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For the record, I have the good fortune to receive shaktipat from Susan, approximately 10 times over the last year and she has never asked for any contribution to her personal bank acct. I have donated money to charity in her honor, and wish to support her energetically for her purpose, but she isn't doing this for money (IMO). :)

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It isn't useful to trash talk a spiritual person's spirituality. You are offending the deepest part of their soul, which they have worked on for years.


Also, it isn't helpful to say, "everything is crap except the secret stuff that I practice". Who cares! We care about our own progress, not yours.

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Since yanqui has left the building I will try to answer what he wrote. I would like to thank him for sharing his story. :) I didnt ask to satisfy my curiousity. I generally wanted to know about him. So I will answer like I am still having a nice chat with him.


The first is why charge for shaktipat? We don't charge for shaktipat. We charge for our time. Many, many times we don't charge for our time. My time is valueable and scheduled. If people want a half an hour or so of my uninterrupted time and personal attention, to receive the benefit of my knowledge and expertise, there is a charge.


There is an exchange of energy whether it is money, devotion to the guru and giving that guru offerings of your time and other things. Keeps the karma clean. If people don't want to participate that's OK with me. Personally, I would rather pay than have a lifetime arrangement of being a servant/student to a guru. It is a personal choice which is not better or less than someone else's personal choice.I have paid for time in the past and I will continue to pay whether it is in money or giri (which often times includes an exchange of money.) I can't ask anybody to do what I haven't done myself. I find that many people who don't want to pay or don't like to pay, especially those under western civilization influence have deep issues in their lower chakras that giving them shaktipat would just mess them up even further. Just speaking from my own experiences of working with Westerners and in that paradigm. I have hundreds of hours of training which I paid for, many initiations of which I paid for, and thousands of hours of my life studying and becoming aligned with Shakti of which I paid for with my life.


Money is just energy. Shakti is perfectly happy when I get paid for my time. The more I am blessed the more I can give back to this world in service and donate to charities.


I have never once mentioned about enlightenment (what is that really?) or talked about being a guru.


Because I don't work out of the traditional Hindu paragdigm I explain things in experiences. My audience is the world not one specific population. Words and terminologies, except for the most basic, are really not important to me or are they to the beginner. There is a saying in the Christian ministry, "why preach to the choir?" Christianity teaches to become like the people you serve to reach them not make them become just like you.


Telling people I wont play or help them until they learn the specifics of my belief system and my terminology is, in my experience, cruel and shortsighted. Love is not restricted by one specific culture or language.


People at their most basic just want to be loved and know they are loved. Kundalini awakening will bring that to their understanding. The process of having their kundalini awakened will not only teach them and bring them to the realization of their own Divine Self but they will be able to recognize that in others.


When I see with my heart as I look at other people I see the Divine Self there. When I connect with people that way tears come to my eyes and I am filled with such love and gratitude. If kundalini awakening can do that for everyone what a great place this world will be. This is not about talk-lies and the truth- it is about seeing people for who they really are. The true Self. This transcends language and expectations. It is just what Is. This universe is all Shining Consciousness. Matter and Anti-matter, material and immaterial, sacred and profane. It is all Shining Consciousness. Everything else is Maya. But we live in duality so we have to respect duality's rules. :)


The reason I had/have those visions is because Shakti thought it best to do so. I did not seek them. Shakti would grab ahold of me and throw me in a meditative state and the visions would come. I suppose I could have fought them but why? They were induced by Kundalini. Who am I to argue with Shakti? Shakti put me into a meditative state and meditated me. There was no efforting on my part. She made me do spontaneous asanas, kriyas, mudras, pranayamas, and other things. My personal opinion is I would rather let her put me in positions than listen to a person tell me what to do. Let Shakti lead even if it contradicts yogic dogma.


Shaktimama was a name given to me by people who love me. They also call me sri mataji, sai, Mother Durga, and other names. My name is Susan but they want to call me by those names. I used to say, is not right but it keeps happening so I gave up and accepted it. These particular names are given to me by people who are well educated in Hindu Scriptures, tantric and yogic experts, and have a deep understanding of kundalini and of realization. I think Shaktimama is a cute nickname and no disrespect is meant by it.


Do I have strong qi? I don't know. It is not for me to say but those who are around me. Some will say to me, "turn it off! You are burning me!" I say, "I can't." Some will say to me, "when you walk by your energy pushes against me." I will say, "that's cool. :)"


Chi transmission and Shaktipat are NOT the same thing. Santiago and I would never say it is. Do we give Shaktipat? People will testify that we do. Check the testimonial link on our web page below. People can say they give shaktipat all they want but it is really in the results, isn't it? I have sat with people who say they give shaktipat and to me it feels like they are just peeing in the ocean. :)


When I say flashes of lightening I was just wondering if the beauty of nature gives you chills of pleasure and excitement. It doesnt have to be just lightening.


You say you have a problem with what we do. Yes, it is your problem and feel free to warn people how awful we are. People can make up there own minds. KAP isnt for everybody nor does it try to be. It doesnt work well for people who are dependent on gurus or outside authorities on how to live. It does work well for people who are leaders not followers, people who are comfortable becoming explorers of this world and of the hidden ones. KAP doesn't work well for people who need to be fathered and mothered for their whole life on their spiritual path.


People walk the path they are most comfortable with. Some people are comfortable with the guru path and some aren't. Some are comfortable with the guru path and then grow out of it. Some are not comfortable with the guru path but then decide at a later date they want to learn from a guru. None of these decisions or thought processes are wrong.


The smile, the orbit, and all that other stuff helps prepare the ground for Kundalini Awakening. Makes the process smoother, cleaner, more efficient. It isn't Kundalini Awakening at is what helps take you there.


Life is like a cafeteria. Take what you need and don't spit on the rest. :D




I enjoyed your sentiment Shaktimama.

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...he could have said many of those things (which have validity in their own context) without pointing fingers and it would have gone over much better, especially in a public place. Notice that Guru's don't or very seldom go public and point fingers and if they do point it's normally irrefutable although not up against the wall, so to speak.


Jai Guru

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One last post before I go. Again nice post from a certain standpoint. If you had asked this way without coming across as smart...then i would have answered what i could accordingly.


We do not get tied up with these things that have to with our senses so you know. sounds great and all but this is not our idea of enlightenment. we strive to seek the soul sun/moon and penetrate the tiny dot that resides therein. the soul sun/moon is the atma, the tiny dot leads to Brahma. you cannot be self realized until you realize the soul and also see it. this is what is seen in Kutastha. a reflection of the ajna chakra, it acts like a mirror. we strive to let go of the five senses especially during our meditations. so to be caught up with them outside of the meditations is futile as we try to remain focused inward, towards our soul which is a part of God. Granted not everyone accomplishes this but we try.


Seva from our view point means the same as it does in most circles, but mainly for us it means "work offered to GOD". Our acts or Kriya practiced with love and devotion are our seva. this seva is truly the highest seva.


what brings me joy and happiness is what is called the after affect poise of Kriya. the state that i am in after sitting. in the beginning it takes an hour to complete our meditations in the am and a little more in the pm. i felt sheer joy and happiness and love then and as my times and Kriyas have increased it gets more profound.


I cannot break my vows and discuss some things as they are for me and my Guru or on occassion close brother/sister disciples. i feel safe and alive because i know that i finally found the real thing, and have a real spiritual master that guides all my activities and my accomplishments though they are not mine, they are only because of His grace. i cannot begin to even put in words the difference between what i have experienced in the past from all those teachers and meditations and what happens when you find someone that has actually attained the highest levels of spiritual knowledge. i am alive, truly alive, i am safe and under the protection of my Guru on more planes than this one. what i have gained comes from my practice and as the higher levels make themselves known to me i feel at peace. there is no desire for more, there is no thought of trying to reach the levels of the sages, this would only be a hinderance, i sit to sit with no expectations. i do not see many of the things that you see. what i see in my darshan is for me and me alone, it is our personal journey, some talk of soul/sun-moon, Brahma, Krishna, the universe, blue pearl etc. these things are what should be seen by practice, they are quite different than what one imagines them to look like just by thinking of them. they just show up and you are not "seeing" them with your eyes, you are seeing them with the reflective mirror that is Kutashta.


do i feel love at my brother and sisters on this planet or see and feel the Divine Self staring back at me. Uh let me about some truth instead of the lies that people say. sounds nice though, its a NAMASTE thing that new age people like to use alot. LOL i feel sorrow sometimes, sometimes i feel love. i know inherently that the Divine is within in them, this is why i can tolerate them and the bad acts that some do. i feel pity at times as well. not because its an ego thing, my thought doesnt come like that. its just that i know and can feel the helplessness that most radiate and sometimes ignorance. i feel compassion for those more than anything, sometimes i feel anger at the illusion of Maya that envelopes them and wish they to could find A TRUE PATH. Mostly they are ignorant and dont search. Those that do i feel a bond to, hence my reason of being on this site at least for this last post. Many think or state the things that you do, the new age group mainly. it is a nice way of viewing the world but naive in my opinion. I share my happiness with others of course. doesnt everyone to some extent. LOL do flashes of lightening make me quiver. LOL thats funny. actually no i cant stand lightening for the most part, the reason is i live in a place where we have daily thunderstorms in the summer. i cant practice if there is thunder or lightening as it is not advisable when generating the amount of spiritual energy we do so we are told not to. therefore i dont like it when it interferes with my sitting times. birds song is beautiful, more so after i practice than before, as the notes are much much clearer, when practicing i hear, well i cant say what i hear, but i surely dont hear the birds singing. LOL i am closer with my family and realize the short amount of time we have together, none understand my path and it is ok, i feel more love for them and others than i did before yes. but there is more to kundalini awakening than that. other things also get fine tuned and one is able to notice alot more in all ways. this is the reason i feel pity and sorrow at times. this is also the reason i want to set the record straight with those that mightnot know and are being misled


I would love to ask you why you have the visions you do, but for us these visions are generally hallucinations. Darshans are quite different however. I wont be around after this post so i wont ask.


I felt i did not owe you anything as i stated in my last post. I still feel that way. But i decided to post something for others to read and for you to satisfy your curiosity somewhat. There are many paths that lead where we need to go but i STRONGLY feel that what most people offer here in this country is crap. And when people take an ancient science and say hey i can do it better and faster i have a problem with it. like i said, sometimes it can happen regarding certain things, but in other cases it needs to be left alone.


kundalini awakening is just the beginning, doing the smile or the orbit and all that other stuff will not lead you to your final destination. some do it for health, peace of mind, relaxation etc. when a person has a path that will lead them to what should be the ultimate goal then they should practice it with zeal. the problem is that these new ones that have cropped up are BS and wont lead you there. this isnt the focus of many and thats ok. eventually in this lifetime or another it will be. but they have started the path whether they know it or not, i say what i do to try to get them to search out the truth.


maybe you have good qi. you learned medical qigong so its obvious that you can more than likely transmit it, but its not the same as Shaktipat. i know because i can do the same damn thing and i have had real Shaktipat. so i understand both. i use qi transmission everyday in my acupuncture practice, i have also studied medical qigong, i have received all three reiki attunments, and went thru levels one and two of matrix energetics. so i know how to do the exact same thing too and i am telling you its NOT SHAKTIPAT. plain and simple. And why on Gods earth are you charging so much for what you do? 300 on Skype with just you and 500 or whatever for you and Santiago. This is exactly what i am talking about.


im out. good luck.


Yuan Qi,


Actually, you know very little about what we do so why judge Susan & I? Wouldn't it be better if you want to get to know me more first? By the way some of the best practices are done during a thunder or lightning storm.


anyhow peace and God bless you



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Yuan Qi,


Actually, you know very little about what we do so why judge Susan & I? Wouldn't it be better if you want to get to know me more first? By the way some of the best practices are done during a thunder or lightning storm.


anyhow peace and God bless you




It seems that is how it goes, Santiago. This isnt the first time we are judged and it certainly won't be the last but I do get weary of saying the same things over and over again. Even if we walked on water and had video confirmed by credible eye witness accounts we would still be attacked or judged. :)


It's a pleasure to engage in honest and respectful inquiry. I love to share but otherwise... :)

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ok, first of all, dont take classes on kundalini. LOL 99.9% of the time they arent what the should be and one doesnt "take classes" on it, even though its offered here in the West.


second thing is Shaktipat is a transference of spiritual energy from the master to you, via touch, mantra, distance etc. the best way is through touch from a REAL master. This is an awakening, spiritually, not just making the kundalini capable of rising. this is how it was done since the beginning, from Guru to disciple. only a great few were/are capable of transference when one isnt around. meaning you are someplace else like america and your teacher is in India. LOL what that means is that basically VERY FEW, even though many claim to, here in the West are capable of doing it. they just think they can, this includes doing Shaktipat while you are sitting in front of them, or even using a mantra to give initiation. most, even in India lack the exact technique of the mantra with the right meditation anyway.


the important thing to remember regarding Shaktipat is that it is used to awaken the Kundalini and the Guru/Master etc is of utmost importance. The Guru should be authorized from their Guru to do initiation. when i say Guru i dont mean ANYONE (well maybe ONE) here in America that claims to be one, or even a teacher or master etc. I mean the real thing, not someone that took some classes, or studied with someone that made some stuff up or experimented with meditation and started a system (these are quite abundant).


The Guru guides the Kundalini to rise the way it is supposed to, the Guru also helps you spiritually and watches over you. If you have real initiation you dont get what is called kundalini sickness/syndrome. there will be things that happen as time goes on yes, but they arent a sickness or mental problems or physical problems. this happens when you dont have the real thing. do you still have to reap the karma you have sowed, yes, does that cause issues sometimes, yes, what do you do? stop meditating cause you got the sickness. LOL, NO! keep meditating and it passes as the karma is burned. but not if you didnt get the real thing. LOL The real Guru has immense power and if one isnt the real deal then you dont get Shaktipat or anything else for that matter. Trust me on this. I laugh out loud everytime i read stuff on sites (including this one) when someone says they are offering it, doing it, they do it often whatever LOL Its a fricken nightmare. But so be it.


Let me put this in perspective so you can see how important it is to find a REAL Guru/Master if interested in Shaktipat and also how difficult is truly is to find the real thing. My Guru has authorized ONE person (this person has practiced for 30 plus years under Him) to do initiation. This is a type of Shaktipat Initiation. His Guru over the course of his life authorized TWO people that we know of and thats it. Now the lineage is important to take into consideration here as well. My Guru's Guru was the grandson of Lahiree Mahasaya of Autobiography of a Yogi fame (although much of what Yogananda wrote is not correct, dont get me wrong I love Yogananda but it is in fact the truth) Now my Gurus Gurus father of course was one of two sons of Lahiree Mahasaya and He only authorized one or two do initiation. My Guru is the Chief Disciple of Lahiree Mahasaya's grandson as i said and the grandson had a son named Shibendu but he IS NOT authorized to do initiation and this is known in India and Shibendu does basically the same thing as most here in the west do, he travels around the world doing seminars, using his last name of course and giving "initiation" LOL would hate to have his karma! He started doing this AFTER his father attained Mahasamadhi (this isnt keeling over dead from a heart attack,stroke etc usually. LOL) The reason i bring this up is because my Guru's Guru authorized two people that were capable of giving shaktipat initiation and neither was his OWN son although his son did practice.


Hopefully this will clarify things up for you. Regardless of the crap you read on sites etc, if you want the real thing, you have to search it out and if your karma is such that it allows you to have it then go for it. "If the time is ripe you will get initiation even if you are in the Sahara" -Yogiraj Lahriee Mahasaya.

Interesting, so who is your guru, then? An actual one living in India?


So, he helped awaken the kundalini in you? How long did that take?

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Yuan Qi,


Actually, you know very little about what we do so why judge Susan & I? Wouldn't it be better if you want to get to know me more first? By the way some of the best practices are done during a thunder or lightning storm.


anyhow peace and God bless you





It seems that is how it goes, Santiago. This isnt the first time we are judged and it certainly won't be the last but I do get weary of saying the same things over and over again. Even if we walked on water and had video confirmed by credible eye witness accounts we would still be attacked or judged. :)


It's a pleasure to engage in honest and respectful inquiry. I love to share but otherwise... :)



to be honest, and i'm sure this has been said before, i really don't know why you guys go out of your way to call out the judgments of others. in my honest opinion, it's the only thing that makes you guys look kind of small.


Susan gave some great explanations that were undoubtedly helpful to a number of readers. and the uber-traditional dogmatic guy expressed his opinions to the contrary. he represented himself rather well and didn't just wholesale reject everything, but he's very adamant about distinctions being made to ensure the integrity and authenticity of processes like shaktipat. he's right to feel that way too. his criticism about what happens here in the west is totally legit.


but i think it's pretty obvious at this point that his views are not a threat to any of you. the defensiveness that you guys exhibit is the ONLY thing i'm reading that makes me want to question your legitimacy. i have agreed with just about everything shaktimama has written here. so much so, that i didn't feel the need to keep posting responses to yuanqi. but when the tone shifts to a sort of unfairly persecuted victim status, it just wreaks of pettiness to me.


Vaj has calmed down quite a bit from when he first began posting here, and i recognize that, but is it really so hard to let yuanqi say his peace and move on?


maybe it's just my opinion, but at the end of the day, i don't think you're diminished in the eyes of anyone. that is, until you start pushing back at the small stuff.


i hope you can read this criticism in love. i'm not one of your students, but think you guys are pretty cool for what you've done for others. :)

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Anyone one here like to clarify from personal experience the physiology,

internal pattern(channels and such) or which channels you may be using

to transmit? I understand there are many ways and that one system may differ

from another as do people depending on elemental strengths and propensity.


from my understanding there are 5 pathways to transmit through

and three different potentiality states, or ways to conduct..basically


Anyone understand the production of Soma or its three balanced stages and names?

there are interim or transitional stages of course


I think it best to discuss from the vantage point of the physical body.

there are to many differences between other systems and what channels may form first.

and the appearance of how the Shakti is used is very different from on to the next.


So, just the physiology please

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"don't think you're diminished in the eyes of anyone. that is, until you start pushing back at the small stuff"


THIS! Definitely a good call Hundun. I'd suggest this is a neat indicator of lots of things. In my case it shows up sometimes when I am concerned that what I'm doing is not a) up to scratch and b )is not pleasing the people I want to please (to whatever end) I don't think this is Susan's and Santiago's case and I won't speak for either of them but it does look that way a bit. And as we know and spend large amounts of time discussing here, perception is everything :ninja:


As some folks know I've trained KAP with Santi who is a great teacher of techniques and IME has a gift of transmission. I don't have enough experience yet to distinguish between different types of transmission so I can't talk to that part of it.


At the same time, IME with other very "technical" domains (I guess it seems weird to suggest it's technical but I see it that way) an argument between "specialists" can often look like a slapfest to non-specialists :lol:


Going further, what do such arguments actually say about paths and techniques? It would seem to me to suggest that there might be more effective (I won't get into "truer") ways of doing things than others. There might also be more effective ways of talking about things than others. Cultural and dogmatic add-ons aside. Which is where IMO the interest in TTB's lies for me. This is still a cool thread.

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Anyone one here like to clarify from personal experience the physiology,

internal pattern(channels and such) or which channels you may be using

to transmit? I understand there are many ways and that one system may differ

from another as do people depending on elemental strengths and propensity.


from my understanding there are 5 pathways to transmit through

and three different potentiality states, or ways to conduct..basically


Anyone understand the production of Soma or its three balanced stages and names?

there are interim or transitional stages of course


I think it best to discuss from the vantage point of the physical body.

there are to many differences between other systems and what channels may form first.

and the appearance of how the Shakti is used is very different from on to the next.


So, just the physiology please



My qigong teacher likes to tell the story of a Japanese woman who had the ability to heal, transmitting the energy from her vagina region. She was too embarrassed to use the power in general, but one day she decided to help a sick person, so she sat on the ground with her kees up and opened her legs in the direction of the person and blasted him for half an hour until she was exhausted. He was cured.

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Ah yes! the infamous "V" channel..


My qigong teacher likes to tell the story of a Japanese woman who had the ability to heal, transmitting the energy from her vagina region. She was too embarrassed to use the power in general, but one day she decided to help a sick person, so she sat on the ground with her kees up and opened her legs in the direction of the person and blasted him for half an hour until she was exhausted. He was cured.

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My qigong teacher likes to tell the story of a Japanese woman who had the ability to heal, transmitting the energy from her vagina region. She was too embarrassed to use the power in general, but one day she decided to help a sick person, so she sat on the ground with her kees up and opened her legs in the direction of the person and blasted him for half an hour until she was exhausted. He was cured.



pussy heals ;)

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My qigong teacher likes to tell the story of a Japanese woman who had the ability to heal, transmitting the energy from her vagina region. She was too embarrassed to use the power in general, but one day she decided to help a sick person, so she sat on the ground with her kees up and opened her legs in the direction of the person and blasted him for half an hour until she was exhausted. He was cured.



Her husband must have been very healthy!

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I also dont think Susan or Santi are diminished in the eyes of anyone, by the ignorance of others. Nor do I think that they are diminished by acknowledging the rudeness, obtuseness,or unfounded attacks, and keeping it present to the community by their authenticity, that people have hearts and that attacking others hurts us a whole, their authentic response is doing us a favour.


I am curious as to how you came to form the view that 'others' were being ignorant by expressing their doubts and fears with regards to what they perceived in KAP to be lacking in authenticity? No personal attacks were made, as far as i can see.


I do not believe that KAP has been established long enough to get into mainstream yet, and in the meantime, might be served well to take people's views and opinions on board, those that are relevant, of course, with the aim of honing the system further. This is not so bad is it?


It does not appear that KAP is above and beyond comparison, and if someone chooses to make this very comparison, it is after all made with the desire to point out certain perceived flaws that has been noticed. If these flaws are minor/nonexistent in KAP's eyes, by all means brush them off, but if there could be areas to improve and fine-tune, heck, be thankful for the input!


Looking at this from a more positive angle, one could well say that criticisms are great - it generates publicity, and keeps people on their toes lest there be some complacency hidden from view. In most cases, how criticisms are handled says much about the maturity of those at the receiving end.


Just because someone feels that there is something not too right happening does not mean they are out to destroy anything, reputations for one. If the system is workable, then there ought not to be any need to defend any perceived abuse or attacks. These are bound to take place, and one should not be overly concerned when it happens.


Have you taken KAP? If yes, then it would be interesting to hear of your personal experience of shaktipat/Kundalini through that. If not, how do you vouch for its authenticity? Certainly not by calling out others' abusiveness and ignorance, i hope.

Edited by CowTao

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to be honest, and i'm sure this has been said before, i really don't know why you guys go out of your way to call out the judgments of others. in my honest opinion, it's the only thing that makes you guys look kind of small.


Susan gave some great explanations that were undoubtedly helpful to a number of readers. and the uber-traditional dogmatic guy expressed his opinions to the contrary. he represented himself rather well and didn't just wholesale reject everything, but he's very adamant about distinctions being made to ensure the integrity and authenticity of processes like shaktipat. he's right to feel that way too. his criticism about what happens here in the west is totally legit.


but i think it's pretty obvious at this point that his views are not a threat to any of you. the defensiveness that you guys exhibit is the ONLY thing i'm reading that makes me want to question your legitimacy. i have agreed with just about everything shaktimama has written here. so much so, that i didn't feel the need to keep posting responses to yuanqi. but when the tone shifts to a sort of unfairly persecuted victim status, it just wreaks of pettiness to me.


Vaj has calmed down quite a bit from when he first began posting here, and i recognize that, but is it really so hard to let yuanqi say his peace and move on?


maybe it's just my opinion, but at the end of the day, i don't think you're diminished in the eyes of anyone. that is, until you start pushing back at the small stuff.


i hope you can read this criticism in love. i'm not one of your students, but think you guys are pretty cool for what you've done for others. :)



no worries... we are only human after all and it still hurts so we talk about it in public. It goes with our philosophy of no secrets. I can guarantee you that in my conversations with those who people think would not feel or exhibit defensiveness or hurt do in the privacy of their own quarters. It's a pedestal that people put teachers like this on. Spiritual leaders pitch hissy fits alot but their followers put a righteous spin on it and then that gets institutionalized as mythos with a spiritual right bent. It's really a passive aggressive move and can make it OK for a teacher to abuse their students. It reminds me of a saying which to me typifies a lot of what happens out in the teacher/student world: "For an alcoholic he sure doesn't hit me a lot."


Also writing on a board or in email is a inept way to gain understanding for nuances like tone of voice and quality of interpersonal relationship is lost. It's hard to put an ironic tone into written word. Sometimes it sounds whiny.


Even Ramana said that it was his followers that caused his death. He died of liver cancer, I think, and it was due to processing his followers karma. He needed to be schooled in energetic hygiene. Maybe if he expressed a little more of emotion or upset in public that might have not happened. Santiago and I process karma intensely in seminars. I used to sleep for days afterwards when I started teaching but now we just feel a little tired afterwards. Karma flows up hill, hits the teachers to be processed.


If anything, people who see we can be prickly or unhappy just like everyone else, makes what we do approachable. One doesn't have to do years of austerities or plaster permagrins on their faces. We get up like everyone else, we love, we bleed, we go to the toilet. We make mistakes. One doesnt have to be perfect in appearance or in behavior to gain a deep understanding in relationship with That Which Is. There is a big component of Grace in all this.


We do appreciate feedback in a kind spirit. Kundalini process is life long. It doesn't end till you really die. A person could search me on the internet, going back to the mid 90s when K was first awakening and you will see a real aggressive overly sensitive ass. Kundalini makes character traits stand out...both positive and negative. It is so we can work on transforming and changing those behaviors. It also makes a person who is loving more loving. It is a two edged sword and it takes real discernment to navigate the path.


If Santi and I waited until we were perfect to share our gifts so much would be lost. So a good teacher, IMO, is transparent, no hidden agendas, clear motives and what you see is what you get. Truth be told Santi is far more compassionate and patient than I am when he interacts with students whether on line or in a seminar. Those who come to see us at seminars and on line will tell you that is the same person in front of the room that you will see in the privacy of their living room or sharing a lunch. We are who we are as all should be. No masks. :)


I hope this response did not come off as justifying behavior and more of a explanation of how k can affect people in their daily life. So if people expect to become Super Sadhu or the next Mother Theresa by taking KAP that wont happen.


It's more about becoming (emphasis on becoming) the best human being you can be, a good citizen of this planet. There is an integration of the body mind spirit matrix which results in a person becoming more in a spontaneous relationship rather than a reactionary one with All That Is...whether one calls that Source, Tao, Nature, God/dess. :) This is not about spiritual elitism or putting a perfect face on. Those of us who have been running in these circles for years, even the most inner ones, know that all idols, including spiritual ones, have feet of clay. That's one of the reasons you will rarely see them post on boards.


Hope that helps create understanding why Santi and I arent afraid to show our "warts" to all.



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Anyone one here like to clarify from personal experience the physiology,

internal pattern(channels and such) or which channels you may be using

to transmit? I understand there are many ways and that one system may differ

from another as do people depending on elemental strengths and propensity.


from my understanding there are 5 pathways to transmit through

and three different potentiality states, or ways to conduct..basically


Anyone understand the production of Soma or its three balanced stages and names?

there are interim or transitional stages of course


I think it best to discuss from the vantage point of the physical body.

there are to many differences between other systems and what channels may form first.

and the appearance of how the Shakti is used is very different from on to the next.


So, just the physiology please



I can only speak from my own experience. I was not trained in any one system. I learned by personal observation of watching the kundalini move through me and observing what happened to others who were around me.


I am a kinesthetic empath so that is my base for learning. I was my own experiment, my own vessel of alchemy to observe.


So I often have no control over what happens. I can be with someone and it just starts flowing out of me. People who demand or expect me to perform, that usually won't happen because it is not up to me. Having said that what that means to me is that it takes two people for shaktipat to start. The conduit and the receiver. Shaktipat works best for people who have a yearning, an authentic desire, to receive. Trying to force or manipulate shaktipat will result in not giving shaktipat. You might get a chi blast instead.


Based on years of observing and learning some terminology since then I can tell you about channels of flow but only for me and what happens to me.


The Tai ji pole or sushumna must be wide and clear. There must be a connection between heaven and earth, an unobstructed flow of energy, with the body as the nexus point. That energy could be chi, it could be shakti, it could be a mixture. The earth and sky has its own shakti.


What differentiates chi and shakti for me is clearly this one thing mostly: Shakti is divine intelligence. It has a will of its own. Chi can be directed by the mind. Shakti can not.


A Xingyi master and I were experimenting with energy flow over the phone a few years back. As Shakti flowed from me to him he tried to influence and manipulate that flow. He could not. He called up Dr. Glenn Morris, one of his best friends and said to him, " I tried so hard and I could not move it." Morris laughed and said, "that's because it is Shakti."


I know this: Shakti likes to be shared. It likes to jump from person to person.It is viral in that sense. It also seeks itself out so that is why Kundalites tend to recognize each other even if they are the only two people in a room full of 100.


So my process for Shaktipat is to relax, deeply relax, and the energy begins to flow and I start entering into an altered state of consciousness which is filled with bliss. If i don't keep a state of microtension in my musculature at all times the bliss flow can be overwhelming. Energy does not move through tension generally. But the caveat is if Shakti wants something she will get it. In other words, a person can be a tense ball of knots and the Shakti will flow and start to hit up against those knots and blocks. If the person doesn't learn how to relax in the presence of Shakti flow that can be very painful. The tension is not just physical in character but can also be mental, emotional, and spiritual. Kundalini works on all those levels.


Shakti is everywhere present. There is no place it is not for it is Cosmic Energy. One can just relax and Shakti will begin to flow but that happens rarely. 99.99% of people need to be taught.


When the energy is flowing within me I can see it gather in my heart and then flow down my arms and out my hands. It also escapes from every surface of my skin. I learned skin and bone breathing by observing the flow. I would have to say skin and bone breathing is going on when Shaktipat is happening, but it is not chi flow.


Shakti and bliss has permeated the marrow of my bones. It is a constant companion and with just a little microattention on my marrow the bliss can be amplified to an unbearable state.


For me, this whole energy transference/transmission is a whole body affair. When I hug someone, Shakti jumps from me to them without my intention. I know this because people will tell me. I can feel it like a wave moving through the fluid of my body.


Sometimes energy flow will be more concentrated out of different parts of my body/chakra/dantien based on what's happening. I have found Shakti does move from a place of higher concentration to lower concentration. Overall, I would have to say my heart is involved 100% of the time. It opens to the point it feels like it is turning inside out. I often feel snakelike or sinusoid movement in my lower dantien and pelvic region when shaktipat is being given. Sometimes that can be so strong my pelvis will noticeably begin to rock and sway with the waves. Also my breathing slows down to almost nothing and the strongest waves are produced when my breath has stopped.


This is by no means a detailed account but it gives you an idea.


There is no time, space, distance in Consciousness so Shaktipat happens regardless of those constraints.


Hope that helps some.




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I can only speak from my own experience. ...





That was a very generous sharing.


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<<Santiago and I process karma intensely in seminars. I used to sleep for days afterwards when I started teaching but now we just feel a little tired afterwards. Karma flows up hill, hits the teachers to be processed.>>


Tell me about it. I have to daily do cleansing and purification process to clear a lot of stuff that is not mine. I have to go through that 5 days a week and still be "normal" and pay mortgage and raise kids. Folks have no idea what that is all about. Glenn used to have Tao & I cut off chords and clear out his aura after he would teach and open people up. Master Choa after teaching would have his top students clean him out aswell. Either way there is some karma that must be processed some how. Susan's Ho'ooponopono helps a great deal with this as does the energy healing in KAP, rooting, and psd stuff. The other day i walked into my normal job and "Poof" all the light bulbs blew in that place and the main computer was acting up. YIKES! not good at $200,000 Studio facility. So what is needed sometimes is a day of rest or a day of just running energy to clean out. Trees help a lot aswell. This morning I had to run my orbit for a few hours to just get the energy "Clean". Sometimes its so intense i have to take a day or 2 off and just allow things to "settle". But its all good I am not complaining : ) I love teaching and helping people. I can see why some master even charge triple what we charge. I can also see why the ones that dont charge anything make sure you are donating to them some land & cars and homes.....Most people who are really doing this work are working more than you realize and sometimes its a 24/7 thing.


Anyhow here is something you should know. Kundalini is all or nothing. you cant just open the process and than walk away from it. Its sort of like you just told God you love them and you want to be married with them and then you just leave them high and dry at the alter......Uh you better run !!! Kali is not a joke. You want to realize fast that its best to be in harmony with the Divine Source and not against it.


You have a wonderful and blissful day.




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Hello ShaktiMama,


thank you for the interesting and lengthy description of your experiences.


I'd just have one short question. Let us say that somebody has successfully graduated through all the 3 stages of KAP i.e. KAP 1, 2 and 3. That of course also implies regular practice of the techniques.


After KAP 3 though this person for whatever reason chooses to sit all day in front of the TV, drink beer and eat potato chips. Will he still retain the awakened state of Kundalini and all the abilities that come with successfully finishing all levels of KAP?


Or will he loose completely for what he worked so hard? The point I want to make is: after you have gone through KAP 1, 2 and 3 do the achievements you gained stay with you for life no matter what? Or do you have to constantly "replenish" them or "keeping them awake"?


Thank you for the answer.




Hi An,


Great question! The simple answer is No, once awake always awake no matter what.


Awakening Kundalini is similiar to the 2nd birth talked about in the Christian Bible. One cannot undo being born. One cannot reverse the process no matter how much one tries. Once you are on the path, you are on the path. You might be able to delay progress but until you are on the path.


Kids will say, " i wish I was never born!" and we laugh and think oh how cute. But, it is the same way with kundalini. I can guarantee there will probably be days you wish it just never was awakened but to stop it is like saying you wish you were never born. If it does stop then it wasn't really kundalini IMO. You can close the door but never really shut it all the way. Although, after having lived with kundalini shakti for almost 20 years (starting in Oct 1991), I can say why would anyone want to?


Regarding sitting on the couch and stuffing yourself with chips and watching TV, why I do that now. LOL except it is more likely to be popcorn and watching Bones or Fringe or True Blood :)


It helps to think of this as just not a process of chi cultivation, which if you drop practice, there will be a problem. We are working with a Presence that is alive and has it's own intelligence. We all have kundalini already in our bodies but it sleeps. There is a physiological kundalini that keeps us alive and when we die it goes out. There is a psycho-spiritual-evolutionary kundalini that is a driver to transform one to live on a higher plane of existence but sleeps until awakened by practice or what appears to be an accident or something spontaneous.


When you awaken Kundalini it will take charge of your practice. Sometimes Santi and I will give instruction and a student will say, "i tried that but it felt like the kundalini wanted me to do this way." We will ask, "tell us about it?" And upon listening to the student's stories we will agree,yes, that was a good choice for you.


So Shakti can take generic instruction and mold and individualize it for a person's greater benefit. It happens more often than not.


When Santi and I were teaching KAP 2 in Los Angeles a few weeks ago I asked Santi why didnt' he teach the Shiva mudra because it so potentiates kundalini intensity and flow. Santi replied that he thought it best they discovered it on their own. One student shared with me later that day that the mudra was so intense in how it ramped up the energy it scared him. I told the student "that intensity and power that you feel while doing that mudra is what Santi and I feel 24/7. You get used to it and it becomes a part of your everyday life."


Ok, I just a shared a "secret" with you. LOL I did not know that was called a Shiva mudra until Santiago told me. It was something that Shakti shared with me and made me do back in the late 90s.


So get away from the idea that this is like any other training where you become deconditioned if you don't practice. I have been lying on a hospital bed, fresh from surgery, tied up to IVs and Oxygen, and the Shakti pumps through me so strong it will make the bed roll back and forth on the bed wheels with vibration and swaying. I have been sick to almost dying and yet still give Shaktipat to people.


But you can meet people like Santiago or Dr. Glenn Morris who have a lot of traditional training around kundalini, ilmu tenaga dalam ilah, and higher esoteric practices and they can help you refine your practice (and give empowerments) so as to make the path easier to reach even higher levels. I am forever grateful to having met them both and for them taking a personal interest in me to help me reach even greater understanding and realization. :) I am also grateful to Santiago for empowering me with the same empowerments that he has so when teach together we can bring greater benefits and be of service to the students.



Long answer but I hope that helps some.



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