silent thunder

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About silent thunder

  • Rank
    liminal dreamwalker

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  1. LDT meditation without a teacher

    Bees and flowers and spiders and lakes and sand and waterfalls and...
  2. LDT meditation without a teacher

    Rivers and Insects and Trees. Oh my!
  3. LDT meditation without a teacher

    My most intense and effective teachers have seldom been humans...
  4. Transgender Q&A

    My gal just shared this with me. I'm pretty firmly in the camp of you do you, be it gal, guy, both or other... Now... where did I put my femurs?
  5. LDT meditation without a teacher

  6. Headache, daydreaming need help

    Many people claim mastery on the interwebs. It's a realm of words. And words are easily shared and claims are as simple as a few key strokes. Be wary of easily proffered advice and claims of achievement and mastery has been and is my process with all internet conversations. Over time real mastery will usually be discernible and reliable relationships may give access to useful actionable advice. Until then reach out to those you already know and trust with such important queries. Best of health to you.
  7. Cultivating the mind through the body

    Much that is mind gets programmed and stored in the body it seems. Working with the body seems and for me has been an effective means in bringing to awareness deep conditioning and deeply seeded mind blocks and storage when current conditions support release. Though silence and stillness still assert before and after all movement work and are the foundation in my own process.
  8. It's utterly natural, neidan. All of it. It's the natural process. It's not some mystical, hidden, secret. It's your very natural essence, unclouded. Some folks benefit from engaging and learning manners of unclouding. But my goodness, the stories that are built around and about it. TT shame on you. Having experienced direct teachings from two 18th generation lineage holders over the last 12 years. I see you for what you are... a storyteller on the interwebs. You tell such stories and try and lure folks. You nay say and contradict, and drop just enough flakes of truth to lure further. shame sir... deep shame.
  9. No thanks. I have direct experience with Wang and Nathan. Your thoughts and assumptions on the topic bear no gravity or relevance.
  10. Seldom do words and thinking reconcile with being in my awareness... thinking and words seem layered onto raw being and so reconciling words with being seems like objects set on a sheer surface upon which there is no footing... or a steep convex incline where they rarely find purchase to resonate. i suspect this is why i have always lit up with giddiness when someone shares a phrase that seems to reflect being and raw presence. It is so exceedingly rare. And why as i continue on this path... more and more a foundation in silence and raw being is paramount.
  11. TT projects his assumptions onto others about him. It's kind of his theme here.
  12. Transgender Q&A

    I love that it's person to person... thanks again mate.
  13. Transgender Q&A

    I use this in the stead of a missing heart emoji that photo is absolutely stunning Mark. Thanks for sharing!
  14. Why am I not Enlightened?

    Yup. It's how our minds process the perpetual unfolding of the eternal present...