
My first full lotus experiences

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Hey Drew, is leg numbness ever a problem for you in full lotus? I notice that after 40 mins - hour in half lotus my legs (or one of them) get tingly, maybe nerve pinching im not sure.


I sit on a relatively hard floor, no cushion etc so that might be the cause.


Yeah my morning full lotus session -- my right leg was going numb after an hour or so and then I realized it was from the seam in my thin synthetic long johns. That's right Minnesota is so cold I wear thin insulator things in the house -- actually I just found a pair and no one claimed them. they were with my dad's clothes so must have been his.


Anyway I was doing full lotus on this new bed mattress that is really amazing in soaking up pain but then the Wang Liping quotes stated how you need to practice on a hard surface. So I just fold up a couple blankets on the hard floor. I actually find the energy flows better on a hard surface. Chunyi Lin does use a pillow -- like a big cushion I guess -- for when sitting in full lotus at the healing long retreat conferences. But it's not like a fluffy pillow -- more like a futon. At least that's how it was at the Level 3 and Level 4 retreats I went to back in 2001.


So Chunyi Lin told Jim Nance that if he wanted to be a qigong master then he had to sit in full lotus two hours non-stop every day and not miss a day. So today I thought I did two hours but then I thought that was just too easy so I need to go longer next time. But I don't have a clock in my room and I was timing myself based on the laundry and dryer machines again. haha. So then I realized I finished about 20 minutes too early. But then at least it was not noon yet so I didn't get in too much trouble.


I mean I used to work the night shift -- but other people freak if you sleep in or I stay in my room too late since it appears I'm not working. Actually yesterday when my nephew called and my mom told me I said: "I'm meditating" and then she said when can he call back and I said a time that was about two hours later. then he didn't call back. haha. But at least it was established that when I'm in my room it doesn't mean I'm asleep. I mean I sit on the floor pretty close to the door. Vivekananda stated that a person shouldn't meditate in the bed room but instead a different room. Anyway I still go into full lotus on the bed if I want to but it's not like real meditation -- just like I still sit in full lotus at the computer but it's not real meditation. Still any time in full lotus does help.


Chunyi Lin said the first time he sat in full lotus for two hours was when he was watching a martial arts film that he was really into and then only when it ended did he notice the pain. Then he said about the pain of full lotus - there is good pain and bad pain -- meaning the pain of full lotus is good pain. As I stated that I have internal climaxes in full lotus. I mention this only because it's taboo to talk about it qigong -- the sex sublimation stuff. But also I agree that the sex thoughts need to be emptied out even though we are saturated in sex in modern society. So as the book "Taoist Yoga" states -- to do the small universe to sublimate and purify the sex thoughts that then create the sex fluid. So I've found that full lotus is the most effective for this. Chunyi Lin says 20 minutes of full lotus meditation equals four hours of any other type of meditation.


The other lower emotions have to be emptied out as well -- anger, fear, worry, sadness. So then when I hear the high pitched sound I know the kidney energy is activating to create chi -- as I said I think the high pitched sound resonates into ultrasound from the piezoelectric pressure on the leg bones of the full lotus. Then I see light in the brain and then I know I've emptied out the lower emotional blockages as I've created some shen spirit energy. But not until the electromagnetic fields are built up real strong do you then start to see shen energy outside of the brain -- around other people or seeing spirits, etc.


So about the spirits -- yeah it is amazing when Chunyi Lin shares stories about spirits. As Taoist Master Ni, hua-ching says that ghost pollution is a real problem especially in the city and also Master Ni (of Los Angeles) states that when sleeping on the back then the ghost spirits feed off the lower tan tien and suck off the sex energy. Master Ni also states that our ancestor spirits live in the back of our head -- like our grandparents' spirits. So Jim Nance has also talked about the ancestors. I do feel a spirit connection with my dad as he died in the house last spring and I found his body and when I found his body then my heart chakra filled with love -- such a strong love that really surprised me. So I knew that when my dad died he had experienced this love and I was then feeling it. Then it was my dad's birthday a few days ago and strangely in a bizarre set of circumstances I needed to use this refrigerator magnet that held his photo used from the funeral notice. So then I was carrying around his photo on his birthday and I didn't plan on doing that but it felt nice to better establish a connection.


So Chunyi Lin says that it often takes several visits to a room -- doing qigong in the room -- to clear out the ghost spirits. But we don't see them but like I said when I did the intensive qigong training and I had really strong electromagnetic energy chi stored up and I did a week long qigong feast and then I could see spirit light -- that's when I saw Chunyi Lin's yin spirits breaking off from his head while he was in full lotus and he explained that as they drifted out into the conference room his yin spirits were going to heal people. then I saw these yellow lights shaped like humans float in from outside the room and I didn't say anything to anyone about this. But then Chunyi Lin said someone had seen those spirits so explained that indeed they were dead people coming to him to find peace and that he regularly heals the dead spirits so they find peace.


Ironically I had just read this amazing biography of the most famous Theravada Buddhist master of Thailand -- I give a link to the free download of that book on my blog as the Theravada Monks are committed to FREE information dispersal. In that book there is levitation described and other amazing experiences from the forest monk training. I think that Monk Mun sat in full lotus. Anyway he also describes have telepathy -- as I've experienced from Chunyi Lin - where he can read the minds of the students in his room. A reader of mine as Chunyi Lin about telepathy and he said it was a lower skill that was not pure to use. But still I've had both Jim Nance and Chunyi Lin make jokes about me based on information that I didn't tell anyone -- so it wasn't bad that they did this -- I mean it was joking with great love. Also Monk Mun talks about the dead spirits visiting him for healing while he is doing lectures and emitting energy to his students -- and so that was the only time I had read about this and it was right before the LEvel 3 conference I had attended. So that corroborated what Chunyi Lin had explained about the spirits.

Edited by fulllotus
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I haven't attempted the full lotus for a few days to give my knees a rest as they were a little sore from my over enthusiasm. I am however noticing the increased flexibility from stretching so often which is great.


I'm focusing heavily on the hip flexors/piriformis, I can get my legs straight down in the butterfly pose now.

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I haven't attempted the full lotus for a few days to give my knees a rest as they were a little sore from my over enthusiasm. I am however noticing the increased flexibility from stretching so often which is great.


I'm focusing heavily on the hip flexors/piriformis, I can get my legs straight down in the butterfly pose now.


One thing fascinating about Master Mun -- in his biography -- he states that it is necessary for the practitioner to be scared to death to really be able to properly go into samadhi. So he makes his monks train in the jungle where there are known tigers roaming. My take on this is what is called sympathetic rebound -- that I detail here


The basic concept is that when the sympathetic nervous system is exhausted then there is a switch into the parasympathetic and it's like a rebound so more of one makes more of the other. So in the full lotus since we are relying on complementary opposite resonance of yin and yang -- then as the pain builds up it will switch over to the parasympathetic nervous system. Chunyi Lin says that when the legs are numb that means the energy is the head and then vice versa. So I think the full lotus is not just one type of stretching or meditation but it's the tetrahedron pyramid power of complementary opposites -- chunyi Lin says the small universe will cycle on its own in full lotus. Still if we can build up our chi electromagnetic energy through the other types of yin-yang practice like the small universe while sitting in a chair or the standing tai-chi type exercises then the accumulated electromagnetic energy should make the full lotus much easier.


For me I don't really have a safe protected environment to meditate in so I have to be on the defensive all the time -- this is kind of like living with tigers. haha. Not quite as dangerous. Anyway then the meditation masters use the energy transmissions to calm the wild animals down. Of course one dude outside Mumbai was practicing yoga in the forest in the middle of the night -- or early morning -- 3 a.m. and he got eaten by a tiger. But he might have just been doing stretching and not the real energy transmissions that would truly calm a tiger. So it's best to have a meditation master giving the transmissions to train much more easily. I know after I got the laser transmissions from Chunyi Lin then I would keep practicing and it was much more easier to sit in full lotus.

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The basic concept is that when the sympathetic nervous system is exhausted then there is a switch into the parasympathetic and it's like a rebound so more of one makes more of the other. So in the full lotus since we are relying on complementary opposite resonance of yin and yang -- then as the pain builds up it will switch over to the parasympathetic nervous system. Chunyi Lin says that when the legs are numb that means the energy is the head and then vice versa. So I think the full lotus is not just one type of stretching or meditation but it's the tetrahedron pyramid power of complementary opposites -- chunyi Lin says the small universe will cycle on its own in full lotus. Still if we can build up our chi electromagnetic energy through the other types of yin-yang practice like the small universe while sitting in a chair or the standing tai-chi type exercises then the accumulated electromagnetic energy should make the full lotus much easier.




I gotta thank you, Drew, for your dedication and your insights. Wonderful stuff to read and ponder, and I get that the small universe practice can be automatic in the lotus, although for me I am dangling by the ropes when I experience a loop in the basement (as it were). I don't get the tetrahedron with the arms as one set of triangles and the way the transfinite numbers can be just the limiting process in finer and finer motion- I wish you could draw the triangles on that.


I would really recommend to myself and others to look for the twisty action of the sartorious coming out of the stretch of the ilio-tibial tract, and the stretch in the gluts from the tract, as well as the hammocking by the obturators that sets the piriformis in action, but realizing that it's just a sense of place that happens to fall forward in the lower abdomen. the stretch that has absorption as a tail-end.


Rough sketches, I hope to redo them someday.


I like to dance more than I like to sit in the lotus; it's easier to feel connected when I'm falling down with someone else, like that song by David Grey about "falling down the mountainside"- love that.


Edited by Mark Foote

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I gotta thank you, Drew, for your dedication and your insights. Wonderful stuff to read and ponder, and I get that the small universe practice can be automatic in the lotus, although for me I am dangling by the ropes when I experience a loop in the basement (as it were). I don't get the tetrahedron with the arms as one set of triangles and the way the transfinite numbers can be just the limiting process in finer and finer motion- I wish you could draw the triangles on that.


I would really recommend to myself and others to look for the twisty action of the sartorious coming out of the stretch of the ilio-tibial tract, and the stretch in the gluts from the tract, as well as the hammocking by the obturators that sets the piriformis in action, but realizing that it's just a sense of place that happens to fall forward in the lower abdomen. the stretch that has absorption as a tail-end.


Rough sketches, I hope to redo them someday.


I like to dance more than I like to sit in the lotus; it's easier to feel connected when I'm falling down with someone else, like that song by David Grey about "falling down the mountainside"- love that.



O.K. so when you sit in full lotus the base of the triangle is the front -- the calves and knees as the widest part. So then the back of the body is the point of the triangle. So then the head is the point of the tetrahedron. So then when the hands are in front that is a second triangle point -- so it's the inverse of the first triangle. So the hands form the point and the elbows form the base - -the length between the elbows. So you have the wide base on the back, whereas with the calves and knees the widest part of the triangle, the base is in the front. So with the hands as the point and the elbows as the base then there is another point that is higher then the head. O.K. so if you're looking down at the base of your body then you see the star of david. But actually it's also Kepler's Pythagorean secret -- he has an equilateral triangle with a circle within and a circle circumscribing it. Since the equilateral triangle relies on complementary opposite numbers -- not Western equidistant numbers -- then the equilateral triangle collapses into the FORMLESS. This process of collapse is modeled by the Star of David as the two triangles from complementary opposites --- in the case of Kepler the inner triangle is just extended and then inverted, as this process of complementary opposite formation and it also creates the Tai-Chi symbol.


It, consciousness, the Tao, etc., can not be seen but it can be listened to. So consciousness can not be visualized but by listening eternally then consciousness creates light energy, then electromagnetic chi and then electrochemical energy and ultrasound and sound. So the equilateral triangle of the tetrahedron full lotus is made up of complementary opposite harmonics instead of the irrational numbers used in Western symmetric logic. The process is not modeled visually but rather through sound. But Western music is based on the visual logarithmic numbers -- so Western music is a type of mind control that goes against the natural resonance I've described. So we are saturated in materialistic sound that does not naturally resonate into the ultrasound sonofusion alchemy -- because the tuning of Western music relies on logarithms that go against the natural overtones. I go into this in my book - - essentially the tritone is the square root of two and it's derived from the Perfect Fifth which is yang as 2:3 that is squared as 9:4 and then halved as 9:8, the major second tone and then the major second tone is cubed as the tritone -- so that the 12 notes of the Western scale are actually the 12th root of two logarithms. So the tritone is the square root of two. But all these logarithms go against the Perfect fith as 2:3 with the Perfect fourth as 3:4 -- whereby C to G is 2:3 and G to C is 3:4. Western logic relies on the commutative property so that C to G is 2:3 and G to C is 3:2, not 3:4. I go into the details of this in chapter two of my book available for free download at -- it's a subtle difference but the fundamental "rotten root" at the base of Western civilization, starting with Plato and Archytas. So when we listen to Western music we are actually being mind controlled into a materialistic visually-defined framework but infinity can not be contained. Even the "harmonic series" relies on the concept of logarithms as it's considered to be defined as such, using equidistant symmetric geometry. That's the difference between sequence and series. A series is "contained" as contained infinite -- but say the Fibonacci Sequence is not contained. So Kepler was against the closed "contained" form of the Golden Ratio but instead supported the Fibonacci Sequence based on complementary opposite, male and female number, just as is found in Taoism. there's three forms -- there's complementary opposites which is an older form and then there's "divide and average" math of India and China and Babylon and Egypt, the early civilizations. Then there's the irrational magnitude geometry as the Greek Miracle of Western logic based on combining the earlier forms. Stephen Hawking gets into the difference between "divide and average" and the Western logic in his book When God Created the Integers. But Hawking does not get into "complementary opposites" because that comes from nonwestern music - the true purpose of which is to create light from sound.

Edited by fulllotus

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Stephen Hawking gets into the difference between "divide and average" and the Western logic in his book When God Created the Integers. But Hawking does not get into "complementary opposites" because that comes from nonwestern music - the true purpose of which is to create light from sound.

Thanks for the triangles, I'm trying to follow the music but for now I have to let it ride. The book by Hawking I may have time for, in about 6 months- thanks for mentioning it, it would be my cup of tea, I think. A friend gave me a copy of "Notices", Dec 2008, and it's about formal proof using computers. First thing they proved was Godel's incompleteness theorem, maybe because the logic suited formal proof, I don't know. Stuff you wrote about Godel sent me to Wikipedia, where I learned about the rework of Relativity he gave Einstein for Einstein's 70th birthday, proving that if relativity is correct then time travel is possible. Which caused Einstein to doubt his own theory, or so it says. Maybe the UFO's aren't aliens at all, but just humans from another time, is my conclusion. Ha ha.


Well, yer an inspiration. yer gonna have to give it up, and get a girl friend, so start gettin' yer perv on there pal- cross up, and I know you got it in you! Ha ha, look forward to more.

Edited by Mark Foote

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Thanks Drew, for the spirit stuff, but wat I was primarily interested in knowing why the spirits wouldn't be happy with Jim Nance spreading his experiences with qigong. My guess is Nance never told you or Chunyi never told Nance, but it's worth a shot to try and ask...

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O.K. so when you sit in full lotus the base of the triangle is the front -- the calves and knees as the widest part. So then the back of the body is the point of the triangle. So then the head is the point of the tetrahedron.


So then when the hands are in front that is a second triangle point -- so it's the inverse of the first triangle. So the hands form the point and the elbows form the base - -the length between the elbows.


So you have the wide base on the back, whereas with the calves and knees the widest part of the triangle, the base is in the front.


So with the hands as the point and the elbows as the base then there is another point that is higher then the head.


O.K. so if you're looking down at the base of your body then you see the star of david.


But actually it's also Kepler's Pythagorean secret -- he has an equilateral triangle with a circle within and a circle circumscribing it. Since the equilateral triangle relies on complementary opposite numbers -- not Western equidistant numbers -- then the equilateral triangle collapses into the FORMLESS. This process of collapse is modeled by the Star of David as the two triangles from complementary opposites --- in the case of Kepler the inner triangle is just extended and then inverted, as this process of complementary opposite formation and it also creates the Tai-Chi symbol.

Interesting description - but I think I need to see a sketch of this labelled as you described?


Like, where would the upper point of the 2nd triangle (with the elbows & hands as its base) be?

Edited by vortex

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Interesting description - but I think I need to see a sketch of this labelled as you described?


Like, where would the upper point of the 2nd triangle (with the elbows & hands as its base) be?


Haha. Thks for the graphics. Yeah so the upper point of the second tetrahedron triangle would be above the head -- the point above the head is emphasized by say Muktananda -- saying if you focus above the head that brings the energy down. I don't do that but then again when the electromagnetic energy is very strong then the top of the head gets soft and pulsates with electromagnetic energy. At that point then you can convert the energy above the head into water inside the head that then flows down into the mouth. This is how a yogi can go without water for seven weeks like Chunyi Lin did when he was in full lotus. I went eight days on half a glass of water and near the end I had this happen - it's some sort of reverse electrolysis.


Still as Master Nan, Huai-chin states there's no embryo formed literally in the tan tien -- nor does it rise literally out of the top of the head. Although I do think this energy is experienced in those places the point being that the energy arises from formlessness so the source of the energy should be the focus or else there is attachment to the energy which then causes disharmony.

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Thanks Drew, for the spirit stuff, but wat I was primarily interested in knowing why the spirits wouldn't be happy with Jim Nance spreading his experiences with qigong. My guess is Nance never told you or Chunyi never told Nance, but it's worth a shot to try and ask...


Well once Chunyi Lin said that he had exorcised evil spirits from a haunted house or something and he said that it takes a lot of energy to do this -- that you don't want to mess with the spirits. Another time Chunyi Lin said that he was in the mountains in meditation and he had this vision of these two giant humans who were naked. but on their bodies they displayed all these secret acupuncture points so that Chunyi Lin could study them. So the male and female displayed their front side and Chunyi lin memorized all the meridian lines that were different from the traditional lines. then they turned to their back side and he memorized those secret lines to use for healing. But then Chunyi Lin said even though the bodies were naked if he had had any thoughts about sex then the spirits would have immediately vanished. So again when dealing with advanced healing then the mind must be completely emptied out so that the visions can be maintained. It is like focusing a laser in a trance state and the eyes don't move. So then Chunyi Lin said that in the advanced state every thought carries a lot of energy with it so it's very important to be able to control your thoughts. Chunyi lin also shared how when he first was teaching qigong in Minnesota he traveled with a friend to Mankato to teach qigong to a group of older people. Then when they arrived in the center of town to enter the building there were these two huge spirits that were guarding the area but they were very stern and big. Chunyi Lin said he had to be very careful not to disturb them and he didn't dare tell anyone about these spirits he saw until after he got out of there. Then he asked his friend what had happened there and then Chunyi Lin learned how that site was the largest mass hanging in U.S. history where 38 Dakota men were killed in 1862.


So actually every time I type online in fact I have to empty out that energy while in meditation -- because actually the left brain produces karma that has to be burned away or reversed -- it's like an electrochemical imprint. So that our minds spirit is taking photos and it is imprinted in our body as an electrochemical photograph that is an energy blockage. So then that electrochemical blockage has to be reversed or harmonized back into light energy. So that is a right brain process while words are a left brain process that relies on the sympathetic stress nervous system. The right brain relies on the parasympathetic relaxation nervous system.

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Thanks for the triangles, I'm trying to follow the music but for now I have to let it ride. The book by Hawking I may have time for, in about 6 months- thanks for mentioning it, it would be my cup of tea, I think. A friend gave me a copy of "Notices", Dec 2008, and it's about formal proof using computers. First thing they proved was Godel's incompleteness theorem, maybe because the logic suited formal proof, I don't know. Stuff you wrote about Godel sent me to Wikipedia, where I learned about the rework of Relativity he gave Einstein for Einstein's 70th birthday, proving that if relativity is correct then time travel is possible. Which caused Einstein to doubt his own theory, or so it says. Maybe the UFO's aren't aliens at all, but just humans from another time, is my conclusion. Ha ha.


Well, yer an inspiration. yer gonna have to give it up, and get a girl friend, so start gettin' yer perv on there pal- cross up, and I know you got it in you! Ha ha, look forward to more.


Haha. Yeah this morning's full lotus session -- again I didn't have a clock so how can I track relativity! haha. Godel said the universe rotates and this is how time travel is possible. Then when I did the intensive training in 2000 when I sat in full lotus there was a spacetime vortex around me and the room was spinning! So then Godel said that the "grandfather paradox" is solved because the person time travelling would not DESIRE to kill their grandfather, etc. This makes sense in terms of yoga -- shamanism, etc. because the only way to time travel is to sublimate beyond the lower emotions so that the electrochemical energy turns into electromagnetic and then light energy. Then in the book "Is Einstein Wrong?" that I mention in my book there was discovered anomalies in gravity in local spacetime curvatures -- meaning anomalies just from the lay of the land. So that would mean that sitting in full lotus could actually create a spacetime anomaly. So then the "eye of the hurricane" so to speak -- the third eye or even the heart actually is the CENTER that does not move as the spacetime vortex moves -- or light remains the constant but the light is eternally being created through this vortex process of complementary opposites. So actually that's why Einstein didn't like quantum physics because he still relied on classical logarithms when he coined the term photon and then the quantum time-frequency uncertainty principle was discovered by Dennis Gabor, another Institute of Advanced Study fellow at Princeton. So then Louis de Broglie's Law of Harmony revealed the inherent paradox in Einstein's relativity -- how time slows down when frequency increases. I go into this in my book in detail to download it. de Broglie relied on frequency instead of time and by doing so realized there is the "pilot wave" that is faster than light -- superliminal -- secretly guiding the light. This pilot wave though can only be measured after the fact so that linear causality is not violated. But that is relying on technology to do the measuring -- because of the paradoxes of quantum consciousness then that dude who won the Templeton Award -- he proved that we can infer consciousness exists. D'Espargat. Benard D'Esparagat I think is his name. Anyway so it relies on logical inference. We can logically infer that consciousness is real. Actually the consciousness is this open process of logic and so it is the exact same process that Godel relied in his logic - namely Know Thyself -- the Socratic Method of the source of the I-thought. So that "I" is actually the number One that is not a number, as is taught in Pythagorean philosophy. The number One as the I-thought resonates into the formless consciousness -- what I call "female formless awareness" because it relies on complementary opposites. Which means that formless consicousness is female. So anyway Godel was still relying on Platonic geometry - -using logarithms. The Stephen Hawking book just has a long foot note on the Indian proof for the square root of two -- not using logarithms. Essentially in India it was "divide and average" math so that in the West the geometry is infinite - "contained" infinity whereas in India the geometry was sacred (meaning that it resonated into the formless) and then the numbers as "divide and average" proofs were infinite. So in the West the number as irrational magnitude is actually just an empty symbol for the geometry. The philosophers Hugly and Sayward point this out in their 1999 essay -- "Did the Greeks Discover the Irrational?" - - their answer is logically NO. Because length in geometry is not distance as number. So there is what Bertrand Russell called an error of logical type - Russell stated that the real numbers are a "convenient fiction." haha. Of course Russell's proof is no longer accepted now but as I detail in my book math professor Luigi Borzacchini - -going back to Pythagoras -- reveals how non-western music was the secret basis for the discovery of irrational magnitude but it was a cover-up that never really solved the paradoxes of irrational magnitude, now found in set theory. So the mathematicians will admit the error - Dewdney \ A.K. Dewdney -- another mathematician writes about Godel's theory -- either math will always remain incomplete or else it is "internally inconsistent" -- illogical. If you go with the first answer which Westerners do -- then it's assumed that technology is required to prove the math. In other words there is no pure math -- it is actually part of geometry as technology which then has repercussions -- since it is based on an illogical foundation then to prove the math there is destruction of ecology through the technology. The technology inherently goes against ecology because the logical foundation is wrong. Of course Westerners are not going to admit this, especially since they don't know that another possibility exists from knowing the true logic - as Godel argued time travel is possible! haha. Of course he starved himself to death by becoming so paranoid. Similarly Cantor was always in a trance state to prove his set theory but then he got so conspiratorial that he was put in an asylum. So then Cantor said he wished he had stayed a musician and Cantor hoped his son would be a musician. haha. So there is a secret energy to music - -namely that the frequency of sound resonates into light and then energy can be created that is in harmony with ecology. but this requires going past desire and just listening to the energy -=- so that no ONE is listening. haha. The music listens to itself.

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I attempted a no hands full lotus and to my surprise, I have succeeded. :)


What do you guys think about my foot positioning?


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Don't want to embed as it's a huge pic, I took it with my phone. Keep in mind that I'm leaning forward a lot in that photo so as to capture my legs.

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I attempted a no hands full lotus and to my surprise, I have succeeded. :)


What do you guys think about my foot positioning?


Click here


Don't want to embed as it's a huge pic, I took it with my phone. Keep in mind that I'm leaning forward a lot in that photo so as to capture my legs.

haha. Yeah you want the feet up against the hips as Wang, Liping detailed. I didn't know that but then yesterday after I did a good meditation session with my feet against my hips -- I could feel this amazing acupressure energy on my hip spot and it felt great -- like that's where my feet belong. haha. Still when I did my 2 hour session this morning then my feet slide down by my knees. Still on the thighs though. Actually then I was doing lifting -- you know lifting up your body while in full lotus. I could only do that for about a minute. I wanted to do a handstand in full lotus but I've never even down a hand stand normally. haha. Just wasn't that interested -- I mean as a kid against a wall. Anyway I realized it takes amazing arm strength to go into a hand stand from full lotus. I gotta watch that Eddie Bravo vid again to see how he did it. Still the real focus should be on sublimated and transforming the life force energy into chi. I can feel as my chi gets deconverted by people around me sucking it back down to sex fluids -- as that's where their electromagnetic focus is on -- creating sex fluids. So then I just go back into full lotus at the computer, even though I'm not meditating -- and that reverses the damage. Last night I almost lost the alchemical pill. Or this morning. Anyway I was sleeping and a dream turned on me and then as I have successfully done -- I woke myself up before I lost anything and immediately did the PV muscle flexing and then I went into full lotus on the bed. So then I thought I was really doomed as I also had to take a leak -- so I wouldn't have time to sublimate the sex energy. So then the energy was going into my skull and the tendons on my neck were cracking and snapping as the sex fluid went into my skull cavity. haha. So I thought maybe I have a chance. I relaxed and tried to bring the energy back down the front as well -- to purify it. I waited in full lotus as long as possible until my bladder was bursting. then when I pissed there was no foam! So I was amazed I had not gotten it stuck in the prostate as it was a close call to be sure. So then after I finished my 2 hour full lotus session then I felt the chi electromagnetic energy so that I had good protection during the day against the lower emotional attacks. haha.


Oh I got it -- so when he went into full lotus with no hands - he leans his body way backwards. Wow. that makes sense. I was trying to do no hands while sitting upright on a big foot rest deal I sit on -- not back even. haha. then when he goes into full lotus in head stand -- I was in full lotus and trying to do a head stand! haha. He does a head stand and then goes into full lotus. big difference. Still I just sit in full lotus. I haven't practiced flexibility. But I do remember when the electromagnetic fields were really strong I literally felt as limber as a baby. It was really strange. I never tested my flexibility at that point - but it reminds me of how Dr. Andrew Weil said when he did LSD then he could do these yoga poses but then when the LSD wore off he could no longer do them. haha.

Edited by fulllotus
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So in the West the number as irrational magnitude is actually just an empty symbol for the geometry. The philosophers Hugly and Sayward point this out in their 1999 essay -- "Did the Greeks Discover the Irrational?" - - their answer is logically NO. Because length in geometry is not distance as number. So there is what Bertrand Russell called an error of logical type - Russell stated that the real numbers are a "convenient fiction." haha.


Similarly Cantor was always in a trance state to prove his set theory but then he got so conspiratorial that he was put in an asylum. So then Cantor said he wished he had stayed a musician and Cantor hoped his son would be a musician. haha. So there is a secret energy to music - -namely that the frequency of sound resonates into light and then energy can be created that is in harmony with ecology. but this requires going past desire and just listening to the energy -=- so that no ONE is listening. haha. The music listens to itself.


Yeah I was skeptical about Cantor's proof of infinities of different magnitude, and hence proof by induction. Looked up "mathematics" in the Encyclepedia Brittanica one day, and discovered there was a whole group of mathematicians who have the same skepticism, and are working out what can be proved without it. Length in geometry is not distance as number, an error of type- I like that. The music listens to itself, like that, I'm not aware of sounds and light the way you are when I sit, just motions and place. I'm rewriting my essay "Waking up and Falling Asleep", as the hypnogogic states, so called, seem vital to my ability to go from stretch and activity to feeling and absorption. I perceive that as a balance with my thought-absorption.


Chunyi Lin may be present with the exigencies of the situation, but is he celibate in his marriage? Don't answer that, Drew- I'm just curious, you know, that you put so much energy toward trying to have these experiences of pure energy and you feel that retention is crucial. Music that listens to itself, and then unfolds-refolds? I guess I gave up on retention, but experiences of pure energy just made people think I was crazy, mostly. I had nothing on you.


Thanks for the math and music stuff, I'm in and out with what you say but I appreciate it.

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Yeah I was skeptical about Cantor's proof of infinities of different magnitude, and hence proof by induction. Looked up "mathematics" in the Encyclepedia Brittanica one day, and discovered there was a whole group of mathematicians who have the same skepticism, and are working out what can be proved without it. Length in geometry is not distance as number, an error of type- I like that. The music listens to itself, like that, I'm not aware of sounds and light the way you are when I sit, just motions and place. I'm rewriting my essay "Waking up and Falling Asleep", as the hypnogogic states, so called, seem vital to my ability to go from stretch and activity to feeling and absorption. I perceive that as a balance with my thought-absorption.


Chunyi Lin may be present with the exigencies of the situation, but is he celibate in his marriage? Don't answer that, Drew- I'm just curious, you know, that you put so much energy toward trying to have these experiences of pure energy and you feel that retention is crucial. Music that listens to itself, and then unfolds-refolds? I guess I gave up on retention, but experiences of pure energy just made people think I was crazy, mostly. I had nothing on you.


Thanks for the math and music stuff, I'm in and out with what you say but I appreciate it.


Hey if you're really curious about Chunyi Lin then get a phone healing -- it feels like a laser in your heart! haha. People have no idea what the shen transmission is like -- holographic laser love? Anyway it's $90 for a healing but also ask him what your main energy blockages are and then he'll tell you. Yeah if you do it then post a thread what it felt like, etc. haha.


Still when Chunyi Lin did his training then he did three months at the Shaolin Monastery -- so that's what Taoist Yoga teaches as required to open the third eye fully -- called "laying the foundation" -- then Chunyi Lin did the seven weeks in full lotus with no sleep, no water and no food -- he names this master and this mountain and they also do the cave meditation -- So Taoist Yoga also states that after you do the one week of fasting meditation then you do the seven weeks of fasting meditation. So I did the one week of fasting meditation -- but since I didn't have the master directly supervising me then the energy was too strong too fast. Chunyi Lin said I had an enlightenment experience but that I got too excited and too afraid and that I should have called him. haha. Still Chunyi Lin says for the advanced training you want a place that is in harmony with Nature so you can really focus -- and that it requires long meditation time in retreat. So that also means celibacy, etc. It's like Wang Liping's training described in Opening the Dragon Gate -- so I think Chunyi Lin now does four hours of full lotus non-stop every night. He says he starts his day with some tai chi -- at least that's what he said back in 2001 or so. But that's like Wang Lipging -- four hours of non-stop full lotus every night with his wife nearby. haha.

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It was really strange. I never tested my flexibility at that point - but it reminds me of how Dr. Andrew Weil said when he did LSD then he could do these yoga poses but then when the LSD wore off he could no longer do them.


Makes sense if a person's flexibility is indeed controlled by the nervous system, which I believe it is. The muscles already have the ability to stretch very far, but the nervous system won't allow. So when a large dose of qi is flowing through the body I assume it can override the control mechanisms on flexibility. However, I'd still go with practicing, pure physical flexibility. Everything else is a nice addition.


As for the spirit stuff of Chunyi Lin I asked, still not clear what he means by "the spirits" as there seem to be many. And I get the impression from you they are something to be feared - which is something I'd always ignore personally.

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Makes sense if a person's flexibility is indeed controlled by the nervous system, which I believe it is. The muscles already have the ability to stretch very far, but the nervous system won't allow. So when a large dose of qi is flowing through the body I assume it can override the control mechanisms on flexibility. However, I'd still go with practicing, pure physical flexibility. Everything else is a nice addition.


As for the spirit stuff of Chunyi Lin I asked, still not clear what he means by "the spirits" as there seem to be many. And I get the impression from you they are something to be feared - which is something I'd always ignore personally.


ha. When I saw dead spirits floating into the conference room when Chunyi Lin was in full lotus giving his qi-emitting meditation -- I was not afraid at all - -the emotion of fear never entered my mind. But yeah there are different kinds of spirits but also when I saw the dead spirits -- they were like yellow forms shaped like humans floating through the air -- and I didn't say anything but the Chunyi Lin confirmed that was indeed what I saw. So he says he heals this dead spirits which come to him regularly -- so he helps them find peace. By this I think they have emotional blockages -- electrochemical blockages -- on their spirit or light body -- so this holds them down to Earth so to speak. then when they are freed of this then they go into a more intense light. So it's like the Tibetan Book of the Dead states -- they actually state to block the acupressure point of the dead person so that their electromagnetic energy doesn't go down to the lower body since if it leaves from their then it goes to hell. Still the dead spirit is confused about what just happened but if it can realize it then it has a chance to go into a brighter light. So then when Chunyi Lin mentioned the guardian spirits of the killed Dakota indians in Minnesota -- I got the impression that was some special kind of spirit sort of like the two spirit giants he saw when they taught him special acupunture merdiain lines. He says that over cemetaries he can see all the different colored lights over the grave -- but he doesn't make too much of it -- so I think that's probably the electrochemical energy -- or the corporeal spirit still dissipating from the grave. But it's not the light astral shen body -- the incorporal spirit. then "Taoist Yoga" states that unless we do this training to fully open the third eye so we can do astral travel while awake -- then when we die we will become a ghost because we don't have enough electromagnetic chi energy stored up to power the shen spirit light body. So it seems that the spirits to be afraid of would be those that have this electromagnetic power that can guide them and in the case of poltergeists this is most likely due to a confused spirit that then sucks off the electromagnetic power of a living person -- since poltergeists are associated with young people with strong jing energy -- around the age of puberty. Chunyi Lin also said at the time of lunar eclipses he could see a lot of bad spirits coming out from the eclipse energy and he seemed to indicate this was dangerous. Kind of like he says not to meditate during lightning storms. I think maybe the electromagnetic energy would be dangerous -- because it's definitely stronger during the full moon so if there's an eclipse then there might be some sort of energy reversal. As Master Ni states -- ghost pollution is real and so for me when people are controlled by their lower electochemical emotional blockages this is actually spirit possession. As Master Ni states it's people with weak chi energy that then get taken over by ghosts -- and so actually the lower organ blockages when people are possessed by a strong emotion like fear, anger, worry, sadness and over-excitement, lust -- these are actually forms of spirit possession that must be exorcised.

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This was probably mentioned before but does it get easier over time to go without as much sleep if one is meditating a lot? How long does it take to adjust?


I've found that meditating around 1pm or 5pm really doesn't work well, not only is my mind too active but people tend to call or txt me around that time.

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This was probably mentioned before but does it get easier over time to go without as much sleep if one is meditating a lot? How long does it take to adjust?


I've found that meditating around 1pm or 5pm really doesn't work well, not only is my mind too active but people tend to call or txt me around that time.


Chunyi Lin says he sleeps just a few hours a night - maybe five. Then when I had the very strong electromagnetic chi energy and I went into bigu doing about 8 days on just a half glass of water -- I realized I needed less sleep. I only needed five hours of sleep and despite having no food and next to no water my energy was stronger than ever. But in fact the electromagnetic was so strong that people around me freaked out and then when the room was spinning around me in a spacetime vortex - -that's when I had a nirvkikalpa Emptiness experience -- beyond the mind and body -- and that freaked me out. haha. So I stopped practicing and so then my energy channels shut down but then Chunyi Lin stuck his finger to my forehead and shot laser light into the middle of my brain before my channels shut down too much. then after that I had permanent magnetic bliss in the brain and so then I wondered if it would go away so I stopped practicing for two months but the middle of the brain magnetic bliss never went away. But then my chi levels were not as strong.

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Hey if you're really curious about Chunyi Lin then get a phone healing -- it feels like a laser in your heart! haha. People have no idea what the shen transmission is like -- holographic laser love? Anyway it's $90 for a healing but also ask him what your main energy blockages are and then he'll tell you. Yeah if you do it then post a thread what it felt like, etc. haha.



I'll have to let the circumstance roll me there, if that's going to happen.


I see your ambition, it's a good one, yet I'm not sure you can follow in their footsteps. What do I know, I'm at the edge to sit 40 minutes most of the time, and my feet are not tight to my abdomen- but I've always felt like I could explain the odd kind of action that comes without thinking to others, and mostly myself of course. Not so easy, as I'm convinced now that it is a hypnogogic experience, and I don't know if it's possible to be present in that state without pushing the borders between awake and asleep a little bit. And once you've pressed that border, fasting and living to feel spiritual energy, it stays pressed. Well, anyway, you not only have to go up the mountain, you have to come down, and you have to find a way to communicate what you have experienced to others. Chunyi Lin provides a model of how to make a living at it if you succeed, and I realize making a living at it is the last thing on your mind right now. Nevertheless, it's clear that your mind is looking for the explanation at the same time, and it's not really the Eastern wisdom tradition that you are exploring. This is our task, here in the West. And it's not worth a thing, as a dhamma teaching.

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WoW. :huh: I don't think I could fully let go if I was concerned about my phone interrupting me. I trust that any emergency in my life could wait an hour until I am done with a sitting. (However, if it was a life threatening emergency in my own house, I believe the smoke would alert me. :P)


Hmm I've noticed that I can go deeper at late night or in the early morning when I feel completely alone and safe. I'll see what it's like if I turn the phone off and try meditating in the day time.

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Diary of a Timed two hour full lotus session:


Went into steep full lotus with ankles against the hips. Right knee still off the ground a bit. 40 minutes my left foot was going numb. At one hour and ten minutes I moved my feet down my thighs so that my ankles were no longer on my thighs. My knees were flat against the floor. So this was still full lotus as my feet were not slipping off but since my ankles weren't on my thighs I would call this cheating full lotus. haha.


Then at 1:25 minutes suddenly I felt bliss in my right testicle and then my weiner pulsated and got hard and bliss fluid shot back into my body. Then at 1:35 it happened again only much stronger -- a full internal climax -- and the penis kept throbbing for minutes afterwards. So then the sex fluid shot up my spine.


So now the top of my shoulders and my skull and neck were making cracking noises and snapping noises as my neck pulsated and sex fluid shot into my brain. I could feel increased electromagnetic bliss in my brain and the sex fluid in my skull cavity as energy was pressured against my eyes and the center of my forehead.


This cracking and snapping of tendons and pulsating of arteries and nerves continued in my shoulder and neck and skull cavity. I began to wonder if I was inadvertantly flexing my pineal gland. I have not flexed my pineal gland since Chunyi Lin told me to store up my energy so I have forgotten what it feels like as it's been almost a month. O.K. so I still did not flex my pineal gland -- the cracking and pulsing in my skull was along the sides in the skull cavity but it still felt like chi was being dissipated or transmitted out of the center of my forehead and top of my skull. Still my eyes needed healing as the new mattress, new carpet and new paint off-gasses toxic fumes so I wake up with red eyes.


O.K. so then at 1:50 the pain in my feet was too strong because my ankles were not on my thighs so my feet were getting bent too much. So I moved back into a steeper position with my ankles on my thighs. Meanwhile the sex fluids in the skull and electromagnetic bliss continued. But now the energy was moving back into my lower tan tien as the pain in my lower body increased.


So then at 1:55 I lifted my body up by my hands to alleviate the pain. I shifted my feet a bit again. My knee was off the ground again. The pressure where the legs crossed was strong. I lifted my body again -- holding it for under a minute in the air.


Now I could feel the hot bliss heat in the lower tan tien so I took off my sweater (remember Minnesota is freezing).


O.K. I didn't have any lower pants on so to make sure there were no seams against the bottom of my legs or where my legs crossed. But I used an extra blanket as when the knee centers open up then energy escapes easily and the knees got cold as Bill Bodri states and so does Chunyi Lin.


But at the end my body was nice and toasty -- feet hot, lower tan tien hot. When I got out of full lotus at two hours I stood up -- there was pain in the legs but I could walk fine -- no numbness.


Then I went to the computer and I was not in full lotus. Then my sister perv attacked me as I was typing the above. So then I could feel the sex fluids going back into my testes after she perv attacked me. So now I'm back in full lotus at the computer in a chair so my knees are not supported. I have a big foot rest that I use at the computer to support my knees. I get perv attacked regularly by the females in the house as their energy is still stuck in the lower chakra so they think they need to suck off males to get energy. haha. So then if they don't get to suck off the energy to create sex fluids that means I have sublimated their energy but then the reaction is anger -- since after the kidneys get sublimated then the liver has to get cleared out. So if I don't give them energy to feed then they get angry or if I prevent them from sucking me off then I get angry -- as that means the energy went from my heart to my liver -- but not to my genitals. So the pervs cycle from lust to anger and back again endlessly.


Before I was flexing my pineal gland so that I just gave the pervs climaxes and did it so much that it sublimated their energy to open their hearts. But this is still limited to the lower realm of form -- it starts to create electromagnetic energy in the female through the heart but it's mainly just the upper realm of desire. So it's still a dirty practice because there's not enough purification of the sex energy into electromagnetic chi energy and also there is no storing up of the chi so that the chi transmission is just strong enough to give female climaxes. haha.


So I'm trying to store up my chi energy but whenever I convert my post-natal (food) jing energy into chi then the females are attracted to the chi and perv attack me, deconverting my chi back into sex fluid. haha. But since I am not consciously giving them what they want by flexing my pineal gland then they have to get the chi energy indirectly by either hitting on me with lust or trying to "get a rise" out of me -- by threatening me if they can't hit on my with lust. haha. So then like I did before I discovered my pineal gland "psychic mutual climaxes" -- I now just sit in full lotus during the day as well.


So for example when I came out of full lotus to report what happened during my two hour session -- I should have immediately gone back into full lotus at the computer. I thought I could take a break. But I need to realize that I am constantly under perv attack in my house. I need to not be in denial. I need to take pre-emptive defense. So now I am back in full lotus to reverse the damage that I could have prevented pre-emptively had I been in full lotus before. Because there's nothing wrong if females want to perv attack males because females do need the chi energy only most females don't realize it's chi energy and instead think they need male sex fluid. haha. So sitting in full lotus just makes sure they still get the energy but not the sex fluids.

Edited by fulllotus
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