Spirit Ape

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About Spirit Ape

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    Dao Bum

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  1. ...making cloth or wood vibrate intensely in the past only happened when I calmly and intensely focused on putting the BDG energy thru wood or cloth. But yesterday, for the first time, it was spontaneous and unintended.

  2. Hi Si-hing Garry, This week was total hell for me. And it's spread to the weekend.But I can Skype with you Sunday evening PST (tonite). Let me know when is a good time for you. Hope you're well.

    Yesterday, after doing GM's 10-Hook Eagle Claw form, I noticed that 40 minutes afterwards when i was holding a thick bathroom towel slowly drying my hands, the whole towel was vibrating...

  3. Hi Garry,

    i sent you an earlier PM to your WBBM address.

    Which screenname do you want me to PM you with? This address or your WBBM?

    btw, how do you like my Flying PHoenix banner ads on thetaobums.com? Best, Terry

  4. Hi Sihing Garry, May use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in my forthcoming book on FP Qigong? To be official, I will need your signed approval/clearance. Thanks very much. Terry P.S. I will list all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page at front of book.

  5. ...May I quote your comments on taobums in my book on FP Qigong? How's your Burning Palm book coming along? I'm sure it's farther along than my FP book, which is in several pieces and needs tons of editing. Again, I'll be glad to write you a nice forword when you need it.

    all the best,


    P.S. Not to worry: the screwups& communications breakdowns of past ...

  6. btw, have had time to dig up the advanced Flying Phoenix footage? I'm still eager to see it. I will assemble another set of footage of GMDW and try to find time to have myself taped doing some demo's of the BDG energy. After mercury goes direct on Sept. 12, my energies will be at peak levels. (enough of this merc. retrograde already).

    Also Garry, may I quote some of you comments p...

  7. when the discussion thread got diverted with that idiot rant by "hundun" running down A. Crowley, I completely overlooked the youtube link that you posted about the documentary on Crowley's Boleskin House at Loch Ness.I just now viewed it (all 4 parts)and thoroughly enjoyed it. The melodramatic effects & music aside,I loved it. Especially to hear Crowley's recorded voice at ...

  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    The secret is with in the breath percentages that go for that meditation, the amount of oxygen triggers the chemicals in the brain according to GMDW! Great to see so many people taking up GMDW FP System, Sifu would be very proud of you Sihing Terry. Sifu Garry
  9. Who is still doing this? Yoda??
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Awesome!!! Thanks for putting up your feedback on FP practice, remember to take 3 breath to exit the meditations I know Sifu Terry has told you all on here many of time but that is a golden rule in the BFP meditations (Usually unless its for a different purpose meditation). regards Sifu Hearfield
  11. Who still does Kunlun?

    Interesting to see who on TTB's has kept up with there Kunlun training I know Scotty does anyone else only trains Kunlun? Was just wondering since its been very non kunlun here for a while now!!! Ape
  12. Two sexy Iron Palm breaks

    Breaking is important to test your technique and hands or feet at the same time helps to focus your mind! Some like it some dont, just like forms vs formless....
  13. Two sexy Iron Palm breaks

    Have you tried breaking coconuts, they are fun and I think much harder skill to accomplish, but that was a very nice job, well done!? Here is some Is some I did couple of months ago, enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbM9MJgEQIk Ape
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Terry Sifu (Sihing), Apart from Fung Do Duk its been passed down within the family I think Doo Tin Yin was the ancestor that learnt BFP from FDD, BUT it wouldnt be known much at all as it was purley a family secret system no outsiders was allowed to see or learn it. The Bak Mei comes from Bak Mei Dao Ren to hung Mo (redhair daoist), and was absorbed into the Doo Family and has nothing to do with other Bak Mei family tree's like CLC or HHH of Yau Kung Mun. This is what attracted me to learning it completely is that it may share some name of forms but the form is completely different and uses complete different energy to what I have learnt in other Bak Mei / YKM arts. It also has seated, standing, moving meditations, cotton body (iron body) health, 4 cutting hands of the willow leaf palm, p/eye + Dim ma/yuet points, cotton & iron palm, 8 methods of divine force, 2 man toi sau and more. So it would be something like this asa family tree - Bak Mei Dao Ren, Hung Mor (red hair daoist), doo family grand father, doo wai's father, GMDW, and then Myself. Your Flying Phoenix was indeed a healing Chi kung system that FDD attained through meditation and was visited by a Goddess and I think im right that after he woke so many years had passed. Your productions are the best out there mate, wish I was that talented to get my dvds done in that quality. regards Sifu Garry
  15. A korean end times prophecy....

    Very interesting, is there any other Dafa taught in China?