Jim D.

Hillary and Trump

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The video compares and contrasts speeches given by both and nothing more. Further, I don't care for the implications of the caption which speaks volumes as to who you are.


I doubt you understand an authoritarian personality such as Trump and what his real agendas are. There are many that follow such to the pit of ruin. Read some history and learn from it.

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It appears there are a few posting here with authoritarian inclinations and will march in lock step behind one.

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In terms of authoritarians, such only rise to power, if and only if, there are a sufficient number of followers in lock step. Such a phenomenon never takes place in a vacuum.

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The video compares and contrasts speeches given by both and nothing more. Further, I don't care for the implications of the caption which speaks volumes as to who you are.


I doubt you understand an authoritarian personality such as Trump and what his real agendas are. There are many that follow such to the pit of ruin. Read some history and learn from it.

I don't profess to understand Trump.  I am neither psychic nor clairvoyant.  I really doubt that anybody, outside of maybe Trump's family and closest friends/associates know what his "real agenda" is -- if it is, in fact, deeper than what he has stated upfront.


I am not pro Trump or anti Trump.  I am Trump-skeptic.


If I believed he was a horrible person, I would use my rational brain to filter phenomena to support my theory.


If I believed he was a savior of America, I would use my rational brain to filter phenomena to support my theory.


Confirmation bias is a powerful tool.  People are fundamentally more emotional and belief oriented than logical or rationally oriented.

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I don't profess to understand Trump.  I am neither psychic nor clairvoyant.  I really doubt that anybody, outside of maybe Trump's family and closest friends/associates know what his "real agenda" is -- if it is, in fact, deeper than what he has stated upfront.


I am not pro Trump or anti Trump.  I am Trump-skeptic.


If I believed he was a horrible person, I would use my rational brain to filter phenomena to support my theory.


If I believed he was a savior of America, I would use my rational brain to filter phenomena to support my theory.


Confirmation bias is a powerful tool.  People are fundamentally more emotional and belief oriented than logical or rationally oriented.


My point is that authoritarians are not for your benefit or mine! There is much research that one can read and consider.

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Authoritarians are not only in governmental seats of power, but right in ones home. Childhood or otherwise.

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It appears there are a few posting here with authoritarian inclinations and will march in lock step behind one.

You see, futuredaze? You totally misjudged ralis. Just because someone disagrees with his political ideology doesn't necessarily make him Hitler. That person might just be a loyal Nazi instead.



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You see, futuredaze? You totally misjudged ralis. Just because someone disagrees with his political ideology doesn't necessarily make him Hitler. That person might just be a loyal Nazi instead.




While you were busily typing away, I was out enjoying New Mexico's famous peyote sunsets. This photo does not do our sunsets justice.



Edited by ralis
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My point is that authoritarians are not for your benefit or mine! There is much research that one can read and consider.

I don't really see him as an authoritarian though.  Then again, I thought Obama was going to be transparent and unifying, like he talked about.  I've been lied to before, so maybe I can be duped again.

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I don't really see him as an authoritarian though.  Then again, I thought Obama was going to be transparent and unifying, like he talked about.  I've been lied to before, so maybe I can be duped again.

In what way is he not an authoritarian?

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You see, futuredaze? You totally misjudged ralis. Just because someone disagrees with his political ideology doesn't necessarily make him Hitler. That person might just be a loyal Nazi instead.


I thought I had gone to a parallel universe in which Ralis was actually a libertarian. It was weird, I'm sure he said things like 'he doesn't like 'authoritarians' and indicated that he might even prefer freedom ! It was like all my Birthdays came at once and Ralis and I danced together in one of Blakes green fields.

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In what way is he not an authoritarian?

For a start he has no authority. When or if he does achieve election then you will be able to judge how much of an authoritarian he is. He is most definitely a statist, he has some odd ideas on big infrastructure projects, supports big welfare and is a protectionist. This week though he came out swinging at the Fed, no other candidate has ever dared, but that might be only to ensure he places Obama's economic policies in the dustbin, which tags Clinton.


He's a strange animal for certain, but anyone seeking power is a strange and dangerous animal in my estimation and those that support this power grab are fools.

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I doubt you understand an authoritarian personality such as Trump and what his real agendas are. There are many that follow such to the pit of ruin. Read some history and learn from it.

Worthy of repeating, I think.

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I doubt you understand an authoritarian personality such as Trump and what his real agendas are. There are many that follow such to the pit of ruin. Read some history and learn from it.

Its just funny trying to make him look bad next to hillary

at this point, its the two of them, and he hasnt done enough to convince me he'd be terrible for the country, much less anywhere near as bad as the globalist lackey hillary would be has already proven herself to be.

Edited by joeblast

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I feel sorry for people who think Trump is Hitler - that is a lot of stress and negativity over nothing.


Even if Trump is an authoritarian and bad president, that would place him in the company of George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama.  And, funny enough, people have called both of them "Hitler" too.


People need some new insults.


Furthermore, in some ways, the media is probably worse than either candidate.  I don't think Trump would make people afraid if the media wasn't selectively portraying him saying stuff out of context and then having "experts" show us how Trump is committing racist badthink.  There are videos of people on youtube talking about Trump who are shaking from all the fear the media (which includes online media funded by the same corporations or globalist elites), plus people getting beaten up for wearing Trump shirts.  Not only do people think Trump is bad, but they think everyone who supports him must be "racist, bigot, sexist, etc."  I hope that even you will agree that this is just wrong.  At least Trump isn't targeting Hillary Clinton supporters... I don't really know another time the SUPPORTERS were being targeted like this.


I thought Trump was really bad at first - when I was only exposed to the media, and what some idiots around me were saying because they had only heard the media views, too.  Then, after actually watching some of his full press conferences, rally's, etc. I realized how the media was essentially committing a crime against humanity by shitty Soviet-style reporting.  Not that I think he would be great or anything - like I said, I am not omnipotent, clairvoyant, or psychic.  However, with my limited judgement abilities, I think he likely would be better than Clinton.  As I said, I was duped hardcore with Obama, who I thought would be a good leader and, in some ways, is worse than Bush (or at least just as bad).  So maybe I am wrong about Trump, but only time will tell (if he wins).  We can only go by our judgment which is mostly irrational and emotional, although sometimes we use rationality, we generally think we are more rational than we are (but it is very easy to think other people are so irrational).  You say to study history - I say you should study psychology.

Edited by futuredaze

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I feel sorry for people who think Trump is Hitler - that is a lot of stress and negativity over nothing.


Even if Trump is an authoritarian and bad president, that would place him in the company of George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama.  And, funny enough, people have called both of them "Hitler" too.


People need some new insults.


Furthermore, in some ways, the media is probably worse than either candidate.  I don't think Trump would make people afraid if the media wasn't selectively portraying him saying stuff out of context and then having "experts" show us how Trump is committing racist badthink.  There are videos of people on youtube talking about Trump who are shaking from all the fear the media (which includes online media funded by the same corporations or globalist elites), plus people getting beaten up for wearing Trump shirts.  Not only do people think Trump is bad, but they think everyone who supports him must be "racist, bigot, sexist, etc."  I hope that even you will agree that this is just wrong.  At least Trump isn't targeting Hillary Clinton supporters... I don't really know another time the SUPPORTERS were being targeted like this.


I thought Trump was really bad at first - when I was only exposed to the media, and what some idiots around me were saying because they had only heard the media views, too.  Then, after actually watching some of his full press conferences, rally's, etc. I realized how the media was essentially committing a crime against humanity by shitty Soviet-style reporting.  Not that I think he would be great or anything - like I said, I am not omnipotent, clairvoyant, or psychic.  However, with my limited judgement abilities, I think he likely would be better than Clinton.  As I said, I was duped hardcore with Obama, who I thought would be a good leader and, in some ways, is worse than Bush (or at least just as bad).  So maybe I am wrong about Trump, but only time will tell (if he wins).  We can only go by our judgment which is mostly irrational and emotional, although sometimes we use rationality, we generally think we are more rational than we are (but it is very easy to think other people are so irrational).  You say to study history - I say you should study psychology.


I have studied psychology and vast amounts of history. To reiterate, I never compared Trump to Hitler, but the video that I posted was comparing and contrasting the communication styles of authoritarians. The life and rise to power of Hitler is a classic study of authoritarianism which is less than 100 years in the past. It is easy to deny such behavior when it is staring you in the face and contemplate that it can't happen here, but it can.


I am reminded of the novel by Sinclair Lewis 'It Can't Happen Here' when I read this thread.

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I'll reiterate that I'll reserve final judgement on trump after I see how president trump handles things.  But I dont think there's too many of us that have any illusions about what hillary would do.
look at the ICANN handover and hillary's contention that she'd put drudge and breitbart off the internet.
we have it bad enough as it is with obtaining accurate information that isnt altered with a bunch of lies - how will it be once the globalists have full control over the internet's DNS servers?
they will all end up like jim stone where you cant get to their address unless you know the IP of their server.
whereas the globalist owned liar outfits like NBC et al will wind up being able to augment stories to their liking and have full backing of the globalist cartels. 
the ICANN handover is all about control over the flow of information.  there's a LOT of people out there like futuredaze that have an open enough mind to change their mind as new information comes to light.
its amazing that people will believe stuff like that which comes out of the mouth of clinton's doctor.
non contagious bacterial pneumonia???  how many people are out there that will actually believe such garbage?  juxtaposed with half a dozen of her staffers getting infected?  ALL BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA IS CONTAGIOUS.
her taking black box warning'd Lavaquin that has 2,000+ lawsuits concerning its usage (Dr. Bennett has filed two citizen’s petitions with the FDA seeking to expand the black warning to include mitochondrial toxicity, meaning damage can occur within a patient’s cells, and possibly manifest years later as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, or ALS.)
her vaccinations are up to date, which includes Prevnar and Pneumovax - oh wait, she's been inoculated against pneumonia but has it anyway?
funny no mention of the blood clots and deep vein thrombosis or why she's still on blood thinners....but therein lies the verbiage misdirection - "includes" can be any number of things she's actually taking, and says nothing of whatever else she's taking.    (Let's have a nice clear statement like, "It does not appear that Mrs. Clinton has Parkinson's disease or a similar neurological condition affecting motor coordination. L-dopa is not among her medications, nor is any anti-seizure medication.")
we have mention of a CT scan to check up on her...ear infection?  (yeah, that's a standard process, NOT)
the pay to play that's been revealed....wait a minute, didnt Rob Blagojevich go to jail for that?
"perfect mental health" as if Dr Bardack is qualified to make a statement on cankles' mental health...

Dr. Lisa Bardack is an internist and is unqualified to comment on neurology/neurosurgery conditions. She is not a board certified neurologist or neurosurgeon.
If this was a court case or a Worker's Compensation case, no judge would allow her to speculate on neurological function or recovery. They would insist on the word of a qualified specialist. She has absolutely no training in neurology/neurosurgery. Clinton had a stroke and a concussion and had to wear prism glasses.
Why is she allowed to give unqualified testimony for the highest position in the land while established legal practice would not allow it?

she's fit to serve, allright.....fit to serve a hospital-prison sentence.  and Dr Bardack is positioning herself for the Michael Jackson doctor's treatment....if not the "offended the clintons" treatment...
Willful ignorance, if you are ignoring these things.

Edited by joeblast
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I'll reiterate that I'll reserve final judgement on trump after I see how president trump handles things.  But I dont think there's too many of us that have any illusions about what hillary would do.


look at the ICANN handover and hillary's contention that she'd put drudge and breitbart off the internet.


we have it bad enough as it is with obtaining accurate information that isnt altered with a bunch of lies - how will it be once the globalists have full control over the internet's DNS servers?


they will all end up like jim stone where you cant get to their address unless you know the IP of their server.


whereas the globalist owned liar outfits like NBC et al will wind up being able to augment stories to their liking and have full backing of the globalist cartels. 




the ICANN handover is all about control over the flow of information.  there's a LOT of people out there like futuredaze that have an open enough mind to change their mind as new information comes to light.



its amazing that people will believe stuff like that which comes out of the mouth of clinton's doctor.


non contagious bacterial pneumonia???  how many people are out there that will actually believe such garbage?  juxtaposed with half a dozen of her staffers getting infected?  ALL BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA IS CONTAGIOUS.


her taking black box warning'd Lavaquin that has 2,000+ lawsuits concerning its usage (Dr. Bennett has filed two citizen’s petitions with the FDA seeking to expand the black warning to include mitochondrial toxicity, meaning damage can occur within a patient’s cells, and possibly manifest years later as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, or ALS.)


her vaccinations are up to date, which includes Prevnar and Pneumovax - oh wait, she's been inoculated against pneumonia but has it anyway?


funny no mention of the blood clots and deep vein thrombosis or why she's still on blood thinners....but therein lies the verbiage misdirection - "includes" can be any number of things she's actually taking, and says nothing of whatever else she's taking.    (Let's have a nice clear statement like, "It does not appear that Mrs. Clinton has Parkinson's disease or a similar neurological condition affecting motor coordination. L-dopa is not among her medications, nor is any anti-seizure medication.")


we have mention of a CT scan to check up on her...ear infection?  (yeah, that's a standard process, NOT)


the pay to play that's been revealed....wait a minute, didnt Rob Blagojevich go to jail for that?


"perfect mental health" as if Dr Bardack is qualified to make a statement on cankles' mental health...






she's fit to serve, allright.....fit to serve a hospital-prison sentence.  and Dr Bardack is positioning herself for the Michael Jackson doctor's treatment....if not the "offended the clintons" treatment...



Willful ignorance, if you are ignoring these things.

Well be prepared for her body double to be POTUS because she is going to win.

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I have studied psychology and vast amounts of history. To reiterate, I never compared Trump to Hitler, but the video that I posted was comparing and contrasting the communication styles of authoritarians. The life and rise to power of Hitler is a classic study of authoritarianism which is less than 100 years in the past. It is easy to deny such behavior when it is staring you in the face and contemplate that it can't happen here, but it can.


I am reminded of the novel by Sinclair Lewis 'It Can't Happen Here' when I read this thread.

About the first thing I agree with. It can happen here. However, you appear to have no solution to prevent it other than to call Trump Hitler. The entire Western world has been edging closer to some more universal form of authoritarianism for 200 years, but your answer is-vote Clinton ? Or have you another answer ?

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Well be prepared for her body double to be POTUS because she is going to win.

they're certainly going to try to pull off enough electoral fraud to get her "elected"





and ralis....since you have such an issue with trump university's practices....have you ever taken a gander at the clintons' involvement and money schemes, state department included, regarding some "universities"



since everyone needs to be measured equally, after all :lol:


once again trump's "crimes" pale in comparison to the clinton crime syndicate.









Edited by joeblast

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About the first thing I agree with. It can happen here. However, you appear to have no solution to prevent it other than to call Trump Hitler. The entire Western world has been edging closer to some more universal form of authoritarianism for 200 years, but your answer is-vote Clinton ? Or have you another answer ?

I didn't state that Trump is Hitler.

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No, Trump is not Hitler.  Hitler is dead.  Trump lives on even though his doctor said he is over-weight.


But personally, I don't trust either of the two.

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No, Trump is not Hitler. Hitler is dead. Trump lives on even though his doctor said he is over-weight.


But personally, I don't trust either of the two.

Rumor has it that Hitler is alive and well in South America. I read it on the Internet and it must be true. Edited by ralis
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I'll reiterate that I'll reserve final judgement on trump after I see how president trump handles things. 


that's been my position...


About the first thing I agree with. It can happen here. However, you appear to have no solution to prevent it other than to call Trump Hitler. The entire Western world has been edging closer to some more universal form of authoritarianism for 200 years, but your answer is-vote Clinton ? Or have you another answer ?


Come back in 500 years and then we'll see what should of been the questions to ask...

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