Chang dao ling

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About Chang dao ling

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    Dao Bum

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  1. Yoga in Christianity

    For me I die daily means Paul might achieved samadhi ( absorption) when this happens your physical body looks like dead but it won't. Many Hindu, Taoist, buddist yogis demonstrate this ability they can stop their heart beat.
  2. Yoga in Christianity

    Yes I agree. I think it was coined by yogananda
  3. Yoga in Christianity

    I think according to yogananda Christ consciousnes means brahma consciousness ( identify yourself with formless God)
  4. Gayatri mantra

    Yes I am currently practicing silently. I am getting magnatic pressure between eyebrows while chanting and I feel calm
  5. Yoga in Christianity

    Is that ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ by Paramhansa Yogananda? Yes
  6. Yoga in Christianity

    I read but I don't remember exact chapter. But in this book he mentioned st Paul practice some type of yoga. Here the quote St. Paul knew Kriya Yoga, or a technique very similar to it, by which he could switch life currents to and from the senses. He was therefore able to say: “Verily, I protest by our rejoicing which I have in Christ, I die daily.”10 By daily withdrawing his bodily life force, he united it by yoga union with the rejoicing (eternal bliss) of the Christ consciousness. In that felicitous state, he was consciously aware of being dead to the delusive sensory world of maya.
  7. Yoga in Christianity

    Hi, in the book auto biography of Yogi author mentioned that saint Paul can levitate. Is this true? Is it possible Christianity have their own yoga system but kept secretly? Only high priests can learn them?
  8. Gayatri mantra

    Thanks 👍
  9. Gayatri mantra

    Namaste, anyone here practice Gayatri mantra? Recently I came across Gayatri pariwar I really liked their books. I am planning to practice Gayatri mantra. If anyone practice please share your experiences
  10. Daoism Afterlife

    Check Jerry alan Johnson books.
  11. Daoist Meditation

    Authenticneigong Lotusneigong Sanctuary of tao
  12. Seeking for teacher Sanctuary of tao
  13. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Jade emperor alrady achieved celestial immortality before becoming jade emperor. After he succeeded by heavenly master of dawn he goes higher realms.
  14. The ultimate goal of Neidan

    Same with neidan. There are 5 types of immortals in Taoism. Ghost,human, earth, spiritual, celestial or golden immortals. Spiritual and celestial immortals escape from samsara . The famous 8 immortals achieved spiritual and celestial immortality. I think spiritual immortals equal to arhats in Buddhism. ( Just my opinion).