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I enjoy listening to talks by Terence McKenna Alan watts sadhguru Krishnamurti and Dan winter. Especially laying in bed or on a walk :) any other talks anyone know of by a interesting speaker?

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"so you have to be sophisticated enough, to look at those systems, and say "is my participation encouraging something that I know deep down is not only intrinsically flawed, but counterintuitive to what I want to be part of"

Edited by joeblast

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..... well ,  that is an  Australian parrot after all 


Indeed, Australia, the land where strangers are called 'mate' and friends are called 'cunt'. STRAYA!


(One year one of these birds, a cockateel? - flew into my old sharehouses backyard on a new years eve and decided to stay, a friend knew the owner and he told us to keep the bastard and gave us his supply of birdseed too - as it loathed his newborn child. I suspect he forced the creatures wings... Anyway, 'Woody' came well stocked with all the swear words, complete with a "I hate you!" whilst scratching his claw across his throat. Strange, strange animal.... Several months later he figured out how to escape the cage he was kept in whilst we worked and tormented the neighbourhood squaking very, very loudly from trees for several days; the last we saw of Woody he was being chased across the sky by a huge flock of cockatoos. The end.)




A video from the cooler cousins across the sea;


New Zealand Skeletons in the Cupboard Episode 1. The Red Heads



(However don't believe everything you read on the interwebz.)
Edited by shazlor
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From the "Cherokee Immortals" thread.....
"they were a friendly people, too, and often brought lost wanderers to their townhouses under the mountains and cared for them there until they were rested and then guided them back to their home . more than once, also, when the Cherokee were hard pressed by the enemy, the N��n�'h� warriors have come out, as they did at old Nikwasi', and have saved them from defeat. some people have thought that they are the same as the Y��w� Tsunsdi', the "Little People"; but these are fairies, no larger in size than children.
there is another race of spirits, the Y��w� Tsunsdi', or "Little People," who live in rock eaves on the mountain side. they are little fellows, hardly reaching up to a man's knee, but well shaped and handsome, with long hair falling almost to the ground. they are great wonder workers and are very fond of music, spending half their time drumming and dancing.
they are helpful and kind-hearted, and often when people have been lost in the mountains, especially children who have strayed away from their parents, the Y��w� Tsunsdi' have found them and taken care of them and brought them back to their homes. sometimes their drum is heard in lonely places in the mountains, but it is not safe to follow it, because the Little People do not like to be disturbed at home, and they throw a spell over the stranger so that he is bewildered and loses his way, and even if he does at last get back to the settlement he is like one dazed ever after.
sometimes, also, they come near a house at night and the people inside hear them talking, but they must not go out, and in the morning they find the corn gathered or the field cleared as if a whole force of men had been at work. if anyone should go out to watch, he would die. when a hunter finds anything in the woods, such as a knife or a trinket, he must say, "Little People, i want to take this," because it may belong to them, and if he does not ask their permission they will throw 'stones' at him as he goes home."
"Believe it or don't, it is up to you - my source is one you will not find anywhere on the internet. 
Some of the stories hold truth, though most are full of fallacies and outright imaginative dramatisation. 
Patupaiarehe are not extinct, but there are few left. They avoid humans through distrust. They are a peaceful race, and they were attacked with no provocation. Humans have only gotten more warlike in their eyes and they want little to nothing to do with us. Although some rare few may still be able to approach and communicate, I wouldn't advise it. If you see one and it doesn't flee, do not approach. Wait until they either approach or leave. Avoid aggression at all cost. They have learned to protect themselves in manners we could not fathom. 
Although they do not originate from New Zealand, they were the first settlers that could be classed as even somewhat human, though they are not human, they are one of the many Fae races - one of the oldest, and they still have their power. 
Those who arrived in New Zealand, the ones now known as Maori, were not so originally. They were Polynesian; when Patupaiarehe and the Polynesian humans mated, they created Maori. Maori can be considered half human, half Fae. 
I am told that not all Maori as we know them now are Maori to Patupaiarehe. Patupaiarehe only consider those who share their bloodline (no matter how little of that blood is there) to be true Maori. The rest, to them are still considered Polynesian. 
This is all I Have been told, as it is all I am allowed to share. 
I hope this may help some of you in further understanding, and in the case you chance an encounter. 
Blessed be."
Mataku - The Lost Tribe




I have read several sources state that Shamanism, or whatever, that merged&morphed with local folk 'magic' and became Daoist thought/method was originally introduced by wandering/shipwrecked Aryans, or Shining Ones... So I fancy.......... 50 bucks on Penglai in the Eastern Sea with its blessd 'immortals'..... is, was... NZ? :P

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Relating to the above documentary mentioning 4ft skeletal remains having the same genetic markers as ancient peoples in Wales 3,500 years ago... Here is an entertaining Bardic tale for those of Irishi (close enough lol) heritage. 



Ever dear to me;

The secret place.

In the heart of hearts, ever.

Where time began.


And will begin.

Where the gates of the world await whoever daresss them.


I make reverence to the ancestors;

And to the souls of the unborn.

As I commence this teaching tale from Ancient Éireann,

And may it bring great good on the One who tells it;

And those that hear it.

This tale of the deeds of the two battles of Moytura,

And the deeds

Of the Tuatha De Danann................



Robin Williamson ~ A Tale of the Deeds of the Tuatha Dé Danann ~ Megalithomania 2009





Hmmmmm I smell some 'Tao'.... "Real Tuatha breath from their heels."

Such a shame the bards were ordered exterminated in 1603, followed by the rapine and slaving of the Irish... Sigh, why do we white guys always fall for the longterm insidious culture wipes, and the not so longterm and insidious, imposed on us by others, imposed on us by our own - and then do it to other others? Who now knows what secrets of the microcosm/macrocosm they had encoded in their allegoric stories for clear ears.....

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Newgrange - A Dream of Angus Oge by George Russell


There must be a reason early, independent, Irish religious colleges built over older druidic institutions were renowned for producing 'Saints'... Is it something 'gold' resssonating through the ancient stone? 



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