
What do you think the forum can do to attract some quality teachers?

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Edited by skydog

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Edited by skydog

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Such metaphors should not be taken so literally. We need to put in the work in terms of cultivation…but the teacher is there to offer effective techniques, knowledge, guidance, and energetic transmission….he can only do so when the student is willing to accept and dedicate himself to the work.


My 2 cents, Peace


not a bad come-back but imo the subject didn't really need a questionable metaphor in the first place...

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Earlier I posted that real teachers have nothing to offer authentic students because it is one's own mind right now.


I posed the question, "What need be taught?"


It is not a rhetorical question.


Who cannot answer that question will never be worthy of the potential a teacher can bring out in a worthy student.


People cannot avail themselves of the taoist and buddhist canons as it is.


Perhaps it is meditation instruction being sought? Observation of mind is older than sin. People just wanna have fun…


I feel people are just looking for another external object to grasp.


It is truly lamentable.


People cannot even see what is before them as it is— not one of them has any business seeking a teacher. hahaha!!


Both buddhism and taoism have the admonition to SEE ESSENCE ON YOUR OWN FIRST, then seek a teacher.


What about that, hmmmmm?

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I was once a seeker.


One day, a man pulled aside a curtain and said, "Look!"


I looked and said, "But I've seen that before."


"Yes," he replied. "Yes, you have," and he smiled.

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Right now ... why weren't these pinned? Why haven't we repeated this with other teachers?????


They are teachers! The sky didn't fall on our heads did it?


I feel that I should say something about the above comments.

I believe that Apech (and I) were both mods when some of these interviews were created.


Why didn't YOU pin them, Apech? Why not recommend it since?

Why didn't YOU repeat the process with other teachers?

Interested and motivated individuals did the previous projects, so if this is important to you, do it.


It seems like you're trying to put all of this on Trunk.

I'm not sure what motivation is underlying that but I find it a bit unfair.


I have some thoughts about teachers and this forum but don't think they'd really add much to the discussion so I'll leave it at that.

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Earlier I posted that real teachers have nothing to offer authentic students because it is one's own mind right now.


I posed the question, "What need be taught?"


It is not a rhetorical question.


Who cannot answer that question will never be worthy of the potential a teacher can bring out in a worthy student.


People cannot avail themselves of the taoist and buddhist canons as it is.


Perhaps it is meditation instruction being sought? Observation of mind is older than sin. People just wanna have fun…


I feel people are just looking for another external object to grasp.


It is truly lamentable.


People cannot even see what is before them as it is— not one of them has any business seeking a teacher. hahaha!!


Both buddhism and taoism have the admonition to SEE ESSENCE ON YOUR OWN FIRST, then seek a teacher.


What about that, hmmmmm?


I think this is a wonderful and valuable post.

I also question how valid this particular comment is -


"I posed the question, "What need be taught?"


It is not a rhetorical question.


Who cannot answer that question will never be worthy of the potential a teacher can bring out in a worthy student."


(underlining is obviously mine)


Certainly people change over time.

There was a time when I was unable to answer that question and there was a change such that I know the answer.

We are not static and someone who cannot answer now and is looking in all the wrong places may at some point understand what they are (not) looking for... Maybe that has something to do with a teacher or teaching, maybe that has something to do with divine blessing, maybe it is all about karma, and maybe it is simply an ineffable process that is at play.

I think that the right teacher can help the right student at the right time, maybe even before that student is ready to answer the quoted question.


One of my favorite quotations about that point comes from Peter Fenner who addresses the paradoxes inherent in non-duality in many of his writings and recordings -

"If we didn't do what we didn't need to do we wouldn't know that we didn't need to do it."

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If we didn't do what we didn't need to do we wouldn't know that we didn't need to do it."


No 'teachers' forum please!

Edited by GrandmasterP
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YaMu is correct.


This Forum would scare any sincere Teacher away due to the Troll factor.


I deleted my past PPF due to it, and it still happens again with this new one.


If you put someone on Ignore- will that stop them from posting/trolling on your PPF?


Some extra functions are needed- like "Block individual from Posting on Your PPF"


Basically I have to Lock it up at night so it isn't trolled while I am off line.


Time wasted dealing with Trolls takes away time for students.

Edited by SonOfTheGods
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YaMu is correct.


This Forum would scare any sincere Teacher away due to the Troll factor.


I deleted my past PPF due to it, and it still happens again with this new one.


If you put someone on Ignore- will that stop them from posting/trolling on your PPF?


Some extra functions are needed- like "Block individual from Posting on Your PPF"


Basically I have to Lock it up at night so it isn't trolled while I am off line.


Time wasted dealing with Trolls takes away time for students.


the ppfs are self moderated.


thats why they are ppfs and why you can edit as moderators.....

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I feel that I should say something about the above comments.

I believe that Apech (and I) were both mods when some of these interviews were created.


Why didn't YOU pin them, Apech? Why not recommend it since?

Why didn't YOU repeat the process with other teachers?

Interested and motivated individuals did the previous projects, so if this is important to you, do it.


It seems like you're trying to put all of this on Trunk.

I'm not sure what motivation is underlying that but I find it a bit unfair.


I have some thoughts about teachers and this forum but don't think they'd really add much to the discussion so I'll leave it at that.


As we were mods at the same time you will recall a long and fairly heated discussion during which I recommended these and further actions all of which was strongly resisted by Trunk under the umbrella of the level playing field. And so I did not feel that I could act alone on this issue. I recall also that at that time you supported his view and were against what I was suggesting. I didn't pin the topics because there was a general antipathy towards any preference at all given to teachers coming from yourself and Trunk and I thought any such action would be antagonistic. From that point on I continued to moderate according to the team approach because I had no desire to rock the boat and after Trunk resigned as mod there was no indication from Sean that eh wanted to change anything. So perhaps that answers your question.


I was involved with the Bruce Frantzis interview in pulling all the members questions together and editing them for repetition and clarity. I suggested to Sean at that time that this be continued with other teachers and that I would be happy to help. I don't see how individual members can do this - which is what Trunk now seems to be suggesting.


There is no motivation from me other than to respond to the decisions which Trunk issues - on the basis that they are preventing the question posed by this thread ... i.e. how do we attract some quality teachers ... based on the assumption that that is something we would want to do.

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the ppfs are self moderated.


thats why they are ppfs and why you can edit as moderators.....

I wasn't going to call you out by name- but again- exactly 2 minutes after I post, you are there

Edited by SonOfTheGods

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Your spreading misinformation I offered a detailed different opinion.


You could have deleted my post.


I think your missing the point of ppf.

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Ok lets get this out and into the open.


This a technique that you suggested.



You will need:


One Ink Marker


One source of high pitch frequency such as the high note on a Harmonica, Hi-pitch whistle, etc



If you are right handed, look at your left inside forearm:



Draw a Circle in the middle of your left inside forearm with the ink marker-

about the size of a half dollar.

Google an Image of it if you don't know


Look at the circle you just drew and become one with it-

focus on your lower tan tien, while staring at it


now slap it hard


feel it sting


inhale into your lower tan tien while absorbing that sting


feel the sting fade as you exhale through that circle


do that about 5 times



Now stare at your circle, slap it- this time however, inhale while having the high pitched end of your harmonica to your pursed lips


the inhale causes the reed to vibrate


Feel that high note with the sting- while inhaling


make it one


The sting will start to resonate with the high pitch


repeat that again 5 more times



Now- Inhale and only recall to mind, the sting and high pitch resonating feeling from before, while staring at that circle


Do this everyday AFTER your daily cultivation routine


let us know what happened, results, etc


Let us know what happens?


Are you serious?!!


Is this a valid technique or did you make it up?


Are going to take the responsibility if someone hurts themselves by doing this?


You should only suggest techniques that are authentic and that work and that comes from a valid system.


I know saying as much might seem as trolling to you but i dont want to see anyone getting hurt by doing some concocted med that some guy on the internet made up.


Excuse me.

Edited by thamosh
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As we were mods at the same time you will recall a long and fairly heated discussion during which I recommended these and further actions all of which was strongly resisted by Trunk under the umbrella of the level playing field. And so I did not feel that I could act alone on this issue. I recall also that at that time you supported his view and were against what I was suggesting. I didn't pin the topics because there was a general antipathy towards any preference at all given to teachers coming from yourself and Trunk and I thought any such action would be antagonistic. From that point on I continued to moderate according to the team approach because I had no desire to rock the boat and after Trunk resigned as mod there was no indication from Sean that eh wanted to change anything. So perhaps that answers your question.


I was involved with the Bruce Frantzis interview in pulling all the members questions together and editing them for repetition and clarity. I suggested to Sean at that time that this be continued with other teachers and that I would be happy to help. I don't see how individual members can do this - which is what Trunk now seems to be suggesting.


There is no motivation from me other than to respond to the decisions which Trunk issues - on the basis that they are preventing the question posed by this thread ... i.e. how do we attract some quality teachers ... based on the assumption that that is something we would want to do.


Thanks for your reply.

In terms of pinning interviews which were the product of a lot of effort and generous contribution, I never objected to them being pinned at all. Never would and never will. Everything valuable should be made easily accessible.

I don't think Trunk ever objected to that and I don't recall anyone suggesting pinning the interviews.

What I personally recall objecting to was giving "teachers" administrative level control over searchable sub-forums.

A PPF can serve exactly the purpose you (and certain teachers) are/were after, it just doesn't allow the teacher to improve their web presence through TTB's.

I still think that is a Pandora's box, particularly with respect to administration of the board.

That said, I don't really have a strong feeling one way or the other as a member what direction TTB's goes, although I do think the level playing field/cafeteria model is what this board does best.

To give "teachers" a higher level of administrative control over searchable sub-forums takes the board in a very different direction.

I put teachers in quotation marks because the first hurdle will be to determine how teachers will be selected and/or defined and by whom...

Anyway, I don't want to draw this out because it seems like TTB's is taking a positive step in the direction you seem to favor so it will be interesting to see how that develops and where the board goes from there.

And for any teachers who genuinely want to offer teachings and more info on TTB's for the membership, a PPF is a great way to go, currently available, free, and effective - just not a good way to self- promote. The structure of the PPF forum could even be fine tuned in a way to make them more accessible and more controllable (if necessary).

Thanks for listening.

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Ok lets get this out and into the open. This a technique that you suggested.


Let us know what happens?

Are you serious?!!


Is this a valid technique or did you make it up? Are going to take the responsibility if someone hurts themselves by doing this?


You should only suggest techniques that are authentic and that work and that comes from a valid system.


I know saying as much might seem as trolling to you but i dont want to see anyone getting hurt by doing some concocted med that some guy on the internet made up. Excuse me.

{Not posting as mod}

Interesting that this appears on a thread that includes how teachers leave due to trolls. You've taken a post from SoG's PPF and rewritten the same argument you posted there. I think thats a little trolly. Maybe you've got a point and he should post a warning every now and then, but its his thread, his system, his thinking. If you don't agree with it. You can post a warning, then leave it alone and let him do his thing and you do yours.


Personally I think SoG is a man with experience and some deep knowledge. I like his posts. Its interesting to learn about and try new techniques sometimes.

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{Not posting as mod}

Interesting that this appears on a thread that includes how teachers leave due to trolls. You've taken a post from SoG's PPF and rewritten the same argument you posted there. I think thats a little trolly. Maybe you've got a point and he should post a warning every now and then, but its his thread, his system, his thinking. If you don't agree with it. You can post a warning, then leave it alone and let him do his thing and you do yours.


Personally I think SoG is a man with experience and some deep knowledge. I like his posts. Its interesting to learn about and try new techniques sometimes.



I did he brought it up here.


I was just replying to his response on here that referenced the discussion from the ppf.

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While I don't agree with all of what he says, SotG most definitely has the whole make some really good awesome use of your PPF thing down extremely well! :) (though I really do feel he should ask for some sub categories to use lol).


Sure some folks don't agree with what people write in their PPF, but I haven't seen any PPFs on here that are worse than most of the books you find out there, some better even :).


Also if a teacher bases the forum on what they find on someone's personal blog (what the PPFs are pretty much in comparison to other forums), they really need to re-asses things imo ;).


Btw, the interview section is UP and functional!

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{Not posting as mod}

Interesting that this appears on a thread that includes how teachers leave due to trolls. You've taken a post from SoG's PPF and rewritten the same argument you posted there. I think thats a little trolly. Maybe you've got a point and he should post a warning every now and then, but its his thread, his system, his thinking. If you don't agree with it. You can post a warning, then leave it alone and let him do his thing and you do yours.


Personally I think SoG is a man with experience and some deep knowledge. I like his posts. Its interesting to learn about and try new techniques sometimes.


If this is the case, there should probably be a very visible warning on the forum for new members that not every practice they read about here is safe and that these practices may be invented by amateurs, or even used for nefarious purposes (not saying any of this about SonOfTheGods). Sometimes newbies assume that what's being commonly talked about, and what's not questioned by anyone, is what's most legitimate (think: perineum grounding wires, and full lotus OataDs)...when in fact, most members are too polite to create adversity and say that their fellow bums are just plain wrong.


The safety of members and practitioners is a high priority at least for myself, knowing how easy it is to damage oneself with these things.

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Hey Trunk, and sorry if this has been answered, I am skipping most of the posts.... what if I go to interview some really awesome Daoist author... get 50 questions from members, and some of them are just... uhm..... not the sort of questions I would want to ask a respected elder sort of thing? I can selectively choose the questions I use right? ;)

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quickly concisely posting, then I have to get on with my local day.


New: Interviews section.

Thank you! to Apech for bringing this idea to the fore at this time.


I can selectively choose the questions I use right? ;)

You're the interviewer, do whatever you want. :)


Have at it,


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If this is the case, there should probably be a very visible warning on the forum for new members that not every practice they read about here is safe and that these practices may be invented by amateurs, or even used for nefarious purposes (not saying any of this about SonOfTheGods). Sometimes newbies assume that what's being commonly talked about, and what's not questioned by anyone, is what's most legitimate (think: perineum grounding wires, and full lotus OataDs)...when in fact, most members are too polite to create adversity and say that their fellow bums are just plain wrong.


The safety of members and practitioners is a high priority at least for myself, knowing how easy it is to damage oneself with these things.


I read a how to make crystals thing on the net the other day that instructed to mix bleach and ammonia together...


I thought everyone knows to not trust anything on the internet without checking into it... but I guess not... perhaps young teenagers don't.... or maybe brand new folks?


Nothing wrong with grounding wires, they have been used for orgone type stuff for centuries (and cause no damage) :D.


Hey maybe we can have something like Amazon book reviews, on each PPF! Joking ;) We all know half of those are the author's friends or enemies.

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quickly concisely posting, then I have to get on with my local day.


New: Interviews section.

Thank you! to Apech for bringing this idea to the fore at this time.


You're the interviewer, do whatever you want. :)


Have at it,




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I read a how to make crystals thing on the net the other day that instructed to mix bleach and ammonia together...


I thought everyone knows to not trust anything on the internet without checking into it... but I guess not... perhaps young teenagers don't.... or maybe brand new folks?


Exactly...lots of people who arrive here are brand new. They don't realize that many things which pass for spiritual practices can mess up the nervous system, create psychiatric problems, etc.

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