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About Birch

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Please help

    That's correct. The intent is to get to know you a little and help avoid spam...
  2. Hmm, the metal idea came from what I see it as doing to life (wood). So perhaps fire is sufficient in its diminishing? The metal idea was also about control and concentration of information.
  3. I've listened to Joel Seigneur on 5E and he's really good. H_E are you saying it's a single phase? I reckon Wood is a great 'main phase' and I'm thinking/feeling that it has 'other phases' going on all at the same time. One of them is metal but I can't get (right now) to why I see it that way. Another is fire.
  4. Effectiveness of Mudras

    I only understand some of what you post due to my own ignorance Mark, but I enjoyed your articles about different senses' influence on perception. I had an idea (or I guess I could call it an understanding) the other day that the chi feeling between hands when making a chi ball was a result of the attention switching between the two hands, right and left. I haven't gotten too much back into what I see as an attention/chi relationship. There seem to be ramifications to it that go further than what I'm comfortable considering (JB is likely a culprit in this consideration of mine!) --2cts-not concierge--
  5. Bumps on the Cultivation Path

    I'd like to know the answer to this too, but so far all I have found out is that thoughts do that. And the minute I become aware of 'no thoughts' then that by itself is one. Paradox and schmocks. ---2cts--opinion---not--concierge
  6. As the title suggests. What qi-phase would you consider 'the internet' to be?
  7. An Altar for Sree

    You're playing with people in a dark manner. My impression of you is not positive. I'm not sure what you're bringing to the threads you're involved with. I'm questioning it. Are you trying on some sort of 'trickster' role?
  8. An Altar for Sree

    Maybe this
  9. An Altar for Sree

    I have no idea what you mean about the pink pacifier but I still don't feel good about the vibe. Could you explain? --not concierge--2cts--personal--opinion- that should do it---
  10. An Altar for Sree

    Is this ALL about sree? My next not-concierge suggestion (but I'm sure it will be taken any which way people wish) is that this thread is not very helpful to anyone much. Lots of bickering. I suppose if everyone is enjoying it. But what if they're not? I'm gettting weird squiggly/spikey vibes off the whole thing. It's like an incoherent interference. There ya go. --2cts--
  11. The Tao of Dying

    I don't think he's dead at all. Far from it. ---very personal not concierge opinion, have to put that in----
  12. The Tao of Dying

    Sree, alright dude?
  13. Pranotthana : good forum or not?

    Bienvenue aux TTB's!
  14. I have a dumb question. Why is the scientific truth of global warming or not of any import? Is this some Chomsky-ish requirement? Some sort of circus of evidence?
  15. Have a look at this I've been looking all over for a decent introduction on it but haven't really found what I'm looking for yet. This seems to align with what I've found out about it so far from getting readings. And so far it has been accurate for me. I also had a Jyotish reading and it seemed to me to be a mix of astrology and cold-reading.