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Found 129 results

  1. A dream about a dragon and horus.

    I am posting this because I wanted to inquire about a dream I had about a year ago. I had to go out of town to visit a relative at her house who lives sort of near the coast. Needless to say one morning I had woke up from one hell of a sequence of dreams. In the first dream I had went out of body and found myself walking around town. Interesting enough I had walked by a 'spiritual shop' there in town and had saw the imprint or outline of a dragon there, which was also by a chinese restaraunt (go figure). It seemed to have been guarding that local area because I could not walk past it in the dream state. I then found myself in some other realm with who I think was a sage of some kind. This man had a magickal shop. I remember on the banner for this shop, there was a pentagram of sorts. I walked into this shop and this man, who was wearing martial art like clothing, all black, had gave me a toy black dragon. I had no idea why. I had asked the man if he could put some white or gold trimming on the dragon and he told me I could do that myself. I remember after holding the dragon, I then saw it 'activate' so to speak. I saw a dragon flying the air in a lightning storm. This is where the dream got weird. I then found myself being attacked by a bunch of witches and Ms. Cleo looking women. Oddly enough a being that looked exactly like Horus the falcon God appeared in the dream and the attacked stopped. He appeared in the sky. Interesting enough, ive never prayed to Horus in my life. I guess giving me the black dragon was a dirty trick I suppose? Desecration? I can't find myself identifying with it.
  2. Lucid dreaming and dream interpretation is a part of many of the spiritual traditions of the past and is mentioned in many of the world religions. A good meditation and statement of realization/affirmation/mantra/whatever you do, to do at night before bed is to silently affirm to yourself, "I remember my dreams and am conscious while dreaming." It is also more healthy to gradually drift into sleep, than to pass out immediately. Another one to do in the daytime is, "My concentration is becoming perfect." And, "My concentration is perfect." Do not phrase an affirmation like "I will remember my dreams tonight", because your mind will then think that it is something that always will happen in the future, but not now in the present time, which is what time it always is. To mentally realize the statement to yourself is also more powerful than repeating a mantra over and over. You should also get in the habit of writing down your dreams when you wake up if you can, anything you can remember, even if it's just fragments or bits, immediately upon waking up. After several weeks or months you can look over the info over time and see if there are any patterns or recurring themes Here is a cool article about dreams and their meaning according to the readings of Edgar Cayce Edgar Cayce on dreams The Edgar Cayce Dream Dictionary. This page explains what the symbolic meaning of something in a dream is- Edgar Cayce Readings Dream Dictionary
  3. Dream Journal anyone?

    Idea from another thread and squash it if it's daft. A dream journalling thread for sleeping (qiGong and the like) cultivators. Any comments?
  4. Life Is A Dream
  5. I was on a motorway the details were fuzzy but it seemed like me and other people I knew/friends/past accquaintences were riding vehicles of some sort on the motorway but everything was open, then i realise i could skate on the motorway without any shoes, so I started going very fast like I was skiing, started getting scared I was going so fast wondering if stopping would be dangerous or how to stop, looking at friends for guidance, then i wondered if I should stop like skiiers stop or go on the grass. anyhow I noticed like some spiral/bagua trigram like a black background with flashing white lights resembling a trigram like in the I ching, I vaguely remember a thought about lucid dreaming/astral projecting so I decided to stare at the light then my body started tensing feeling electrified but I felt scared like I could leave my body/die so I decided to stop. One interesting epiphany I had though is that the subconscious mind heals on a subconscious level so intefering with the conscious is not always neccessary.
  6. Dream thread

    After a relatively dream-free 40ish years, I'm suddenly getting quite a few. Risking boring the hell out of everyone, I'd like to report them & related non-events. I remembered a certain taobum with a relevant nickname had checked my profile & felt a strange urge to contact him. I waited a few days and pm'd him. It turns out he'd had a dream of being outside a house, with a vague impression of a piano. There's a piano in my living room. So far, so inconclusive. Then he reported a dream about a frog: This had some significance to me at the time: Perhaps I also need to 'lose my venom' to rejuvenate. And then: My interpretation: the present situation presents great risks. But I am not a specific target and can avoid them by confining their possible angles of approach, and staying vigilant. I must spend this time preparing myself. The world will eventually become safer, but will remain basically insane. The will offer gifts to tempt me. They will be exaggerated, commercial, and tawdry - but ultimately harmless. I had a couple more fragmentary ones this morning. The gist of one was to be nicer to my Dad, but I've forgotten the details already.
  7. Does anyone have any experience with this book? It was a kind of strange sequence of events that led me to purchase this book (losing my wallet, deciding to spend all of my gift card money on my kindle account, finding this book through various searches and recommendations). So far I have been fascinated with how direct, clear, and helpful the theory is. The author is open about how this practice is a journey, and it is not simply philosophy and exercises in this book, but a way of life. I never really had an understanding of karma before starting this book, but now I have been experiencing the last few days with this knowledge that every action i take will produce some kind of karmic seed, that is, if my actions involve any kind of grasping or aversion. Truly brilliant, I have had dreams the past three nights and journaled them as soon as I got up, (product placement) after I took a shot of E3LIVE, of course. Last night I healed a friend using a spring forest qigong technique I saw in a youtube video...i think I shall practice that today. Anyway, tell me about your experiences!!
  8. Dream yoga

    What is the goal of lucid dreaming? Which technique or methods do you use and recommend? Are there different stages? Pitfalls? ... Everyone who would like to share his/her experience is welcome... Jox,
  9. Life's a Dream

    "And dreams themselves are merely the dreams of dreams" Segismundo - Life is a Dream
  10. Anyone know any monk or person in isolation, for a long period of time, who has been recording his/her dreams? One can only imagine how strange their dreams would get after a long period of isolation. I wonder how much it would affect their dream reality. Wether it would get more realistic or perhaps strange and weird? It seems that the western people, with our way of life, we have the strangest dreams of all, simply because there is so little structure in this multicultural of this society. It seems that people have chosen to let go of their roots and fly above the forrest, looking in confusion at all the diffrent kinds of trees that have been growing. Everyone has his own personal symbology, yet we can see the powerful relics and left overs of the ancient cultures and their symbology, of which some still succeed to find their way into our subconscious mind. Though, the power of dreams are still not drained. The symbology has just become fragmented or transformed, as to making it hard for people to even relate to one and another in a unified way or form a culture together. Where I ask people who live more isolated and seem "dumb" from the outside, they can sometimes share incredibly deep dreams that deal with core issues of the conscious and subconscious mind. Their dreams can also be very rich and filled with variety of people who act in unique ways and each and every one of them reflect the dreamer in a powerful way. Some of these people have so much time on their hands that they actually automaticly become aware of whats going on in their subconscious mind simply when they are bored. Without any effort at meditation or calming their mind. Which reminds me... Muslims, Jews and Taoists relate to eachother in the fact that they are encouraged very much to meditate in some ways during their day time experience. Where Muslim does it on the ground, a jew in his mind, a Taoist in his body. We all have placed an emphasis on having a quick break from this reality to become more aware of all the subconscious events that are occuring. Where people who have let go of those ancient traditions only have the same level of subconscious awareness when their environment allows them. So anyone recall having heard a dream of a person who has had that dream during a long period of isolation? Perhaps emprisoned, on a deserted island, or perhaps even born in isolation. I wonder if we can still relate to the dreams of an isolated person in any way. I believe that dreams are soul experiences that our brains can only interpret by relating all the meaningless interpreted and altered information links together in a unified way. Its like a sneak peak at the unknown, yet, what you see is totally bend around, because your mind is not capable of receiving the information in an unfiltered and unaltered way. So my last question, what do enlightened beings dream about? I assume they are lucid all the time? So a more appropriate phrasing would perhaps be, "what do enlightened people choose to dream about?"
  11. a friend of mine is a carpenter and we've been playing around with seiza-esque bench protoypes. i'm wondering, anyone have any creative ideas for meditation bench, chair, seat innovations? or even just some useful incremental improvements ... thanks, sean
  12. Couple of weeks ago, I picked up the pace of my practice by adding some of Bruce Frantzis water based methods. Namely I added zhuang zhang(basic wuji pose) for about 10 minutes and the spinal stretch x3. I do take plenty of breaks, I usually skip a day, sometimes two days in-between practice. My entire practice is about 20 minutes. frankly I don't quite understand why I have such exterme sensitivity to ANY form of practice? One issue that jumped up in high grear about a week ago is a big change in my dream state. I am very aware of my dreams at night, I am always in them. They unfold like a movie with me being in it. At times I have trouble coming out of the dream. Last night I slept for about 12 hours.(I am also fighting a cold, which my body seems to heal) When i do wake up I am quite restful, but the drama that unfolds everynight is starting to become troublesome and disruptive. I feel like I am taken through a ringer everynight your thoughts/ideas are greatly appreciated.
  13. Dream totem or other tool

    I managed to recall a dream while it was fresh in my mind. I was in a house where I slept. Went to the bathroom to piss. Like always, I was aware, more then usual. I could not seperate one thing around me from this reality. So trying to see how this reality is fake, I fail. Thus, trying to see how the dream is fake I fail aswell. Anyone has a better way of distinguishing realities? Maybe using a firestone to reflect the dream, or a very complex symbol that is hard to reproduce in the dreamworld? I tried to read a word in a dream. Rereading it, the word remain exactly the same. Does this mean my dreams get better at conveying words over time? Would reading a sentence also remain the same in a dream when you have read it 500 time in your waking hours? Or do sentences work all the time?
  14. I had once read about dream yogha. It was too complex. Rinpoche or something. I think I still got the book somewhere in pc if anyone recommends it. I'm not sure if anyone here is experienced with this? I mean we sleep so long in our lives, why not become totally conscious during our sleep aswell? So much to learn and experienced there, so much to explore. The truth lies within, all the time, I believe. That is why conscious sleeping is very important to me. I have found many techniques that help get little results. Especially all the advice out there about lucid dreaming on the internet. I'm not content with these. I just want much bigger results and better progress. Not limited by the limitations of science regarding the leaving your body with your consciousness experiences. Any source of information of real experienced conscious sleeping or dreaming teachers?
  15. Is This A Dream

    All I can say is that I look forward to listening and getting to know all of you.
  16. OK, I decided I should share this really weird dream I had recently. I was chilling and doing my thing when suddenly a huge dog-sized rat appeared. It was ugly and I didn't like it. I was not in a panic but I had a slight fear of it. I felt it was sneaky and dirty. So at first I decided to ignore it and this rat was just hanging out and annoying me by not removing itself from my experience. Then I tried to throw it away. I would pick it up and throw it as far away as possible. Annoyingly it would come back again and sort of thumb its nose at me, kind of like a rat's version of "fuck you" in my direction. Next thing I tried to do was throw it over a balcony. As soon as I thought this way, I was on some balcony with the rat. I would throw the rat overboard and it would hover in the air instead of falling to its death down below. Now I was getting really annoyed. I'll be honest -- I'm usually the only one with magical powers in my dreams and this rat was pissing me off by not falling down. Then I decided I had to shoot it with a gun. As soon as I thought this, a gun materialized in my hand. And here's the really weird and cool thing. I tried to aim at the rat, and my hand would refuse to follow my intent! I've never seen anything like it! I mean, I know myself. I know I am aiming straight at the rat but my hand is like 5 or 10 degrees to the right. I tried to move my hand left to correct for this aberration, and my hand would just jump over to the left of the rat. So no matter what I did my hand refused to follow my intent and I couldn't take a straight aim at the rat. So this was really interesting. I could see how my intent was generally manifesting. But somehow it was being modified by my subconscious mind. I feel like that's the main message of the dream. It's trying to tell me something about how intent works, because that last experience was one of the most stupendous ones I've ever had. Also, I had quite a bit of garlic right before that dream happened and I thought it's possible this rat was some kind of garlic spirit trying to teach me something. I'm trying to understand the nature of intent right now, so this dream really puzzled me. I feel like I should be able to understand what happened there when I couldn't aim at the rat, but I don't understand it. That's disappointing.
  17. Dream Trauma?

    This is something that's been brewing in my mind for a while now. Can dreams create psychological scars like those of waking life traumas? I've been thinking a lot about dreams lately. I remember what my dreams used to be like when I was a little kid...they were often as terrifying as they were incredible. It wasn't all nightmare material, either. Some of them were terrifying because they were beyond my ability to process or understand. It's hard to even describe many of them...some held a semblance of coherent story or setting, others were so surreal that I can't even put words to them. Many left me feeling disturbed on a fundamental level. I sometimes wonder if the intensity of my dreams when I was a child had a significant impact on my psychological development growing up.
  18. Dream Interpretation

  19. Healing in dream

    Last night I had a very interesting dream that I want to share with you. I was in the underground with some people that I don't know very well. We prepared for a an energy transmission, we sat quietly and waited for Osho doing his transmission. He did it and he healed my kidney. It was really a nice feeling. I woke up and I was quite surprised. Actually I'm not an Osho-fan, I know who he was but I never did his meditations. I'm not into energy transmissions too but I do regulary qigong. Moreover I don't have any big problem at my kidneys (as far as I know...); anyway I'm sometimes stressed because of working or studying; I don't have a girlfriend and I'm not really emotionally balanced; I do kung fu, strength training and qigong in order to balance. I got this dream as a gift. Comments are welcome.
  20. So um i had a dream last night where i was aang / watching aang from the tv series avatar the last airbender. And I was talking to another charecter from the tv series. Well i asked for his help and them i was infront of a doorish thing made of branches or roots and i was karate choping them and one finaly broke from my karate choping and i said alright i have finaly broke the shushumna. Anyone have any interperitations on this. Thanks.
  21. A Vivid Dream

    Greetings everyone. Recently I had a really vivid dream and wondered what it meant in regards to my study and practice. I have read only a little Huayen related literature, but what little I have read has left me absolutely gobsmacked by the sheer brilliance of this Way. I have a longing to read the Avatamsaka sutra but the large price tag of the book has stopped me from buying it. However, I have made a vow that sometime soon I would find a way to purchase this book. Now to my dream.... I found myself in an abandoned cave/temple complex in China. It was in ruins, and was damp, with moss covered rocks strewn all about. There was a large statue of the Buddha, but his head had somehow fallen from the body and it (the head) was lying sideways in the centre of the room. At the other end of the room was a stone plinth with some large leatherbound books on top of it. There were about a dozen books, all beautifully encased in black leather with the word "Avatamsaka'' embossed in gold on the front of each volume. I opened the book on top of the pile to find the most beautifully written sutra in red ink on thick moleskin paper. There was also a page by page commentary of the sutra. All of this was written in English. It's hard to describe, but I felt as I was reading, I immediately understood everything instantly. Then I woke up..... It was an extremely vivid dream. I actually thought I was there. I have been trying to understand the significance of it all. I really just don't know. Can dreams point us in the right direction and keep us from straying from the path ?
  22. If you could choose to meditate in any location on the planet.... the meditation spot of your dreams, deepest fantasy..hehe, but let's keep it platonic How about under the world's tallest tree? This ancient sage could definitely teach a thing or two about meditation edit: OR anywhere in the universe... I mean, who wouldn't want to meditate on the moon with a view like that? (hypothetically of course) edit2: let's spice it up...optional: how about anywhere in ANY fictional universe as well? *star wars nerd alert*: The beautiful grasslands of naboo? or perhaps the mysterious and ancient Massassi temple site in the deep forests of Yavin IV?