
Any good distance / correspondence / online qigong course out there?

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Since there is not qigong school or teacher where I live, I'd like to give it a try to some online course. This online course must have good material for study, good explanations and there must be a way to contact the teacher/s in order to solve the usual doubts a new student tends to come across.


I've checked the net and I have found diffent courses: some quite expensive; some very fishy; some too fitness / healing oriented.


So, according to your own experience (not hear say, please), what would you say it's the best online couse at present?



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Ken Cohen's "The Essential Qi Gong Training Course" is phenomenal, if a little dated - that said, it doesn't meet all of your criteria. I'm recommending it anyway.

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IMO:  It might be better for you to:


(1) find some mainstream teacher outside of your location (Mantak Chia lineage for example)


(2) travel to an introductory workshop and learn some single basic practice (don't try to do too much -- certainly don't try to do EVERYTHING)


(3) go home and practice it regularly in conjunction with phone/email consultations with the teacher


(4) see what happens 

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IMO:  It might be better for you to:


(1) find some mainstream teacher outside of your location (Mantak Chia lineage for example)


(2) travel to an introductory workshop and learn some single basic practice (don't try to do too much -- certainly don't try to do EVERYTHING)


(3) go home and practice it regularly in conjunction with phone/email consultations with the teacher


(4) see what happens 


Hello Lataif,


Yes, I've been giving some thoughts to Mantak Chia's teachings lately. I've been watching some of his videos in YouTube, a very interesting teacher indeed.


I've searched his websites, books on Amazon, etc and I can't find systematic approach to his teachings. I don't know where to start if I finally want to try his method.


Yes, I know it would be better if I travel to a workshop for beginners, but I prefer to start by myself (with someone helping if possible, just to clear the initial doubts) investigating its validity and if I find out this is the right path for me, I will not mind spending money and time committing myself to it...

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IDK how old you are, but if you are over 40, I'd say safety should be a priority. I know several online courses, but the only one that really focuses on safety is B Frantzis's one. Quite pricy though.

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Since there is not qigong school or teacher where I live, ...


Most of us here are in that same boat.  :)


I want to chime in on zerostao's post.  In more than three decades of internal arts searching and practicing, Sifu Matsuo's dvds are where I'd refer people to learn qigong.  Very very impressed by his quality, wisdom, effectiveness of methods.  Some additional links:


(Though right now he is busy teaching in Japan for about a month, won't be back until late May.)

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It really depends on what you want to learn and why, doesn't it always :D


Michael Lomax does a distance course if you're interested in neigong. He's a great teacher and highly skilled. He posts he as Ya Mu and I'm sure would be open to questions about his course and what he does.


The Stillness-Movement neigong course is a way to learn this neigong long distance. You use the book and DVD's as a supplement, and practice on arranged days to co-ordinate with the teacher and other students. Your energy=body and dantian is worked on to raise your energy-body vibration (and other things). There is a second session mid-week, where the group sits together. You are given tasks and asked questions to do in the week in between sessions. And you can interact with Michael, senoir students and fellow course participants via a forum.


Did you try this course?


Since this has been brought up and has been asked...


I met Bill several years ago, and have trained with him. Bill Ryan is lovely guy and also an excellent teacher with a light hearted sense of humour. This comes though in the course. Dragon & Tiger is a 'meridian system' Qigong method. The D&T course is designed for beginners (though more advanced people would probably benefit from much of the content) and is very comprehensive.


The D&T course is a step by step program designed to take a beginner into engaging with, feeling, and moving their qi, clearing out their meridian system, and their etheric field, opening the body, and other things. It is a follow along video format intended to cover 10 weeks. There is a Q7A forum.


The courses are in my opinion, completely different in format, aim and purpose, so bear that in mind.


Hope this helps,

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I second Michael Lomax's (YaMu's) distance neigong course.  Have done it twice now and been astonished each time by the rise in energy body vibration and awareness.  


I'd say if you do the course and practice everyday from then on, you are pretty much set for life as far as cultivating your energy body goes.  Michael helps light the fire of the dan tian and passes information at the same time in this way.  


You will have the lineage behind you as well as a great teacher.  


I believe what Michael says in his book, if you practice everyday with awareness on dan tian, you will open all your energy centres, when they are meant to be opened.


Best of luck with whatever you choose to do :)

Edited by Edward M
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I'm curious, does anyone have any experience with Pangu Shen Gong? That can be done by correspondence course.

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Hello Snowmonki,


I can't find a link to this correspondence course you mention on I'd like to check the syllabus, price, etc.





It really depends on what you want to learn and why, doesn't it always :D


Michael Lomax does a distance course if you're interested in neigong. He's a great teacher and highly skilled. He posts he as Ya Mu and I'm sure would be open to questions about his course and what he does.

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I'm curious, does anyone have any experience with Pangu Shen Gong? That can be done by correspondence course.


Hi Amoyaan,


Could you provide a link to this correspondence course you mention?


Thanks. :)

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Hello Snowmonki,


I can't find a link to this correspondence course you mention on I'd like to check the syllabus, price, etc.

There are no links to a syllabus as qigong can't really be learned except though the practice itself.

I do these distance classes whenever I can fit them in, it may be once or twice a year, the last one was in January.


We have a forum where lessons are posted. These are lessons based/gained through the actual practice.


Gift of the Tao I DVD

Gift of the Tao II DVD


The book is priced on All DVDs as well as course pricing are on


Basically, you read the book and decide if you want to continue. Then you get the DVDs and practice. Then we hold the distance class where energy projection is utilized for the student's gain as we do Stillness-Movement neigong. Then you answer the questions/lessons on the forum.


But...BEST to get DVD's, practice, and attend a live workshop.

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I've been spending very little time on TDB recently and just noticed this thread. Had I been paying more attention to the interwebz (and less attention to my actual qigong practice) I would have been the first to chime in and whole-heartedly recommend Ya Mu's distance class in the Stillness-Movement system.


Very powerful, ridiculously easy -- only downside is... Well, no downside, really, except perhaps that the "distance sessions" aren't offered more frequently. This isn't really a problem, though, because the system can be practiced directly from e-book & DVD so that the beginning practitioner is well prepared when the next distance workshop rolls around (same "practice now and the workshops are more meaningful" advice applies to the in-person workshops, of course, but the thread is specifically about a "distance course").

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