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  1. I am still trying to make sense and explore implications of a phenomenon I had ever since I had a profound ayahuasca experience. Whenever I wake up from a troubled dream, which means one from which, for one reason or another but usually due to being weirded out / scared, I try hard to wake up and eventually do, for a minute or so after that I see flickering light patterns when I close my eyes. They're not really complex, just some movement of bright dots in a distinct texture pattern, which made me call this phenomenon "holodeck matrix". It is always the same pattern, and the perception gradually fades the longer I lie awake. (It's quite intense light at first, but in the context of the whole phenomenon being kinda subtle.) I don't know whether the specific pattern has any relevance or familiarity (maybe related to the way that light-receptors are arranged on the retina or at least how the brain manages them?), and it is hard to describe, but I tried to draw a crude approximation/guess. (They are slightly more colorful, I think, with some elements of yellow and green, but last time I had this I remembered a red-dominance once I noticed it was occuring again.) I think there might also be a connection between the occurence of such dreams and how much energy is still active in my head before entering sleep. (I usually do some nei gong in bed.) I had this type of dream a couple times after my ayahuasca experience, in a more intense way, but even years later this still ocurs in a milder version if I don't ground myself thoroughly after the nei gong. (But I usually don't do that because I am not that worried about these effects. It is part of a process anyway, and results are so subtle that I decide to emphasize more on keeping the energy active as much as possible. Once one reaches a state where there is always activity, you cannot say you moved energy out of the head anyway, and one has to distinguish between energy being constantly active and it being stuck up there. I don't think I have an issue with the latter. I've had energy pulsing around a bit between third eye and crown ever since my Kunlun Nei Gung seminar, and it is active at various times of the day, usually during states of relaxation.)
  2. Lucid dreaming and dream interpretation is a part of many of the spiritual traditions of the past and is mentioned in many of the world religions. A good meditation and statement of realization/affirmation/mantra/whatever you do, to do at night before bed is to silently affirm to yourself, "I remember my dreams and am conscious while dreaming." It is also more healthy to gradually drift into sleep, than to pass out immediately. Another one to do in the daytime is, "My concentration is becoming perfect." And, "My concentration is perfect." Do not phrase an affirmation like "I will remember my dreams tonight", because your mind will then think that it is something that always will happen in the future, but not now in the present time, which is what time it always is. To mentally realize the statement to yourself is also more powerful than repeating a mantra over and over. You should also get in the habit of writing down your dreams when you wake up if you can, anything you can remember, even if it's just fragments or bits, immediately upon waking up. After several weeks or months you can look over the info over time and see if there are any patterns or recurring themes Here is a cool article about dreams and their meaning according to the readings of Edgar Cayce Edgar Cayce on dreams The Edgar Cayce Dream Dictionary. This page explains what the symbolic meaning of something in a dream is- Edgar Cayce Readings Dream Dictionary
  3. Do you control the dream? Or does the dream control you?

  4. I think I might occasionally dream but are able to open my eyes, and am wondering whether someone knows what could be going on. Sometimes when I 'crash' on the sofa because I feel tired (e.g. from a meal, although strangely not right after eating but towards the end of the digestive phase) and take a nap, what would happen is that I go into a recurring dream theme of having difficulty opening my eyes. This time that I still remember well, I was only able to occasionally half-open my left eye, with a lot of effort. And I was seeing exactly what I would see when opening that eye awake, lying there on the sofa, part of my arm in the view etc.. And then apparently the typical dream consciousness that likes to pick up impressions subconsciously and work with them couldn't not deal with that strong impression and the dream started revolving around that. Several times I got up in the dream and tried opening my other eye, or sometimes just doing stuff like browsing a catalogue or a video, as if to train my mind to awake to open the eyes by busying it with awake-like stuff. I would use my fingers and try to pull open my eyelid(s), but that didn't succeed. They were just wanting so strongly to stay closed, just like when extremely tired. In another moment I would move my hand(s) in front of that open eye vista and realize that nothing changes about it, that I cannot see my moving hand in front of me, as if the image was burnt in. (But when closing the eye things went black. Then I would actually dream of just having my eyes closed.) Then I would desperately keep seeking and eventually see my own face with eyes within that image, pretty much like that faint reflection of your own eye you have in your glasses if you focus on it, and then I noticed how when moving my hands my eyes (both open) in that reflection would follow the hand, and occasionally the speed of that would increase. So that was definitely the dream component. That reflection then assumed a wider view and I saw a villainous person figure looming over me from behind, not moving (fictional character, likely just symbolic for something) and I did defensive movements with my hands as if to ward him off or beat him up, and that in that moment felt distinctively as if I was out of the dream already, trying to do some 'dream aftercare' just in case. But that was still while asleep. I then woke up and felt very depleted, as usual after I take a sofa nap instead of a proper sleep in my bed. Now, I don't want to go all 'evil spirits' with this, but I think it could still all be an expression of my subconscious that my mind disagrees with being in the sleep state at that time and would much rather be awake. (I am in a prolonged situation where I have a desire to be more active but have trouble finding a path to that.) I find this quite severe. And I'm not sure whether it fits the diagnosis of sleep paralysis or is more like a partial version of the opposite, since I can move an eyelid while fully asleep. (Wikipedia: "Sleep paralysis is when, during awakening or falling asleep, one is aware but unable to move.") Although many descriptions there match.
  5. I was going to sleep and i imagined i did not have a body or a mind , I stayed a "witness" through the whole time , My entire body began to shake ,I was fighting to stay awake , the more awake i stayed the more stronger the vibrations got .. I felt my body shift to the right but after it went back to the body , when it went back to the body i realized i was dreaming , after i got lost into my fears and anger inside the dream . I woke up again , i tried going back to sleep and i felt my entire body shake. Right now i feel my lower chakra vibrate" I was awake the entire time , even while going to sleep , I want to know why my entire body felt vibrations? ohhhh man i wish i can conquer my fears, one day i will lol!!!!!! I was reading Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche book on dream yoga , And it said nothing about strong vibrations . He just said to remain conscious while going to sleep . He says through strong practice i might attain "clear light dreams"
  6. Is interesting. Don't need to express your condolences because it is not needed. I never have any attachment to her. It is even less, or non-existence, after I have found my Dharma gate at the age of 18. She was the one who initiated the cycle of Karma to my family. After my kundalini energy rising and to have penetrated the first skandha of forms, I felt like I have no family members, period. I still feel like I have no family members. I respect my parents because they didn't give me hard times when my life wasn't going well. I never want to see them suffer. Ironically, I have been persistently dreaming about this European old lady and she has a pair of blue eyes. In a way, I felt like she was my grandma that I never really have. Yet, I felt like I and her shared something deeper. This figure only showing herself after my "enlightenment" though, some 15+ years ago. The other day I dream of her and asking me "how would you like your old self back?" She said this because she was my "boss." Is interesting that 2 days ago I dream that my father was taking money away from me because he needed the money to fix my grandma's teeth. I was furious when I realized he was using my money this way. A teeth dream would often represent death in the family, especially dealing with dreaming about losing one's teeth. Because I have no attachment to her, I didn't dream of losing my teeth. Instead, I dream of her losing her own teeth (this may imply that her sons and daughters would not miss her much). And I was told that she just passed away today at the age of late 80s and she has terminal cancer. Great, I have to attend her funeral. This is the person who brought so much suffering, jealousy, and contempt to her family members. No, she never believed in the Dharma because she was still hording all of her material possessions. I doubt that she would leave anything for her Dharma warrior grandson (me). She was as mean as ever even to her home nurse. Sigh...... Wondering if I would see her spirit in my dreams......something I doubt since we have a completely different consciousness vibrational state.
  7. Tibetan Dream Yoga

    Anybody ever practice Tibetan Dream Yoga? What was it like? How did you do it? With who? You know, tell us your story.
  8. I am looking, primarily, for video resources, followed by audio resources, followed by written resources, on the subject of becoming a proficient conscious or lucid dreamer. I would prefer to avoid all the esoteric mumbo-jumbo stuff. In fact, you can consider that with anything I post at these forums, I want nothing to do with ceremonies and esoteric processes. All spiritual practices are ultimately very simple, it is man in the physical who complicates them. Looking for materials or places where personal experiences in conscious or lucid dreaming are shared. Looking for clear, simple instructions in techniques. Conscious dreaming, lucid dreaming and dream yoga all apply. I want to start having fun with my dreams. I want to adventure and explore. But ultimately, I want to invent, learn and practice. This is my primary motivation. My intention is that the majority, if not all, of my dreams become conscious or lucid. No matter the consequences, if any. 90% or more conscious or lucid dreams, 10% or less dreams where I am not conscious or lucid, the reverse of my current experience. Conscious or lucid dreaming every night on a regular basis. No long intravels between days of lucid dreaming. No intravels at all, or very short ones. It has been (I started to write it is, which would perpetuate the undesired state) somewhat difficult for me to become conscious or lucid in my dreams. I would find a Dream Sign, something that shows up in many of my dreams, and use that to become conscious or lucid. Then the Dream Sign would stop showing up, or I would stop noticing it somehow. Maybe this Vipassana "retreat" I attended will have one advantage, that in learning to "tune in" to my body and what it feels like, what is going on with it. Because I would not be looking to changeable external ques to become conscious or lucid, instead observing my body and breathing, maybe that will help. Training now in using the pendant a friend gave me, holding it, saying, "Lucid Dream" 3 times, then tuning into my body at that moment. We'll see how that goes. I have done, and experienced, some terrible things a few years back when I was having more conscious or lucid dreaming experiences. But I am not as I was then, I am not a Christian anymore, and now I have this meditation training, including Vipassana. I have forgive myself for my actions, worked on any fear I have in me, and freed myself to be as monstrous as I need to be, no restraints, restrictions or rules. But I have sent out a warning to all Dream Characters, so that they will not show up in my dreams if they are not forgiving and patient. I figure once I get everything out of my system I will settle down and be better. I included this brief overview to give you an idea of how I am as a conscious or lucid dreamer and a little of my background. This should help you figure out the best resources to share. As always I appreciate your help. I am moving on from my studies in meditation to focusing on a handful of areas for these few months I still have a home. They are: conscious or lucid dreaming, writing and maybe some Blender modeling/UE4 mapping. I would like to use my dream time for meditation and to learn Unreal Engine 4 (UE4.) These are my intentions. Not goals, because, for me, a goal is something to be attached to, and an intention is not. I have these strong desires and intentions, but I must also flow, or keep my boat pointed downstream. Makes life easier. For those of you confused about this topic, wondering why, my answer is simple. When you become conscious or lucid in a dream, you know you are dreaming while you are in a dream. At that point there is, literally, nothing you can't do. Among other things you can learn anything, practice anything, fly, walk through walls, receive advice about your life and explore the depths of the ocean or the universe. The dream world is a world free of all the restrictions of the waking, physical world. Even time is irrelevant in the dream world. In 5 minutes of lucid dream time you can gain years of study and practice on any subject. People are generally unaware of this, that is why you may not have heard about it. If this subject interests you, look up conscious or lucid dreaming at your local library or bookstore. I started a thread at Dream Views covering one aspect of the dream world: Thank you for your help!
  9. Your limbic system controls "breathing" and "emotion". Both of which are considered necessary for developing and using energy like "chi"... I have had the pleasure of learning a second language after my first, English. The difference is that once you have solidified one language, it is difficult to relaize that thought itself has no language until you learn a second. True fluid language skills come when you don't have to "think" about it to "express" thoughts, feelings, emotion, or details that become instantly clear to the listener. You realize that you are dreaming in another way. You realize that your mind is functioning by using whatever expression, and it was not English it has been babbling all this time, or any other language, even if the end result is the ability to speak it. I realized this is true of walking and moving about. I don't have to think about it, plan it or worry about whether it is the correct way or not. We simply do it once we know how, and call this muscle memory. Even if it is much more than that. So as we move into meditation, and practicing movements, we slowly learn a new way of being. We drag a bit of the limbic into our control, which focusing on breathing and controlling it is. Limbic exercise. And asking any "healer" using chi, they will tell you that it won't flow without breathing and emotions, also both limbic. Science, Language and the Dreaming Brain Only the executive and sensory functions are off line while the rest of the brain is active. This includes the rational thinking and sensing part). The Limbic system, the part of the brain that associates emotions with sensory information, is highly active while in the dream state. Dreams process unresolved emotions though this process in the limbic system. Language centers on the left side of the brain are off-line but the same centers on the right side, responsible for processing associations, are active during dream sleep. Therefore the language of dream is that of association, in particular emotional associations, not the literal naming by which we identify things in waking life.
  10. Dream Yoga

    Sketchbo0k said: "I would love to learn this. Could you perhaps write a bit about it in a new thread?" Dream Yoga is becoming quite popular. There are many varieties. I practice the Bön method which comes from a very important tantra called the Ma Gyü. There are significant differences between views from different practices. In particular, western dream teachers tend to emphasize content, whereas the Tibetan approach does not concern itself too much with content. There are Tibetan practices that involved dream content but it's not important in the dream yoga practice itself. For the Tibetans, the practice is much more about recognizing the nature of dream and how that relates to our lives, deaths, and the nature of mind. The content, according to the Tibetans, is simply a reflection of the content of our daily lives, feelings, and thoughts. In the Bön view, as well as that of many shamanic and indigenous cultures, waking life is no more "real" than dream life. From the perspective of waking life, being awake seems real and the dream seems illusory. From the perspective of the bardo and the absolute, waking life is equally illusory and transient. Dream yoga trains us to become aware, in the dream state, that we are dreaming. In the dream state we are not limited by the same physical, emotional, and psychological constraints as in the waking state. Once we are able to become lucid in dream, we can use that additional freedom to change things that we have difficulty changing in our daily lives. We can take advantage of the fact that we sleep approximately 1/3 of our lives (25 - 30 years for the average person), and try to give ourselves some of that additional time to practice. If we are able to become lucid in our dreams we are more likely to be aware and mindful during our daily lives and we are more likely to be lucid at the time of our death (and beyond, if you subscribe to such notions). The ultimate goal of dream yoga is to help us move towards complete liberation so that we may be of benefit to all others. The basic method involves daytime practices for setting the proper intention upon awakening and before sleep, practices to reinforce the dream-nature of our waking state throughout the day, practices to induce certain types of dreams, and practices for developing and stabilizing lucidity in dreams. If you are interested in this, there are several ways to get instruction. The book -The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche gives a comprehensive outline of the method and practical instructions. It's all you need to get started. He also hosts online workshops on dream yoga once or twice a year through glidewing productions. More expensive but also much more supportive with personalized instruction from Rinpoche and the opportunity to connect with other practitioners in an online forum. Finally, he occasionally hosts retreats on the topic - the most recent was last month. Quite an amazing experience - he's a phenomenal teacher and knows how to connect these sometimes esoteric teachings directly to your life in a very practical way. One word of advice - this is a practice that takes a long time and lots of patience. It is very easy to get frustrated and give up. Be prepared to really make an investment and it will eventually pay off. As I mentioned, there are lots of other resources in different traditions. Alan Wallace has written a book on Tibetan dream yoga, Dreaming Yourself Awake. I can't comment on the book but Alan is also an excellent teacher. I'm hoping there are other practitioners here that will introduce their practices. Good luck and good dreaming!
  11. I have this strange dream few weeks ago. I dream that I was practicing Pole Standing Tai a place where I should not be doing. That was how I felt. Somehow, I was with another student and there was a teacher in front of us. I didn't get to see his face or who this teacher was or if he was an immortal. What happened was that I felt the chi moving in my arms. In a way that the chi was shifting weight on my arms from left to right. Giving the sense of motion of titling my body from right up left down and left up and right down. I was rocking from left to right and right to left like I was on a boat. I felt this movement in the dream. I am pretty sure my actual body was experiencing this sensation as I was dreaming this scene. Then, the scene changed. Now, I found my arms were in front of me, in front of my upper dan tien. My wrists were bend and the palms facing outward. Again, I sensed my chi was moving in my arms now and slowly being projected like waves. My arms were moving like before doing the Pole Standing Tai Chi. Moving right up and left down and left up and right down. Throughout the entire dream sequences, I felt this rocking sensation the whole time.... Anyway, I just picked up two books by master Waysun Liao, "Tai Chi Classic" and "Restoring Your Life Energy...." And probably would begin to practice Tai Chi.... It would blow my mind if I could make great progress from the book....
  12. Anybody notice in their dreams the cycling of earth (caves, tombs), water (rivers, lakes), fire (war, fighting, traveling), and air (flying)?
  13. Dream thread?

    Is there a thread for dreams?
  14. Had my first lucid dream when I was four. Lucid dreaming has been one of the cornerstones of my life. I'll go long periods without remembering a dream or not being lucid, but I've had tens of thousands of lucid and semi-lucid dreams. Some of my dreams have been more vivid than anything I've experienced in waking life with my real body. I distinguish between lucid and semi-lucid as this: lucid is full control or near full control, decision making and environment shaping; semi-lucid is aware but not influencing. So about a year or so after starting daily qigong and cultivation I had the impulse to start working in my dream state with energy cultivation as well. My intention was to work the Micro-cosmic orbit in the dream state. I would just hold the intention in my mind as I lay down. I did this daily for a few weeks and had this experience: The oddness of that multi-layered sensation sort of overloaded me and I lost the dream state and woke up smiling at the 'success'. Forward now to last Monday. I'm not working and I decide to take a nap in the middle of the day. I'm now at the age where I want to have back all the naps I didn't want when I was my son's age. So I drop off and as I'll do occasionally now, I set the intention to work with energy in my dream. Had a very unique experience. Now I've experienced sleep paralysis and full hypnagogic visions, but never had a physical manifestation on my 'real body' from a dream state sensation. Until this time. Really makes me wiggle inside to think just how far this rabbit hole goes...
  15. I read something very interesting by Eckhart Tolle that's given me an exciting new idea about awakening to ultimate reality. He said that our thoughts 'are not true absolutely'. He wasn't just talking about value judgments or opinions, but nearly ALL of our thoughts. I've learned that love is all there really is and that everything is really perfect. Fear, attack, and badness are only illusions. They're part of the DREAM WORLD. So, if we have the thought, 'I'm feeling kind of anxious today,' we can remind ourselves that anxiety (fear) is only an illusion. If we think, 'That was very unkind of him,' we can remember that lack of love and attack aren't real. Or if we see on the news that something 'unfortunate' happened, we can know that badness is an illusion and that everything is happening as it should. I was already aware of this approach to awakening, but after reading that teaching from Eckhart Tolle, it occurred to me just how much of my thinking acknowledges the dream world as real, rather than as an illusion.
  16. A Dream of Angus Oge.

    After contemplating this quote from the "Lower Dan Tien Question" thread... "The three energy centers is the 作用區 Effect area of 玄關 Entrance There is only one 玄關一竅 Entrance know nothing 因為玄關一竅是第三眼接收中脈與天地之交流的出入口 Because the entrance is the third eye to accept the entrance in the vein and the exchange of heaven and earth It's a hole. Look like a hole. A hole in the dark. But after the 中脈 Midrib is opened completely, the hole will fill of light." * ...I was suddenly reminded of lore my races immortal teacher had shared with one before. I ponder, did vve De Danann spawn and I-rishis grok the lead to gold score? ...Probsz. * "Now the Dagda had a son. He was called Angus the Mac Oc, which means the young son. He had that name for he was conceived and born in one night. But how that came to be is another story... His mother was a woman of the Sidhe... and the Mac Oc had powers to see the future..." * ....The day had been wet and wild, and the woods looked dim and drenched from the window where Con sat. All the day long his ever restless feet were running to the door in a vain hope of sunshine. His sister, Norah, to quiet him had told him over and over again the tales which delighted him, the delight of hearing which was second only to the delight of living them over himself, when as Cuculain he kept the ford which led to Ulla, his sole hero heart matching the hosts of Meave; or as Fergus he wielded the sword of light the Druids made and gave to the champion, which in its sweep shore away the crests of the mountains; or as Brian, the ill-fated child of Turann, he went with his brothers in the ocean-sweeping boat farther than ever Columbus traveled, winning one by one in dire conflict with kings and enchanters the treasures which would appease the implacable heart of Lu. He had just died in a corner of the room from his many wounds when Norah came in declaring that all these famous heroes must go to bed. He protested in vain, but indeed he was sleepy, and before he had been carried half-way to the room the little soft face drooped with half-closed eyes, while he drowsily rubbed his nose upon her shoulder in an effort to keep awake. For a while she flitted about him, looking, with her dark, shadowy hair flickering in the dim, silver light like one of the beautiful heroines of Gaelic romance, or one of the twilight, race of the Sidhe. Before going she sat by his bed and sang to him some verses of a song, set to an old Celtic air whose low intonations were full of a half-soundless mystery: Over the hill-tops the gay lights are peeping; Down in the vale where the dim fleeces stray Ceases the smoke from the hamlet upcreeping: Come, thou, my shepherd, and lead me away. "Who's the shepherd?" said the boy, suddenly sitting up. "Hush, alannah, I will tell you another time." She continued still more softly: Lord of the Wand, draw forth from the darkness, Warp of the silver, and woof of the gold: Leave the poor shade there bereft in its starkness: Wrapped in the fleece we will enter the Fold. There from the many-orbed heart where the Mother Breathes forth the love on her darlings who roam, We will send dreams to their land of another Land of the Shining, their birthplace and home. He would have asked a hundred questions, but she bent over him, enveloping him with a sudden nightfall of hair, to give him his good-night kiss, and departed. Immediately the boy sat up again; all his sleepiness gone. The pure, gay, delicate spirit of childhood was darting at ideas dimly perceived in the delicious moonlight of romance which silvered his brain, where may airy and beautiful figures were moving: The Fianna with floating locks chasing the flying deer; shapes more solemn, vast, and misty, guarding the avenues to unspeakable secrets; but he steadily pursued his idea. "I guess he's one of the people who take you away to faeryland. Wonder if he'd come to me? Think it's easy going away," with an intuitive perception of the frailty of the link binding childhood to earth in its dreams. (As a man Con will strive with passionate intensity to regain that free, gay motion in the upper airs.) "Think I'll try if he'll come," and he sang, with as near an approach as he could make to the glimmering cadences of his sister's voice: Come, thou, my shepherd, and lead me away. He then lay back quite still and waited. He could not say whether hours or minutes had passed, or whether he had slept or not, until he was aware of a tall golden-bearded man standing by his bed. Wonderfully light was this figure, as if the sunlight ran through his limbs; a spiritual beauty was on the face, and those strange eyes of bronze and gold with their subtle intense gaze made Con aware for the first time of the difference between inner and out in himself. "Come, Con, come away!" the child seemed to hear uttered silently. "You're the Shepherd!" said Con, "I'll go." Then suddenly, "I won't come back and be old when they're all dead?" a vivid remembrance of Ossian's fate flashing upon him. A most beautiful laughter, which again to Con seemed half soundless, came in reply. His fears vanished; the golden-bearded man stretched a hand over him for a moment, and he found himself out in the night, now clear and starlit. Together they moved on as if borne by the wind, past many woods and silver-gleaming lakes, and mountains which shone like a range of opals below the purple skies. The Shepherd stood still for a moment by one of these hills, and there flew out, riverlike, a melody mingled with a tinkling as of innumerable elfin hammers, and there, was a sound of many gay voices where an unseen people were holding festival, or enraptured hosts who were let loose for the awakening, the new day which was to dawn, for the delighted child felt that faeryland was come over again with its heroes and battles. "Our brothers rejoice," said the Shepherd to Con. "Who are they?" asked the boy. "They are the thoughts of our Father." "May we go in?" Con asked, for he was fascinated by the melody, mystery, and flashing lights. "Not now. We are going to my home where I lived in the days past when there came to me many kings and queens of ancient Eire, many heroes and beautiful women, who longed for the Druid wisdom we taught." "And did you fight like Finn, and carry spears as tall as trees, and chase the deer through the Woods, and have feastings and singing?" "No, we, the Dananns, did none of those things--but those who were weary of battle, and to whom feast and song brought no pleasure, came to us and passed hence to a more wonderful land, a more immortal land than this." As he spoke he paused before a great mound, grown over with trees, and around it silver clear in the moonlight were immense stones piled, the remains of an original circle, and there was a dark, low, narrow entrance leading within. He took Con by the hand, and in an instant they were standing in a lofty, cross-shaped cave, built roughly of huge stones. "This was my palace. In days past many a one plucked here the purple flower of magic and the fruit of the tree of life." "It is very dark," said the child disconsolately. He had expected something different. "Nay, but look: you will see it is the palace of a god." And even as he spoke a light began to glow and to pervade the cave and to obliterate the stone walls and the antique hieroglyphs engraved thereon, and to melt the earthen floor into itself like a fiery sun suddenly uprisen within the world, and there was everywhere a wandering ecstasy of sound: light and sound were one; light had a voice, and the music hung glittering in the air. "Look, how the sun is dawning for us, ever dawning; in the earth, in our hearts, with ever youthful and triumphant voices. Your sun is but a smoky shadow, ours the ruddy and eternal glow; yours is far way, ours is heart and hearth and home; yours is a light without, ours a fire within, in rock, in river, in plain, everywhere living, everywhere dawning, whence also it cometh that the mountains emit their wondrous rays." As he spoke he seemed to breathe the brilliance of that mystical sunlight and to dilate and tower, so that the child looked up to a giant pillar of light, having in his heart a sun of ruddy gold which shed its blinding rays about him, and over his head there was a waving of fiery plumage and on his face an ecstasy of beauty and immortal youth. "I am Angus," Con heard; "men call me the Young. I am the sunlight in the heart, the moonlight in the mind; I am the light at the end of every dream, the voice for ever calling to come away; I am the desire beyond you or tears. Come with me, come with me, I will make you immortal; for my palace opens into the Gardens of the Sun, and there are the fire-fountains which quench the heart's desire in rapture." And in the child's dream he was in a palace high as the stars, with dazzling pillars jeweled like the dawn, and all fashioned out of living and trembling opal. And upon their thrones sat the Danann gods with their sceptres and diadems of rainbow light, and upon their faces infinite wisdom and imperishable youth. In the turmoil and growing chaos of his dream he heard a voice crying out, "You remember, Con, Con, Conaire Mor, you remember!" and in an instant he was torn from himself and had grown vaster, and was with the Immortals, seated upon their thrones, they looking upon him as a brother, and he was flying away with them into the heart of the gold when he awoke, the spirit of childhood dazzled with the vision which is too lofty for princes. (The end) George William Russell's essay: Dream Of Angus Oge, 1897 * The Three Cauldrons of The Dagda 1. 2. * Cheerio.
  17. Dream Yoga

    Upcoming free teachings of dream yoga on Facebook Live starting June 6th. All talks are recorded so you don't have to be available at the scheduled time.
  18. This movie was inspiring. It is about a man who had dream to walk the twin towers on a tight rope. Is there a path to finding a truly inspiring dream? What steps should one take to find their dream?
  19. I dreamt a lot of stuff one night, but the stuff I keep on remembering was that inside me there was a entity on my liver like sludge with a face on it, and the impression I got was that it was feeding off my energy. Secondly there was octopus-like creatures with no face that I can remember. One giant one was on top of my whole head, and there were other ones as well. They seemed like they were helping out, utilizing energy in order to do things like pull out spikes in my brain and other areas. Thirdly there was some entity that was made out of blackness and eyes, flat and without a specific location. This didn't leave me a big impression, I thought "if I leave it alone, it will leave me alone". The liver entity gave me the largest impression. I have chronic fatigue and it seemed like it was the culprit sucking up all my energy. Does anyone have anything for defeating energy parasites? Were the octopus creatures actually helping or just pretending? Or is a dream just a dream, even though this one gave such a large impression on me? Alternatively I can continue practicing FP chi kung even though I feel it is eating my energy.
  20. and then i awoke, as from a dream

  21. featuring Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche - one of the monks involved in the groundbreaking project conducted by the Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior at Wisconsin University to examine the effects of meditation on the brains of advanced meditators.
  22. waking within the dream

    waking within reality


    what is the difference?

  23. Meow all: I had a really strange lucid dream last night. Someone I know, but not in a good relationship lately was casting I-Ching in regard to me. And they got "33 changes to 8". We have not seen each other for a while and, honestly, seems like "quarrelsome star" had been over energizing this relationship, so I found this dream rather odd. The person in question does active cultivation and such. Interestingly enough, it was exactly "33" ( retreat) which caused some issues ( they needed a major ego work in order to proceed further, etc). I was kind of offended by that, but hey, if someone needs space, go for it. However, the "retreat" did not start well ( caused loss of money from my side). If someone will just show up out of the blue to make amends... should I go with "8"? I am just a human and I do have my feelings hurt because of that rejection. Any thoughts welcome... Meow...
  24. I last posted in June when I dreamed about seeing my master again. What I've realized is there is absolutely no dogma to cultivation. You develop your awareness of All that is. We are all capable of using the tools we were born with. I met my master again. This dream was preceded by a telepathic link about 4 days before. The reason he is guiding me is unknown. I don't really understand how he thinks. I am still on the fence as to whether my dreams are simply a products of my sub conscious or they mean something more. I am 23 on the path for 5 years. I began with drug induced kundalini psychosis. While on drugs I was obsessed with breathing techniques and meditation. Misunderstood and greatly unbalanced I learned this was not the true way. This took much time. Years after using drugs I came back into touch with meditation and breathing techniques. Very slowly over the course of two years I relearned how to pull energy without the aid of drugs besides a little caffeine. I have continued doing this breathing exercises til today. I don't really meditate. The way for me still involves balancing myself because of drug use. My master made a comment in a year I might possess the mental qualification to fully commit to the way. In the dream he was helping me understood this book. It was so incomprehensible with levels and drug aided cultivation. A whole chapter was dedicated to cannabis oil. I didn't read it though. It may have been a test to see if I would still use drugs. I don't know. What I thought the way was is not the way. My master gives no dogma and allows me to figure out what I want to do. Like I said I still do not understand if his existence is entirely created of my own mind. The beings I met in my dreams, I can touch them. But they are not real bodies. The words I heard from him told me next time I would be ready. I think I still do not possess the mental qualification of the true way. There is no dogma. Perhaps he is not a master but a guide. Not sure. Aside from the dream of meeting him, I had a breakthrough tonight. I was able to pull successfully to the point of engaging my temples. I have so many mental blockages which translates into pain when energy is pulled through under developed spiritual circuitry. I have been having a very long debate about how masturbation effects being on the way. This is part of what I wish to discuss. I have been thinking the associations of what orgasm mean is the actual hindrance.