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Status Updates posted by zen-bear

  1. that's lesson. I'll be glad to check over your Flying Phoenix practice. Please call me after 5:00 pm on weekdays. Please don't call during hrs. of 9-4:30 on weekdays as those are the hours when the trial going on in court. Thanks.


    Terry Dunn

  2. Hello Lloyd, So very sorry to take so long to get back to you. I've been preparing 'round the clock for past 2 weeks for trial of my case ag Drmnwks which begins today,7th. I would be glad to meet you under any normal circumstances but this lawsuit is beyond extraordinary.If you are still in L.A. over this coming week,let me know. 310-622-2925. You're welcome to visit my class or d...

  3. Hey, Garry, You got 'em all. Thanks.

  4. Hi Lloyd, Thanks again for your recent posting about your progress with FP Qigong. Guaranteed: there're more remarkable results ahead.

    I just looked back anrealized that I didn't respond to your Oct.31 (11 mo.) status report. I'll respond in detail and also to your most recent one, point-for-point as soon as I get over this week's crunch. Expect something Thursday or Fri...

  5. ...making cloth or wood vibrate intensely in the past only happened when I calmly and intensely focused on putting the BDG energy thru wood or cloth. But yesterday, for the first time, it was spontaneous and unintended.

  6. Hi Si-hing Garry, This week was total hell for me. And it's spread to the weekend.But I can Skype with you Sunday evening PST (tonite). Let me know when is a good time for you. Hope you're well.

    Yesterday, after doing GM's 10-Hook Eagle Claw form, I noticed that 40 minutes afterwards when i was holding a thick bathroom towel slowly drying my hands, the whole towel was vibrating...

  7. Hi Garry,

    i sent you an earlier PM to your WBBM address.

    Which screenname do you want me to PM you with? This address or your WBBM?

    btw, how do you like my Flying PHoenix banner ads on thetaobums.com? Best, Terry

  8. Hi Junbao, I just send you PM asking about the lovely painting of the golden Phoenix in flight that you have on the end of your postings. Are you the artist, by any chance? Would like to know where you found this work. It's great.

    Best, Sifu Terry

  9. Hi Pablo, Thanks for posting your original message to me on the TTB discussion thread on FLying Phoenix. I will respond to your questions and comments in detail later this evening as I'm on a busy teaching schedule. Also, exchanges you have with other contributors to the thread will give me more to respond to as well. Best, Terry Dunn

  10. Hellow Pablo,I would like to know if I may use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in a Q&A section of my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. I will acknowledge all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page. Please advise; I would need your written approval sent to [email protected]. Thanks very much, Sifu Terry Dunn P.S. Otherwise, I'll have to paraphrase each taobum...

  11. Hello WTM,I would like to know if I may use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in a Q&A section of my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. I will acknowledge all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page. Please advise; I would need your written approval sent to [email protected]. Thanks very much, Sifu Terry Dunn P.S. Otherwise, I'll have to paraphrase each taobum's ...

  12. Hi DanC,I would like to know if I may use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in a Q&A section of my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. I will acknowledge all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page. Please advise; I would need your written approval sent to [email protected]. Thanks very much, Sifu Terry Dunn P.S. Otherwise, I'll have to paraphrase each taobum's qu...

  13. Hi Christoph,I would like to know if I may use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in a Q&A section of my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. I will acknowledge all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page. Please advise; I would need your written approval sent to [email protected]. Thanks very much, Sifu Terry Dunn P.S. Otherwise, I'll have to paraphrase each taobum...

  14. hi healerman,I would like to know if I may use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in a Q&A section of my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. I will acknowledge all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page. Please advise; I would need your written approval sent to [email protected]. Thanks very much, Sifu Terry Dunn P.S. Otherwise, I'll have to paraphrase each taobum...

  15. Hi Nic chi, HI would like to know if I may use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in a Q&A section of my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. I will acknowledge all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page. Please advise; I would need your written approval sent to [email protected]. Thanks very much, Sifu Terry Dunn P.S. Otherwise, I'll have to paraphrase each taobum...

  16. Hello Michael,I would like to know if I may use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in a Q&A section of my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. I will acknowledge all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page. Please advise; I would need your written approval sent to [email protected]. Thanks very much, Sifu Terry Dunn P.S. Otherwise, I'll have to paraphrase each taobum...

  17. Hello Mindspring, I would like to know if I may use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in a Q&A section of my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. Iwill acknowledge all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page. Please advise; I would need your written approval sent to [email protected]. Thanks very much, Sifu Terry Dunn P.S. Otherwise, I'll have to paraphrase each taobum...

  18. Hi Billb, How r u? I would like to know if I may use one or more of your postings to the FP thread in a Q&A section of my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. I will acknowledge all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page. Please advise;I would need your written approval sent to [email protected]. Thanks very much, Sifu Terry Dunn P.S. Otherwise,I'll have to paraphrase each taobum...

  19. Hi Mark, How r u feeling? I would like to know if I may use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in a Q&A section of my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. I will acknowledge all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page. Please advise; I would need your written approval sent to [email protected]. Thanks very much, Sifu Terry Dunn P.S. Otherwise, I'll have to paraphrase ea...

  20. Hello Jinjujitsu,I wouldd like to know if I may use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in a Q&A section of my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. I will acknowledge all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page. Please advise; I would need your written approval sent to [email protected]. Thanks very much, Sifu Terry Dunn P.S.Otherwise, I'll have to paraphrase each questi...

  21. Hi Rene,I would like to know if I may use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in a Q&A section of my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. I will acknowledge all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page. Please advise; I would need your written approval sent to [email protected]. Thanks very much, Sifu Terry Dunn P.S. Otherwise, I'll have to paraphrase each taobum's qu...

  22. Hi Taichikk, I would like to know if I may use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in a Q&A section of my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. I will acknowledge all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page. Please advise; I would need your written approval sent to [email protected]. Thanks very much, Sifu Terry Dunn P.S. Otherwise, I'll have to paraphrase each taobum...

  23. Hi Sihing Garry, May use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in my forthcoming book on FP Qigong? To be official, I will need your signed approval/clearance. Thanks very much. Terry P.S. I will list all contributors on a "Special Thanks" page at front of book.

  24. Hi Bill, I would like to know if I may use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. I would need your signed approval/clearance. Please advise; my email is [email protected]. Thanks very much. Terry Dunn P.S. I will list all contributors in a "Special Thanks" page. Otherwise, I will have to paraphrase each person's questions at top of m...

  25. Hello Dainin, I would like to know if I may use one or more of your postings on the FP thread in my forthcoming book on FP Qigong. I would need your signed approval/clearance. Please advise; my email is [email protected]. Thanks very much. Terry Dunn P.S. I will list all contributors in a "Special Thanks" page. Otherwise, I will have to paraphrase each person's questions at top...