
LOA and Trump?

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Seems that Trump is going to win ?? even though he is racist, and performed bad on tv and against hillary and most of the media was against him ??


Also, his campaign isn't that good ! ! 


He kept saying that he won, and will win and such. was it the use of LOA and vibrations ? or what he was doing? or did?


and would the LOA works even if it was against other people? or with people who have bad intentions against other race or religion example: trump?

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It's simple.


He mirrored the actual voters by expressing what they wanted to say. By this method he whipped up the crowd. He became the crowd.


He has a personality, when he is speaking he sounds just like a regular person but magnified through a bullhorn.


Despite the continued attacks, indeed because of them - basket of deplorables, mysogenist, racist, stupid-he outed Clinton as a snob and elitist. There are more working class Joes than there are elites.


He used a simple message, just like Obama and he tailored it. "Make America great-again" " crooked Hillary" "drain the swamp" mixed with the releases of wiki and the secret server, plus the Clintons dynamic legacy, eventually that message broke through.

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Seems that Trump is going to win ?? even though he is racist, and performed bad on tv and against hillary and most of the media was against him ??


Also, his campaign isn't that good ! ! 


He kept saying that he won, and will win and such. was it the use of LOA and vibrations ? or what he was doing? or did?


and would the LOA works even if it was against other people? or with people who have bad intentions against other race or religion example: trump?


Why would he use the Loa?  He used Chinese astrology.  He hires top feng shui masters. 

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I think this is another good example of people being shocked that the television media lied to them.

In the coming months I am sure this will be more of a wake up call.

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I think this is another good example of people being shocked that the television media lied to them.

In the coming months I am sure this will be more of a wake up call.

Burned up what little credibility remained.

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I think this is another good example of people being shocked that the television media lied to them.

In the coming months I am sure this will be more of a wake up call.


It's simple.


He mirrored the actual voters by expressing what they wanted to say. By this method he whipped up the crowd. He became the crowd.


He has a personality, when he is speaking he sounds just like a regular person but magnified through a bullhorn.


Despite the continued attacks, indeed because of them - basket of deplorables, mysogenist, racist, stupid-he outed Clinton as a snob and elitist. There are more working class Joes than there are elites.


He used a simple message, just like Obama and he tailored it. "Make America great-again" " crooked Hillary" "drain the swamp" mixed with the releases of wiki and the secret server, plus the Clintons dynamic legacy, eventually that message broke through.


the idea is that... the media was against him, in the debate he failed, he said stupid and dumb stuff.


investors companies made losses due to financial markets losses, wall street in chaos and recorded decrease in prices, worries about economy because trump became president.
Protests in states, against trump...etc. 
who voted? what happened ? :P
even the simpsons:
was making fun of this happening in real life, and it actually happen now!! 
Edited by Shad282

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Seems that Trump is going to win ?? even though he is racist, and performed bad on tv and against hillary and most of the media was against him ??


The majority of people know that he's not actually racist, and see that the smear campaign against him saying these things was ridiculous...and continues to be.


Also, his campaign isn't that good ! ! 


He kept saying that he won, and will win and such. was it the use of LOA and vibrations ? or what he was doing? or did?


He maintained positive vibrations and relative integrity. This certainly helped, although I'm not sure it was intentionally LOA.


and would the LOA works even if it was against other people? or with people who have bad intentions against other race or religion example: trump?


No, it doesn't work if it's against other people...LOA only works in the positive fashion and not in the negative. Whatever is focused upon is what is cultivated.


Which could make you rethink the idea that Trump actually has bad intentions against any other race or religion, like some people insist.

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Are we talking about Loa as in the Vodun spirit pantheon?


I had no idea he had a feng shui master on retainer. Makes sense, he knows how to use himself to his advantage, that smells like good personal feng shui :)

Edited by Rocky Lionmouth
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Different people have different perspectives of the world. What's at the surface of how things appear is often just a facade.

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Different people have different perspectives of the world. What's at the surface of how things appear is often just a facade.


I would agree he maintained his own version of 'positive vibrations and relative integrity' and that is part of his methods and how he knows how to sell to consumers hungry for something he could provide.   Ryan just said that Trump heard a voice from the masses that nobody else heard.   But it is not enough to just hear it.  Political hacks and pundits have been studying what to do year after year and it took an outsider to see through it all and realize a way to appeal to masses.


I said to my wife that what we've mostly seen so far is one side (face) of Trump... be prepared to see the side that has made him not just powerful and successful but pay attention to the way he listens and pay attention to the issues ahead.


I hope he deflects any questions about the past or past issues... that was the first stage face...  the next stage is to stick to the present and look to the future.    

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LOA just means that you tend to attract what you focus on. It's not about morals.

so the LOA can be used to serve bad/negative intentions that might hurt or destroy other people.


is there a way to destroy that law ? :P 

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so the LOA can be used to serve bad/negative intentions that might hurt or destroy other people.


is there a way to destroy that law ? :P


On the other hand, things that are in accordance with Dao manifest more easily than things that are not. And as you struggle uphill, you never know what comes rolling down your way.


However, the "laws" that Dao follows are sometimes at odds with human ideas of morals.

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Focus on harm, you attract yourself.

if i focus that the loa does not exist... will it not exist?

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if i focus that the loa does not exist... will it not exist?


You'll definitely cultivate a perception of the world, in which LOA doesn't exist.

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if you take everything trump has been campaining on in the context it was intended, then yeah it's a positive message.


problem is hardly anything has been and therefore he's a racist.

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I'm Sherlocking that LOA is an acronym for "Law Of Attraction" or something similar.


In my head it made no sense that Trump would seek the aid of Vodu or Voodoo spirit work (nor that any Loa would grace him with any substantial help) and since i'm not familiar with the acronym i asked about it. I guess i could further explain myself and take up space and further disrupt the flows so i'll declare my query solved. *waves to immaginary person in the crowd and leaves awkwardly*

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I don't really understand why some insist on assuming that what Trump has done has been carefully and craftily calculated. Near the end moreso due to certain hires, probably, other people trying.


Does it occur to anyone that rather than him surveying the country, fathoming "what would move them," and then tailoring this message for the proletariat, that the guy simply said what he believed and ran based on what was important to him and what he thought? And that what do you know, he is living in the same country, in the same culture, and so the BS that frustrates him is a lot of the same BS that frustrates other people?


He's getting on toward being an old man. He's had enough life experienced to have developed a lot of opinions, and enough time in leadership to believe that what he wants is good, and that if he pursues it other people will also agree it's good, because of course, we all believe that whatever we think is perfectly reasonable so all smart people should agree with us, heh. :-)


It just so happens that in this case, a lot of people really did agree with him, particularly about the economy and trade, jobs and taxes, veterans, and inhouse security. I don't think it was some genius machiavellian insight that made him take these issues as his platform. I think he just honestly is focused on those issues as something he thinks he can make better.


I'm not trying to be his apologist, but rather, trying to say he might just not be that smart as he's being given credit for -- if half the country agrees with him it might be merely that half the country agrees with him. It happens.



Edited by redcairo
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I've said all along that he's a buffoon, a jackass, a pig, a Progressive and a plant. The whole thing is Kabuki theater and the whole country is being played. The intent is chaos, violence in the streets and societal collapse. The curtain is about to rise for the next act and all hell will break loose.


I wish I were mistaken but I'm not. Hope you've prepared for what follows.

Edited by Brian
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I've said all along that he's a buffoon, a jackass, a pig, a Progressive and a plant. The whole thing is Kabuki theater and the whole country is being played. The intent is chaos, violence in the streets and societal collapse. The curtain is about to rise for the next act and all hell will break loose.


I wish I were mistaken but I'm not. Hope you've prepared for what follows.



That is really clear and honest! I hope you are wrong, but I have edgy feelings about all of this.


Trump's latest Tweet, which I don't think is Presidential and may be inflammatory dog whistle politics. The consequences of such are unknown at this time. The guy can't even handle that others don't want him in office by stating, "unfair".



Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!

Edited by ralis
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