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About C T

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    Gap Bum

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  1. Greetings to all friends, old and new. Trust all of you are well, and present. I was absent, though lol Who has gone thru transformation and changed their handle? Forestofemptiness > Forestofclarity? Just curious. And btw, thank you for keeping alive the spirit of this thread, regardless if its part 2, or 3, or 4 ○○○•°○ can't believe it began in 2014 😊 Silent Thunder, BES, Apech, Steve, M. Foote, Manitou, Taomeow, and all the rest of the TDB vintagers - thank you for remaining steadfast torch bearers. The world needs more folks like y'all. May peace guide your every step. Take care, everyone 🌈💌
  2. CHÖGYAL NAMKHAI NORBU RINPOCHE Karma “But karma is not in fact a material accumulation, and does not depend on externals; rather its power to condition us depends on the obstacles that impede our knowledge. If we compare our karma and the ignorance that creates it to a dark room, knowledge of the primordial state would be like a lamp, which, when lit in the room, at once causes the darkness to disappear, enlightening everything. In the same way, if one has the presence of the primordial state, one can overcome all hindrances in an instant.” ~ Dzogchen: The Self-Perfected State
  3. Hammer, nail, screwdriver... know them as mere labels. Labels do not have intrinsic reality. A melted substance is still a substance. While it may have altered its form, its potential remains valid and cannot be said to be formless. The -ness aspect is always present, regardless of what it transforms out of or in to. The thusness of things makes allowance for expansive non-dual insights to arise. This insight is a prerequisite to gnow beyond fabrications of subject/object separations. Without it, we are stuck within a paradigm where superficial appearances are regarded as permanent and unchanging, which in effect is a type of delusion because the assumption is that we bums at least acknowledge the truth of change permeating all of existence.
  4. No probs. I didn't find your objections meaningful either. A reiteration: the label 'hammer' is a conventional designate. As are all labels for the myriad things in existence. It's impossible to argue about a thing's existence/non existence and logical positions based on labels alone. A hammer contains numerous non-hammer properties. A conglomeration process needs to happen; various other things needs to come together for a hammer to materialise. No magic involved. So a hammer is a hammer only by convention. On an absolute basis, it can only be said to have a certain 'hammer-ness' about it. Say it were to be melted and returned to its base property. This in no way negates its hammer-ness.
  5. Unpopular Opinions

    Like something you'd see at an Austin Powers partay "Shyqedelic, babyy"
  6. Unpopular Opinions

    I believe they are natural, though in today's world, it will come as no surprise that some (most?) commercially sourced fruits, including both the yellow and red melons, may indeed be exposed to some form of tinkering or other. (Unpopular opinion?) Some interesting watermelon trivia https://www.thespruceeats.com/types-of-watermelon-1807870#:~:text=We are most familiar with,%2C and yellow-orange fleshed. Apparently the earliest cultivated melons were of the yellow variety.
  7. Unpopular Opinions

    Did you enjoy it? Any noticeable difference in taste? Where I am, both red and yellow-fleshed watermelons are readily available, but I think the red is more popular.
  8. Thank you for the question, Daniel. A hammer has conventional designates. Depending on the user, really, a hammer can also 'be' many other things. Is a hammer still a hammer when it's used as a door-stop? What is it when it's lying in the toolbox? One who employs the hammer as a tool to hit nails with and another who uses it as a doorstop could well have an endless debate over nothing because ultimately, there's really only expressions of various applications of this particular object. But human tendencies and habits often gets in the way of validating the nuances and the limitless potential of the essence behind the mere appearance of an object (in this case, the hammer). So it can be said that a hammer is both a hammer (conventional truth) and not a hammer (ultimate truth) simultaneously. To go beyond... means when it's no longer in use, we must know to put it away. This is crucial. We mustn't make the common mistake of assigning more importance to anything than is necessary. Then a tool ends up being a burden or an obstacle. Or worse, we falsely identify with and make assertions over what is basically something that possesses nothing other than a mere label. "My label is more accurately assigned than your label." Ridiculous, isn't it?
  9. Unpopular Opinions

    That's correct, because I am of the view this bliss spoken of... it transcends the limits of the body-mind, a transpersonal entry into the Christian-equivalent of a "peace beyond (*mundane*) understanding." (Philippians 4:7). **my emphasis
  10. Thanks I guess, for proving my earlier point about having a convoluted understanding around the notion of perpetual bliss from a Buddhist perspective. Your refusal to accept this shortcoming is most telling, but don't worry, you're not the first on TDB, and rest assured won't be the last. I think you're more interested in your own perceived though very much unfounded 'brilliance' at twirling words (see your replies to Daniel and Mark) to dress them up daintily in a vain attempt to hide your ignorance.
  11. Whenever the notion of "not self/non-self/no self" arises per discussions within a Buddhist context, it is imperative to support/enhance the convo by including at least a basic understanding of the Two Truths as propounded by Nagarjuna. https://www.learnreligions.com/doctrine-of-the-two-truths-450002 @Daniel
  12. Haiku Chain

    Hogweed-ridden heart the tea lady from Hogwarts Peter Pan's cousin