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21 hours ago, Spotless said:

The release from Karma is release from grasped frequency. One has previously been in Belief or Dis-Belief - but one can Be and neither Believe nor Dis-Believe and in this Be unencumbered in any frequency.



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1 hour ago, Jeff said:

There are many levels of third eye opening. It is sort of like a broader sense ability that starts out obscured, but then grows in clarity as the spiritual practitioner increases their own clarity.  Additionally, many such "sensing abilities" are not really based on the third eye, the term has just become more of a general catch all phrase for many new age groups.  What people call third eye stuff, would probably be better described as beginning to perceive beyond the local body-mind.


No. there are not levels to it. If you do not even see parts of third eye then there is no awakening of third eye. Third eye opening have certain results and certain powers come with it - it's got nothing to do with sensing abilities, it's actually very physical process. saying that third eye is symbolic way to name that you can see something beyond body-mind it's actually made up thing for those who didn't realize it. 

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2 minutes ago, SeekerOfHealing said:


No. there are not levels to it. If you do not even see parts of third eye then there is no awakening of third eye. Third eye opening have certain results and certain powers come with it - it's got nothing to do with sensing abilities, it's actually very physical process. saying that third eye is symbolic way to name that you can see something beyond body-mind it's actually made up thing for those who didn't realize it. 


Sounds like we just disagree on this topic.  Like now, I can sense/know that your third eye is somewhat open. :)

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11 minutes ago, Apeiron&Peiron said:

There are at least three eyes in the middle (centerline) of the forehead


could you give some information on this?

last year I've been looking for information on that but could not really find something

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thanks, i'm ware of those three points too. But as I could not find much about it i left it for what it was. But now reading your post, i could not but ask.


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Yes, there are many eyes. but third eye have actually from my experience 3 layers. I moved back from opening them and maybe I will turn back to this practice but it's actually gives you such perception is unbelievable yet practice to open it is hectic. I would give this practice out but most people would harm themselves and fall into delusions. 


Third eye is actually heavenly eye of buddhism. I remember time when wisdom eye opened, it's have exact place and qualities. About the other eyes I can not tell much based on my experience.

Edited by SeekerOfHealing

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The ideas of the "new age" view of the 3rd Eye are no more fraught with dogma and no more or less misguided than the ancient texts. Most view it as the emergence of abilities - but those are references to various parts. Clairvoyance is generally the ability given to the brow chakra - a small portion of the third eye as I use the term.


One does not call Wisdom an ability 


Buddhism is often referenced as a Religion - but it is also a Science and the two are not the same. One is dead / conceptual and the other a living experience Requiring neither belief nor dis-belief.


The third eye as I use the term is centered in the head and does not emerge as a skill - it unveils in clarity - the skill levels are ancillary and byproducts but these byproducts are not able to constitute the clarity - they are only able to extend ones sensing and seeing. Typically they are always in use - and then emerge in various more inhabited ways as expansion occurs - I am not referring to this as third eye - though for conversations sake it is necessary to converse as though this is 3rd eye as in general it has become the mundane definition within all traditions. In many ways New Age viewpoints are in fact less dogmatic and more in line with the more expansive higher view and in general include no more or less rainbows and unicorns than the dogmas of ancient traditions.


Most discussion is about the parts - none of which are about the whole - but which are all encompassed in the whole and far beyond.


The same can be said of the crown chakra and areas of it and above.



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Fascinating stuff.  Thanks to all contributing.


Aside from Niwan and the nine palaces of the head... has anyone here had any experiences with the 'back mirror'?


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5 hours ago, silent thunder said:

Fascinating stuff.  Thanks to all contributing.


Aside from Niwan and the nine palaces of the head... has anyone here had any experiences with the 'back mirror'?


The Mirror of Dharma?


it is very different than described - extrodinary clarity - beyond clarity - and beyond all concern - the embodiment of future walking in now.


No time, space - a visceral experience - visceral in the energy bodies - it is not "of a future" not "other" or "to be" - it is Now

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23 hours ago, Apeiron&Peiron said:

Well, now that I am actually thinking about the content, the three "eye points" are not the same as the multiple eyes. The eye points are acupoints related to energy flows. The actual "eyes" described in buddhism and hinduism are more complicated. I don't have much experience with it but it is a sort of expanded space that can be inhabited**. But it's like the orbitals around an atom's nucleus. You can go into one and it is a certain way and you can see some things. You go into another and its a different way and you can see different things. And it's not just "seeing" it's a sort of extendedness of spatiality. 


I'm not sure how to describe it. I am recalling someone's tag-line that the mind follows the body in the way that the rivers cling to the earth. It is similar to that but the body that the mind follows/clings to is different than the physical body. It's like that sort of transition. One body to another but the same manner of clinging/following. and the nature of the body determines the nature of what is perceived. But I don't know if this matches anything that has been written about...


Here's another link that might be interesting:


Edit: **at least that was what I had extrapolated.


Nice, i've read it and seen the youtube in its totality


thanks for posting

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Hi Spotless,


Thanks a lot for this thread. I have just finished reading it.


Be well


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Hello Spotless,


I've once again come to pester you with questions :)


First, somewhere (I can't find it) you mentioned that yoga as practised by many is nothing but calisthenics.

So what makes yoga yoga?



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9 hours ago, ankhmor said:

Hello Spotless,


I've once again come to pester you with questions :)


First, somewhere (I can't find it) you mentioned that yoga as practised by many is nothing but calisthenics.

So what makes yoga yoga?



Most western "yoga" is practiced primarily as a physical exercise - often to music - sometimes to a teacher that is "moving along" at a rapid workout pace. It is about stretching those muscles and toning ones body. At some of the routines they even meditate for 5 minutes often with someone talking - often teaching self hypnosis techniques.


In some cases it is all for people with food issues and organic fabric fixations - meaning it is a cult hangout for "perfect people"

and humus with hemp protein.


What I loosely define as Real Yoga is a spiritual endeavor - it is a descipline - Way - toward self realization. It is primarily (at least in the beginning) based in meditation. As it progresses it becomes a way of life. The stretching postures were always only a minor part of Yoga - they do not need to even be a part of it. The stretching exercises are meant to help move the energies condensed in meditation throughout the bodies, the Nadis, the subtle areas. They help in the embodiment of what is taking place.


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Thank you spotless.


Let me ask you another, perhaps more important question:

What is your understanding of free will and how do humans fit in it?


I am currently reading a book called "The illusion of conscious will" by Daniel Wegner.

Also I recently stumbled upon a podcast from NPR


The gist of it, as I gather, is that the feeling of will (feeling that we cause actions with our thoughts) is an illusion; the reality is that there are unknown mental processes that cause the actions we take AND create the feeling that the actions were willed. In other words, the feeling of willing has nothing to do with the action happening.


It goes hand in hand with us being born blank slates, and learning everything from our environment, from someone else -- that even with all the free will in the world we are biased, moulded by outside influences.


My favourite bit of information is this video: You are Two. It's only 5 minutes long. With this video in mind, and the above, where does meditation fit in?



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Hope you don't mind me chiming in... i'm not awakened or with an open third eye or anything, but wouldn't it be that its a case of causing the unconscious to become conscious, and like that having free will/true freedom...isn't this freedom from suffering, freedom from sin/error, so that life becomes a choice rather than an illusion/prison? 



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On Free Will


Put aside what science is able to see and come up with for the moment - get out of your head, brain theory etc.

From your positions (people in general) on this topic it is hard to hear and speak on the subject without bringing out all sorts of growls.

Take a moment to do this.......



We do not come to this life with a clean slate - we are born into DNA that has all sorts of pecking order regarding other organisms and other races as well as a whole spectrum of proclivities across the board.


We are also inculcated with beliefs not just in religiosity but in those ways and means that have "worked" for us (however poorly they have "worked" or not). We do not just suddenly rise above all of those inculcations and DNA even if we have Awakened.


Our DNA and our inculcation create the frequencies we are attuned to - those frequencies are the Karma we are in.

They are our square peg.

Willfulness is constantly trying to pound the square peg into a round hole - or modify the hole to fit our peg. The instinctive drive to put forth our will, DNA, mark is strong - as is the instinctive will, drive, DNA to procreate it forth.


It can be looked at as a Chinese finger puzzle - we are puling whatever is within our field in the direction of resistance to us. We imagine that we are the directing force - but the clamping of the puzzle upon our finger is the holding power attaching to the resistance in the field. We want our dog pack to be bigger and stronger. We believe we are working within logic or loyalty or honor - but we are in resistance to not our-frequency - non-karmic - non-sypathetic frequencies.


In meditation we begin the uneasy process of easing back on the finger pulling that happens. As this happens the entire Universe (which is us and all and everything) is slowly becoming a house not set upon itself. We are essentially releasing our false selves to Presence - Divine Natural Essence. In this we become that which has no will other than the will of all and everything.



gotta go - did not edit or reread - hope it makes sense!





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On 6/25/2016 at 0:26 PM, Kubba said:

Isn't a good strategy to "not to see" stories of others? To ignore it or better - to not let our attention be drown into "scaning" others? Not that I know answear for that but seems that there is no use in checking stories of others.

As lite reading is good fun. I agree with the sentiment of your statement, be the doer of deeds not just the viewer. :)

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On 2017-08-10 at 2:17 PM, Spotless said:

We do not come to this life with a clean slate - we are born into DNA that has all sorts of pecking order regarding other organisms and other races as well as a whole spectrum of proclivities across the board.


On 2017-08-10 at 2:17 PM, Spotless said:

We do not just suddenly rise above all of those inculcations and DNA even if we have Awakened.


To help me understand:

Given that we are born with Karma/frequencies, are there then people born with no possibility of ever becoming interested in meditation (shedding their frequencies)?

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On 8/14/2017 at 6:15 AM, ankhmor said:



To help me understand:

Given that we are born with Karma/frequencies, are there then people born with no possibility of ever becoming interested in meditation (shedding their frequencies)?

The conceptual framework of the question is what to look at: 

We are not "other" than all and everything - we are all unbounded - spotless - unborn.

See nothing as limited - see beyond time and space.


The light of Divine Natural Essence has never faded - in even the most boiled and dried deadness wonders exist.


It is not a matter of shedding frequencies but moving beyond the holding of them - the addiction. One life is lived in a moment - yet we wish to hold the moment and live in pasts and futures - this is the cause of suffering - it is our loneliness.


The longing for enencubered light in all directions - oneness with the ever abiding.


We look at the containerless "other" and put a label on it (me) - the cage is in the labeling. The desires are in the labeling - every label is in the past, every future is based in past parts, every past is made of futures past. 


Begin to see that all frequencies will pass from holding us - but we have only learned resistance - competition - the heart still beats, the lawns are watered, rocks break out into soil. See / notice when you are wound into your resistance - do not worry about other - see this in the Now - breath - and now notice the Now that no longer has the resistance.


Soon one can learn to drop-it - the square peg which in willfulness you wish to push in the round hole was never any help - it was always a hold over - a position gone by but clung to.

Drop-it - a thousand times - Drop-it

The dense mud will pass - notice the Now that is not mud - see/feel/breath the difference. You were holding in the mud - slowly somehow you dropped-it and Now is light again. 

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Its like breathing.  Its like living.  Its like dying.  Is the air coming in or going out?  There is a cycle to it.  There is a rythm to it.  There is a pulse to it.  


And if you find that the spirit moves you, you might just be the one in the way.

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On 8/17/2017 at 1:51 AM, Spotless said:

It is not a matter of shedding frequencies but moving beyond the holding of them - the addiction. One life is lived in a moment - yet we wish to hold the moment and live in pasts and futures - this is the cause of suffering - it is our loneliness.


Thank you Spotless.

I've been thinking about what you wrote. There's some understanding of it, perhaps. There's still a long way to go it seems.

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On 08/16/2017 at 10:51 PM, Spotless said:

The conceptual framework of the question is what to look at: 

We are not "other" than all and everything - we are all unbounded - spotless - unborn.

See nothing as limited - see beyond time and space.


And, see Nothing as limited.


Nice post. (-:

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Someone brought up cold water effects recently and then I came across this article:


Feb 16, 2018


Want Instant Pain Relief? New Report Says You Could Go For a Swim in Cold Water

Good News Network


This new report says that short, sharp, cold water swim may offer an alternative to strong painkillers and physiotherapy to relieve severe persistent pain after surgery.

The doctors in the journal BMJ Case Reports came to their conclusions after carrying out a surgical procedure (endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy) on a 28-year-old man to curb his excessive facial flushing.

The surgery entailed cutting the triggering nerves inside his chest. The procedure itself was successful, but 10 weeks later, the usual postoperative prescription of strong painkillers and staged physiotherapy had barely made a dent in the severity of his pain.

The man explained that exercise and movement just made the pain worse, preventing him from completing his rehabilitation and recovery. Furthermore, the constant pain caused him a great deal of distress and wrecked his quality of life.

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Before his surgery, the young man had been a keen triathlete, and so had swum competitively in open water. He thought that a cold water swim would, at the very least, provide some welcome distraction from the searing pain.

He returned to the same coastal spot where the triathlon took place. The only way to enter the water there is to plunge in from a rocky outcrop, he explained. Competitors are forced to swim for around 60 seconds before being able to clamber safely back ashore.

To his surprise, the young man felt no pain while he was in the water, nor has he felt any since, the authors report. His preoperative quality of life has been fully restored and he has resumed his usual sporting activities without further recourse to any painkillers.

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This is only one case report, and, caution the authors: “Due to the nature of retrospective case reports, it is unclear, without further evidence, whether the exposure to forced cold water swimming is causally and specifically related to pain remission.”

But given the timeframe and the absence of any alternative explanations other than pure chance, it seems as if the cold water plunge might have afforded some instant pain relief–at least in this case, they venture.

How this might have happened isn’t clear, they admit. But there are some possible biological explanations.

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The shock of the sudden cold water immersion might have induced a wave of sympathetic nervous system activity: the body’s response to this has been linked to an altered state of consciousness. This in turn might have altered pain perception, offering instant relief.

As to why the man’s pain disappeared completely over the long term, the authors suggest that his reduced mobility might have helped maintain the pain; the pain relief he felt in the water would have enabled him to move freely, so breaking that cycle.

Nerve pain can be very difficult to treat and is associated with structural changes in the brain and a legacy of psychological problems if it doesn’t respond to conventional treatment, the authors point out.

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A cold water plunge might succeed where painkillers fail, they suggest, but only if backed up by more substantive evidence.

“Further prospective investigation is needed to assess the replicability and feasibility of forced cold water swimming as a potentially effective, natural intervention to enhance recovery outcomes from common postoperative complications,” they write.

(Source: BMJ)

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