Jim D.

Hillary and Trump

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"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people."

the great teddy,

who i would time travel to solicit his help about our current situation i digress and am only warming up for the upcoming off topic conspiracy thread that they want us to have without giving reason for  :ph34r:

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Yawn. this all gets so old and tired and boring. no worries though. In 4 years they will have a whole new set of actors and characters for everyone to pretend to get all up in arms about to distract you from real life.  parasitic, the whole thing is.

perhaps, but this is definitely a pattern, one that is getting worse as time progresses - each admin bolder than the next, each one willing to step on and do the twist upon the constitution with just a bit more pizzaz than the previous...


and in this day and age of video technology and information sharing...its almost like you're able to see the tiny little springs flying out of the apparatus :lol:


I just care out of compassion for the world - banksterism really, really needs to be defeated.  Which necessarily includes all the wrongs that are outflows of banksterism.  If we truly had a fair playing field amongst ALL then the world wouldnt see the poverty and war that it has.

Edited by joeblast
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Good news guys, only 49 more days til the elections.


In 50 days, hours of free time opens up for some here,

til we start the Election 2020 thread in February 2018,

then we can let the obsessed run wild once again. 

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hours, lol...I guess glancing up from work for a couple minutes a little too often can give the impression that hours have been spent.


its not as if one has to look very far for information on hillary's treason these days






Combetta started the thread on July 24, 2014 with the following question seeking technical advice on how to "strip out a VIP's (VERY VIP) email address from a bunch of archived email."  "Ironically," the day before the Reddit thread appeared, the Benghazi Committee reached an agreement with the State Department on the production of email and other records related to their investigation.


Can those not already convinced of her guilt in this matter finally admit she's cold flat busted?




More signs of neurological issues


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Look on the bright side -- no matter who wins, it will be a historical nomination:


Either we get the first Troll President


or the first Robot President

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This is very entertaining.




WATCH: Evangelicals ‘lay hands’ on Trump to protect him from ‘a concentrated Satanic attack’





It will be interesting to watch and see if it appears to work.

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Which part?

Why, protecting him from a concentrated Satanic attack, of course!






I did see a documentary recently (on YouTube) which showed Trump is actually Satan himself so I'm not sure how that works.

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Why, protecting him from a concentrated Satanic attack, of course!






I did see a documentary recently (on YouTube) which showed Trump is actually Satan himself so I'm not sure how that works.


I was responding that your statement appeared to have two parts. An attack or the protection.

Edited by ralis

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me and a friend noticed in a parking lot today for the first time

a vehicle with clinton/kaine sticker on it. 

i have now seen one clinton bumper sticker ever

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While most of you guys believe propaganda, lies, unfounded conspiracy regarding Hillary, Donald Trump the law and order candidate is touting a national 'stop and frisk' policy.





Donald J. Trump on Wednesday called for the broad use of the contentious stop-and-frisk policing strategy in America’s cities, embracing an aggressive tactic whose legality has been challenged and whose enforcement has been abandoned in New York.

His support for the polarizing crime-fighting policy — which involves officers’ questioning and searching pedestrians — collides with his highly visible courtship of African-Americans, who have been disproportionately singled out by the tactic, data show.

For Mr. Trump, the timing was especially inauspicious: It came as police shootings of black people were once again drawing scrutiny and protest.

Mr. Trump has long championed stop-and-frisk as a crime-fighting tool in his hometown, New York, but on Wednesday he recommended that it be deployed in cities across the country that are struggling to control violence.

It was the latest twist in Mr. Trump’s awkward, and at times counterproductive, outreach to black voters, who polls suggest remain deeply skeptical of him — and it occurred right after a prominent black supporter, Don King, used a racial epithet as he introduced Mr. Trump at a church in Cleveland Heights, Ohio........


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Who else is looking forward to tomorrow's debate?


What insight are you looking to gain from the back and forth banter of the two candidates?

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"most of you guys believe propaganda, lies, unfounded conspiracy"


If your comment is directed at me, I can provide the actual video.

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I don't doubt that the person said it.


Given the quotes, were you reiterating what I said in agreement?

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