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It's not showing my hurt as I'm not hurting anybody by seeing things the way they are. You are unable to cope with the truth of woman nature so you logic is according to emotions not to the reality of women nature. It's like you wanna see your boss always beautiful good and not negative to not lose your position in his/her eyes.

The only thing I'm showing here is disappoint feelings, especially when women try to point out their equality, women power (lol, which is anyway lend by men) and how fake it is if you look closer at it matter.

That's up to you, but what you saying is not true it's just your opinion based on your confusion and your self explanatory failure. I'm fully okay with nature of women as I'm not expecting from pig to fly or from bull to make a milk curds.


But your bull  can  curdled the milk  . 


Sad.  Sounds like you never got your shit together ?  Or maybe judging by language you are from a primitive culture which still holds such values ? 



I hope you get better one day .... in the meantime

















Edited by Nungali
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Well, it's a reality check.  His generalizations are true - women as a whole tend to be hypergamous and not loyal to their own "tribes."  But, so are men!


I guess this may be a rude awakening to some men who got lulled into a false sense of security, but really I think we've all always been this way.  The only difference has been opportunity.


Some guys may idealize the gender stereotypes of America in the 50s, with women typically settling down early with a husband and raising her kids with him.  As if this was her "natural" baseline condition and men had it easier in dating back then.


But not necessarily...  To even be able to date women back then, you had to have first survived the bloodiest WWs ever.  Millions didn't.  But if he "proved" himself by "winning" on the battlefield, then he was basically over the hump on cruise control.


Because then, most surviving men were deemed "war heroes" by default and MORE IMPORTANTLY - the massive heaps of male cannon fodder left millions of SURPLUS WOMEN around to fight over the living scraps!

World War I compounded the gender imbalance. The deaths of nearly one million men during the war increased the gender gap by over a million; from 670,000 to 1,700,000. The number of unmarried women seeking economic means grew dramatically.

France after World War I. The war of 1914-1918 devastated France demographically. During the war years, there were roughly 8.7 million Frenchmen between the ages of 20 and 50. Some 8.5 million enlisted in the military. Roughly 1.4 million died. After the war there were about 40% fewer single French men for every unmarried woman, compared to before

This is what Black Pigeon Speaks completely overlooks - how the root cause of power imbalance between the genders really boils down to whatever the male/female ratio is at the time.  And in war/post-war periods, eligible men are at an all-time LOW!


As a result, surviving men got their pick of the litter while women had to play by their rules JUST FOR THE HONOR OF EVEN GETTING PICKED FOR A SHOT!

the Great War robbed two million women of the men they would have married, leading many into relationships which could only be whispered about...


One hazy morning in 1917 the senior mistress of Bournemouth High School For Girls stood up in front of the assembled sixth form and announced to her hushed audience: "I have come to tell you a terrible fact.


"Only one out of ten of you girls can ever hope to marry. This is not a guess of mine. It is a statistical fact.


"Nearly all the men who might have married you have been killed. You will have to make your way in the world as best you can.


Sitting in the assembly hall among her shocked and silent schoolfellows was 17-year-old Rosamund Essex.


She was never to forget those chilling words, recalling: "It was one of the most fateful statements of my life."


When Rosamund, who never married, wrote her memoirs 60 years later she accepted that her teacher's pronouncement had been prophetic.


"How right she was," she recalled. "Only one out of every ten of my friends has ever married.


"Quite simply, there was no one available. We had to face the fact that our lives would be stunted in one direction.


"We should never have the kind of happy homes in which we ourselves had been brought up.


"There would be no husband, no children, no sexual outlet, no natural bond of man and woman. It was going to be a struggle indeed."


Rosamund, and so many of the classmates who sat with her that morning, joined what came to be known as The Surplus Two Million - women whose dreams of marriage and children died alongside their men.


World War I deprived Britain of three-quarters-of-a-million soldiers, leaving as many more incapacitated.


In 1919 a generation of women who unquestioningly believed marriage to be their birthright discovered there were simply not enough men to go around.


The make-up of British society had changed irrevocably - as Isie Russell-Stevenson discovered to her horror.


Towards the end of the war in 1918 she received a message to say that her husband, Hamilton, would be returning home from the Front.


Wearing her prettiest dress, Isie waited eagerly at the docks for his boat to arrive.


But the dreamed-of moment turned suddenly to nightmare.


Hamilton appeared on a stretcher, mangled and clearly dying. Isie took him home and nursed him and not long afterwards he died.


Isie mourned - nevertheless she was young, and the following year she was invited to a ball in London.


She willed herself into the mood, did her hair and put on her ballgown.


But when she walked into the ballroom, the party seemed to be women-only. "But if it's a hen party," she thought to herself, mystified.


"Why is every woman in full evening dress?"


At last, through the crowd, she spotted a man in tails... and again through the crowd another...and then a couple more.


And gradually she realised that this pathetic clutch of males were the men who were left.


There were about ten women to every man.


She recalled: "It's hard to explain. It was as if every man you had ever danced with was dead."


May Jones, the daughter of a carpenter, knew - as she held a letter informing her of her fiance's death - that she would never marry or hold a baby in her arms.


Before the onset of war, May had fallen in love with Philip, a Cambridge scholar who read her poetry.


When Philip - a stretcherbearer - was due to return home on leave, May was walking on air.


But she wrote in her memoirs: "Then everything was shattered; a letter came from the War Office to say he had been killed in action.


"The shock and loss was terrible, I felt I had lost half of myself, or was it my twin soul? I knew then that I should die an old maid."


She added sadly: "I was only 20-years-old."


Like a generation of other women in post-war Britain, Phyllis Bentley, born in 1894 and raised on fairy tales of love and marriage, headed for the dance halls as the best place to meet and mate.


For the men, the lure of the dance was great; they could take their pick from the prettiest of the bunch.


For the girls, there was the agony of waiting to be asked.


Lack of men meant looks were at a premium.


Phyllis was not pretty, and the competition for partners was fierce, so all too often there were awkward gaps when she was unclaimed and would sit, in the cloakroom, reading her books.


Then one day a man who seemed different from the others asked her to dance. He was, she remembered "large and agreeably ugly. . ."


He also seemed kind, warmhearted and well-read.


Phyllis's heart quickened.


And yet that one foxtrot when her dream took shape was painfully fleeting. She remembered: "For the space of a dance I thought my destiny was settled."


Minutes later, Phyllis's partner rejoined his group. "And I perceived that he was already deeply in love with an old schoolfellow of mine, a more than pretty, intelligent, altogether delightful girl whom I greatly liked.


I perceived also that she was deeply in love with him."


And so the dream ended. Phyllis's ugly man married the pretty schoolfriend within the year.


Not long afterwards, in 1919, Phyllis had her second and final brush with romance.


It lasted a little longer; this time the man paid court to her over several months, but then abruptly got engaged to another girl.


Phyllis Bentley - who never was to marry - was one of the sober statistics of the 1921 census, which showed the imbalance of the sexes.


For those aged between 25 and 29, there were 1,209 single women for every 1,000 men.


When the next census was taken ten years later, 50 per cent of those women were still single.


Long-term statistics showed that 35 per cent of them failed to marry during their reproductive years.


Botched affairs, dashed hopes, the prospect of loneliness; two million women now saw their dreams slipping away from them.


Women like Alix Kilroy, who confided sadly in her diary on her 26th birthday "I seem to want very badly to see some chance of matrimony in the future - for children and the physical side, too."


But other women sought solace among their own sex - with an explosion of lesbian relationships.


Author Sybil Neville-Rolfe noted: "The war left behind it a generation of Eves in an Adamless Eden... Starving for love, deprived of homes and denied the joys of motherhood, many women found in friendship, one with another, some sort of substitute for these normal but lost relationships."


Unlike male homosexuality, lesbianism was not illegal - and a Bill to outlaw it in 1921 failed because MPs considered that it was wiser to sweep the whole issue under the carpet.


In the fashionable clubs of London's West End, women danced cheek to cheek with their female partners - unafraid of being pointed out, because the shortage of men had made this such a common sight.


The writer Esther Harding noted that more and more women seemed to be adopting "a somewhat masculinised dress and manner, as well as certain masculine characteristics".


Marie Stopes, the campaigner for women's rights, received many letters from single women agonising over their lesbian leanings.


In 1922, a Miss L. Redcliffe wrote to her saying: "I have a very strong tendency to be attracted by my own sex.


"I have made great efforts to overcome this - but the force of it is so strong that it seems to me most important that if there is anything I am ignorant of I should have advice..."


Stopes replied: "Keep your mind off the physical side of that aspect as much as possible...I think you will find this phase passes entirely away."


For some, it was a lifesaver.


Denied a husband and family by the war, Elizabeth Goudge nursed her elderly mother.


When her mother died, Elizabeth was racked with loneliness.


A friend arranged a meeting with another single girl - and Elizabeth later recalled: "We looked at each other. I saw a young woman with a head of hair like a horse chestnut on fire, and the white magnolia skin that goes with such hair. She looked young enough to be my daughter...when I went to bed that night I found myself flooded with happiness.


Jessie has stood by me for 21 years and has been the most wonderful event that ever happened to me."


Many lesbians settled down with their chosen partner for a lifetime of tender intimacy.


Alice Skillicorn, principal of a teacher training college in Cambridge, met Dorothy Sergeant in the early 1930s.


By week, Alice lived in college and played out her headmistressy-role to perfection.


But weekends and vacations were different - the couple shared a house.


They remained together for nearly 40 happy years, until Dorothy died in 1969.


Broken-hearted, Alice was finally laid to rest in the same grave, with the tombstone recording their "dear and devoted friendship".


But other spinsters continued with their desperate search for a husband and magazine problem pages in the 1920s dealt with a barrage of letters from women desperate to fill the gap in their lives.


The following answer from the Fireside Friends page in a Woman's Friend of 1926 was addressed to "A Lonely Girl".


"I am very sorry that I cannot put you in touch with a young man, my dear, but it is against our rules to give private addresses."


A little further on, the article suggests women might consider emigrating to find a husband.


The sex psychologist Walter Gallichan - a popular voice of the day - urged single women to check the local population statistics when deciding where to go husband-hunting: Sussex and Leicester, he pointed out, were particularly unpromising areas to look for spare men, as they already had a disproportion of married men or surplus women.


Many placed advertisements in the Press in their hope of finding any man - like the following heartfelt plea published during the war: "Lady, fiancè killed, will gladly marry officer totally blinded or otherwise incapacitated by the War."


By 1921 publications like the Matrimonial Times were carrying columns of advertisements placed by spinsters and widows.


They included:


MATRIMONY - Spinster, 38, loving disposition, fond of children, entertaining and country life, is anxious to correspond with a wounded officer of cultured tastes, with view to a matrimonial alliance; one with some means.


LADY, aged 49, spinster, cultured, bright temperament, small capital... would like to meet officer or civilian age 45-60... could be very happy with disabled officer needing a cheerful companion and pal.


The stigma of being a spinster was so fearful that many women succumbed to sex, believing they'd get a husband that way. So much so that after the war some wag suggested fixing a plaque to the wall of a famous London hotel, "To the women who fell here during the Great War"


Men could take their pick and were often ruthless. Betty Milton, who was a kitchen maid, felt that at 26 her marriage prospects were receding. Life in service didn't offer many opportunities for meeting men, apart from the boy who delivered the groceries.


She wasn't very keen on him, but started seeing him and eventually agreed to have sex because he promised to marry her. "I began to consider myself left on the shelf, an 'old maid'. . . I hated it but at 26 I was dead scared of losing him." Betty got caught by the man's mother, and her suitor fled.


She was lucky not to get pregnant - society did not tolerate extramarital sex and many unmarried mothers were condemned to asylums, while their babies were put out for adoption or sent to reformatories.


But with headlines like "A Million Women Too Many - 1920 Husband Hunt" from the Daily Mail, many eligible young men became afraid that every woman who approached them, however innocently, was trying to hijack them into marriage.


After her brother Edward was killed in June 1918, the writer Vera Brittain was desperate to learn the particulars of his fate, and relentlessly pursued his injured colonel, who had not only been awarded a VC but was also tall and good-looking.


Despite this, Vera had no interest in him but for his knowledge of Edward's last hours; to this end she haunted his hospital bedside and took every opportunity to get him to talk. But the young colonel was vain, cold and reluctant.


He seemed, she wrote: "Nervously afraid that every young woman he met might want to marry him." The more she pursued him, the more he avoided her. She was never able to get him to divulge what he knew, and finally "lost sight of him altogether".


Whatever became of this selfobsessed young man, we will never know. Suffice to say, his life post-war was probably far happier than the fates of those two million young women for whom love, family and a home of their own had been shot away for ever.

I mean, just read these personal anecdotes.  They were literally suffering the exact SAME thing that young American men are today!  Who are now forced to become hypercompetitive due to facing ridiculous odds in dating women.  Who must lower their standards, while women can raise theirs to the point of superficial whims.  Marriage is no longer a birthright for them, and instead they face other options like trying to become some hypermasculine ideal they're "not," compromising their values, tolerating mistreatment by hypergamous women, lonely spinsterhood, becoming caregivers for others, basement-dwelling gamers, giving up & going gay, becoming sexpats abroad, etc, etc..


My how the tables turn!


But really, men & women are basically both opportunistic and these tables turn cyclically as the gender ratios/odds do.  Men are now losing their sexual power and women are gleefully exploiting and abusing theirs...but this has assuredly happened back and forth throughout history too.  So, right now is nothing new - and shouldn't simply be blamed on men or women.


Sure, young American women basically hold the cards in dating now, which sucks if you're a guy.  But it also sucked to be them in times when the opposite was true.  Women who happened to grow up in wartimes have suffered in exactly the same way as guys growing up in protracted peacetime now do!  Not that many guys in wartimes fared much better either, though - as a large % of them actually got KILLED before they could even date much!


But just keep in mind that whenever the ratio flips over will gender leverage and power.  So, the woman holding a straight flush now...will then be holding a crap hand after the next shuffle.  And at that point, you can only bluff so long before you gotta fold 'em!


However...UNTIL then, you can't expect a woman holding a royal flush to fold against a guy holding a crap hand, lol.... :lol: Nope, she's gonna raise her bet and if you can't match - then you better take your short stack and crawl back home alone!


Edited by gendao
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No. Thinking that "the one thing that distances us from liberation is the judging mind" is the judging mind. It's make no sense and any practical thing. It's actually cycle (samsara). It's not pointing out to liberation. There is no distance in liberation as such. The only thing that there are between taji and wuji are fetters.


and no we do not have any true nature, and we not having the same thing. We are most divided species on the planet. Creating invisible and conceptual "true nature" which you can not prove of existence will only divide people more and more. Equality comes from diversity (and trying to equal you are actually dividing)


Prove me wrong then. Saying that something is this and that you need to be proving beside stating opinion - otherwise it's just bs and fairytales.


Women have not power on it's own and will never have. ..

You've explained your philosophy about woman.  Out of curiosity, how has it affected you in life, your relationships with the opposite sex?  With your mom, sisters, lady friends..  wife?

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I'm not going to repeat the disugusting video posted in Post #50 with the title:
Why are women being educated?
But, I will answer why we are educating women, and that is because 2500 years ago Plato argued in the most powerful terms that he could, that not only should we, but we must educate women for their good, our good as men, and for the good of the future of the human race.
I posted this sometime back in Post #49 of Plato and Platonism 101:

Search under "Plato champion of women's education" and you find a different set of results.  There is an interesting series that begins here:
Plato: Women in the Ideal State - Part I
and ends with this, which I quote at length:

Plato: Women in the Ideal State - Part VII
The Conclusion

Recall in the beginning of this investigation Socrates and Glaucon were noticing how ridiculous it would be to have women exercising naked along side of men in the gymnasia. The oddness of that image seemed to rule out the equal education of women. But then, Plato (in the voice of Socrates) began his argument. Here, then, is the result of that argument;

"Then let the wives of our guardians strip, for their virtue will be their robe, and let them share in the toils of war and the defense of their country; only in the distribution of labors the lighter are to be assigned to the women, who are the weaker natures, but in other respects their duties are to be the same. And as for the man who laughs at naked women exercising their bodies from the best of motives, in his laughter he is plucking a fruit of unripe wisdom, and he himself is ignorant of what he is laughing at, or what he is about; --for that is, and ever will be, the best of sayings, That the useful is the noble and the hurtful is the base." (Rep. 457a-b, I replaced pure text reference with a live link to the passage on Perseus Digital Library, ZYD).

Please read that passage aloud at least three times. No analysis or commentary that I could offer will convey these complex ideas and images with the power that Plato imbues in them.


"their virtue will be their robe"
"in his laughter he is plucking a fruit of unripe wisdom"
"he himself is ignorant of what he is laughing at, or what he is about"
"the useful is the noble and the hurtful is the base"

Do these words resonate for you with insight and mastery of communication as they do for me? If so, then you share with me an experience of the richness that Plato brings to thought and that philosophy creates for human potential.
The metaphor of nakedness as the striping away of appearances and prejudices imposed by society upon nature reveals Plato's deep intent. This position of total gender equality is a radical claim bound to be dismissed by his contemporaries. In anticipation of that rejection, Plato is asserting that it is society itself that must be challenged. It turns out that not just Plato's society needs challenge, but yours and mine. The norms and conventions of our culture are based in appearances, not natures (reality). Enforcing such norms creates an unnatural and corrupted society. Only by the courage to face truth through reason and to accept the consequences of change based in reason, can the society be redeemed. Otherwise, the culture and the people in it are doomed to ignorance, injustice, and repression of the fulfillment of human potential.

The theme of appearance vs reality is pervades The Republic and Plato's work generally. The most famous statement of that issue is The Allegory of the Cave which is also in The Republic.


Personally I wish it was needless to say the type of misogynist nonsense that permeates this thread is unworthy to be on the Dao Bums, but as the course of the thread prove, it is needful, very needful, to repeat this over and over again every time the ignorance of the gorilla mind shows up parading itself in the guise of wisdom.

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How would you like me to prove to you that we all share the same true nature?

It does not matter that you can quote something. I can quote bible but it does not matter that god exists. You level of understanding "true nature" (which do not exists) is on the same level so if you know true nature you would not ask how you need to prove it as it would be obvious. Check mate.


Do not base your philosophy on such mindplay-bs as you will be suffer a lot in life.


You've explained your philosophy about woman. Out of curiosity, how has it affected you in life, your relationships with the opposite sex? With your mom, sisters, lady friends.. wife?

They actually love me more then ever. I would say with gynocentric state of mind I was like everybody, but now I'm "different" to them (I'm not abusive of course but I can see thru their nature) and they naturally become submissive as they unconsciously know that I know their secret. It's great fun and love (as long as you do not mention those topics but just understand for yourself as it's men oriented knowledge and for men, not for women). As I'm not interested in women for pretty long time now it's just fun to watch monkey run for banana, but I think I'm getting used to it so much I do not play with their hypergamy and other aspects as much as I could or do. Women are waste of time if you see thru their image and make up "of divinity, compassion" it's actually on reverse unless they are hardly pressed by life or patriarchy, when she have no rights to vote and other stuff then women are beautiful creature (because they must be under pressure of society). Now they can just run around, have privilege of women (and men) without any responsibility. They do not pay taxes at ALL and have all the benefits which men work for them etc. which makes society collapse and one way or another we would move back to the patriarchal aspects because women do not know how to handle their new societal freedom as evolution do not make them ready as thru milion of years they would be put into inferior position it will not change with couple laws or equality movements - women need and yearn to be inferior in position to find self actualization in that which was pushed thru 2 milions of years of evolution.


So I love my lifestyle but I'm not failure in life and I can self actualize myself in very much roles so paradoxically the less important women are the more they want be around me and the more of them gather which shows how logicless creatures they are. If you analyze women nature clearly you will just laugh with each strike of insight into that. It's just funny and I'm feel blessed that I'm free from looking of self actualization in women appreciation or women emotions. If you come to that level then you will know.

Edited by SeekerOfHealing

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I'm not going to repeat the disugusting video posted in Post #50 with the title:


Why are women being educated?


But, I will answer why we are educating women, and that is because 2500 years ago Plato argued in the most powerful terms that he could, that not only should we, but we must educate women for their good, our good as men, and for the good of the future of the human race.



Not that I disagree with old Plato, but it should be obvious that we would all (Roosh included) be shooting ourselves in the foot to deny women equal access to opportunity in higher education: we have no idea where the next important medical/scientific discovery is going to come from, for example, and plenty come from women.



Companionship, also known as a serious relationship, is by far the most deceitful division of the Matrix (which is also why this section will be the most comprehensive), because while you’re enjoying the euphoric highs and dealing with the typical lows you don’t quite realize what you lost until the ride is over. Understand that it is not my intent to denigrate long-term relationships or marriage. I feel that these two forms of companionship can be very rewarding later on in a man’s life when he is accomplished and mentally ready for either endeavor.


However, you must understand that every man has three banks that he must protect at all cost: The Time BankThe Money Bank, and The Energy/Desire Bank.  In order to be truly successful and achieve greatness at whatever you strive to accomplish you will more than likely need to devote a significant amount of your time, money, and energy.  The problem is that by being involved in a serious relationship or marriage you have (whether intentionally or not) communicated to your woman that she is numero uno in the hierarchy of important things in your life (otherwise you would have never committed to her exclusively right?).


This is where conflict arises. So you want to create the next social media site to knock Facebook on its ass? Good luck telling your girlfriend/wife you can’t take her to the movies because you have various manuals to read on source coding. So you have expensive computer hardware and software to buy in order to launch you business? Good luck telling her you won’t be financially able to take her on that big trip to Aruba for her birthday like you promised her last year.


Which brings me to the Energy/Desire Bank; do you honestly think that after getting off from your 9-5 and jumping head first into building your side business or pursuing your hobbies that you will have the energy or desire to put up with what will be the constant nagging of your woman? You’re relationship will resemble the movie Groundhog Day with repeated naggings  of “We barely spend time together anymore” and “You haven’t taken me anywhere nice since you’ve been spending all your money on that stupid project” and my favorite “It’s like your mind is always somewhere else when we hangout, you’re not the same guy I fell in love with”.  And guess what gentleman; she’s right. Women aren’t designed or conditioned to play second fiddle to anything let alone the business idea that you’ve been spending so much of your time, money, and energy on to get off the ground. Women just don’t understand sacrifice and will rarely if ever see the big picture.


Understand we are not talking about Lebron’s high school sweetheart that stuck it out with him until his NBA dreams came to fruition. We are talking about regular ole you with ambitions to be the first multi-millionaire in your family. Girlfriends/wives have a hard time picturing “regular ole you” achieving the types of things that only a small percentage of people ever will. Does this mean she doesn’t love you? Of course not. Does this mean she doesn’t believe you have the drive or intelligence to pull it off? Sometimes. But more than anything your girlfriend or wife has been programmed from birth to believe she’s the most important thing on earth and that any man who would put her at number two for “some silly business idea” doesn’t deserve her.


So what happens next? Once she doesn’t “feel the flame anymore,” she will more than likely cheat on you until she figures out that she doesn’t even have to be sneaky about it because you’re so preoccupied with getting your dream off the ground. Soon to follow will be the break up or divorce. Of course you will be devastated, heartbroken, and completely caught off guard. After all, you were working all those sleepless nights and investing your hard earned money not only for yourself but for the manifestation of your dreams that she would also benefit from.

Wouldn’t it just be easier to stay single, sleep around freely, and pursue your dreams without worrying about who you may be neglecting? Many men have found out the hard way that it’s extremely difficult to achieve major accomplishments while carrying the burden of companionship. If you have lofty goals of entrepreneurship, adventure, travel, etc make sure you stay single until you can look yourself in the mirror and feel satisfied with your life accomplishments.  Think of it like sports, you shouldn’t retire until you’ve got some championship rings on your fingers. Ultimately I feel worse for guys that never attempted to follow their dreams and let them dissolve in favor of Companionship.



The reason I posted that video was to illustrate the end result of having this kind of attitude in the quote in the OP (although I don't know how much of him in that video is just persona/edginess/click-bait designed to earn money through things like ad revenue from number of views or whatever).


Yes, I'm sure we've all been in a bad relationship in the past and, yes, there are 'low quality' men and women out there who will make your life a misery if (general) you go out with them. I find, however, it's more productive to take responsibility for your relationship choices, find out where you went wrong, learn from your mistakes and not repeat them. Blaming big sections of society (or the patriarchy or gynocentrism, etc.) for your poor decisions is just going to end up making you into a train wreck, such as Roosh in that video, IMO.


If you want to be single and focus on your career, be celibate, be married, be poly, be a swinger, or whatever, just do it and own it; no need to have an 'us and them' mentality, IMO.


Same with the other bits on consumerism and corporate America. I'm not into consumerism,  particularly – not because I'm spiritual and above all the ignorant herd but because I don't really care about material stauts and get bored very easily when I buy new things (especially when I don't really need them). Also, I'm into working for myself rather than a corporation – not because I want to be Neo and escape The Matrix but because I enjoy working on my own in my own environment, get bored of office politics, want to travel while I work, etc.


My two cents :)


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It does not matter that you can quote something. I can quote bible but it does not matter that god exists. You level of understanding "true nature" (which do not exists) is on the same level so if you know true nature you would not ask how you need to prove it as it would be obvious. Check mate.


Do not base your philosophy on such mindplay-bs as you will be suffer a lot in life.



My question was more to gauge your level of depth and understanding. I am happy to move beyond philosophy anytime. You are free to visit me anytime or check on me if you wish :)


As to the rest of your comments about women... Let's just say we disagree.... a lot!


Have a good day,



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Thanks for your clarification morning dew:


Not that I disagree with old Plato, but it should be obvious that we would all (Roosh included) be shooting ourselves in the foot to deny women equal access to opportunity in higher education: we have no idea where the next important medical/scientific discovery is going to come from, for example, and plenty come from women.



The reason I posted that video was to illustrate the end result of having this kind of attitude in the quote in the OP (although I don't know how much of him in that video is just persona/edginess/click-bait designed to earn money through things like ad revenue from number of views or whatever).  (Emphasis added, ZYD)


It's not that I missed this, or you disdain for the video, but that I did not think that it was strong enough:


If this is the end result of following Roosh's game guides, I think I'd rather spend the next two weeks eating Ramen noodles. :P


it should be obvious that we would all (Roosh included) be shooting ourselves in the foot: Yes, I agree it should be obvious, but it isn't, otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion at all would we?  And the fact that it is not obvious is why we should condemn this type of attitude in the strongest possible way, which is what I set out to do, though since most people have no idea of the influence of Plato on whatever was and is best about Western Culture, it could not be as strong as it should have been, or should be, but that ignorance is not my fault and much as I would like to rectify it, and tried to do so in Plato and Platonism 101, and other posts on Dao Bums, it is simply an uphill job when people confuse Philosophy as Plato and the Platonist envisioned it with the pale, insipid nonsense of Nineteenth and Twentieth Century "intellectualism".


What Plato is talking about is the equality of "Souls", and not the "gender roles" which which the "secondary causes" created through evolution in the process of evolving bodies for those "Souls" to achieve "self-realization" by conscious action in the world.  It is this opportunity to waken from the "bardo dream state", to use Buddhist terminology, which is offered by incarnation, and it is the struggle to awaken which is the great struggle and challenge of human life, and one which regrettably, most people fail, and fail for a variety of reasons, but they are certainly not being helped by the sexist nonsense of "SeekerofHealing", who in his opening post on the welcome page said this:


Hello. I'm practice a lot of buddhism/taoism related stuff to understand myself, world we living in and my emotions. I actually come here to heal my emotions, have better connection with people and just share that energy with people around me. Nice to meet you guys. (Emphasis mine, ZYD)


before his own emotional blocks and problems reasserted themselves, and he became "GiverofBadAdvice", a person who seems to have learned nothing from two suspensions and stands on the precipice of being banned, for reasons which I am sure he will not be able to comprehend.


I am going to take advantage of this opportunity to repeat my link to:


Why are women being educated?


and urge people who haven't already, to read the whole series, its not as easy as watching a Video, but it is worth the time and effort.

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whoa... Seekerofhealing... your words often display a pain that indicates you are indeed a seeker of and not a dispenser of healing.  Your pain is evident, it is yours and you alone have created it as you have created a need to seek healing from it.   Do you like its flavor?  You may tire of it someday, then the healing will likely manifest realization that the healing was present within you all along, only untouchable through all the self inflicted pain of seeking and seeing others as the source of your pain.


I gave up seeking some time ago... what a powerful liberation... I would wish it on anyone... much benefit.


It was exhaustion that brought it about for me... simply couldn't *thankfully* maintain such energy any longer and it all just sort of fell apart, and away leaving in its wake... awareness and beingness... with some strong side emanations of gratitude and contentment.


How can one experience the present or be healed when one is seeking?  How simply abide in presence and awareness when the source of one's inner state and wholeness is dependent upon something one considers to be outside their own self?  Such slavery as this is a travesty of the highest order and ironically, seems to always be self imposed.


To be a seeker is to be seeking, not present.  To not be present is to separate oneself (within one's mind chatter).  Its very name alludes to its energetic action which is to project outward with the intention to discover in some assumed external place, or medicine, or teaching, a source of healing what lies within... which implies that the seeker assumes they lack something in their present state at this present moment.


The very declaration of one's self as a seeker says 'i don't have it yet.  i suspect it's not part of me and I must seek it out. out there...'


In my experience seeking is seeking, being is being


One need not seek, the anchor of the universe is there in you in every ephemeral atom of your form... you are as close to the source now as you were in the womb as you were prior to the womb...


All one need to do is release all the extras picked up on the way.

Abide in being, let all else fall away.

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hey i have same thing going on time to time, but the context may be different. Its only latley i noticed the signal in me so i can be quiet. I rather think its a common thing to go through.


I have thoughts of killing, death, abuse all sorts of things appear what i hmm would like to do but these subside into blackness before i do things.


Are you all blinded????

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blinded and braindead not to notice cruelty as a natural part of everyday life.


emotional sufferings and pains rising.


that is why i too ponder sometimes about if there is many people out there doing meditation what opens eyes to sufferings.


its needed to meditate to open the eyes to sufferings, if no meditation there is no suffering, life is easy...


//right now i have bliss waves going on

Edited by allinone

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that is why i too ponder sometimes about if there is many people out there doing meditation what opens eyes to sufferings.


its needed to meditate to open the eyes to sufferings, if no meditation there is no suffering, life is easy...

You don't need meditation to open your eyes to the suffering in the world. 

Simply opening up a newspaper can suffice for that.


What good meditation does is open up space in oneself.  Where one can look at the suffering and instead a knee jerk reaction, not too far from fight or flight (& ignore), one has a compassionate route.  Listen deeply, roll up there sleeves and find out how they can help. 

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hey i have same thing going on time to time, but the context may be different. Its only latley i noticed the signal in me so i can be quiet. I rather think its a common thing to go through.


I have thoughts of killing, death, abuse all sorts of things appear what i hmm would like to do but these subside into blackness before i do things.


Are you all blinded????


blinded and braindead not to notice cruelty as a natural part of everyday life.


Yes, you and "SeekerOfHealing" both have the same problem.  From a TCM prospective you both have sever Liver problems which should be dealt with by herbal treatments, neither acupuncture alone or meditation is like to be effective in either of your cases.  The fact that neither of you realize, and will probably vehemently deny it and very defensively last out at anyone who points this out, shows how far both of you need to go on the spiritual path.


Yes, the world is full of cruelty, but why should I or anyone else lower myself to be part of it?  In his dialog Gorgias Plato argues with all of the dialectic and rhetorical power at his command that it is better to be the victim of injustice then to perpetrate it and I will quote from my post on the possible Platonic influence on the Gospel according to Matthew Plato's conclusion of that dialog:


Now I, Callicles, am persuaded of the truth of these things, and I consider how I shall present my soul whole and undefiled before the judge in that day. Renouncing the honours at which the world aims, I desire only to know the truth, and to live as well as I can, and, when I die, to die as well as I can. And, to the utmost of my power, I exhort all other men to do the same. And, in return for your exhortation of me, I exhort you also to take part in the great combat, which is the combat of life, and greater than every other earthly conflict. And I retort your reproach of me, and say, that you will not be able to help yourself when the day of trial and judgment, of which I was speaking, comes upon you; you will go before the judge, the son of Aegina, and, when he has got you in his grip and is carrying you off, you will gape and your head will swim round, just as mine would in the courts of this world, and very likely some one will shamefully box you on the ears, and put upon you any sort of insult.


Perhaps this may appear to you to be only an old wife's tale, which you will contemn. And there might be reason in your contemning such tales, if by searching we could find out anything better or truer: but now you see that you and Polus and Gorgias, who are the three wisest of the Greeks of our day, are not able to show that we ought to live any life which does not profit in another world as well as in this. And of all that has been said, nothing remains unshaken but the saying, that to do injustice is more to be avoided than to suffer injustice, and that the reality and not the appearance of virtue is to be followed above all things, as well in public as in private life; and that when any one has been wrong in anything, he is to be chastised, and that the next best thing to a man being just is that he should become just, and be chastised and punished; also that he should avoid all flattery of himself as well as of others, of the few or of the many: and rhetoric and any other art should be used by him, and all his actions should be done always, with a view to justice.


Follow me then, and I will lead you where you will be happy in life and after death, as the argument shows. And never mind if some one despises you as a fool, and insults you, if he has a mind; let him strike you, by Zeus, and do you be of good cheer, and do not mind the insulting blow, for you will never come to any harm in the practice of virtue, if you are a really good and true man. When we have practiced virtue together, we will apply ourselves to politics, if that seems desirable, or we will advise about whatever else may seem good to us, for we shall be better able to judge then. In our present condition we ought not to give ourselves airs, for even on the most important subjects we are always changing our minds; so utterly stupid are we! Let us, then, take the argument as our guide, which has revealed to us that the best way of life is to practice justice and every virtue in life and death. This way let us go; and in this exhort all men to follow, not in the way to which you trust and in which you exhort me to follow you; for that way, Callicles, is nothing worth.

(  (Emphasis Added for this post, ZYD)


I leave it those who care to read the dialog to see how Plato arrives at this conclusion.


I was preparing this while allinone added to his post above, and also thelerner's contribution.

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You don't need meditation to open your eyes to the suffering in the world. 

Simply opening up a newspaper can suffice for that.


What good meditation does is open up space in oneself.  Where one can look at the suffering and instead a knee jerk reaction, not too far from fight or flight (& ignore), one has a compassionate route.  Listen deeply, roll up there sleeves and find out how they can help. 


okay, one thing i add, i went to a place where i couldn't meditate, i noticed i am wasting my time and every night i cried to a pillow before falling asleep.

I need to see suffering, i'm going to miss it if i don't see. Suffering is awful but not like awful awful, it is an essential thing for living.

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Yes, you and "SeekerOfHealing" both have the same problem.  From a TCM prospective you both have sever Liver problems which should be dealt with by herbal treatments, neither acupuncture alone or meditation is like to be effective in either of your cases.  The fact that neither of you realize, and will probably vehemently deny it and very defensively last out at anyone who points this out, shows how far both of you need to go on the spiritual path.


Yes, the world is full of cruelty, but why should I or anyone else lower myself to be part of it?  In his dialog Gorgias Plato argues with all of the dialectic and rhetorical power at his command that it is better to be the victim of injustice then to perpetrate it and I will quote from my post on the possible Platonic influence on the Gospel according to Matthew Plato's conclusion of that dialog:



I leave it those who care to read the dialog to see how Plato arrives at this conclusion.


I was preparing this while allinone added to his post above, and also thelerner's contribution.


i am on a state tho, it is pleasant inside, and when to look others they feel like stuck in objects or activities so its seem right to distract them by calling names and when they don't listen then it is causing pain.


The problem is at both sides the same. Currently it pisses me off that i haven't yet started to have fun for myself but instead i explain here things.


So the compassion or good side, i think i am good here if i call others names and insult them. Pretty state to be in.

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A question for those here more aware than I am -- does this thread evoke a combination of sorrow and hope for potential-yet-to-be-realized?

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 Women are waste of time 




In my experience seeking is seeking, being is being



I certainly don´t claim to be more aware than you Brian, but I will say this: Where else but on the Daobums is healing sought and so freely given?  SeekerOfHealing must be following some sort of wise internal guidance or he would not have found his way here -- and yes, that is cause for hope. 

Edited by liminal_luke
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A question for those here more aware than I am -- does this thread evoke a combination of sorrow and hope for potential-yet-to-be-realized?


Sorrow yes, hope no, as this tends to indicate:


i am on a state tho, it is pleasant inside, and when to look others they feel like stuck in objects or activities so its seem right to distract them by calling names and when they don't listen then it is causing pain.


The problem is at both sides the same. Currently it pisses me off that i haven't yet started to have fun for myself but instead i explain here things.


So the compassion or good side, i think i am good here if i call others names and insult them. Pretty state to be in.


i think i am good here if i call others names and insult them: So, this is your definition of skillfull means then?  Insulting people and calling them names?  This is rhetorical, because I have read you posts, I know how you think, and I can certainly understand that insulting people and calling them names helps you to feel good, but does it help anyone else?


Basically it doesn't even help you, because while you were whining about a possible ban, you continued to engage in the same behavior that would have resulted in a suspension, or maybe two or three before an outright ban, but an eventual ban nonetheless, if you did not stop behaving that way.  So again, and now again I ask you, though not rhetorically, but to give you something to think about, is insulting people and calling them names your definition of Skillful Means?  Because if so, you have the most bizarre and out of touch with the reality definition of Skillful Means that I have ever come across, since it should be obvious that skillful means are those that get the point across to the other person and not alienate them.  That's certainly my definition of Skillful Means, and I think that anyone who claims to have meditated and become wise, should have the self-control and wisdom to use real Skillful means to get their point across to the other person, and not the means to alienate them and stop them from listening to you, like calling them names and insulting them does.  So, as far as I am concerned, your behavior is not the behavior of a wise person, and if not wise, certainly not an accomplished meditator, and therefore, I don't see any reason to consider that you have any reason to dismiss anyone as a "noob", just because they are not impressed with you, or to insult them further and call them names, and if you continue to do so, your sublime "wisdom" will get you banned, something which you have said that you wish to avoid.


While writing the above liminal_luke posted, and I applaud his compassion in this matter, but I have seen several Dao Bum's members such as you, allinone and also SeekerOfHealing, be banned, and in some cases readmitted and banned again, for the type of behavior in which you both routinely indulge, and indulge is the right word, because it is more of a vice than a virtue.  You personally are here at this time because of a beautiful intervention of Dao Bums led by marblehead, and he, and all the Dao Bums who followed his lead are to be commended for that, but based on past experience such interventions are never enough, because they don't and cannot address the fact that you and SeekerOfHealing need to be taking herbs to deal severe organ imbalances, and while I would be willing to provide some general advice on that, I really don't hold out much hope that, in the long run, like several before you, both you and SeekerOfHealing will be banned.  I wish that this were not the case, but there is only so much that I or anyone on the Dao Bums can do for people under the limitations of a forum like this.  These situations are always hard on a group of caring people like the Dao Bums, and it is certainly not easy for us Mods, who must deal with the situation and enforce the rules.


Regrettably, people need to take responsibility for who they are and how they act, and wonder if they are as advanced as they think they are and their behavior as wise as the like to think it is, before the type of potential about which Brian is talking can be realized, and most people just aren't willing to do that.

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Zhongyongdaoist, that was quite a meal for someone starved for attention of any kind. Doesn't even matter what you said; that you spent the time & energy so focused on him is what nourishes. Children act out to get attention from emotionally absent parents; being yelled at is better than being ignored. Ever wonder why shunning is so damn effective?

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A question for those here more aware than I am -- does this thread evoke a combination of sorrow and hope for potential-yet-to-be-realized?

your question reminded me of this





Hope hollow like fear.

Both foster tension in mind.

Success like failure.


One imbued with hope,

tension takes a joyous form,



When fortune turns ill,

as seems inevitable,

fierce anxiety.


Bodies will suffer.

An undeniable truth.

Embrace misfortune.


Sage knows the self,

as a simple yet fine robe

impermanent shape.


Surrender the self.

In humility, find trust.

Now love world as self.

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Zhongyongdaoist, that was quite a meal for someone starved for attention of any kind. Doesn't even matter what you said; that you spent the time & energy so focused on him is what nourishes. Children act out to get attention from emotionally absent parents; being yelled at is better than being ignored. Ever wonder why shunning is so damn effective?


I've never questioned effectiveness of shunning, nor of solitary confinement for that matter, but first you have to give them something to think about.

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Yep its a bassackward situation , when you feel relief mixed with trouble. Its not perhaps so unusual though. Frustration is common, and not easily dismissed. When there is no acceptable way through one gets fired up, but that doesnt do the trick either.

This is pecisely why the solution has to be to not seek in the first place, to reduce the need for emotional sustenance which exceeds that which is available.

Inside the mind there is a restful retreat. We look for it. Sometimes its elusive , sometimes its right up front. The external situation is often directly contradictory to our needs , and our appetites for more can be insatiable making us nuts. if we just keep chasing ,more and more aggressively.

Theres meditation, but that can be demanding. Theres diversion, but that doesnt always work. Theres a third way, and its as simple as just dropping our desires down a peg, finding the vibrance of a private quiet. So then, when you look back outside for some support validation etc its enough, and you can let the slings and arrows slide. , and anything else is just gravy.

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I've never questioned effectiveness of shunning, nor of solitary confinement for that matter, but first you have to give them something to think about.

You need something to think about? Youre starting to sound like a bully.

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