
Religion is the poison of Spirituality

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Hmmm I do think so... granted what I think may just be wrong and then again it may just be right...

I believe God to be the originator, and container of everything... and contain containers and much more... I see others believe that Tao be something like God without being God... In a way I see God as others see Tao and in a way I see God as God, the Tao as the Tao, what be as what be... thus I can see truth in each of the sides of the comment Stosh made and a bit more ...

Indeed can see and equate God with Tao... and can also see and agree that these aren't the same concept at all... heck I can even see and somewhat agree with the new agers beliefs of infinite beings having a physical experience because we wished it so... that is believing so makes it be so... even the notion that we are dreamers in a dream state ... or beings entrapped in delusions and thoughts feelings beliefs ... it just that be it a dream be if for real choosing to cultivate the better things always ensures one gets the better things always (eventually)... besides with God anything and everything is possible... and one can be certain it will be divine...


How come Lao Tzu didn't mention this God?

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It might not have been Lao-Tzu anyway.

He spoke English with a slight Welsh accent.

You cannot rely on all of those gone before to tell the entire truth.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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It might not have been Lao-Tzu anyway.

He spoke English with a slight Welsh accent.

You cannot rely on all of those gone before to tell the entire truth.


It was Tom Jones!

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He's not dead either.

He was on that dreadful The Voice thing on telly in a whirly chair with Will I Am , a nice lady and some Irish bloke nobody ever heard of.

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Yes I have pondered that long and hard whilst in the Bardo fighting off the unwanted attentions of Steampunkers, howsoever well intentioned.

Off topic I shall nary stray.



If religion IS the poison of Spirituality


Spirituality IS the poison of Religion.

Stands to reason dunnit?

Now if that's the case then there's a lot of coves out there wearing saffron robes, dhotis, turbans, cassocks and the like (not simultaneously of course, that would just look silly) who are seriously wasting their time.

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It is not possible to seriously waste ones time. to do such a thing is inherently silly.



How could anything that involves wearing a cassock, ever be wrong.

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I know where you are coming from, there is something about a finely turned ankle beneath a dark serge cassock.

Damn that General Synod. I was looking forward to women Bishops. They would have sorted the dear old CofE out, once and for all.

Be another ten years at least now unless Mrs Queen steps in, and she's no fan apparently.

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Religion is a mirror of spirituality not its enemy. If the religion is screwey its because the collective spirituality of the members is so. The crusades never embodied the philosophy of jesus , maybe judaism , but not jesus and the early christians.

Religion standardizes and coordinates a people, which can be a double edged sword ,

but it is the people that breathe life into it.


If someone sees a god as originator of all including Tao , fine,

It can never be disproven-- beyond the lack of a face to put on the 'one'.

But the tao itself has no compassion, no plan, no favorites , and no rules that can be trangressed.

If a god interfered with our lives he would be impinging on the greatest gift he could've given living man.


Without full freedom one would be stacking the deck toward a result , and thus ,

the true measure of human spirit would always be skewed.

Believing thusly ,, I conclude that if there were a god, his input would be moot , the belief would be moot

evidence of his existence would not be found , and that would be as she- he wanted it.

Edited by Stosh

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Not having proof that a thing exists doesnt mean the thing itself doesnt exist

it means that one doesnt believe it exists if its a thing they require proof to believe the existance of.

or it means that they arent concerned whether it exists or not.

The confusion about a persons- believing in material things and forces- being required for them to actually exist, is

more up Gatito's alley.

I know I could trip over an object I was unaware of

and that boogeymen don't magically appear when the lights go out.

And if folks want to equate god with Tao for the christmas season so they dont feel like hypocrites I understand it even though it isnt the same concept at all.


How did you know that I'm an alley kitten?

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My, I go to work for a day and come back to find that the thread is going further and further off topic. Lots of smart talk, little wisdom. Stroking egos together, is that sort of like mutual ego masturbation, or more like rough ego sex? I can't really tell. I'll stay out of all that and stay on topic.


One thing to remember, your spiritual progress is measured in how you are able to communicate with others. Very few asses are spiritually aware, so keep that in mind when you decide who to listen to and who not. Also, just because someone says something ridiculous, doesn't mean we have to reply.



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Religion is a mirror of spirituality not its enemy.


Religion = a set of beliefs. "Anyone who gives you a belief system is your enemy."


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Also, just because someone says something ridiculous, doesn't mean we have to reply.




Are we allowed to LMAO (or more accurately - LOAO :lol: )

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I asked that of Lao Tzu once in a seance.

He was noncommital.

Thank you for the new word for me:


Definition of NONCOMMITTAL


1: giving no clear indication of attitude or feeling <a noncommittal reply>

2: having no clear or distinctive character



I think the being that you had talked was not Lao-Tzu. As far as I know, he was a Prophet.

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I think the being that you had talked was not Lao-Tzu. As far as I know, he was a Prophet.

Also, he died 2500 years ago. Be careful of whom you talk with.

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