
Starman returns

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I am hoping to get to the seminar in Canada but ill see if not i hope alot of TTB goes and supports her system as well Max's but i dont think she will draw in a bigger crowd then Max as he has made a huge name off Kunlun and people will want to feel a transmission or expect to be or seen people be thrown around.


I do think that Jennys seminar by the sounds breakdown what you will feel and also how it heals the body according to the elements. This is why i think its better to have her theories of knowing what the hell is happening and what to know when something arises from it. I dont know if Max breaksdown all of this but so far no one of the Kunluners know what type of Qi it is or isnt. When Jenny will be sharing all this!


That is my humble opinion!



Spirit Ape,

You have some interesting views of Jenny and Max.


Just so you know, they are extremely fond of each other. Jenny supports Max 100% and is very happy that he is the one getting this practice out to the world.


Jenny is amazing and she will teach you level 1, but that is pretty much it. She has her reasons which she will probably explain in her class.


You see Max taught her his stuff and she taught him her stuff. They have enhanced each other by sharing practices.


Much of Max's knowledge and his stories come from his teachers so she won't explain things in the same way or be able to elaborate much on Max's perspective and vice-versa.


The three levels of her teacher's method have remained intact with the exception of level 3 which Max has enhanced with the arm/energy cycling movements. Hers is just a seated, emptiness meditation.


Max is considered the master technician by his teachers and they recognize that he has spent many a lifetime as a master practitioner (he would never use the term "master" himself mind you). They knew he would go out and teach these things and they are quite pleased, otherwise their knowledge would die. The West needs it now and he is one Westerner who can bridge the gap.


Also, if you don't think you will feel her "transmission", you may be in for a big surprise. Knocked me out for 36 hours.


Max on the other hand is doing a lineage transmission from his Maoshan and Wudang lineages. People need to understand what that is. What he is doing is introducing a frequency (for lack of a better term) or an energetic pattern (like a fu) that can lie dormant in you like a seed. When you do your practice you are feeding that seed with the exact energy it needs to cultivate. As it grows and your body begins to match the frequency of what you have been given, the information that has been transfered to you from the masters that came before, becomes available to you.


And while Max does not emphasize theory he does explain how the many practices he teaches work in the body and he does discuss the elements involved pretty extensively. So, that too is a misconception.


This "complete system" Jenny was taught involved the three levels in our book and not much else. You see her teacher was not someone you asked questions of. He gave it and left you to find your own understanding. She didn't even know the "original" name of the practice until a month ago. For her own reasons we will not reveal that. It only matters for reasons not relevant to the practitioner.


You will not find any information on the practice because her teacher only taught her and he is now, according to her, "the top teacher in China." He is known for never teaching his secret stuff to anyone (except he taught her).


Jenny is great. We love her. You will have fun.


As far as the combination of practices goes, Max has found that Kunlun level 1 opens the energy, Red Phoenix from Maoshan controls the energy in a very specific way and then there is another practice that amplifies the energy, but the latter is not readily given.


Kunlun and Red Phoenix are all that is needed to attain the Gold Dragon (light) body. It doesn't take long, but you must be clear in what you want and you must be brave. The mirror can be a scary place when the fullness of what you are is revealed to you.


The physical changes come quickly and can be alternately uncomfortable and very blissful. It ain't all butterflies and fairies. You must face the dark stuff within and deal with it. It is there for a reason and you can't progress without learning what it is it has to teach you.


This is why piety is a trap and various other creations of the ego can be traps. IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU HAVE FOOLED THE WORLD, ultimately you have to face yourself: all of what you are.


So again, very simply, you open all of the energetic channels with Kunlun and you direct the energy with Red Phoenix activating the wisdom of the secret square inch or crystal palace.


You can reach very empty states where you feel as though you are dissolving. If you find yourself teetering on that threshold and you are brave enough to go with it, you may dissolve physically into light.


Good luck with your quest.



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Thanks for the breakdowns Chris, level 3 meditation you mention Max added the hand movements did this include the mudras cause i actually dont mind mudras? Also is the level 3 meditation on waterfall or just plain emptiness?


I wasnt aware that Jenny does transmission for this type of chi kung or does she have a transmission for her other practices or all? Also is it similar to Max's transmission how he does it or completely different!


Im hoping to make it to Jennys if not ill have to try and make it another time or when Max passes through to understand it more.


Thanks for your honest reply


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You said little to nothing about you and your sorcerer's path.


Interesting you say that when Ian points out that almost every post of mine is an advertisement. I have described bits and pieces of the path in most posts here, including the ones about energy healing. I write this way so that people with different perceptions see different things. How carefully do people read between the lines? How much do they care and how much do they have invested.


I wonder what do you really want.


Well this is going to sound corny, but what motivates me the most is I like justice and I want people to be free.


And yes, all this, including the link to the description of climbing in the mountains, and everything else I write, is me baring my soul. ... and speaking of souls, have we ever got a show for you people =)


Also, I wrote some descriptions in some other threads, which I will look for now.

Edited by Starjumper7

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Here's a post I wrote in the 'Traditional versus modern' thread.

These last posts are great! Here's another way to look at it. Some aspects of chi kung are so holistic that one technique or set of techniques does many many things on many different levels. For example in my system one movement will frequently work on physical stretching and strengthening, opening the meridians, posture work (due to slowness of movement) and using the hands as energy tools (sometimes called massaging the aura) ... and of course it's all meditation all the time.


Now if someone tried to cover all the bases of the one technique they could write a book about it, but they don't, do they? They'll normally tell you about one piece of it, maybe two. This creates expectations in the student and the student then focuses on only this one aspect. It closes them to more discovery and effectively shuts the door on broader development. It creates a student who expects to be spoon fed instead of making it a path of wonderous self discovery. There is so much to discover and there is so much depth. You don't create masters by spoon feeding students, you create puppets. So the verbose 'modern' teachers are robbing their students of most of the benefits.


On the other hand some teachers can describe some details of posture of a movement and they aren't breaking that rule ... too much. It can shut the door to discovery of variations, which is part of the path to formless. My teacher didn't do that either. There was NO talking during exercise, EVER. If the student wasn't observant they simply missed the boat and the boat then sailed away without them. My teacher only had a few students, and he was a true grand master. And what does a master do? He creates masterpieces. Sometimes though he would get in a student's face and exagerate part of a posture which the student was oblivious to but he hardly ever did that, the boat simply sailed away.


After class though, we would sometimes sit around for hours and talk about all kinds of things. Energy discussions, experiments with energy, healing techniques, ghost stories, and he would answer any and all questions - no secrets. We normally knew better than to ask questions like "what does this movement do?"

Edited by Starjumper7

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I didn't knew your age before I saw those picks of you.

And it still does not add up.

You should know by now that there's no such thing as freedom.

Or truth.

What exists could be described as a colorfull Enormous diversity of living things and beings, on various stages of development, that this diversity matches up within itself, by laws that man can understand and adapt to. Even this "truth" cannot grant any supplemental "freedom".

Also, there's not clarity inside your posts to carry out your goal, whatever that is, to it's completion, on this forum.

Besides advertising against new-age practice, what else do you want?

I still wonder what you really want.



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I think the best thing to do here, to discuss kunlun, is just to discuss things that are already rather well known by most and just do a little adding of 2 + 2. I will also add some things, maybe later, that discuss less well known things, but things that are still in the literature of the ancients and that some of you know, either as facts, or in your soul.


I spoke of people as victims and as being poisoned earlier, I see it is called the kunlun worm. I never heard of the kunlun worm until I started this thread, and that, Little 1, refers to something that happens to people with a wide open crown point (which is also a prime part of the my path of the sorcerer) and that is that sometimes if you want to know something it just falls in your lap.


Let me say, to start with, that since I am aware of the nature of the kunlun worm, that those who have been seeded with it will have difficulty accepting this, but anyway, here goes.


Cat, I hope this reaches you with an open mind, and please tell me, on what part of your body did Max touch you and what was your experience of it briefly.


Ooh! Thanks Scotty. Reading about other peoples' experiences they talk of a 'Kunlun worm' inside of them and even if they don't practice, the practice doesn't leave them alone.

There isn't a kunlun worm inside of us. But there is a constant sensation of the transmission energy. Is there an off switch for it? Maybe people should make the right choice when deciding if they want to practice this.


So here we see that those who have received a transmission report being inoculated with something. Something that is there to stay, Something embedded deep in their soul, something they probably can't get rid of it even if they wanted too. Is that something you all signed up for?


What exactly is the nature of this worm? I'm sure many have sung it's praises, because that's one of the things the worm just makes you want to do.


However, students of the English language will tell you about the way people subconsciously use language. People will tell you many things that come from their subconscious with out being consciously aware of it and so it is with the word 'worm'. WORM, when it refers to something that is inside you, ALWAYS refers to a parasite, always. So while the eager student was receiving their energy shock they had a parasite installed. Many people will tell you that unauthorised energy work of any kind is like rape, and so this is serious.


I DIDN'T SAY IT, I just interpreted what students report freely.


In the energy healing posts that Stig and I wrote we spoke of voluntary and involuntary energy work, but for those that can read between the lines, we were also speaking about the energies of transmission. They pick up a piece of whoever it is that just delivered that energy shock their brain.


The question we all need to ask ourselves now is, who installed what. Was it done by a god, was it done by a divine messenger, was it done by a crafty coyote, or was it done by a demon?


Or is the truth somewhere in between.


AND is this a chance YOU want to take?


Lets call the worm a name, Lets call it the worm of love and affection, that will put a nice spin on it - for now :)


Keep in mind, that not only do no other kunlun teachers do such a thing, but no chi kung teacher does it.

Edited by Starjumper7

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I totally understand and agree with starjumper about transmission especially if the person isnt truely a genuine person things can be given in transmission that the student has no idea about what they are getting. Ive seen this done by a Chi Kung master here from Yum San Pai (Yin Mountain Sect) and his student didnt pay him some money for his treatment and said cause he initated that student with a transmission he will Fa Gong and make that student sick with cancer. So yeah what Starman is saying has alot of truth!


Good point Starjumper!!!


Spirit Ape

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Hi Starjumper

As I stated before - you may have missed it - I would love to see a clip of your form.

I do not practice kunlun


Thanks mythmaker. I did make a video of myself doing some Chen style Tai Chi but um, I need to do a lot of apologizing for it :)


The Tai Chi I studied for many years is Yang style, but we learned the 'internal' to such an extent that the Chen flavor (which expresses a more internal aspect of the flavor) began to express itself more and more in my Yang style. Luckily I was able to study Chen style with Master Gao Fu for six months, and then I dropped out due to a knee injury, then six months later I went back for about four months, and then she went back to china and passed away. So I didn't get a lot of instruction. I LOVE Chen style, and was so lucky to have learned it from such a good person with such a grasp on the internal. Such a sweet little old lady she was, but man! she could really do a fajin!


She was a very thorough teacher, she would teach a move in great depth and then she would stand there, right in front of you, and watch you like a hawk while you did it, and she would point out any infinitesimally small error. Well, I'm here to brag, I got to a point where she would frequently not correct me even though she corrected everyone else, I'm not sure why.


Anyway, this video I have is NOT technically correct Chen. I changed the stepping pattern frequently to stay in front of the camera, I only learned 1/3 of the short form, so it is but a piece of the form, and there is one move that i do way wrong, and I know it's wrong, and I did it because I thought it was cool. It also includes a dog walking around and me scratching my nose during part of the form.


So enough apologies, what the video shows, hopefully is my flavor of flowing and fajin, and that is all, my flavor. It's on youtube but has a 'hidden' name.


I was in the mountains and I made a video of myself doing chi kung, spontaneous chi kung, yanf style, chen style, and yang style broadsword. Now I just have to see if I can figure out how to get the video onto my computer, because it appears to not be working right now.


Also I was thinking of making some brief videos that show pieces of my chi kung system and numbering then with a number system that goes from one to ten thousand =)


OK, so here's the video =) remember, I only learned it for ten months, then didn't practice much for a couple of years, then made the video. I can see it has a lot of mistake and I feel I have improved in many areas so please just hopefully enjoy the flowing and the nice music. The first part shows more fajin and the second part shows more of the flowing flavor.


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What exactly is the nature of this worm? I'm sure many have sung it's praises, because that's one of the things the worm just makes you want to do.


Man, I don't know what to say. :blink: This is not my experience.


I will wait to see more of what you are saying, SJ.

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Starjumper, for example, has never met Max. But has a feeling that Max is sinister. It's not an opinion based on any experience with Max but he has a feeling. Can we really say if Starjumper didn't just eat a bad burrito that gave him indegestion and he mistook that feeling for Max being sinister? Or maybe Max resembles a high school bully that used to abuse him and this is some strange way for him to get back at that guy.


But this sort of thing isn't based on his experience with Max or in other words based on reality. It's based on his imagination.


Quite an imagination, yes? I will write some truth now, naked truth. Which, if Little one is watching, also refers to the path of the sorcerer.

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I am fine with you saying whatever you want. But how about you say what you know/feel about this and leave the constant, direct insults towards you know who out for awhile?





Edited by Cameron

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I am fine with you saying whatever you want. But how about you say what you know/feel about this and leave the constant, direct insults towards you know who out for awhile?






Thanks, I will try harder to do that.

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Here's another video from the movie Himalaya. That was a great movie, of love and of tragedy, I recommend it to all, and the soundtrack is fantastic, I bought the CD.


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Thanks mythmaker. I did make a video of myself doing some Chen style Tai Chi but um, I need to do a lot of apologizing for it :)


The Tai Chi I studied for many years is Yang style, but we learned the 'internal' to such an extent that the Chen flavor (which expresses a more internal aspect of the flavor) began to express itself more and more in my Yang style. Luckily I was able to study Chen style with Master Gao Fu for six months, and then I dropped out due to a knee injury, then six months later I went back for about four months, and then she went back to china and passed away. So I didn't get a lot of instruction. I LOVE Chen style, and was so lucky to have learned it from such a good person with such a grasp on the internal. Such a sweet little old lady she was, but man! she could really do a fajin!


Anyway, this video I have is NOT technically correct Chen. I changed the stepping pattern frequently to stay in front of the camera, I only learned 1/3 of the short form, so it is but a piece of the form, and there is one move that i do way wrong, and I know it's wrong, and I did it because I thought it was cool. It also includes a dog walking around and me scratching my nose during part of the form.


So enough apologies, what the video shows, hopefully is my flavor of flowing and fajin, and that is all, my flavor. It's on youtube but has a 'hidden' name.


I was in the mountains and I made a video of myself doing chi kung, spontaneous chi kung, yanf style, chen style, and yang style broadsword. Now I just have to see if I can figure out how to get the video onto my computer, because it appears to not be working right now.


Also I was thinking of making some brief videos that show pieces of my chi kung system and numbering then with a number system that goes from one to ten thousand =)


OK, so here's the video =) remember, I only learned it for ten months, then didn't practice much for a couple of years, then made the video. I can see it has a lot of mistake and I feel I have improved in many areas so please just hopefully enjoy the flowing and the nice music. The first part shows more fajin and the second part shows more of the flowing flavor.



Thanks SJ7

No need to apologize.

It's very good for 10 months. Your movement is connected and flowing.

I can sense your internal power. The details are not important.

They would naturally improve with further study.

Much better than my five month old chen :)

Edited by mYTHmAKER

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I will write some truth now, naked truth. Which... also refers to the path of the sorcerer.


Starjumper, you may want to reconsider defining yourself as a "sorcerer". here is the dictionary definition of sorcerer


Sorcerer: One who practices Sorcery. - Sorcery: the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits especially for divining :


It comes across as somewhat ironic to me that you mercilessly judge Max as being sinister and evil and talk of him "poisoning" people and this "kunlun worm" acting like an energetic parasite, yet you classify yourself as a "sorcerer" and are actively seeking disciples of your own...


I'm not one to preemptively strike at others, but I have been reading you personally attack Max ( and by extension, his students) for many pages here, and so far, all of your attacks only seem to bring negative attention to you. You sound to me like you are competing with him. this type of competition for attention is not usually attributed to master wizards or sorcerers such as yourself.


In terms of energetic attacks, In my experience no one can poison another's energy without their permission (conscious or unconscious). You have alluded to wanting to avoid "Psychic attack" from others. A master sorcerer or wizard doesn't fear this.


It feels to me like you would like to have what you see Max as having (students who admire and respect him), so instead of being able to get it yourself, you attack the one whom you wish you could be like. I think in psychological circles, they call this "projection" All in all, based on what I've read (and felt) in your comments, It makes me want to ask... Has someone hurt you?...

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