Li Jiong

How can we survive the coming disasters?

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This isn't about any cults, its about opening your eyes to what is going on around you...


This isn't about 2012 or meteors or global warming even... its about the collapse of our free world, via fascism. This isn't going to end well, and everyone who see's whats coming is preparing....


Its not about keeping your eyes open, its about where you look.


In my life things have been much worse then they are now. In my youth huge tracts of forrests were destroyed by acid rain. Great Lakes like Lake Erie were so polluted they caught fire.


There were wars where 10's of thousands died each day. Famines that killed millions, periods where nuclear war was considered probable and the nuclear powers were in an active though cold war.


Fascism, do you know what it was like in the 1930's. If you think its worse now then it was then, we live in different worlds with different history books and our elders have consistantly lied to one of us. You do understand in those times you'd be rounded up and killed for stating any subversive thoughts about the goverment.


Its been a hell'uva lot worse then it is now. If you don't realize that, you don't know your history. There have always been people preaching the end of the world. If thats what you believe, fine.


I'm just saying don't burn your bridges. Prepare, but don't do anything that so drastic you'ill be hurt if the world doesn't collapse.



I'm bowing out of this conversation. But out of curiosity. How long do we have left?

Just so I can write HA HA, later.

Or perhaps meet you in the smoldering ruins of civilization and, when you say, you were right, I can ask for a hard copy of this conversation.






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I say that I want to help as many savable people as I can, the unworthy ones are not included. As we know, just the greed of those unworthy ones result in a so bad situation, they will have to pay for their foolish greed. I am very happy the unworthy ones are turning off, and the savable ones are coming in without so much noise.



So, because I am 'turning off' to what you are offering I am unworthy of being saved?

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So, because I am 'turning off' to what you are offering I am unworthy of being saved?

No, you put the cause and effect upside down. The truth is because you are unworthy of being saved, you will certainly be 'turning off'.

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Li Jiong, you need to reassess your approach brother.


There are many serious cultivators here. Probably more of them would have purchased your book without all the doom and gloom apocolyptic talk. It is a big turn off. Why would I want to learn more about standing meditation and Taoism from someone who sounds so unbalanced? The sky is going to be on fire? Man if I wanted to listen to that I would go join an extreme fundamentalist church not do Taoist practice.


But to be fair to Li, I think we should revisit this thread in five years and concede that he was right or(most likely)that he was wrong and his doomsday approach is not the way to get people enthusiastic about meditation and qigong :blink:


All the best in any case.

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No, you put the cause and effect upside down. The truth is because you are unworthy of being saved, you will certainly be 'turning off'.



Your response is very revealling. Nothing more needs to be said.

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Ok. Well, all the best in any case. Who knows, maybe you are really an immortal and most(?)of humankind will be drowned shortly.


I hope the people who practice your system get some benefit in any case.


I'll keep practicing what I learned from Max and remain optimistic about the future.


Though I guess you are optimistic about things after the worldwide flooding and fire in the sky :unsure:

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Hi Li Jong,

I'v been diggin pretty deep into these rabbit holes for quite a few years now.


Apparently, im one of the lucky few who remembers the birth process.. very early memories, and easy past life recall. I have known since I was born, that me and a whole lot more of us in the last hundred years or so incarnated specifically to save Earth.

That stuff I know for sure.

What is fuzzy though, are the probability pathways that events may take. If all that ever was, is, or could be.. is in fact happening right NOW.. it makes you wonder about 'potentiality'..


5 years before now, a mushroom trip fast forwarded me (within) about 50 years of the present. Humans had awakend dormant abilties, the earths biomagnetic field had been irreversibly damaged by mobile phone and technological radiation.. the 5 elements all but perverted into diseased, concrete, steel and microchipped extensions of greed.

What became obvious is how important the training of the mind is to surviving the disasters. Matter has always been flexible, but if Earth loses her grip on this area of the space/time matrix there is more to be concerned with than Earths purging process. What alarmed me most, was the crossing of worlds. The blurring of lines that mankinds evolution will inevitably effect. At present, humans seem the most destructive force on the planet.. the blackening illness of runaway process based systems. Juggernauts of ill-formed culture.


What im saying, is that I think you're gonna need Magick and siddhi's a lot more than you'll need 20 tonnes of canned baked beans and a bunker in the himalayas. As delusion slips back into itself, the higher staircases will be offered. The pearling white signposted exits will be plenty. But, only for the clear of mind.

Saying that, one must remember that 'thought' is the grandmaster of all. What is at last found on Earth 'as real', was first found in thought. Lets get a bit more choosy as to what we create. Energy goes where attention flows.


I urge ye fellow dreamweavers and technicians of reality to begin creating more powerful alternatives than investing ones precious mental energy in retarded memes. I will train my mind, cultivate my spirit and dissolve my illusions while I see a new world:

With flying foxes in tree tops of ancient old growth forests, aqua-tunnels of crystal light filled sparkling watersystems, feeding self sufficient Earth-pod communities of earth-engineered mystical technologies. Trees growing in symbiosis with chi fed mechanics, and Earth rolling as one dearly loved systems supporting systems. Governments headed by sages, schools taught by elder mages and a new return to reverence and divinity of an ancient, magickal life. Filled with mystery, awe and wonder.

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I urge ye fellow dreamweavers and technicians of reality to begin creating more powerful alternatives than investing ones precious mental energy in retarded memes. I will train my mind, cultivate my spirit and dissolve my illusions while I see a new world: ...
Nice one!


I've heard that it's good to request enlightened beings to actively intervene as they can't help unless asked (free will and all that I suppose).

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The Dao is like a river whose waters are continually rising,and the dao de jing can be likened to a survival manual,informing us that by cultivating virtue or (de),we may channel the flood and avoid being inundated.


Wonderful Zhuangzi states"that even though the flood waters rise up high to reach the sky,the Sage will not drown."


Controlling flood waters was a daunting problem foe early Chinese. The ancient mythology is permeated with references of a brother and sister who float in a giant gourd to survive a great flood and land on Kunlun Mountain. Where they procreate incestuously to give birth to the human race.


The flood itself signifies the dao's effort to assert its original,spontaneous nature within human society.where it has been civilised and to wipe the slate clean for a new beginning.


I believe that this same drama is played out eternally as humans lose their orginal nature and try in vain to control the ensuing chaos. Effectively projecting inner chaos to outer calamity.


The theme of flood and disaster eloborates the virtue of fulfilling ones true nature by aligning ones will with the will of heaven and the futility of attempting to prevent heaven from expressing it's own will.

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Maybe we should start a completely new topic or forum called the TaobumsLegion of SuperDuper Survivalists!

We can have get togethers on certain days of the week and drink lots of tea and then discuss how we can survive the destruction of the year 2012, or 2041 or whatever date each of us predict. I predict death by ignorance. I think the earth is going to implode due to the amount of ignorance around the world. Society will be similar to that of Idiocracy and then BOOM. Obviously there will always be war because humans suck right now. I just got off the phone with Mother Nature and she said she's not going to stop doing the whole hurricane thing until we learn our lesson. I'm not sure why but there's a long history of humans having a fascination with the end of the world prediction thing...crazier and crazier I tell yeah. If there is an 'end' I'm going to pull out a lawn chair and probably drink some beer. B)

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My teacher had been trying to save all the world, but finally, he found it is impossible, most people are really beyond redemption. So he gave up now.

Now we just try to help the savable ones to survive the coming disasters and build the new world after the disasters.


When I first began sincerely practicing qigong and meditation, my body and mind changed. Bound emotions began to flow then transform back into free-flowing potential. Chronic illnesses and allergies disappeared along with their binding emotions. I knew, this technology could save the world.


But people didn't listen. I told them what it had done for me. It had set me free! But who actually heard me? The more I pushed my belief on friends, family, and even strangers, the more I pushed them away. Was it because they were beyond redemption?


Eventually I stopped trying to save them. Their ears were closed. So I carried on with my life and practice. Months past. Then a strange thing happened. One day I was out with my Dad in Hood River. There's a set of stairs there that stretches from the town up into the high hills. It was a nice day so we decided to go up for a better view. The air was fresh and I felt like I was the breeze in one breath going up the mountain side. When I got to the top, I had hardly realized I left my father far far behind. Later than day over dinner he said, "you know, I saw you going up the hill today, it was like you were flying, is that from qigong?"


"It must be."


"Do you think I could learn at my age?"


And that was that. He was interested. And genuine learning is born of interest.


So now I simply life my life, practicing, improving, and friend by friend ask me what I do. Once they ask, I tell them and should they want to learn, I teach them. And sure enough my family, most friends and even grandmother today practice yoga, qigong, and/or meditation...


I guess the whole point I'm getting at is Li Jiong is right, you can't save everybody. In fact, you can't save anybody. Everyone has to save themselves. And should a person seek to be saved - I say that right there makes them savable.


You often say, "I would give, but only to the deserving."

The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pasture.

They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish.

Surely he who is worthy to receive his days and his nights, is worthy of all else from you.

And he who has deserved to drink from the ocean of life deserves to fill his cup from your little stream.

And what desert greater shall there be, than that which lies in the courage and the confidence, nay the charity, of receiving?

And who are you that men should rend their bosom and unveil their pride, that you may see their worth naked and their pride unabashed?

See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving.

For in truth it is life that gives unto life while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness.

--Khalil Gibran

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Maybe we should start a completely new topic or forum called the TaobumsLegion of SuperDuper Survivalists!

We can have get togethers on certain days of the week and drink lots of tea and then discuss how we can survive the destruction of the year 2012, or 2041 or whatever date each of us predict. I predict death by ignorance. I think the earth is going to implode due to the amount of ignorance around the world. Society will be similar to that of Idiocracy and then BOOM. Obviously there will always be war because humans suck right now. I just got off the phone with Mother Nature and she said she's not going to stop doing the whole hurricane thing until we learn our lesson. I'm not sure why but there's a long history of humans having a fascination with the end of the world prediction thing...crazier and crazier I tell yeah. If there is an 'end' I'm going to pull out a lawn chair and probably drink some beer. B)


Nah, it'd be from the LHC of course :P


But seriously, just looking around the world... there's a lot of bad stuff going on. There is a lot of ignorance, mistrust, and the like all over. It's quite disheartening...




That was an awesome story :D Great way to lead by example.

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You often say, "I would give, but only to the deserving."

The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pasture.

They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish.

Surely he who is worthy to receive his days and his nights, is worthy of all else from you.

And he who has deserved to drink from the ocean of life deserves to fill his cup from your little stream.

And what desert greater shall there be, than that which lies in the courage and the confidence, nay the charity, of receiving?

And who are you that men should rend their bosom and unveil their pride, that you may see their worth naked and their pride unabashed?

See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving.

For in truth it is life that gives unto life while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness.

--Khalil Gibran

Beautiful, thank you for quoting that.

I loved The Prophet, is that where this comes from?

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My teacher had been trying to save all the world, but finally, he found it is impossible, most people are really beyond redemption. So he gave up now.

Now we just try to help the savable ones to survive the coming disasters and build the new world after the disasters.


You're very right. Not all can be saved. In fact, if I remember rightly, current estimates claim that some 150,000 are dying from climate change each year. But I do not think that is what BigJon wants to do - we are human and are only capable of so much. As you well know, there are simply too many people to be sustained by the resources Mother Earth has made available to us... so saving them would actually be contradictary to what we are trying to achieve.


Some of us are here to ensure a smoother transition for what will remain of humanity, as opposed to saving all those that currrently dwell on this planet. Whether that be by preserving knowledge, preparing for an environmentally sustainable future and researching methods to make it a reality, warning those who will listen of what may come. Many have a role to play... you clearly know yours :) And for that I am grateful.


I had the experience of being awoken by Mother Earth about 15 months ago. Awoken, not in the sense of enlightenment, but in the sense of being informed that I am here for a specific purpose. I know of her anguish. Like you, I am doing as much in my power to help - though I would be the first to admit that we have different approaches.


Yours, with much respect,


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China will be in trouble early on--simple science. If the Tibetan glaciers melt completely, there will be no steady source of water. This will lead to famine and riots. Unless the Greenland glaciers melt away first, in which case the floods and earthquakes and volcanoes will come.


This is not apocalyptic raving, it is clear-eyed science. I am less optimistic about the Earth's ability to bounce back quickly. Still, I am practicing the Wuji standing. It does work. I am not an experienced cultivator so I don't know if all systems work this way, but his system does.

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People are so f'n stupid and wasteful.


There's so many things we could have already been doing, instead of wasting resources and creating pollution.


For example, just imagine how much drinking water & fertilizer lawns suck up! Then add in gas to mow it, with the resulting dirty exhaust pollution. Plus pesticides and herbicides. And all for what? Something we just grow and throw away...

Landscaping currently accounts for at least half of all residential water demand, according to the report.


Without new conservation efforts, the amount of water going to outdoor landscaping is predicted to rise by 1.2 million acre feet a year -- enough to serve roughly 4.8 million people. California cities and suburbs currently use about 9 million acre-feet of water a year.

When instead, we could all be planting usable crops and fruit and nut trees to help sustain us off the grid. Imagine if we all had made this one change - what an enormous difference it would make in overall national fuel consumption and pollution?


But trees must be planted years in advance to bear fruit when you need it. So, I advise everyone to start planting fruit/nut trees now in your backyard and hood. These will come in handy later. Certainly, much more useful than handfuls of dead grass!


This is just ONE small example of a small lifestyle/paradigm change that could make a BIG difference if everyone did it. There are many, many others as well...

Edited by vortex

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It's interesting how different people envision different end-of-world scenarios. Usually has to do with the way they were born and with their Wuxing phase. An asfixiated birth and the Water phase envision some kind of suffocation (methane, flood). Overheated, crazy-heart-rate sympathetic birth and Fire phase, nuclear blasts and fire from the sky. Stuck, blocked birth and Earth phase, the dying of the environment around them, piles of garbage forcing life out of the planet. Under-too-much-pressure, "squished" Metal brith, fascism, concentration camps, totalitarian repression. Exhausted-in-fighting for your life Wood birth, wars, wars, wars -- life against anti-life. Caesarean birth, expectations of intervention from the outside -- aliens, UFOs, gods, spirit helpers, etc.. (and no Wuxing imprint). Unconscious near-death birth -- no end-of-the-world beliefs, a conviction that it will somehow work out by itself -- just like it did that previous time; this is due to the fact that the unconscious life-and-death memory is not available even to the unconscious, there's a "dead zone" inside one's developmental memory.


I kid you not. People who commit suicide do it in a way that mirrors the way they were born and their phase: if there was a cord around the neck, they will hang themselves, if they were suffocating, they will put their head in the oven or drown themselves, if there was a sympathetic fight, they will shoot themselves, if there was a parasympathetic shut-down, they will take sleeping pills, and so on. Personal scenarios are usually projected onto the universal one, so all of our expectations are invariably colored by who we are and what we've been through already, in this-here life, its crucial, imprinting life-and-death beginning we don't consciously remember. (Well, I do, but I worked on that for four years... I didn't either before I did.)


Reptilians, who used to be born from an egg (before GM that gave them a live-birth option) via cracking it, however, wouldn't think twice cracking the world open, shattering it like an eggshell -- 'cause that's their genetic memory of "the way things really should be." Which is why it's the most likely scenario. They do want to do it in their very DNA. Because they never had a chance, and because that's what their DNA keeps telling them they "need to do," they will always be trying to do it. "How" they will do it, and "when," and whether they will succeed, is another story...

Edited by Taomeow

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But trees must be planted years in advance to bear fruit when you need it. So, I advise everyone to start planting fruit/nut trees now in your backyard and hood. These will come in handy later. Certainly, much more useful than handfuls of dead grass!


This is one 'army' you may want to join :)


Stay evergreen,


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Reptilians, who used to be born from an egg (before GM that gave them a live-birth option) via cracking it, however, wouldn't think twice cracking the world open, shattering it like an eggshell -- 'cause that's their genetic memory of "the way things really should be." Which is why it's the most likely scenario. They do want to do it in their very DNA. Because they never had a chance, and because that's what their DNA keeps telling them they "need to do," they will always be trying to do it. "How" they will do it, and "when," and whether they will succeed, is another story...
BRILLIANT observation, TM! B)


JAMES - That is a FANTASTIC idea! Although, I would expand it to medicinal herbs and edible crops - not just "purdy" stuff. I think everyone should start planting some shyt like this everywhere around their hoods (just be sure not to plant anything that might upset the native ecological balance, though). Cuz the more food and herbs we naturally have hanging around, the bigger the last-ditch safety net we will all have.


Start sowing all those seeds NOW, folks! B)

Edited by vortex

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When I first began sincerely practicing qigong and meditation, my body and mind changed. Bound emotions began to flow then transform back into free-flowing potential. Chronic illnesses and allergies disappeared along with their binding emotions. I knew, this technology could save the world.


But people didn't listen. I told them what it had done for me. It had set me free! But who actually heard me? The more I pushed my belief on friends, family, and even strangers, the more I pushed them away. Was it because they were beyond redemption?


Eventually I stopped trying to save them. Their ears were closed. So I carried on with my life and practice. Months past. Then a strange thing happened. One day I was out with my Dad in Hood River. There's a set of stairs there that stretches from the town up into the high hills. It was a nice day so we decided to go up for a better view. The air was fresh and I felt like I was the breeze in one breath going up the mountain side. When I got to the top, I had hardly realized I left my father far far behind. Later than day over dinner he said, "you know, I saw you going up the hill today, it was like you were flying, is that from qigong?"


"It must be."


"Do you think I could learn at my age?"


And that was that. He was interested. And genuine learning is born of interest.


So now I simply life my life, practicing, improving, and friend by friend ask me what I do. Once they ask, I tell them and should they want to learn, I teach them. And sure enough my family, most friends and even grandmother today practice yoga, qigong, and/or meditation...


I guess the whole point I'm getting at is Li Jiong is right, you can't save everybody. In fact, you can't save anybody. Everyone has to save themselves. And should a person seek to be saved - I say that right there makes them savable.


You often say, "I would give, but only to the deserving."

The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pasture.

They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish.

Surely he who is worthy to receive his days and his nights, is worthy of all else from you.

And he who has deserved to drink from the ocean of life deserves to fill his cup from your little stream.

And what desert greater shall there be, than that which lies in the courage and the confidence, nay the charity, of receiving?

And who are you that men should rend their bosom and unveil their pride, that you may see their worth naked and their pride unabashed?

See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving.

For in truth it is life that gives unto life while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness.

--Khalil Gibran



Very illuminating. The Dao resonates in your words.



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