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1 hour ago, Dynasty said:

The dem unified front is cracking. I'm all for that, but I'm not cool with the Islamo-Socialist power squad doing the cracking. 



what they'er doing is very dangerous,  the old guard at least followed some unwritten rules  

The squad stepped in Alinsky 101   hopefully they will get voted out at some point .


In their districts this may  not be possible 

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Rose Garden Brawl



Brawl Breaks Out in Rose Garden Between Conservatives and Media: ‘You’re Not a Journalist, You’re a Punk!



yep,  lets get it on...



“Hey– come on over here and talk to me brother. We can go outside and have a long conversation,” Karem said.


“You’re threatening me now in the White House – in the Rose Garden, threatening me in the Rose Garden,” Gorka said as he approached Karem.


“You’re a punk. You’re not a journalist. You’re a punk!” Gorka said to Karem’s face.


“Go home. Go home. Hey Gorka– get a job!” Karem snapped.


“Hey– just for the record, he’d kick your punk ass,”

Jim Hanson, who captured the heated moment, added.


I think he would too,,,Gorka has a hardness about him,,,,not one to be pushed around

Edited by windwalker

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In other news, I think the 3bobalikes I work with have independently come to the conclusion that Q is real. Their "world view" seems to be ever so shattered these last couple of days. 

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21 minutes ago, Dynasty said:

They're losing. And they know it. 




They'er playing with fire....and like most who do they'll get burned 


by the fire they light....its very dangerous for the the country 

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Yeah, we're screwed long term. Too much systemic rot and too many incompatible cultures mixed together. 

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“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”

 Vladimir Ilich Lenin



This be can changed to:


The constitution  will allow us the freedoms with which we will use to rule them.


edited: to be clear the gang of 4 in the dims, uses this to attain their goals.

Edited by windwalker
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15 hours ago, windwalker said:

I think he would too,,,Gorka has a hardness about him,,,,not one to be pushed around


Gorka can probably take a punch cuz he's got such a big mouth :D

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lol it got all quiet in here since it got to be focus on the pedos time again :lol:


I just really want to see all those sick fks burn


I guess people might not want to go where the data takes them and realize that the pedo-ism is part and parcel of the control mechanism the banksters have managed to beset upon the populace.  the way I see it is that these bastards will get off lucky if the normal lawful authorities arrest them and dispense their justice, for if the public does it, its not going to be pretty at all.





bezos, sergei brin (g00g), microsoft execs, media execs from places like Disney, Nickelodeon, Zagat; people from the child mind institute, professors from harvard, oxford, tufts, etc...(and that's just from one flight in 2002)

makes that picture of Obama sitting down with a lot of these + a bunch of other execs a little creepier



Edited by joeblast
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3 hours ago, Lost in Translation said:


Seek justice, but not at the end of a guillotine. Guilt by association is a dangerous path.

well....if all of it was taped for blackmail purposes...then it should be easy to know who should swing and who should not


florida, new mexico, new york, california, now michigan...



what's he doing with a DNA database



WTF Is Epstein Doing With A DNA Database?


“Southern Trust Company”, another entity controlled by Mr Epstein registered to the same address in the US Virgin Islands.

Southern Trust’s activities are described in US Virgin Islands government records as “providing extensive DNA database & data mining” and “consulting”.

In 2014, Mr Epstein issued press releases touting Southern Trust’s support, alongside his charitable foundation, for a student science fair in the US Virgin Islands.



Epstein’s ties to Wall Street elite revealed in filing (July 11, 2019)


Southern Trust Company, Inc.

Suite B-3

6100 Red Hook Quarter,

St. Thomas, VI 00802


brain studies, dna profiling...cripes look at the overarching themes for all of this shit...its mind boggling what the world was on the cusp of...



and they were keen on protecting it


from the Twyman piece:

With Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest, NXIVM convictions and other recent child sex trafficking busts, it seems like it is a dangerous time to be looking into the Luciferian Pedo Cult.

Isaac Kappy: researched #PedoGate, now dead

Tracy Twyman: researched #PedoGate, now dead

Jen Moore: researched #PedoGate, doxxed, now dead

Fiona Barnett: #PedoGate whistleblower, doxxed, disappeared from social media

Robert the Deplorable: researched #PedoGate, doxxed, disappeared from social media after a possible suicide or murder attempt.

41 minutes ago

Don't forget Sabrina Bittencourt, who reported on "John of God". the Brazilian faith healer who ran sex slave farms and sold babies internationally.  She was in hiding in Barcelona, and supposedly committed suicide...

1 hour ago
Also Linda Collins Smith former senator was closing in on child sex trafficking case when she was murdered:










How come nobody had hissies like this when Barry H Obama made gay pedophile NAMBLA founder and Fisting Young Boys 1.01 textbook author Kevin Jennings his Safe School’s Czar?


Good Question, OO, Good Question.




some of the most wack stuff of all about that island is that given the connection with Cemex...and with all the extensive construction that went on with that island, and someone related to cemex if not in their hierarchy had submitted a patent that basically made a better concrete when a certain type of coagulating agent was added...(coincidence that 'coagulating agent' overlaps its venn diagram with blood) uh....yeah, victims in the pour on Epstein Island, that is some straight up blood magick bullshit they did there :huh:

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Just saw that Alexander Acosta resigned due to the Epstein thing.

It's about time. The one mistake of the Trump administration is corrected now.

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5 hours ago, joeblast said:

Cemex...and with all the extensive construction that went on with that island, and someone related to cemex if not in their hierarchy had submitted a patent that basically made a better concrete when a certain type of coagulating agent was added...(coincidence that 'coagulating agent' overlaps its venn diagram with blood)


Perhaps its one of the secret ingredients in Roman concrete... 

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23 hours ago, Stosh said:

Perhaps quiet ,because this is a very ugly set of scenarios.

in a massive coincidence, the area between Epstein's mansion and hell's kitchen experienced a blackout


expand view just a teeny bit, and there's the way out via the Lincoln Tunnel


but the flag stayed lit









and yeah, it is ugly, very ugly, especially given that there's so many "help kids" and "do things with kids" foundations and charities set up by these people.  which basically helps them target the homless, the family-less, the broken familied ones.


How does LDR (Rothschild's) connect to the Bronfman's?

Find the bridge.

Think Company.

How is Bronfman connected to NXIVM?


NXIVM > Who Pleaded Guilty?

Allison Mack?


>>>>>>>>WATCH NYC<<<<<<<<<

News unlocks.





anons dug up some reference to the epstein island project from one of its designers


Information showing Epstein's Little St. James Island has underground buildings. Found on a designer's online portfolio




Rothchild / NXIVM / Bronfman / CEMEX / Clinton / Epstein

Rothschilds and NXIVM Sex Cult Tied to Alleged Sex-Trafficking Land in Tucson

Jun 4, 2018


Peter D'Abrosca


CEMEX paid the Clinton Foundation $100 million for right to do business. The Clinton -CEMEX Connection is EPSTEIN


Cemex teams with Clinton-backed UN Foundation Alliance

Published: Tuesday, 01 October 2013 13:11

Written by Concrete News


Proof That the Clintons Are Tied to Epstein, Cartels but the Fix Is In -No Justice for the Victims

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Tuesday, July 9, 2019 - 12:17.




Standard Hotel.

NYSPCC having benefit at Standard Hotel soon.

Did a search on Standard Hotel logo.


Watch the videos. Client: Standard Hotel.

Featured work videos.


Red plane to Hamptons.

Cinderella story.

Vince kids.

Privacy policy: The Company’s Services are not intended for children and we do not knowingly collect data relating to children.

Instagram. Socks and PJs.

NoMad masquerade ball.

Andre Balazs

Chelsea Handler




Justin Trudeau, ties to Epstein, NIXIVM, Bronfman's, Pedophiles, a Chinese Owned School in Canada, Podesta, Pay for Play… and more

ALL with pics and/or sauce.





Prince Andrew under pressure as judge releases 2,000 files from Epstein sex scandal


THE EXTENT of Prince Andrew’s alleged connection with Jeffrey Epstein, who is accused of sex trafficking offences, will be exposed as thousands of secret documents are to be released.



Dershowitz said recently that he was introduced to Epstein by Lyn dr Reothschrold....and funny that, she recently sold a property in that blackout zone...


there are also a lot of tunnels in that area too, one of which is accessed by that 666 5th ave place that kushner bought.



Barr's father did not hire epstein way back when



Barr worked at Dalton School from 1964 until Spring 1974. Epstein was hired to teach at Dalton School for Fall 1974.

Whoever became the headmaster at Dalton School after Barr was the one who hired Epstein






Now DOJ fires it’s own warning shot. Things are heating up on the islands



July 14, 2019


United States prosecutors are encouraging anyone complicit in, or have information about billionaire and alleged child molester Jeffery Epstein’s conduct to come forward. The Department of Justice’s call targeted politicians, celebrities, socialites and anyone who may have witnessed or know of questionable behavior.


Now, armed with warrants to search Mr. Epstein’s properties, the U.S. prosecutors sought to send a clear message: Provide information to us before we contact you.


“You would much rather be visiting the Department of Justice and engaging a conversation about what you saw rather than making the DOJ find you,” said Jacob Frenkel, a former federal prosecutor now at Dickinson-Wright, according to the Japan Times. “There’s a much greater potential for influencing the parameters of an interview and the scope of cooperation by going in voluntarily than becoming a compulsory guest” of the government, he said.


Considering the dozens of alleged victims and hundreds of names on Mr. Epstein’s contact list, the Epstein affair could be far from over. Some of the alleged victims have claimed they were farmed out to other men, said the publication.


buckle up, this dam's breaking soon



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we'er  at now 



Democrat Ayanna Pressley: No More ‘Black Faces That Don’t Want to Be a Black Voice’


A posted comment in answer to the Dim.





“We don’t need any more white faces that don’t want to be a white voice” is white supremacism.

What is “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”



indeed what is it?

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Ghislane Maxwell's TerraMar project canceled 6 days after Epstein arrest


The TerraMar Project is sad to announce that it will cease all operations. The web site will be closed. TerraMar’s mission has always been to connect ocean lovers to positive actions, highlight science, and bring conscious change to how to people from across the globe can live, work and enjoy the ocean.











John McCain, was, tied into a bunch of the corporations that are involved in the shenanigans







Someone mentioned Michael Jackson with a ? at some point, but by now its hugely obvious he wasnt a pedo, because the music industry's leaders would have loved him and defended him and covered for him to their last if he was (and probably never would have Pepsi'd him.)  No, Michael, you're a pedo, because we said you are, and if you say you're not, we're going to say you are, even louder.  And we'll make sure those that bring lawsuits against you know they will likely get a whole lot of money from you in a settlement.








Well what if I told you a Policy Director at Facebook was Nancy Pelosi's Chief of Staff before taking said job directing policy at Facebook?

What if I told you the head of algorithm policy at Facebook worked for Hillary at The State Department?

Or that the Head of Content Policy worked for the Hillary presidential campaign?

What if I told you the person in charge of privacy policy at Facebook used to work for Al Franken, before he worked for Senator Bonoff, before he worked for Congressman Oberstar?

Or that the Director in charge of "countering hate and extremism" at Facebook came from the Clinton Foundation?

Did you know that the person at Facebook who currently "oversees programs on countering hate speech and promoting pluralism", and "develops internal third party education and drives thought leadership on hate speech and content moderation" was one of Obama's policy advisers at The White House?

Do you even know what "pluralism" is? Let me help you out:


How about YouTube? How does Laura Southern's documentary about the border get removed from YouTube within 24 hours of posting without any reason or explanation? What if I told you a Policy Manager at YouTube, before becoming a Policy Manager at YouTube, was employed by Hillary for America and was a manager in Obama's campaign before that? What if I told you YouTube's Global Content Policy Lead previously worked at the DNC? Did you know the person responsible for "growing the next generation of stars" on YouTube worked in the Office of Digital Strategy at the White House under Obama? Or that the person in charge of developing the careers of YouTube creators was the Director of Video for Obama? Speaking of helping the careers of creators, did you know Vox, the company that got Steven Crowder demonetized, was one of the companies that YouTube doled out $20 million dollars to, for 'educational videos'?














3 sides to the triangle - Saudi, Roths, Soros.  Saudi part happened a while ago.  Roths appears to be getting under way, with Soros next.  If that is correct, that doesnt seem to bode well for going after the central banks, if "the roths" would be considered "dealt with" just by taking down the trafficking, drug, pedo networks.  I dont like the idea of stopping there - but we'll have to perhaps wait and see how deeply this goes because I do recall some suits involving the IMF and World Bank, which roll up to the BIS, which has probably gone to the most extensive and greatest lengths over its time, to insulate it from all potential threats.


Board Owner over at 8ch somewhat comped, I dont know if its a new person that somehow swindled or coerced away ownership, but they are trying to make all sorts of changes like not having the Notables in each new General Research thread that comes out.  Basically things that make it harder for normies to consume what's if it isnt rather normie-unfriendly to begin with.






Progressives are dupes who missed parts of history





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If the Saudis are one of the legs of this evil cabal , and their bit is finished ,

then I would like to hear what the trail of links is regarding them. 

I am just seeing innuendo. 

The flag in Times square still lit ? .. there are other lights still lit as well in the same photo. 

A blackout area in New York ? we had them back in the 70s,  whoopeedoo ! 

There are lots of ways out of the city. 

To me this looks like random occurrences, which might or might not tie together predicatively. 

Everything!  connects with everything else, and one can connect Kevin Bacon,  to all of it.  

I am not saying this data is wrong , I am saying that the bigger a conspiracy the more likely it will fall apart. 

There is the Nostradamus effect to consider as well,

To the extent that I cannot make my precognition pay off specifically , its useless

, otherwise I would be rich. It all gets relegated to the shelf of trivia. 


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remember when mohammed bin salman arrested his family & extended family?  very relevant to that - that's why SA was the first side to fall.



its impossible to know everything....there's so much shit happening so fast...




dr p going off...interesting...


Hi, this is Dr. Steve Pieczenik. I want to talk to you about the Epstein pedophilia ring. What it really is, is a Mossad Israeli operative ring which goes back decades and decades, '''all the way to the time even where the Liberty ship was attacked by Israeli planes, unmarked Israeli planes, during the Six Day War, and Israel said they didn’t do it. Well that was a lie. Israel has not been our greatest ally, it has been our greatest enemy. They were also involved in 9/11 and in the stand down, Wolfowitz, his deputy, confirmed that to me. Israeli Mossad operatives who by interrogating and threatening confirm that to me, and I put away two Mossad operatives.’’’


The key to this Epstein problem of pedophilia is the fact that it goes back decades. Jeff Epstein was picked out by the Mossad as the proper agent of influence because number one, he was grandiose; two, he had some intelligence but came from a poor Jewish background, had no real education, did not speak a foreign language, and was so narcissistic that they could manipulate him up and down and create a false front for him, which involved the fact that he had multi-million dollars, or multi-billion dollars; he may have no money. It’s not even relevant. But to make sure that Jeffrey Epstein was working properly, they had an operative from the Mossad who was named Maxwell, the daughter of Robert Maxwell, one of the greatest crooks in the world who was an Israeli Mossad operative. When he died in 1991, he was either killed or he died, he was one of the biggest contributors to the Israeli national security of anyone else, so his daughter was the control operative of Jeff Epstein.


At the same time, we had NXVIM in New York City which was run by a non-Jew named Rainiere but controlled by two Jewish women, the Bronfman family, and they in turn were propagating pedophilia.


Now why is pedophilia so lethal? From an intelligence point of view, from my point of view as an intelligence operative and a counter-intelligence operative, one of the most disgusting things that you can do in the intelligence world is to double you up, or co-opt you, through the use of a honey trap, but not only an adult honey trap, but a child. When you use a child, you pretty much terrorize that child so that you know anybody who’s gotten involved with pedophilia cannot speak out. The child can’t say anything, and it’s a legitimate way to denigrate both the operative and the problem itself, the children. Nevertheless the Mossad incurred so many operatives that were involved with pedophilia under the Epstein ring and under the NXVIM ring with the two Bronfman daughters, that you’re talking about thousands of people. Now it also goes all the way up into the presidency, it goes into the Bush family, Bush Jr., Jeb!, it goes into Clintons, as we know Hillary, Bill Clinton, who’s a pathological liar to the nth degree, to Obama, who had a history of homosexuality and pedophilia, all the way down to the Bushes and beyond that. So what the Israelis did under the tutelage of two brilliant Mossad chiefs, Halevy and Yatom, both of whom used pedophilia as a honey trap to encapsulate any one of our operatives in America. Jeff Epstein was a willing operative. He willingly was involved in pedophilia. The Israelis knew that. That created his storyline. They made believe he was a billionaire. Wexner was the theoretical backup man to him, and ironically he was in Bear Stearns, which was another corrupt Jewish firm that went under, along with Drexel Burnham, another corrupt Jewish firm. So we have a lot of corruption here that goes all the way back to 9/11 when we had Jews like Silverstein who had the lease to the World Trade Center, we had Lowry, we had Lauder, and we had Eisenberg, all of whom were involved in the stand down in the false flag of 9/11.


So from 9/11 on, Trump understood that the Israelis had been involved in our intelligence service and in compromising America. He never forgot that, and what he did blatantly was to turn around and on a certain day, he decided he was going to indict every one of the Mossad operatives, as well as the Israelis, on charges of pedophilia, not on charges of spying, because that wouldn’t work. But Acosta, the Secretary of Labor, was correct when he said that Epstein got off of the prosecutors indictment in Florida because he worked in the intelligence service.

Now it’s not only the Mossad that’s involved, clearly the CIA was involved, and it was the old CIA, and not the present CIA. Why do I say that? Because the heroes of this picture is not only Trump and the White House, but it really involves what I consider to be my Deep State, which is what I’ve talked about for twenty years, the people at the NSA, the NRO, the NGA, the CIA, the new CIA, and other intelligence organizations which blew this operation apart over the past 10 to 20 years, because in their NSA sweep of our telephones or the matter of metadata, as they called it, they had picked up Israeli compromises all over the United States and in the world.


What we have now is a real problem with Israel, and Israel has been placed on notice because our ambassador, the Jewish ambassador there, as well as Kushner have made a very clear statement: Israel, you’re on notice. If you do not make a peace treaty with the Palestinians, there will be more serious repercussions than you imagined. The beginning of the takedown of your Mossad operatives, who are all present, and we will put them in prison, is just the beginning of what we can do to the future of Israel.


Now, as a Jew, I am NOT proud of what American Jews have done for the most part. I find them to be arrogant, ignorant, totally devoid of any world culture, totally devoid of understanding what happened to us in the Holocaust. Totally devoid of understanding what Israel is really about, and it isn’t the sanctimonious state that people think it is, because I was there in the 1980’s when they created Hamas, I was there when the Generals were terrorizing Palestinians and the Intifada was created, but let me quote to you my rabbi and it turns out to be a family member, Solovietchik, who said “in order to be a good Jew or a good human, you have to follow the righteous way, and avoid evil.”


Thank you, and good night.


Edited by joeblast
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remember when mohammed bin salman arrested his family & extended family?  very relevant to that - that's why SA was the first side to fall.


Power grab in 2017  , predicate ..'Rooting out corruption' ... whole bunch of people detained. 

That's it? 


Dr. P 


  • "Air Raid" (with Flux Pavilion) [Circus, 21 September 2009]
  • "Rasputins Gold" [Circus, 30 November 2009]
  • "Sweet Shop" / "Gargoyle" [Circus, 4 February 2010]
  • "Stinkfinger" (with Flux Pavilion) [XS Dubz, April 2010] [4]
  • "Sweet Shop" (Radio Edit) [Circus, 4 June 2010]
  • "Badman Sound" [Dub Police, 28 June 2010]
  • "Vampire Dub" [Circus, 9 August 2010] ? 
  • etc
Edited by Stosh

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3 minutes ago, Stosh said:

remember when mohammed bin salman arrested his family & extended family?  very relevant to that - that's why SA was the first side to fall.


Power grab in 2017  , predicate ..'Rooting out corruption' ... whole bunch of people detained. 

That's it? 


it was a bit more than that...go on qmap and go way back towards the beginning when all that stuff was going down for more links on it if you really want to dig - but long story short, the corrupt portion of the saudi family was in bed with the clinton foundation and all the shady shit they were doing and removing them from power was a necessary part of the operation.

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