silent thunder

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About silent thunder

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    liminal dreamwalker

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  1. Wang Liping Contact

    most of what you project here is false, speaking as one who's studied with him.
  2. Phakchok Rinpoche on Dharma

    Good grief bob. Do you want him to come and chew your food for you as well? Do the work.
  3. Gong hei fat choy losers!

  4. Wang Liping Low Level?

    It's rather tame compared to the Buddhist grunge and all the mopai trash that heaped up a decade or so ago...
  5. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Raise your words not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers not thunder. rumi
  6. Wang Liping Low Level?

    Anyone wondering why they can't get in touch with Master Wang, just reread this thread. The answer is here.
  7. What are you listening to?

    2 minutes of delight...
  8. StarGazers

    Mars is an absolute juggernaut right now. I wake every day around 3 am and take my walk in the hour before Dawn... Mars is in beast mode.
  9. Wild cats

  10. The journey to becoming a Tai Chi master?

    remember to stretch
  11. hmm, intriguing thought arose while reading this exchange... that Water is one (and only?) compound that responds with reversal to heat and cold as it expands when frozen and contracts when warmed. As our bodies are comprised of so much water... i wonder how that may affect awareness/emotions. i've always associated lovingness to a gentle warmth, or warming, while anger seems a flaring or consuming fire. Fear does not seem particularly cooling for me, while it may paralyze which fits the freezing/cooling it also induces wild flight which counters that analogy. Something in this peaks curiosity and also confusion. Appreciate the bone to chew on this morning's meander.
  12. Transcendence vs Integration

    rest as awareness...