
Is KunLun Bogus?

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The trouble with party-lines - is pretty soon everybody wants one.




Please only think what we think.

Please dont color outside the lines.

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Don't be an ass. You don't like my skepticism, tough shit.

Skepticism is healthy, but you will find that the deeper you go in Tao the weirder it does get.


When you experience this weirdness, if you are truly objective, you will simply accept that there is a greater reality than most of us have been able to comprehend. If you are fearful you may go into denial mode and tighten your grip on what you prefer to believe in, which is very common.


To experience the thinning of the veil (the third eye opening) and see what is actually going on energetically with everyone and every thing is incredible but at the same time familiar and you realize that you have simply had your radio off.


Interacting with deities and other forms of life is quite surprising at times. It forces us to step back and say, "well, I guess I don't know everything." Which is a truly wonderful place to be.


It is OK if you don't believe this right now, eventually you will.

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This teacher or that teacher or no teacher

All is Tao.

Bogus teacher or not

All is Tao.

It matters not.

Unless you are in a rush to ascend

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Don't be an ass. You don't like my skepticism, tough shit.



You have been rude to most including a lady and to all those who have been polite to you. I know I am gonna get shouted at but I don't care. If you don't believe anything at all, why are you wasting your time here? Why are you spending your valuable time amidst a few delusional fools instead of being with some 'rationalists' group? You are not seeking answers and trying to learn anything here. What possibly can you from 'delusional' folks? So, if then your objective is to 'preach', then you should understand that the 'delusional' don't 'believe' in what you think is rational.


Can we keep buddy banter in a single thread as well? Most of the posts are the same 'I don't believe anything' 'You don't prove that I don't prove' stuff followed by a string of abuses.


Sean .... Sean........ we need you....now.... :angry:

Edited by SiliconValley

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I offered to teach Buddy a practice that he could use to verify to himself the feeling of projecting and projected energy so as not to be swayed by Max's BS and his response was to call me something like a stuffed shirt in another thread so ... whatever. Buddy did also not answer my question as to how long he learned Nei kung from Frantzis. He has issues and that's OK. He will probably fall for Max if he goes.


Taoism evolved from ancient prehistoric shamanism. Chi Kung is modern shamanism. The ancient sages were shamans. Shaman is synonimous with wizard and sorcerer. Most of the things that can be done with chi are not magic, maybe none of them are. One person's science will be magic to someone else.


It's true this thread is full of negativity and quite scattered but maybe it's best that it's all in one place. I guess what I'll do is start a new thread and put a bunch of the kunlun lies all in one place in one concise post.


Personally I think it's amazing that so many people will overlook or believe so many lies, so many lies, it's amazing. It's a little bit of new age BS ripped off from the fabric of Taoism. I object to it and I will expose it and then I'll be done.


I realize it's inevitable that this ripping off and cheapening and bastardizing of the Way had to occur with increasing popularity.


To Inner Light, you said I was using Feng's name with ill intent, incorrect. Otherwise I like your post very much. I suppose it is true that Feng is soiled by association in this thread as are my other teachers, you are correct in that. I just thought that Frantzis wouldn't have told about his meeting with Feng and I was wrong. Good for Frantzis.


I'll start a new thread and put a bunch of the kunlun lies all in one place in one concise post and then ask how people could accept such things. I think I know why. I think the post just above this one explains it pretty well.

Edited by Starjumper7

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I'll start a new thread and put a bunch of the kunlun lies all in one place in one concise post and then ask how people could accept such things. I think I know why. I think the post just above this one explains it pretty well.


Good idea to keep this all in one thread. If you would, instead of just posting something and saying it's a lie, maybe you could state what it is in that statement that makes it a lie, i.e., what you are basing your reasoning on that informs you that it's a lie.


That way, no energy will be wasted reading post after post of "because I said so" statements by you - and those who might respond could show the same courtesy, of stating what they base their ideas on, instead of just knee-jerk "you dont know anything, so shut up" statements.

Edited by hfd

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I'll start a new thread and put a bunch of the kunlun lies all in one place in one concise post and then ask how people could accept such things.


Good point HDF, keep it in this thread. Since we no longer seem to be listen to each other, I may as well have some fun too


Starjumper7 stop telling lies about Max, NOTHING HE SAID IS A LIE!


Your turn (hint try and pick just one "lie" because I'm not wasting a lot of time on this)


EDIT it looks like Aus is not going to win the cricket so I am taking out my annoyance by playing with you, fight hard sir

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Tendulkar just ran himself out hahahah (I will miss watching him, great batsman)


Now we just have to get Sehwag out AGAIN after Clark dropped him last yesterday


Plus a heap of others, come on Aus :)

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Tendulkar just ran himself out hahahah (I will miss watching him, great batsman)


Now we just have to get Sehwag out AGAIN after Clark dropped him last yesterday


Plus a heap of others, come on Aus :)


Umm speaking of wizards where is sifu Shane Warne when you need him?

Perhaps in his toorak hermitage contemplating his flipper and the virtue of various mobile technology. :)

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Umm speaking of wizards where is sifu Shane Warne when you need him?

Perhaps in his toorak hermitage contemplating his flipper and the virtue of various mobile technology. :)


hahhaha, yes Warnie would be nice to have right now.


Hang on, Ganguly is out




Speaking of anger I would so love to punch Ganguly in the teeth. Really hard. Repeatably. Along with INDIA's 12th man.


I just can't let that feeling go till the game is over.

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Speaking of anger I would so love to punch Ganguly in the teeth. Really hard. Repeatably. Along with INDIA's 12th man.



he he now I get a hang of the now legendary Aussie sportsmanship ..... :P

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Hey, are there any lawyers doing this Kunlun thing?


Does Kunlun as a group, allow lawyers to join and practice with you?


And if so, why !?


You guys may need some damn lawyers if this thread keeps up and then you'r really in for it...!!!


Talk about troubles -well there ya are...Avoid any biz that calls for lawyers to participate...


They NEVER offer Bliss. they will lie to you ( and may be just like this guy Max if he is such a big liar)...




That has not been astablished for me as yet - Ill probably be forced to ask a freaking lawyer to explain it to me... & then damn it all...


well it is all just too much BS without the practice been tried...


So what about this fellow Max I hear about here abouts... Is he a lawyer? If so, I know he is a liar and will believe evrything anyone ever tells me bad about this Kunlun...


If he is not a lawyer I will perhaps trust him as a fellow seeker and searcher within this thing called life...


his system may just be worth a try...

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Hey, are there any lawyers doing this Kunlun thing?


Does Kunlun as a group, allow lawyers to join and practice with you?


And if so, why !?


You guys may need some damn lawyers if this thread keeps up and then you'r really in for it...!!!


Talk about troubles -well there ya are...Avoid any biz that calls for lawyers to participate...


They NEVER offer Bliss. they will lie to you ( and may be just like this guy Max if he is such a big liar)...




That has not been astablished for me as yet - Ill probably be forced to ask a freaking lawyer to explain it to me... & then damn it all...


well it is all just too much BS without the practice been tried...


So what about this fellow Max I hear about here abouts... Is he a lawyer? If so, I know he is a liar and will believe evrything anyone ever tells me bad about this Kunlun...


If he is not a lawyer I will perhaps trust him as a fellow seeker and searcher within this thing called life...


his system may just be worth a try...



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he he now I get a hang of the now legendary Aussie sportsmanship ..... :P


hehehe, true. I only hate INDIA because they are the only team in the world that can stop our 16 & 17 match winning streaks.


Bastards are going to keep us out here too. Hope Dravid's finger is ok. I like the Wall, and there were some great shots by Tendulkar will miss him a lot.


But the game isn't finish yet so I still want to punch Ganguly :o

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are donkey balls just another metaphor for lawyers?


are lawyers a metaphor for trolls?


are trolls a metaphor for pains in the ass?


is a pain in the ass a metaphore for our internal struggles?


Where does it end?


Why not here?

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You know someone told me about a web site that said Max was a lawyer. And he got his law degree from these weird university's. I reckon he is chasing ambulances, lets get him.


EDIT Prefer if Sifu Stigweard was the last post, but


What a catch Hados :) WOW

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And with a final last rattling breath

The malevolent giant passed from this world

Slain by irrelevancy and humour



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Good point HDF, keep it in this thread. Since we no longer seem to be listen to each other, I may as well have some fun too


Starjumper7 stop telling lies about Max, NOTHING HE SAID IS A LIE!


Your turn (hint try and pick just one "lie" because I'm not wasting a lot of time on this)


I already tried one at a time, didn't work. I think a bunch at once is better, and new thread. Of course those who can blow off one at a time can just as easily ignore a whole bunch.


(The following is a generic 'you', not you , Mal)


Have you been attracted to metal fences recently? If yes then you must have the special, never before seen, kunlun secret energy called ... Bullshit energy! Step right up folks. This special secret, never before seen energy only exists in the depths of space, generated in black holes ... and in you $300 - guaranteed to bounce back and forth between the two sides of your brain and make you attractive to metal fences. It also exists inside special, never before seen, meteorites. ROFL

Edited by Starjumper7

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But I have always been attracted to mental fences, I climb them to explore the various chambers of my mental well being...


Oh sorry thats metal fences -well yes actually I have been attracted to them as wll, but it was purely a physical thing... and that one in Toledo really meant nothing to me on an emotional level...


But those mental fences are worth working with, new perspectives offer new dimentions of thought.

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It's all good, and it's stumps on day 5. Time to go buy everyone (including Ganguly ) a drink and talk about the great series we just had. Well played India.


Goodbye Gilly.

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"You have been rude to most including a lady and to all those who have been polite to you. I know I am gonna get shouted at but I don't care. If you don't believe anything at all, why are you wasting your time here? Why are you spending your valuable time amidst a few delusional fools instead of being with some 'rationalists' group? You are not seeking answers and trying to learn anything here. What possibly can you from 'delusional' folks? So, if then your objective is to 'preach', then you should understand that the 'delusional' don't 'believe' in what you think is rational."


I've only been rude in kind. Because most everyone uses fake names, it hard to tell anyone's gender, not that it would make any difference. "cat"'s replies to me were snide and sarcastic hiding behind a thin veneer of passive/aggressiveness. People don't like to have their faith questioned, I get that.

This board, since I've been here, has gone from the quibbles between the various HT factions, to the John Chang parlor tricks, to the David Verdesi cult, and now to the Lama Thunderbolt phase. Then in jumps Steve or starjumper or whomever. When "winpro" took me up on a challenge, I let my contention about Max go (for the most part) until I can take him/her up on the offer.

You don't believe in things rational? I don't believe that for a moment. But you want me to believe in fantastical claims just on someone's say so. That sounds awful cultish to me and I ain't buying it. Give me some evidence and I'll consider it.


I can't help but wonder when the next demi-god for someone to worship will show up here.


RE: sending me neigong...send it, I'll take a look. Regarding my time with my teachers, it's already on here.


I think folks are getting the wrong impression about me because they fear my skepticism. When I ask questions they can't or won't answer, it's my fault. Fair enough, I'll leave this thread be but I stand by everything I've written.

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taobum Turbo is a lawyer and he's an ex-Kunluner too... my crystal ball says that he'll come back to the practice at some point.


I did watch a half an hour of Cricket once... didn't quite get it. Looked like a baseball game dragged out over several days. Yawn.

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