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About mrpasserby

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  1. In memoriam

    @Cobie Interview with . Thanks for the vid. Star jumper passed on his liniage.
  2. Gratitude for finding and posting these words. I have no word smith skills to express the bounty of this type of cultivation and have failed for over a decade at attempts to share substantial enough words to make others understand this type of process (western mage), however I am a witness to the practices of this type leading to the cultivation of a functional over soul.
  3. I am Sorry

    Happy to see you back!
  4. Qigong and astral travel

    On 10/18/2022 at 2:25 PM, Lairg said: Who can distinguish etheric travel from astral travel? IMO: etheric realm travel requires an energized functional subtle energy body that can be used to travel within the etheric realm to gain experiences. Astral travel requires energizing your aura that acts like an antenna, to receive etheric astral experiences.
  5. The Grades of Initiation

    @helpfuldemon "There are probably many reasons for entering the Abyss. I am not one of those that confer special status to the 7=4. I believe they have achieved enlightenment and dedicate themselves to the higher good of mankind, but that might be reaching. Certainly it takes something special to enter the Abyss, some Divine movement of the Gods, who knows? In the end, they are no different than any other Adept." I have enjoyed reading many of your recent posts. To more clearly understand some of your comments in this and other of you posts. Can you please post your definition, of what you are calling the Abyss. Thanks
  6. Because someone could get an epiphany.
  7. My answer for the subtle body dualism team Lol: In my lineage everyone professing to have a functional subtle energy spirit body is critically tested 'for their sake' to prove to them that their subtle energy body is functional. (for those of you who are not clear on the Lol team name= Love of life Lol.
  8. I would like to thank everyone who participated in this thread, I have experienced much cultivation. I am not against non-dualism as such, but from child hood I was trained to use my subtle energy body, on a regular basics to explore the mysteries of the other world(s) (same world but from a different perspectives). It is regrettable that I do not understand/get non-dualism, I gain experience through my efforts, I don't seem to get much understanding out of books, so at least for now I am stuck in a dualism capacity. Again thanks for all of your kind efforts.
  9. This is what I have wanted to say for a very long time. Many Thanks.
  10. I would be interested to read the posting on a subject of this magnitude, and I would enjoy adding my personal experiences on this subject as well.
  11. I can't match your clear explicit (dualist) words, all that I have is experiences, then I attempt to enplane in words. I have seen in my lineage a ceremony that has that kind of a effect and until you posted I didn't know how to explain it. So I say "what you said"! The ceremony starts the transition of the change from the you in the physical body to the you in your functional subtill energy body, and I considered it to be like what you posted but not limited to it. Also doesn't activating your 1000 petal lotus do something similar to razing yang and descending yin (at leas the energies)?
  12. We resonate in dualism on the subject of active subtle energy healers also.
  13. @Bindi "My subtle energy body develops, but I didn’t set out to develop a subtle energy body. What happens to it at or after death I have no idea, nor is that really my interest, for now I’d like to go on until I see what a fully functioning subtle energy body does while I’m alive." In my experience: It is necessary to practice energy generating alchemy, or to have great physical stamina to be able to experience a functional energy body.