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Status Updates posted by manitou

  1. Hi sunninmyeyes,

    So nice to hear from you. I was getting the distinct feeling that my message about inner virtue was getting real old on this forum so I'm sort of out of things to say. I hope you're doing real well....

  2. I Am, You Are, We Are, They Are

  3. The fairy godmother has left.  I'm left with just me.

    1. stirling


      You were the fairy godmother all along. :) Beautiful picture.


      As a relative newbie here, I very much appreciate your thoughtful, cogent, and above all KIND posts. There is clear Wisdom from you. 

    2. manitou


      Thank you, darling.  You are a great addition to the mix

    3. silent thunder
  4. ...he's gotten relief from pain. It appears to be so extraordinarily simnple - simple minded, even...and if only we could unlearn everything we've learned and get into the exact mindset of a child, I think we'd have it! It is the holy grail, is it not?

  5. 3deedit - I looked at your wonderful variation of the TTC. I will spend more time reading it! I did notice that in Chapter 24 (I think it was 24) you indicate that a man standing on tiptoes doesn't stand form - did you mean firm? Might be a typo?

  6. Actually, the SF Qigong is wonderful but my guess is that you already have the knowledge. Actually, I sort of lost interest half way through because it was real similar to other things I'd learned. But I could be real wrong on this..why don't you email me your mailing address and I'll send it to you when I'm through with it - that will be pretty soon. I have the CDs & the book.

  7. Andrew - what a nice addition to the Bums you are. I look forward to many more of your comments.

  8. Good morning Marbles. I see we're both up and at it early this AM. Can't sleep - trying to wean myself off sleeping meds.

  9. Hello Dwai - nice to hear from you. I got onto your url site and that was a wonderful video about the energetic healing. I watched about half of it. Are you having success with the healing? I've been doing some but still in the early stages.

  10. Hello Penny - I am loving your posts - so nice to have you here.

  11. Hello to you Straw Dog. How I love your name. I really appreciate your posts,they speak to my heart. Thanks.

  12. Hi cousin - just adding you as a friend.

  13. Hi fizix - so glad to meet another 12 stepper here. I no longer to to meetings, been sober 30 years - but the steps were crucial in starting the tearing down process which was to precipitate my path. Glad to meet you...

  14. Hi KC - nice to have you here. I'm a recovery person too. I find the steps were invaluable for doing the inner work - gives you a clear field to play on.

  15. Hi Starshine - glad to see you on the forum. Hopefully we'll hear more from you in the future...

  16. I always enjoy what you have to say, Sloppy.

  17. I just love you, my friend.

  18. I like your down-to-earthness. Are those your horses? I'm without one right now and missing them terribly.

  19. I'm grappling with my own healing way, which is influenced by Spring Forest Qigong, Quantuum Touch, and shamanic ceremony. I am getting to the point where I can detect the 'connection' being made, a tingling in my ovaries (or where they used to be before they wre removed..) There has been success with one cancer treatment and I'm currently working on another, who claims ...

  20. Just dropping in to say hi. With that beautiful picture as your avatar you must be a peaceful and loving creature.

  21. Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what you have to say. Always.

  22. Kate - what is wuji? (I could google it but I'd like to hear how you see it in the horse picture!)

  23. Marbles - something just occurred to me. In your Understanding the Tao posts, is are these posts your own translation of the TTC? If so, I apologize for adding Lin Yutang's translation to your posts! I thought maybe you were just posting a standard translation and looking for comparative discussion; but it occurred to me that this is your personal work? If so, how arrogant and stupi...

  24. Thank you for your unselfishness and your beautiful insights.