Patrick Brown

The Max Christensen Facts Not Fiction Thread.

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no prerequisites - only for deeper levels of the practice, i.e. you need to do level 1 for at least 6 months before level two, 6 months to a year before 3. the other kl exercises compliment it; its the combination that makes it all special.


quite compatible with taijiquan!

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Parts of this post constitute the most credible information that you've ever posted...that I'm aware of anyway. The comment regarding limitations of the brain and necessity of use of the heart in spiritual advancement is particularly well made. This awareness comprises the most significant recommendation of that which you espouse as anything that I'm aware of you previously presenting. Emphasis on feeling and intent are similarly valuable comments. Suggest more of similar commentary to effect your and Max's stated objectives.


I'm not interested in discussing the mechanics of CCA attainment here but suffice it to say I've presented the details of said on this forum in a manner significantly more detailed than anything that you have regarding attainment of "bliss"...that is the objective of kunlun isn't it? I mention this because while I agree that CCA and bliss attainment are due to quantum mechanical processes at the atomic scale, they're facilitated by neuro-physical mechanics at the human scale...I've described these in detail on this forum...your refusal to do so continues to undermine your credibility to me. I'm probably relatively unique in this matter (and therefore probably inconsequential to your business you may not give a rats ass what I think...confirmation of inconsequentiality indeed!) in that I've mastered a mechanism for spiritual advancement that works for me and thus have no need, let alone interest in your mystery mechanism, but I do have an interest in truth and sincerity. And the manner of your presentation of your product significantly undermines association of these qualities to your product. IMO.


Parts of your post present the same condescending "you have no idea" and "if-then" ultimatum style rhetoric that your posts are typified by....theis sort of assertioning has become tiring and boring to me and has resulted in my disinclination to engage you. Perhaps you view this as a positive development...irrespective, understand that this sort of language is counter-productive for your and Max's stated objectives. Suggest that you present a more tolerant posture..."be well upon your path" is a kind response..."blessings" or even "live long and prosper" would be less dismissive and offensive than those presented in the latter portion of your post. I know you're good people Chris, and believe it or not, I'm trying to help you.


Be well upon your path, blessings and, yep, live long and prosper :),


Offered with Love.




Revisited this thread...

The moon is made of Yin cheese!

Bodhisattva true "word" dream do re mi

Speak and forever hold your peace

Edited by Spectrum

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Revisited this thread...

The moon... well... is made of Yin cheese!

Bodhisattva speak to me tonight if true "words" are important...

Speak and forever hold your peace


Me too. For some reason :)

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Daoism is extremely inclusive and yet a lot of things do not belong to it.


Shamans and mediums also exist everywhere, but none are "daoist" in nature simply because their goal of practice differ extremely from the Daoist Path.


Amen to that.


Just because you meditate or do some other esoteric stuff that does not make you a taoist. I see it all the time people who have no interest of attaining the dao but yet call themselves taoists.


To be a taoist you have have to be practicing to attain the tao its that simple.

Edited by electric gravity

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Amen to that.


Just because you meditate or do some other esoteric stuff that does not make you a taoist. I see it all the time people who have no interest of attaining the dao but yet call themselves taoists.


To be a taoist you have have to be practicing to attain the tao its that simple.


So what is the Dao, then? Liberation is, many names it has, but in essence the same is: spiritual perfection, attainment of Buddhahood and selfless desire to help all sentient beings and return to the source (Dao, Nirvana, Heaven, other words spiritual Liberation from ignorance, craving and attachments).


Even a young Nepali boy living a life dedicated to continuous meditation knows about it. I like his bodhisattva message because is real and because our world is currently undergoing a deep crisis caused by excessive materialism due to lack of orientation and deviation from the spiritual goals caused by the materialistic and nihilistic desire of Governments and Corporations. A thread was opened recently. Here:


Listen to what he has to say, many of us have been saying the same for a long time now but he is a colourful and noble example.





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out of all that is said people will only remember what they find important to them at that time in this way and in many others the tao is perfect.

Edited by electric gravity

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Max recently trademarked Kunlun. If someone wants to be a facilitater, the training is now 3 years as opposed to a week.

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Max claims that is body is structurally unique and he can never go to a hospital for fear his body will be stolen. He also claims to have a third strand of DNA. Does that mean a different sequence or even alien nucleotides? His claims are outlandish and he has never shown any of the tests that were allegedly performed on him. This has to be right out of the x-files. :lol: People pay money for this without question? :wacko:

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i noticed you said that a true master would be able to reverse the aging process.. do you know of any such masters?



I don't know about actually reversing the aging process on a DNA level, but I know some tai ji practitioners who look remarkably young for their age. I certainly look better/younger than I did ten years ago, and I attribute that completely to spiritual cultivation. . .


Someone doesn't have to be a master to receive the benefits of inner work. Besides, there are entirely too many people running around with "master" attached to their names.

Edited by robmix

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I don't know about actually reversing the aging process on a DNA level, but I know some tai ji practitioners who look remarkably young for their age. I certainly look better/younger than I did ten years ago, and I attribute that completely to spiritual cultivation. . .


Yeah that true, we still don't entirely understand what aging is yet. Scientists say they can't find any reason for the human body to die as it seems like a self regulating machine. What causes it to be worn down and eventually non-functional still has to be discovered before we can make any progress in the way of physical immortality. Although we always have spiritual immortality via immortal fetus.


Also I guess it should be noted that with organ regeneration via stem cell research, new bodies could easily be "grown" if we just had a way to transfer consciousness. But then again we could just inject these "stem cells" into the brain and have it regenerate itself so maybe that too would be unnecessary. Although I do have to say, if restricted calorie diets and fasting can expand the lifespan by as much as it does and activate "self preservation" systems, I wonder if bigu would be a way to maintain life for extended periods of time...



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His claims are outlandish and he has never shown any of the tests that were allegedly performed on him. This has to be right out of the x-files. :lol: People pay money for this without question? :wacko:


IMO Max's stories are best taken with several grains of salt, But his seminars are worth it. I've found 'spontaneous' Gi Gong he (& Jenny Lamb) teach is a unique and powerful third way to practice the energy arts. In a weekend for $300 (old price?) you get a access to a fascinating branch and some pretty fantastic stories. Plus the basic technique is about as simple as Zhan Zhang.



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Max claims that is body is structurally unique and he can never go to a hospital for fear his body will be stolen. He also claims to have a third strand of DNA. Does that mean a different sequence or even alien nucleotides? His claims are outlandish and he has never shown any of the tests that were allegedly performed on him. This has to be right out of the x-files. :lol: People pay money for this without question? :wacko:

Wow, just wow :lol:

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if you read up on your Taoist, Buddhist and Yogic roots you find an amazing array of

outlandish, off worldish unusual occurrences that mark the end result of the root forms belonging to which ever tradition you follow. How far are we willing to go in ridding of governing beliefs that prevent progress into the unusual? The mind is where possibilities are limited or stopped and also where they are created. The cultures were born into give hand-me-down beliefs that limit personal spiritual progression to current socialized normalcy. these beliefs as psychic impression are received mostly from either mother, or father from an early age where the mind is of a very different form than that of an adult mind. The kinds of memories contained there in are not recoverable by the being still attached to mind-persona -they're to subtle to recall residing from within the non dual space where Akashic record are found -the causal realm.

The Causal Realm, our birth place as living beings is ever new potential -unending manifestation. In this place our birth ground beings from other worlds cannot exist?

Rainbow body a fantastic dream never realized?


What we cannot see as potential in all others is an impossibility in our nature.

The mind makes it real


I am willing to go far in that department but Max is always so desperate to make himself look mysterious and amazing and larger than life etc. He is like a little kid in this regard. Actually he is exactly like a couple of guys I knew arround when I was 12-13 that always made up amazing stories to make themselves look cool. I don`t trust anything comming from the mouth of someone with that type of psychology. Especially when the claims are radical and perfect to play into their self agrandizment needs. Then for good reason I just write it off. Why bother wasting ones time and mental effort on loonie claims from people with zero credibility or trustworthyness.

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