€™t always as they seem. Many, many guys will exaggerate and lie about their body count. I have no tolerance for that since it will lead other guys astray, theyā€™ll end up taking advice from those liars that doesnā€™t work and waste their time when they could havee been practicing things that do work and lead to real skills. Iā€™ve heard many times that the average lifetime partner count in the western world is roughly 7. A guy with 50, or 100, or more is actually very rare. Either the guy is a celebrity, or he has made pursuing women a major part of his lifestyle, sacrificing other areas of his life to do it. A guy with a normal life, normal social circle, a job, responsibilities etc. thereā€™s no way his body count is even close to a hundred. Add on top of that a lot of guys are raised to be weaker and less masculine than they used to be. If we look at average loss of virginity age rates nowadays itā€™s at like pre sexual revolution levels of stunted development, but for the opposite reason than it was back then. I think it is probably true that there are fewer naturals nowadays than back in the 80s and 90s. Think about Marty Mcfly in Back to the Future. He was far, far more socially developed as a man than his father George mcfly was. Back to the future really illustrates how much more developed men were in the 80s than the 50s. This was surely due to the oppressive religious culture and male dominance in society in the 50s. 1989 was truly the pinnacle of social development. If we look nowadays men are falling back to 1950s levels of stunted development, but now instead of being due to an overly male dominated culture itā€™s due to feminism and female dominated culture. Both male dominated and female dominated cultures are very bad, the 1980s were the perfect balance and produced the most naturally sexually confident men.
  7. Truth Of Casual Sex

    This is a good point. Society isn't actually designed for every guy to be the man, to be the shit. It's not necessarily in society's interest that every guy can be Gene Simmons or Wilt Chamberlain. Society probably needs lower status men to function, or monogamous relationships, in order to function. Everyone can't be Alphas. So society will never encourage you to be the real naturally seductive man you were meant to be. If you try to step into that level of being, society will probably try to socially beat you down, shame you, etc. Cuz it's not in it's interest that every guy is fully actualized in his sexuality and power. That's why in school they try to influence and suppress your expression, it's not all about being the shit, not caring what anyone thinks, and being as uninhibited and unapologetic in your desires as you can be. Think about what happens when you like a girl, it's like "shame shame I know your name, you and your crush sitting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n-g" etc. Society actively suppresses your true self and true nature. If we look at other cultures it's even worse, like say guys from India or the middle east come to a more natural or free culture and they're often at a huge disadvantage. If you've never been with anyone at say 21 you're gonna be at a huge disadvantage against males who were sexually active at say 15. Then those guys will descend into mate guarding type behaviors, will try to shame girls into being artificially loyal to them, and inevitably get cheated on if they do manage to get a partner.
  8. Truth Of Casual Sex

    I dunno I've been with about 160 women, usually felt very refreshed and alive after. But casual doesn't have to mean meaningless or mean there's no mental or emotional connection. You still will often need to build a connection for sex to happen. I look much younger than my real age most people think about 15 years younger then I am. In the words of the immortal Al Bundy, it gets better each time, as long as it's never with the same woman šŸ˜‚
  9. Your best bet is probably reading the Tibetan book of the dead, called the Bardo Thodal or Liberation through Hearing in the intermediate state, aloud to them
  10. Been doing Chakrasamvara practice which contains some Tummo, itā€™s really cool, it generates lots of energy in your body. So if you want to learn something keep at it, keep learning and keep practicing šŸ’Ŗ
  11. You gotta give this guy credit. Agree or not, I challenge you to find a more clear and specific psychic or prophetic prediction Start watching at the 8:00 mark, and tell me he didn't nail it, on a major historic event too
  12. Well, I went out and found Drikung Kagyu teachers in person, and have been doing lots of practice including mahamudra, dzogchen, vajrayogini, and chod. I dont think the drikung kagyu teachings are diluted, apparently they're teaching things openly they would have never taught publically before. I do find Dr. Nida to be very interesting, though I haven't studied with him or practiced his teachings.
  13. Dzogchen vs Mahamudra

    Not sure thereā€™s really any contrast. Iā€™m thinking thereā€™s more to non attachment than just non attachment in a certain sense. From an absolute truth perspective form doesnā€™t exist. Itā€™s an illusion, so everything dissolves to emptiness. It never even existed anywhere but in your mind in the first place. Thereā€™s just emptiness, the present, a pure clarity, and the yiddam qualities arising and dissolving. Everything else just falls by the wayside, and never happened.
  14. You do make a legitimate point. As my argument went before though, what if energetic abilities go beyond just simple things like say taking your friends pain or tightness away by putting your hands on them, or making people feel a buzz in their hands or whatever mundane thing you might doā€¦ What if human potential goes beyond that level, however it may not be reproducible on command or could be very circumstance dependent? Or perhaps the concept of auspiciousness could be involved. That is hard to completely control and contain within a scientific experiment. Like you donā€™t wanna be one of those people who are like ā€œoh yeah my systems got all that siddhi stuff too!ā€