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  1. Yoga nidra (also known as yogic sleep or sleep yoga, and not to be confused with dream yoga) is a state of conscious deep sleep. Through yoga nidra one can sleep 30 minutes to an hour and that would equate to 3 or 4 hours of regular sleep. Yoga nidra was not designed to replace regular sleep but since one can stay conscious through sleep onset this means that hypnagogic imagery can be experienced which in turn can lead to lucid dreaming and astral projection. Dream yoga on the other hand is a Tibetan practice with some of the goals being to awaken the consciousness within the dream state or astral travel. Dream yoga and yoga nidra are where the dream practices that sprung up in the west, otherwise known as lucid dreaming, have their roots. My question here is (as asked in the topic title) does the tao contain it's own practice of yoga nidra and dream yoga?
  2. A lot of times, I feel that some of the dream wisdom I have been receiving is way over my head. I have been reading up on the Tibetan Dream Yoga and it explained a lot about how my path was entirely transmitted through dreams alone. Anyway, I had this dream few months ago and is way over my head... So, in this dream, I found that my mother and sister redecorated my room. They moved things around. I was upset, very upset. I was very agitated and demanded my room to be restored as before. So, I began to move stuff around and to discover that my bed was missing. My room has no bed. Yeah, the beginning was kind of mundane. The second part is way over my head. In the dream, I finally found my bed but instead I saw a Buddhist abbot monk standing there and praying. He has curly hair and his hair by the middle of the crown area is point up. He looked Indo European. He wasn't Chinese and Indian or Hindu. He was standing by my bed and praying. Then,underneath the bed, a casket was rolled out. Half of the casket was open and I didn't see a corpse. Instead, I saw a clock without handles. A clock without handles inside a casket.... In the dream, I was trying to understand what was going on. Then, the monk turned towards me and smiled. He gave me a music box. When I opened it, I heard some mantra music and the sound was very acute. It resonated inside me. I was dumbfounded and looking at the monk. He then turned around and disappeared. Now, I went outside to another room. I saw my mother and told her that a monk gave me a gift. A real gift I told her and I also realized that they would never believe me if I told them about the monk I saw. However, I had the mantra music box as a proof. His gift actualized in my dream world. I felt that he actually gave me something real in the dream. Now, I went back to my room and saw my sister messing with my altar. Apparently, now, I saw an altar next to this casket. I saw white candles and some Chinese characters written on it. Apparently, it was my casket and it was my funeral I was in but.....there was no corpse inside the casket. Again, I was very upset about my sister because she was ruining something. Now, in my real life, I and my sister never got along. We were never close and we fought a lot as kids. Well, that's another story. Now, I have been having a lot of these dreams of clarity. In these dreams, now, I can really hear characters speaking to me. In the past, I would assume I know their intentions and very rarely they would convey their messages to me using words. Usually some symbols and they assume I must know what I must do in these dreams.
  3. I've had this rather embarrassing problem lately, which is that I get very frightened at night before going to sleep. I feel encroached upon in the darkness, and like someone or something else is nearby, lurking in the shadows... lol Anyway, I've also had almost a week straight of the same basic dream. There is something or someone unfamiliar lurking around the house, but I can never seem to catch him. He's very sneaky. Last night I decided to wear my socks to bed. I'm not sure why. I never do this. They just felt so damn good. And I had the feeling they would help me keep some of my energy while sleeping, as I often fall too deeply into rest and have a difficult time turning back on. Anyway, I slept better and experienced the following: Last night in the dream, I actually caught up with this guy - the man lurking in the shadows. I don't remember how I got outside, but I was in my front yard when I saw him running through some bushes. I haven't left the house yet in this series, so that stood out as significant. It was night time but the street was well-lit by some imaginary street lights my mind set up. I followed the guy until we were on the boarder of the yard and the street. He was holding something like a cane/umbrella and pretending it was loaded with some kind of bullet or magic dart, and he was threatening me with it. He was standing by something like a transparent blackish-silver hearse that I barely took notice of - I'm not even sure it was there. But I noticed that he was holding my dog, Picasso, protectively. He was basically kidnapping my fucking dog. I didn't fight him or anything, our confrontation was largely energetic. I contemplated him and his weapon and He seemed to be on some megalomanic trip of esoteric proportions. I felt that all he could really do is delay the inevitable: that he was to fuck off, apologize, grovel, and give back the dog to me. I drifted out of the dream at some point, without any particular conclusion, but with a very happy feeling that I had found this fucker who has been causing me sleep anxiety every night. No idea what it means.
  4. There is some interest in it. Dream topics pop up relatively often, this would be a place for deeper discussion on aspects of dreamwork, as well as an e classroom with joint reading assignments and exercises. Perhaps it could be a subforum under Group Studies? Any place it'd fit in without cluttering up the board. If it doesn't have a self sustaining group by the end of a year, we could stash it away.
  5. Like all of my dreams, they are very lucid and vivid. At the moment, I am trying to sort out my career issue. Looking for something long term and meaningful. Basically, in this dream, I was back at my old work place. I was with this company for a long time. But my work location isn't there anymore. It has been moved. Yet, I am dreaming about this same place. In this dream, I realized I don't work for this company anymore. Yet, I find myself going into this old place and getting ready to work. I even have keys to open the front door. While I was getting ready to work in this place and knowing that I don't work for the company anymore. Is a strange feeling. Is like you know what is happening and know how to do certain tasks but you know you shouldn't be there. In this dream, it was a quiet day and not much to do throughout the whole day (another interesting aspect here is that I was experiencing a whole full day of work in maybe 15 minutes to 30 minutes of dreaming). There was a staff with me and I was told that the upper manager is visiting. I got a phone call about he is visiting me. On the phone, I mistook him for someone else, a woman and my first upper manager. On the phone, he asked if either he or me needed a break. I said to him I needed a break since I was at work since the early morning. He finally showed up and his name is Mom or something sounding like Mom or Mont. I don't recognize him. I tried to explain to him why I was here, in the old work place....that I was trying to get a job with the company. At first, he didn't take me seriously until I told him about my work experiences. Is someone trying to give me a "break" in my future career path and I have to prove myself through my work experiences? Is my mind telling me I should go back to work for my old company?? Hahahaha... But the work location isn't there anymore. Or the dream itself is a metaphor for something representing something in my future? Why my mind is using my old work place to tell me something about my future? Obviously, in the dream, I was aware that I don't work for the company but somehow my mind is drawn back to it for a reason.
  6. Start a Dream School here?

    We seem to have many members interested in dream work. I'm imagining a Tao Bums Dream school. There'd be a live chat 3 days a week. Tues, Thurs and Sunday, at 10:00 Central Standard time(?). And perhaps its own PPF. Dreams, books and techniques would be discussed. Is there interest in it. I would be. Particularly if we had a good leader. Or a leader could evolve, or it could be leaderless. There'd be reminders of it on the 3 nights it went live. Any interest?
  7. Ok, this may seem childish, but I had a dream yesterday and wanted to know if it meant anything. I am not new to dreams and I like them quite a lot, but this one I dreamed about a buddha statue. I dreamed that I was outside and it was raining a lot. On the ground in the mud, I found a little buddha statue, a little more in height than my outstretched hand. The buddha was a standing figure and on the neck of the buddha was a chain attached and at the end of the chain was a shovel. Both chain and shove were not made out of gold contrary to the rest. When I picked up the statue I marveled at it's beauty. It seemed it was radiating a brilliant glow. In my dream I thought that it would look beautiful in my bed chamber. When I woke up this morning and remembered the dream, I was a little sad to find that no there was no buddha statue in my room. This was the first time I ever dreamed about something buddha related and throughout a lot of the day yesterday I chanted "Namo ami tuofo"
  8. Is interesting. Don't need to express your condolences because it is not needed. I never have any attachment to her. It is even less, or non-existence, after I have found my Dharma gate at the age of 18. She was the one who initiated the cycle of Karma to my family. After my kundalini energy rising and to have penetrated the first skandha of forms, I felt like I have no family members, period. I still feel like I have no family members. I respect my parents because they didn't give me hard times when my life wasn't going well. I never want to see them suffer. Ironically, I have been persistently dreaming about this European old lady and she has a pair of blue eyes. In a way, I felt like she was my grandma that I never really have. Yet, I felt like I and her shared something deeper. This figure only showing herself after my "enlightenment" though, some 15+ years ago. The other day I dream of her and asking me "how would you like your old self back?" She said this because she was my "boss." Is interesting that 2 days ago I dream that my father was taking money away from me because he needed the money to fix my grandma's teeth. I was furious when I realized he was using my money this way. A teeth dream would often represent death in the family, especially dealing with dreaming about losing one's teeth. Because I have no attachment to her, I didn't dream of losing my teeth. Instead, I dream of her losing her own teeth (this may imply that her sons and daughters would not miss her much). And I was told that she just passed away today at the age of late 80s and she has terminal cancer. Great, I have to attend her funeral. This is the person who brought so much suffering, jealousy, and contempt to her family members. No, she never believed in the Dharma because she was still hording all of her material possessions. I doubt that she would leave anything for her Dharma warrior grandson (me). She was as mean as ever even to her home nurse. Sigh...... Wondering if I would see her spirit in my dreams......something I doubt since we have a completely different consciousness vibrational state.
  9. I wanted to tell about an experience that IIRC I had once or twice before, and maybe some dream/sleep/consciousness experts can give some insightful input. I woke up, after relatively little sleep. Wasn't sure whether to get up (tired) or continue sleep (didn't feel like falling asleep either). So I turned the lights on and after a while happened to fall asleep anyway. Then I was (apparently/probably) dreaming that I was trying to move / get up. I grabbed the alarm clock, wanting to read the time, but couldn't read what it showed because (I thought) my eyes weren't really open. I saw enough to grab the clock, but I felt so incredibly tired that trying to open my eyes was a futile struggle. Then I woke up and I was in exactly the same position as when the 'dream' started, before I grabbed the clock. The room, the lighting, it was all identical in dream and reality. The supposedly last thing I saw before falling asleep transitioned right into the dream state. But naturally I don't exactly remember the moment of falling asleep, so I'm not sure whether I moved at all during sleep. My position suggested that none of the arm movements transitioned into the physical. It was interesting, and as I said, I had this phenomenon of reality bleeding into the dream state before, apparently triggered by falling asleep again with the lights on.
  10. Mudras for Malas and Dream

    Had some pretty cool experiences recently while spontaneously experimenting with the dhayana mudra. I was really quite impressed with the power and flow of energy it generated…..yet i barely even noticed it in my earlier periods of practice when i experimented a lot with this stuff. I was wondering does anyone know any good Mudra for enhancing ones ability in dreamwork, lucid dreaming, remembering dreams….etc. I would appreciate any pointers. Also i do a bit of Mala work….which naturally takes up one hand. Are there any effective one handed mudras that compliment mala work, and if so what are there effects. Any valid advice wold be much appreciated. My 2 cents, Peace
  11. I feel inherently, that one moment I will awaken within the 'real world' in the same way lucid I have become during the dream state lucid a multitude of times.
  12. Hello. I just had quite an intense dream and wondered if anyone could tell me a bit about it. Background Information about myself (feel free to skip): I have recently started meditating and am a beginner. However I have had (at least this is what I think they are) lucid dreams for many years before I started meditating. They were paralysis dreams where I dream I am lying in my bed but cannot seem to move. I always used to try and wake up by rolling off the bed or something but I always reappeared in the same spot if this makes any sense at all. It was such a mission to break out of my sleep and such a relief when I did. I believe this all started many years ago when I was around 16 years old. My Grandpa had died and 2 weeks later my uncle (who I had never met before but who always wanted to meet me) died as well.This possibly sparked my first spiritual experience where I had paralysis in my sleep about a week later and I heard this voice was calling out my name. It was very creepy at the time and I didn't think at all that maybe it was one of their spirits contacting me, although in retrospect I think that is likely. The next night, I had a dream where I had a premonition about my own death and instantly had instense dream paralysis in my room. Then this black blotch appeared near the upper corner of the room and started growing and growing. It felt like death was coming to take me or something. If anyone has any interpretation on this, it would be appreciated but not altogether too important since it was so long ago. Since then I have had sleep paralysis on a regular basis but it has become less intense. It used to feel like there was this strong force pressing my whole body down before, but I don't get that anymore. It's much less dramatic now, but sometimes I feel like this force is attaching on to a part of my body which really prompts me to try and wake myself up as it's quite unpleasant. It's usually on the middle parts of my body. Sometimes a force squeezing my sides or something attaching onto my back. The experience I want to ask about: So, I was meditating today and did about 40mins. I am currently trying to work on microcosmic orbit channels. Then I went to sleep straight after meditation. I just plopped onto my bed. This was in the afternoon. I was dreaming just a regular dream, but I was quite aware I was dreaming. Then suddenly the setting changed to me being sprawled on a carpet and there was an intense vibration. It was quite a quick frequency. Not like an earthquake or anything. More like a phone's vibration, except it wasn't pulsing. I think it was everywhere at first (around the room and my body), but then I think it changed to mainly being in my throat and mouth area. This got me quite alarmed at first. But then I calmed down and I appeared in my room lying on the bed in the paralysis state again. There was vibrations for a short bit but stopped, at which point I just tried to get myself awake again as usual. This may have been accompanied by a few pleas of help to god during the vibrations with any strength that I had. . I'm wondering was this some detrimental affect of going to sleep straight after meditation or perhaps it has no spiritual connection.
  13. Dream and Qi

    Hey all, maybe some of you guys can help me out interpreting this whole experience. I've been practicing Tien Tao Chi Kung lately, and I`m following Roger Hagood's advice of gently focusing on the lower dantien throughout the day. Two nights ago I laid to sleep at night and focused on my dantien till I got to sleep. after spending a whole day focusing on the dantien it's almost sure that a night it'll be vibrating full of chi, and so it was. All of a sudden my whole body was paralized (the all common night paralysis). But this time it was different, all my surrounding was vibrating and I was slowly falling as if I was sinking in the deep sea. I had a desperate feeling with it. Suddently I was in a very vivid dream, but the details were not that important. I woke up all of a sudden, in one violent grasp of air, as if the whole dream happened whilst my lungs were empty. ------------ Next night, same procedure, went to sleep and focused on my LDT till night closed my eyes. I started dreaming... In this dream I was in a soccer field... there was a wrestling team with powerfull men training and being led by a coach... I passed by in admiration, laid down on the grass at a distance of their training. There I entered the "whole body paralysis" again. Yes I was within the dream this time. The paralysis was intense with all the vibration sensations over my body., is was particularly intense in my LDantien, this focus point then rose spontaneosly to my crown, where it started to emanate a sound as if of a waterfall. I was freaking out, very scared. Why was that sound emanating from my crown where my intent got stuck? I suddently woke up from the paralysis, I but I still was in the dream... I woke up still in the soccer field thanks to the coach of the wrestling team who was directing water at my body with a hose in an attempt to "wake me up". Apparently the sound emanating from my crown point was nothing less than the sound of the water striking it from his hose. The whole fighter team stood around me, looking at me in shock and fear. "Geese" said one of them "I surely didn`t want to be in your skin". I told them all how I admired how they represented courage and strength. Then I really woke up from this dream, in my bed... also with a sudden grasp of air, as if it all happened while my lungs were empty. During the whole morning my respiration was very gentle, almost nonexistent, may be too gentle, I don'y know. ----- But all those experiences freaked me out, it`s too terrifying. I don`t know if it was triggered because the air here is too dry or if it`s because of over practicing qigong. but if it was due to over practicing chikung it would probably be an Excess symptom in traditional chinese medicine, and my breath was actually very, very gentle, which actually looks more of a deficiency symptom. or maybe it has to do with shen.. I don`t know! But I surelly would really want to know why it is happening and what is happening energetically. I had it before, but it passed away gradually, even though I continued practicing. ----------- Doen anyone have more information about this phenomena? Anyone knows how to interpret dreams? That would be great too... Thanks alot my brothers. ----------- When it happened I was sleeping under alot of covers, and the weather is getting hot in Canada, the sun hits my apartment directly all day long, so there is alot of solar energy in the place. I passed the last 2 -3 days with this very gentle respiration, and feeling very warm on my skin.. warm and stuffy, almost stale, the air I`m breathing is feeling a little stale too. I`ll sleep with my windows open. for some reason I thing it can be related to the sun, the warmth and the dry weather.
  14. Dream Hikes

    Anyone that has hiked, climbed or backpacked in the wilderness must have a dream hike destination. Here is my first one. Mt. Whitney on the John Muir trail. I have camped out next to the glacial end moraine below Whitney (above Lone Pine).
  15. Dream Teacher...?

    A couple nights ago, I had a dream I was travelling through the far east (might have been Indonesia), looking for a specific artifact/statue in the shops. I entered a small bookstore owned by a crooked, wrinkly old man who was dressed pretty modern, in a hand tailored navy suit. He looked really old, easily over 100), but his presence felt young and familiar. I was asking for some help with the item I was searching for, which he couldn't help with. Somehow the conversation led to me asking whether he meditates. He said with a gentle accent as he pointed out the window "I meditate everyday at night with the moon shining fully in the garden here", He went on to say that he brings in the Qi with his breath(which I could actually see as a white light while he was explaining) entering at the lowest point on the sternum (between the heart and solar plexus chakra I think?), dripping down a thin cord - the same bright white colour - to the LDT, which looked like a bowl with a semipermeable skin on top, where the energy settles. I then told him about JC, the limited info I had on the first few levels, and how it's SUPER secretive. His eyes opened wide, waved his hand and laughed "very complicated! very complicated! too much! too much!", like you would to a child trying to explain something they didn't properly understand themselves. Does the method above ring a bell with anyone? It's most likely a meaningless dream, but I thought I'd share it anyway since it's rare for me to remember any details from my dreams. I kinda miss the old dude
  16. Had my first lucid dream when I was four. Lucid dreaming has been one of the cornerstones of my life. I'll go long periods without remembering a dream or not being lucid, but I've had tens of thousands of lucid and semi-lucid dreams. Some of my dreams have been more vivid than anything I've experienced in waking life with my real body. I distinguish between lucid and semi-lucid as this: lucid is full control or near full control, decision making and environment shaping; semi-lucid is aware but not influencing. So about a year or so after starting daily qigong and cultivation I had the impulse to start working in my dream state with energy cultivation as well. My intention was to work the Micro-cosmic orbit in the dream state. I would just hold the intention in my mind as I lay down. I did this daily for a few weeks and had this experience: The oddness of that multi-layered sensation sort of overloaded me and I lost the dream state and woke up smiling at the 'success'. Forward now to last Monday. I'm not working and I decide to take a nap in the middle of the day. I'm now at the age where I want to have back all the naps I didn't want when I was my son's age. So I drop off and as I'll do occasionally now, I set the intention to work with energy in my dream. Had a very unique experience. Now I've experienced sleep paralysis and full hypnagogic visions, but never had a physical manifestation on my 'real body' from a dream state sensation. Until this time. Really makes me wiggle inside to think just how far this rabbit hole goes...
  17. Hello everyone, Well I thought I would post this here since you guys are familiar with the spiritual as well as the bodies energies. OK so I have been taking hormones estrogen and progesterone plus I take sleep aids and amitriptyline. I am a guy so I think that has something to do with it. So I have been feeling great. And am able to make more jokes. The other day I was feeling good, and went to sleep, and had this dream of this young lady that was around me and my friend. I kept making her laugh. And she kept doing things. She eventually got naked and was running around. And I didn't say anything. I just ignored it. Then she came back. And I was joking around saying. Did you see that girl, she was just running right through here naked? Can you believe that? Of course I was just joking about it, and she was laughing. Knowing full well that it was her. Then I was minding my own business and she came over to me and whispered in my ear and said: "lets have sex". I got a hard on then in the morning. Meaning a threesome with my friend. And I told her that she would have to ask my friend. Knowing that he probably would not want to do that. Then i woke up. Now I have never had a threesome. Or sex with any lady. I use porn. But I have always felt that women were out of my reach from my highly Conservative Christian background. I am a funny and smart guy in real life but I have been bogged down by a pretty bad health condition. So I am wondering if any of you as Taoists have insights into this. Note I don't think any of this would have happened if I didn't take the women hormones estrogen and progesterone. Which make a women and women. They estradiol is so powerful it can even make a man grow boobs. So I can only imagine what it does to the brain. BTW estradiol is what I am taking. The way we were playing around in the dream is so like the female energy. All the things were in place for make for the perfect play of the famine. There was no just plain out sex. There was joking. And in the end she came to me and whispered in my ear which is the feminine way of initiating sex. I am not trying to sound all brag as much as I want to learn from this. I have also been feeling this really noticeable feeling of love and compassion. I have also been hearing this very subtle but beautiful music in my mind. God...... I can want for scientists to open up our hearts with real medicine that heals the soul. And no wonder Suzanne Somers says she loves hormones so much. LOL This dream was definitely out of the ordinary for me to have. Any thoughts as Taoists. about the feminine energy manifesting like this in this guys body, with my beliefs? This is very fascinating to me. Perhaps I should post this on the dream forum too.
  18. a dream

    alright, this may or may not be the place to put this but my journal is dead so... i had a very interesting dream last night in which i murdered several people, over what appeared to be several life times (i gauged this via the method of killing - grenades, machine guns, strangulation for the last one). a recurring theme throughout the dream was that i was killing people because i couldn't feel anything, i'd become completely numb (this has some bearing in reality) and hoped that maybe killing would make me feel something, anything, other than the bleak numbness. i never got caught for any of the murders and felt nothing, incidentally. i recall in vivid detail actually attending a kind of police-city meeting in which the police decided homicide was highly improbable in one of the people i killed for various reasons etc and feeling completely unaffected. i obviously saw myself attending this meeting and was in a rather birds eye perspective. this led me to killing others to live for the thrill since i felt nothing else. something interesting to note was that i told my mother i killed someone and was crafty enough to rationalize it so that it didn't really bother her, i don't know if this is showing me a part of me i don't realize exists. near the end of the dream a voice told me i had gone too far, it was a female voice, and that i must die. the following sequence was of me standing in front of an extremely vast sea without a single wave and some kind of female figure, presumably mother nature or something of the sort, reassuring me as i died. i don't know exactly how i died but it wasn't a bad thing, very natural feeling, and i didn't wake up startled at all but actually felt overjoyed and calmed. i reincarnated or something as a young korean girl in school but kept some memories and ideas of my past, nothing of the murders however. my mother was telling me she'd let me have a boyfriend and i was helping her prepare food (as the school girl). can anyone who is well versed in dream theory etc give me any idea what this is inferring? i found it a bit odd that i dreamt of killing people in a reasonable quantity and woke up relieved, mostly at the fact i was killed (?)
  19. The "Dream"

    Man, the fruit makes me want to go to nature maybe even back to the dawn of time but in the modern world I will stay dodging the materialism, trash and grime Walking around in the tropical wilderness picking ripe fruits to eat everyday what a romanticnotion, but how ideal is it, no way, can’t be done some say Now I see the world as an illusion just like in The Matrix the movie everything I thought was natural is fake even down to a simply smoothie My mind is changing I want to get away from my modern culture I don’t want to study business so I can learn to swindle people like a vulture I want to walk in the sand enjoying the sun and perfect health not stressing out about how broke I am and how I am not building mega wealth So what do I do, do I relocate and go somewhere hot or do I stay here in this concrete jungle, this beautifully diverse melting potI just don’t know, I’m broke and as it is I’m just getting by would I survive in the tropics, hey, I will never know if I don’t try It sure is a tempting, romantic, idealistic thought though will it ever happen, hey, you know it just might, I guess I’ll never know I’ll just continue to dream of tropical trees, fruits and the sun in the sky and sort out later all the when’s, how’s, maybe’s, what for’s and why.
  20. Maybe you have experiences with weird sleep states and can share your stories or give some insight. Every few months I have a peculiar sleep-related experience. Interestingly, if I really intend to let energy act freely in the head, I get results, albeit often scary. I'm unsure whether it's a necessary fear-overcoming part of my journey or something less useful. I had dreams. Not really nightmares, just some minor issue with a being pestering me, struggling a little, then regular dream scenes that didn't make too much sense, just some mixed stuff. Eventually I woke up and I don't remember exactly in what kind of state I was, but I felt compelled to turn the light on. Then with the light on and my eyes open, I lay in bed, and suddenly I noticed how insanely tired I felt. Despite eyes open and lights on, I was really struggling to not fall asleep again, and for some reason I did try to avoid that. I guess my controlling mind wasn't at all comfortable with consciously witnessing the process of falling asleep. It was clear to me that I needed to get out of bed and move if I wanted to avoid falling asleep like that, but when I had formed that thought, I already was in a weird state where I saw my room with the lights on just like a moment before, but it FELT like non-lucid dreaming. Just as if someone flipped a switch that said "dream consciousness". That moment felt a bit like endless loop logic, because afterwards I thought I had been dreaming that I tried to wake up. (Don't try to follow that line of logic, haha.) After some reflecting... I might have fallen asleep with my eyes open for a few seconds. Basically, because I was so extremely tired (no idea why) and it felt like something was pulling me back into the sleep state, I couldn't avoid falling asleep, but I could keep my eyes open, because I was more conscious than what would be normal. I would exclude that I had been disturbed in a vulnerable dream state, because my waking up felt natural and there were no noises.
  21. Nero's Guests - Sainath journalist exposes the fraud of Indian "development" as welfare for the rich which has caused a mass death ritual sacrifice -- meanwhile India exports grain at a cheaper price for European cows than sold for the domestic market.
  22. I wonder if this dream I had 2 weeks ago was a meditation case. Basically, in this dream, I was meditating. I have a nail over my head. I then used my mind to drive it through my crown. I didn't feel anything. I didn't know why I was doing it. I knew I have to do it. The nail went through my throat, to my center channel, and then existed through the left side of my ribs. Just below the heart. In the dream, I felt nothing. When I woke up, I felt nothing either. Normally, dreams dealing with the body parts would tend to have a psychosomatic effect. I had those in the past. But not with this dream. One thing I thought it was interesting was that instead of forcing something to come out, I was forcing a nail to drive through my skull. It feels like the nail was clearing something in my center channels. I am not experiencing any chi blockage physically. Maybe spiritually and psychologically I have been feeling that a bit stagnated.
  23. Interesting Dream - Interpretation..

    Woke up around 4 AM with a raging boner after seeing a brown/black lady in a bikini and a yellow snake on her shoulders. She had appeared on the computer tablet I seemed to be using. lol. It felt as if I was being empowered. Not to sure if she was trying to help me, but after waking up and then going back to sleep making sure I didn't wet myself. I then had another dream. A very hateful dream concerning a relative of mine, a grudge I have been holding it seems. I grabbed a can of hair spray and a piece of mail. Ran to this kitchen, lit the paper on fire from the stove, (all of this I was thinking to do IN the dream ) then ran back to my relative and attempted to burn him by using the hair spray can as a flame thrower... It didn't seem to be working and I then decided to choke this relative and tell him why I was mad at him. I told him I was pissed at him for buying black magick candles and using them on his own family and then making up lies to hurt his own family. I was squeezing him soo hard that he ended up exploding and I then told my other relatives that I solved the problem... My vision then changed to a strange multicolored bird in the sky by a tree, with multiple layers of different colored feathers. This bird pissed me off for some reason. I took my hands and shot an energy ball at it and said f*ck you. I then saw a bunch of surgeons working on my heart. It had a huge black gash in the middle of it, as if it was cut open. Probably why it hurts. What is the best way of getting rid of hate, anger, and aggression? I've tried to practice restraint and not be a violent person, but when your subconscious goes into overdrive like this... I guess I need to express myself a bit more. I also saw two other black women before I woke up from my dream sequence. No idea who they were. Never seen them in my waking life. Were these voodoo goddesses or some thing? I also heard some one say that the snake turned white telepathically while I was still half asleep.
  24. nevermind, as soon as I wrote it I understood it.
  25. Analyse a dream

    So it seems that lately I've been pretty active in the occult scene in my dreams. Latest, I dreamt I broke two curses that different people had placed on me. The dream narrator also told me I'd been through the kundalini twice. There were a bunch of symbolic objects, a heavily underlined book that looked like a paperback 'how to' of curse breaking which I'd definitely buy if I could recall the title :-) and the realization that my mother is actually a real witch. She was one of the people who had placed a curse. The big curse. The other person had just put a little one on me and they know who they are (apparently) and not to do it again or I'll use a bunch of mirrors on them:-) I also dreamt I'd left my luggage in a different city, but that part I get. Anyone want to take a stab at analysis?