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  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Dan C. The Flying Phoenix Qigong book has also been in the works for quite some time. I have several other book projects and major priorities. The FP book might be done by the late summer or fall of 2025 at the earliest. Thanks for inquiring. Sifu Terry
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    FLYING PHOENIX QIGONG WORKSHOP: 14-hour Immersive Training with Master Terence Dunn, July 19 to 21, in Highland, NY –– ZOOMABLE! Hello to all FP Qigong practitioners and subscribers: On July 19, 20 and 21, I will be conducting a 14-hour immersive workshop in Ehrmei Mountain Flying Phoenix Celestial Healing Qigong that is open to beginners but will be also focus on the intermediate practices of our art. Come in person if you are anywhere near New Paltz, NY. There is nothing like 14 hours of FP Qigong training. It's called deep saturation of the FP Healing Qi. Since the spring of 2023, I've had dedicated students flying in from Iowa, No. Carolina, and Virginia to this and my TTP-31 workshops. The seven 2-hour sessions of this workshop are Zoom-able; I hope you will join us. WORKSHOP AGENDA Besides teaching all the material on the CKFH DVD series Volumes 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 as usual, in this workshop I will also teach samples from: A. Advanced Flying Phoenix Meditations (9 standing) B. 10,000 Buddhas Ascend to Heaven Qigong C Feng Do Duk's Ten San-Gung Meditations WORKSHOP SCHEDULE The 3-day immersive workshop, May 24 to May 26, consists of 7 two-hour sessions with 2 sessions on Friday, 3 on Saturday, and 2 on Sunday at these times (EST): Friday: 3pm - 5pm; 7:30pm - 9:30pm EST Saturday: 10am - noon; 2:30pm - 4:30pm; 7:30pm - 9:30pm EST Sunday: 1 0am - noon; 2:30pm - 4:30pm EST TUITION: $440 early registration till July 12; $495 after July 12 • ZOOM participation: $40 per each 2-hour session or $250 for all 7 sessions [Zoom log-on links will be emailed to registrants the day before the workshop beings] Note: All questions posed by Zoom participants are answered and form corrections are given to Zoomers as thoroughly they are given to my in-person attendees. • Please send tuition via Paypal (to [email protected]) or via Zelle (to [email protected] ) • LODGING at Dragon Nest retreat center: https://www.terrapia.org/single-post/dragonnest Single room $150 per night, Double room $75 per night Dorm floor bed $55 per night Food: Breakfast and lunch $50 Food and lodging early registration till July 12: 10% off Please register early, we have a limited number of spaces and rooms: - two single bed rooms with queen size beds - two rooms with two twin side beds - seven twin dorm (floor) beds Total accommodations: 13 - 15 people • Room and Meal plan payments: Zelle, Venmo 9738969320 (Lodging is also available at numerous motels and lodges in the New Paltz area.) SEE YOU IN PERSON OR ON ZOOM IN 9 DAYS! Sifu Terry P.S. Complete details (the whole hog) are on this Newsletter issue: https://open.substack.com/pub/terencedunn/p/flying-phoenix-qigong-workshop-14-9b9?r=5i7g9&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello APK, I written a detailed to this post last month, but I was at a cafe with crappy WiFi and the message apparently got eaten. Here are answers again (in bold): Can I replace FPCKG for walking or any other workout in the morning . NO. FPCK does not replace the benefits of walking or any mild aerobic exercise. does walking/aerobic exercises necessary as I m practicing health Qigong ? NO. But it's good to have a balanced lifestyle and exercise program that includes mild aerobic exercixe like walking. Will FPCKG be enough to be healthy which prevents lifestyle diseases other than aerobic or walking etc . I don't know what you're asking here. can I do the bodyscan meditation in the morning before FPCKG or after FPCKG ? I don't know what bodyscan meditation is and don't want to guess. To get an answer, you would have top show me what it is. Can sitting meditation be done on chair ? Yes, but only if you can't do it in half-lotus or seated cross-legged positions. after practicing FPCKG how long should I have to wait to have my breakfast? 5 minutes is enough. It also depends if you want to enjoy the post-practice benefits of FP Qigong. Experienced FP practitioners can eat immediately after doing FP if they want to TURN OFF the cultivation. But do not eat within 30 minutes before practicing FPCK. Can I have water before practicing FPCKG or should the stomach be empty? Water is fine. Stomach empty is fine. Stomach empty is not a requirement. But as stated above: do not eat within 30 minutes before practicing FPCK. Enjoy your FPCK practice. Sifu Terry https://www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html terencedunn.substack.com
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi APK, A. Heel pain: If heel pain continues from the standing FP meds., go back to wearing shoes. And well-cushioning shoes at that. If you're feeling heel pain while sitting and also when walking, you should get examined by a podiatrist. 1. Do you get heel pain when you practice any of the FP standing meditations--e.g. Bending the Bows, Vol.3 Meds., etc.?? 2. Are you certain the heel pain started right when you started FP standing meditations? Think about what else was going on in your life at that time and on that day. Footnote: As I've said kazillion times here and every where I teach the art since 1992, FP Qigong adds no stress to the human process. If it was doing the wuchi basic stance in MGM, MHPeach, and MHPearl that caused the start of your heel pain, then any Wuchi practice such as Zhan Zhuang would have done the same thing. That said, I can't suggest anything to "counter" the heel pain other than putting on very comfortable, supportive shoes. I can't suggest anything else without seeing your practice--best in person, but via Zoom or video conferencing may work. LMK if you want to book a private online session. Only suggestion for now is to take a break from the FP Standing Meds. B. Tongue touching roof of mouth: Do this when you do the breath-control formula at the start of each meditation AND throughout the entire the meditation-- until you take the terminating 3 full breaths and exhale through the mouth on the third breath. (You take the tongue off the roof of the mouth on that 3rd breath when you exhale through the mouth.) Good question. Thanks for asking. Sifu Terry https://www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html terencedunn.substack.com
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Dan C. 1.) I have a Tao Tan Pai 31 Meditations book in the works. 2.) A DVD on the Tao Tan Pai 31 Basic Meditations has been on my mind for a long time. Actually in 1991, Taoist Priest/GM Share K. Lew gave me permission to write a book and produce a video. But for various reasons (one of them explained in the early years of this thread), he changed his mind. Although I disagreed with him not wanting the TTP-31 to be published back then, over time and with 33 more years of experience teaching the entire TTP Nei Kung system (6 levels, of which TTP-31 is the first), I've come around to somewhat agreeing with Grandmaster's change of mind regarding the TTP-31. The reason: learning TTP-31 ideally requires hands-on, in-person supervision and real-time corrections because it is so Shen-driven. And if a beginner with no kung fu background were to learn only from a book or DVD, unless he/she were quite advanced yogically or prodigious, any form errors, and errors in eye and mind focus could easily turn into detrimental bad habits. By "detrimental" I mean a negative effect ranging from "developing unnatural (wrong) body mechanics that would have to be fixed somewhere down the road in one's kung fu or Tai Chi career" to "causing energy imbalances severe enough to manifest illness." - and - 3.) I plan to do 3 more DVDs teaching FP Qigong: a. A Vol. 8 DVD teaching another 5 of the Monk Serves Wine seated Meditations. b. Vol. 9 DVD teaching a 22-movement long form seated meditation. This long form FP seated doesn't subsume or replace practice of any of the MSW meds. It's just a longer meditation--and something that GM Doo Wai had us practice all the time. c. A DVD teaching this preparatory form for the ultra-rare internal kung fu system called 8 Sections of Energy Combined ("More rare than the Do Do Bird" -- in the words of GM Doo Wai). This is not one of the 8 "Sections" but a preparatory exercise with its own unique breath control: 3.) I will not publish instruction in the 10,000 Buddhas Ascend To Heaven Qigong system on any media because that system requires in-person supervision by the instructor (which these days means only me*)----and morever because the 10K Buddhas system is too powerful to teach outside of the Bok Fu Pai lineage. Meaning: one has to be an in-person student to learn this complete art. (I do teach one or two of the 54 meds. during my FP Qigong workshops just for contrast and Bok Fu Pai context.) Also, for best yogic results, and for the instructor (yours truly) to discern whether someone is spiritually fit to learn 10K Buddhas, one has to be fully versed in FP Qigong as a prerequisite. *footnote. btw, there is only one other person living who learned 10K Buddhas, but I've been long out of touch and don't know if he's kept his practice up or ever deeply established the 2 other subsets of 18 meds. besides the one that he specialized in.) Thanks for asking the question. It made me refocus on my DVD production slate. Best, Sifu Terry https://www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html terencedunn.substack.com
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Eternal Student, Thank you for your coming service to our country. My father was a veteran of WW2 and the Korean War and a major cog in military intelligence in both wars for the Allies--and a huge Intelligence Operative--i.e. a spymaster--throughout all 4 years of the Korean War. (that's how I came to be born in Mercy Army Hospital on the island of Okinawa in 1954.) But I didn't have a "good" war to go to in 1972 (the Vietnam War was winding down) when I finished high school and I was No. 342 in the draft that year. So I went to college. And from college days onward, my militant enthusiasm and desire to serve in the military morphed into preserving 3 ancient Taoist monastic systems of martial and healing arts; training law enforcement and training a contractor who trains U.S. Special Forces operators (at a private training center). I’m wondering if there are any FPCK mediations in particular that will benefit that sort of training more than others, as I am aware each meditation can be very different in terms the effects on the body. Yes, for strength and fitness, do a lot of Bending the Bows--up to 18 repetitions in each sessions, if you have the time. As I just stated above: • PLUS: Always do Bending the Bows to some degree each week. And beginners should NOT go on to Wind Above Clouds, Wind Through Treetops, Moonbeam and the Long Form, until you've done Bending the Bows in full set of 18 repetitions at least once a week for 2 months. First things first. And Bending the Bows is an essential First Thing! If you've learned Moonbeam and the capstone Long Form meditation, do those as often as you can. Do the Long Form for strong immunity and restoration. BUT Remember: The FPCK system is a purely healing Qigong and works by relaxation soft and loose. Except for Bending the Bows, don't think that FPCK will toughen you up (rock-up) to fuel you during intense physical activity and any type of combat. The FP Healing Qi is purely healing and restorative. The rest of the Bok Fu Pai system. about 95% outside of FP Qigong is all Kung Fu subsystems designed for killing. My classmate Garry Hearfield in Australia specializes in more of the Bok Fu Pai Kung Fu styles than I do. He might have some practices that you can learn quickly and take with you into Basic Training. Contact him at: <[email protected]> Or contact through his threads on Daobums: https://www.thedaobums.com/profile/55645-warrior-body-buddha-mind/content/ Recall in past postings I told the anecdote that after one of early FP workshops (which I gave in St. Paul, MN in 1997, the group asked me for a demo of Qi or geng at a distance. But when I tried to demonstrate the martial energy of 8 Sections Combined Kung Fu (Bat Din Gum), I fell flat like a lead balloon because I was the FP Healing Qi in me was so strong and abundant from teaching the workshop, and I didn't know then how to instantly switch over from the FP's parasympathetic, restoration mode and into to the martial mode--outside of a real fight or flight situation. (In a real fight-or flight situation, the martial energy will instantly manifest if one has trained in kung fu). Let this anecdote serve as evidence that FP Healing Qi is ALL HEALING and cannot be used for martial purposes. It cannot be moved with any type of militant intent. (I was finally able to do the demonstration of moving a hanging piece of cotton at a distance--but I had to first do a martial qigong exercise for about minute.) Bending the Bows is an ingenious Qigong exercise that does a superb job of building integrated strength and perfecting Qi flow throughout the body. When I learned BTB in 1991, I had been doing Shaolin and Tao Tan Pai Kung Fu for 17 and 15 years, respectively, and Tai Chi for 11 years. The first week I did it, everything in my Nei Kung and Tai Chi changed. I felt energy connections made everywhere in my body. My Tai Chi form became more effortless, and my Tui-Shou became instantaneous, meaning, I instinctively knew how to fa-jing. Best of luck and stay safe in your military service, E.S. Plus: "Get Some!" Sifu Terry https://www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html terencedunn.substack.com
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello APK, 30 minutes of FP Qigong practice each morning (2 standing meds. + 2 seated MSW meds.) is adequate. If you have the time, you should also do 30 min. of practice in the evening. What you should do for your daily practice session--and this applies to all beginning practitioners, as well: gradually increase your practice to doing the first 6 standing Meditations + 3 seated MSW meds. (see below) (a) As I have taught in all my FP classes since 1992 and workshops since 1997, is to add one standing and one seated meditation to a base practice of 2 standing + 2 seated MSW meditations. So you'll be practicing 3 standing + 3 seated Meds. for the next month. (b) Then the following month add another standing med. and add a new seated MSW med.--while rotating out the first MSW... so you are practicing 4 + 3 meditations. When you ramp up to the 4 + 3 regimen, you can decrease the duration of practice of each standing meditation to 5 min. each (20 mins. total). (c) Then the next month add another standing med., add another seated MSW med and rotate out the first seated MSW--so that you are now doing 5 standing Meds + 3 seated MSW. ( 25 min. for standing + 15 min. 3 seated MSW = 40 min.) (d) Then increase to 6 standing meds + 3 seated MSW (adding a new MSW and rotating out the longest practiced MSW) Practicing the first 6 standing meditations in one session is most empowering. 1. Monk Gazing At Moon 2. Monk Holding Peach 3. Monk Holding Pearl 4. *Bending the Bows 5. Wind Above Clouds 6. Wind Through Treetops • Working up to the (d) regimen requires concentration and discipline. (3) When you've learned Moonbeam Splashes on Water (Vol.3), you can make your standing practice all the moving ones: (4, 5, 6 above + Moonbeam). (4) Once you've learned FPHHCM Long Form Standing Meditation (Vol.4), you can just do the Long Form as your standing practice. It subsumes the practice of all the preceding 7 standing meditations. HOWEVER, all of the standing FP Meditations are powerful and effective, and they become even more powerful and profound once you've learned the Long Form STanding Meditation. • PLUS: Always do Bending the Bows to some degree each week. And beginners should NOT go on to Wind Above Clouds, Wind Through Treetops, Moonbeam and the Long Form, until you've done Bending the Bows in full set of 18 repetitions at least once a week for 2 months. First things first. And Bending the Bows is an essential First Thing! Again, the goal is to practice every FP meditation--standing and seated--until one becomes "saturated" with the tangible FP Healing Qi and to experience and then know precisely the effects that each and every individual FP Meditations has on the body. *Best results with this regimen comes from daily practice, of course. Enjoy your practice. Sifu Terry https://www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html terencedunn.substack.com
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Boreas, Yes, Miffymog is correct in recalling no adverse effects from doing Monk Holding Pearl in supine position. I know it's a long FPCK thread as of today, but I've stated in the past--and I believe that I state it in Volume 1 of my DVD series, that MHP can be done in standing, seated, or supine position. And yes, based on my experience over the years, it's okay to fall asleep while doing MHP supine. In fact, I did exactly that a couple times last week. I've also heard of no adverse effects from anyone who has done MHP supine. MHP is supine position was one of the several FP Qigong exercises contained in my Qigong protocol for Cedars-Sinai Medical Center's Dept. of Cardio-thoracic Surgery in 2000, then headed by Dr. Greg Fontana. I was cleared by Cedars-Sinai's Investigative Research Board (IRG), a process that took 18 mos. and my protocol was then approved and implemented. Meaning I taught the nursing staff of how to teach FP Qigong to post-operative patients to accelerate their healing and recovery. And I was able to walk the wards, interact with patients, and teach them FP Qigong. So that's the long-winded way to say MHP supine along with MGM and Monk Holding Peach and Bending the Bows were thoroughly vetted by western medicine from mid-1998 to 2000--and found safe to teach their post-operative patients. Sifu Terry www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Chirising, Answers to your questions: Are form corrections more suited for one on one sessions? Or do you make these in the group sessions as well? I just assumed that wasn’t possible in a group zoom session. • In every group class, I instruct a round or two of practice where I watch everyone's practice. Sometimes, if I have a large group of in-person students and more than a handful of Zoom students, I may miss a form flaw by a remote student. Thus form corrections are naturally more thorough and complete during one-on-one private sessions. It would be cool if you visited my dream, though I understand you are a busy man, with better things to do than entertain me while I sleep. Not to boast of latent powers, but in some--not all--Chinese traditions, initiated students will warrant dream visitation from their master or from an ancestral lineage teacher through either exceptionally good behavior or exceptionally bad behavior. The comment from the real you about expectations is much more uplifting than the one from my projected Terry Dunn - very, very nice to hear! Enjoy the good and uplifting news from the real me. And since you brought him up, I had to clarify for you that my dream double only makes Kung Fu business calls! Enjoy your practice! Sifu Terry https://open.substack.com/pub/terencedunn/p/flying-phoenix-qigong-workshop-14-fb2?r=5i7g9&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Chirising, I'm glad to hear that you've been doing Vol.1 of the CKFH DVD series for 5 months now. However, I want to recommend that you do what both "Miffymog" and "Pak_Satrio" have suggested above: that you start concentrating on practicing Bending the Bows, a cornerstone moving meditation of the FP system, and practice it in complete sets of 18 repetitions, and also do "Wind Above the Clouds". Although FP Qigong has 3 stationary standing meditations in MGM, MHPeach and MHPearl, this powerful Qigong is ultimately a moving meditation system...because the goal of training is to (A) attain proficiency in the Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditation (aka, the "Long Form Sanding Meditation" taught on Volume 4, which subsumes all the preceding standing meditations), and (B) memorize at least 8 of the 24 seated Monk Serves Wine Meditations. I’m wondering if I could get some input on what I could do to troubleshoot? My guess is to seek out a teacher in person. But if that’s the case, can I find any in Europe? • I don't have student-instructors in Europe yet, nor in the U.S. for that matter (--because attaining certification to teach FP Qigong is a very long apprenticeship that requires one to learn the Bok Fu Pai Kung Fu and the BFP Tui Na and Energy Healing skills, plus herbology-- that enable one to handle/treat any form of "internal energy sickness" that can arise from practicing the FP Qigong incorrectly--or from an attack by someone using martial Qi. Or is my best bet to save up for a trip to see Terry himself? • Short of coming to the U.S. in person, you can get form corrections from me, thorough feedback and advice as to how to perfect your FP practice by doing a private Zoom lesson or by taking a few of my weekly Zoom classes on Sundays 4-6pm EST, which is even more economical. But most effectively and efficiently of all, you can participate in my next 3-day, 14-hour immersive FP Qigong workshop on May 24-26 via Zoom. [ ** You can verify with FPCK subscribers "Tao Stillness", "Fu_Dog", "Earl Grey," Pak Satrio, "Astral Butterfly" (a Theravadan Buddhist nun), and others who have taken my online classes and workshops] A. Details about this May 24-26 workshop plus registration info are on this issue of my free monthly Newsletter: https://open.substack.com/pub/terencedunn/p/sifu-terry-dunns-tai-chi-and-qigong?r=5i7g9&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true B. This is the May issue of my Newsletter with the schedule of my weekly classes in: Qigong for Health for 1st Responders (1 hr. of FP qigong following 1 hr. of Taois Elixir Method 31 Meditations), Intermediate Class (in Qigong and Basic Kung Fu), and Yang Tai Chi Chuan --during which all participants can ask questions and get form corrections and sufficient feedback to move forward. https://open.substack.com/pub/terencedunn/p/sifu-terry-dunns-tai-chi-and-qigong?r=5i7g9&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true •• BTW, your dream of me on a swing came from your own mind. It's what we experienced hypnotherapists call "an early morning venting dream"--i.e., one that results from your own mental housekeeping--i.e. your mind resolving issues that you had not resolved during waking hours. And these venting dreams occur in the morning before you awaken. When I do visitations through dreamstate (very rarely), it is to initiates who are in the psychic and spiritual "groove" or "trunk" of Flying Phoenix Healing Qi from having cultivated a super-abundance of it through correct and diligent practice. And those advisory--or corrective--dreams come in the middle of the sleep cycle--during or right after REM sleep. Plus, in my 44 years of teaching, I have never had occasion to tell any student that their expectations for the Tai Chi, FP Qigong, or Tao Tan Pai Kung Fu they were learning from me were too high(!!!) Furthermore, the arts that I teach and preserve, such as FP Qigong and Taoist Elixir Method Nei Kung , HAVE NO CEILINGS as to their healing, restorative, and--I dare say-- their spiritually enlightening potential. So you can hold even higher expectations from this FP Qigong system than you alreadty presently have. And I will make certain that you experience this truth about these two arts (as well as the Tai Chi I teach)--if you work with me either in person or via my Zoom classes/workshops. Keep on practicing, Sifu Terry www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Ronko, I'm sorry to take so long to see your post (just now) and to reply. I was back to my hometown of L.A. from April 9 to May 5 doing hard labor to address 7 years of mundane matters that piled up since I left for the east coast in 2017. I came back last Sunday exhausted and it took past 4 days of advanced FP Qigong practices to rehab a strained left bicep, bruised right toe (stubbed it 4x while moving), and 2 other injuries sustained while moving tons of material (with hired help). But all has now been healed through FP practice, DDJ, and an ayurvedic prescription from my friend Eric Isen. Answer to your questions: if I take the zoom classes will I be able to see and hear everything clearly ? • Yes, Zoom video conferencing technology has very clear video and audio. I've been teaching very successfully on Zoom and Skype since 2017. And especially during the Covid lockdown: in every school quarter from Jan. 2020 to June of 2022, I taught 3 NCCAOM-accredited courses in my 3 specialties for Emperors College of TCM in Sa. Monica, CA: Yang Tai Chi (required), Taoist Elixir Method 31 Meditations (das the required Medical Qigong course), and Flying Phoenix Qigong, an elective course. During the same Covd lockdown period, I taught weekly Sunday combined Qigong classes that had 10 to 20 Zoom participants every week. •• Zoom participants get virtually the same attention and feedback as my in-person workshop students because (and this is something I learned from my Tai Chi teacher, Grandmaster William C.C. Chen) I have the video images of all Zoom participants displayed on a large TV monitor, so that I can give individual corrections as I see the need. also could you give a bit more info on these 2 points - 5. Introduction to the 9 Standing Advanced Flying Phoenix Meditations (all moving). • Advanced FP Meditations are a system of 9 standing meditations that are another level above the "basic" FP Qigong taught on my DVD series. Several are complex choreographies like the FP Long Form on Volume 4 of CKFH; others are simpler with 4 to 8 movements. Here are two of the 9 Advanced FP Exercises shot in 2013: Exercise #5 (circa 2008): Exercise #9 (circa 2008): [I will teach typically 3 or 4 of these at this workshop, as there will not be enough time to teach of all 9.] 6. Further instruction in the "10,000 Buddhas Ascend to Heaven" Nei Kung System As explained in various places in this thread, the 10K Buddhas Meditation system is an advanced and powerful Qigong system consisting of 54 meditations organized into 3 subsets of 18. Each of these 3 subsets cultivates a different "flavor" of martial energy. It is named after the tallest peak in the Ehrmeishan region, "Wan-Fuo Shan." At (29:50) on this Youtube video, you will see meditation No. 10 of the subset that I specialize in: I hope this answers all your questions about Zoom and the other arts I will be teaching at this upcoming workshop. Regards, Sifu Terry P.S. Workshop details and registration info: https://terencedunn.substack.com/p/flying-phoenix-qigong-workshop-14-fb2 www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    ATTENTION ALL FLYING PHOENIX QIGONG PRACTITIONERS AND DAOBUMS SUBSCRIBERS TO THIS THREAD: On the weekend of May 24 to 26, I will be teaching a 3-Day, 14-hour immersive residential workshop in Tao Tan Pai (“Taoist Elixir Method“) Basic 31 Meditations at The Dragon Nest Center in New Paltz, NY that will be Zoomable. Besides introductory to remedial practice of the basic Flying Phoenix standing and seated Qigong exercises taught in Volumes 1 and 2 of my DVD series, this workshop will emphasize: 1. Refinement and self-correcting practice of "Bending the Bows" by doing sets of 18. 2. Refinement of Moonbeam Splashes On Water and the capstone meditation. "Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditation" (aka, the Long Form Meditation) taught on the Volume 4 DVD. 3. Refinement of the five powerful 90-second "Flash" FP Meditations on the Volume 5 DVD. 4. Refinement of the 3 seated "Monk Serves Wine" meditations (on Volume 2) and further instruction in the 5 advanced MSW meditations on Volume 7. 5. Introduction to the 9 Standing Advanced Flying Phoenix Meditations (all moving). 6. Further instruction in the "10,000 Buddhas Ascend to Heaven" Nei Kung System (named after the tallest peak in the Ehrmeshan region, "Wan-fuo Shan") • Also, in addition to learning (if you're a beginner) or advancing your practice to the capstone moving meditation of FP Qigong, I will also orchestrate the experience of Tao Tan Pai 31 Meditations ("TTP-31") serving as a splendid foundational catalyst and powerful "accelerant" that intensifies, enhances, and prolongs the healing effects of FP Qigong. The TTP-31 Meditations has a completely different yogic methodology than that of Flying Phoenix Qigong. Yet it was my blessing and good fortune to have discovered that the TTP-31 Meditations (and the entire TTP Nei Kung and Kung Fu system as well ) while powerful and complete in and of itself, just happens to catalyze and accelerate the cultivation of the Flying Phoenix Healing Qi. It's a one-way catalyzing process: from TTP-31 to FP Qigong. >> Complete information about FP Qigong and how to register for this workshop are on this issue of my free monthly Newsletter. Please subscribe to be alerted to my classes and workshops: https://terencedunn.substack.com/p/flying-phoenix-qigong-workshop-14-fb2 WORKSHOP SCHEDULE The 3-day immersive workshop, May 24 to May 26, consists of 7 two-hour sessions with 2 sessions on Friday, 3 on Saturday, and 2 on Sunday at these times (EST): Friday: 3pm - 5pm; 7:30pm - 9:30pm EST Saturday: 10am - noon; 2:30pm - 4:30pm; 7:30pm - 9:30pm EST Sunday: 1 0am - noon; 2:30pm - 4:30pm EST TUITION: $440 early registration till May 10; $495 after May 10 • ZOOM PARTICIPATION: $40 per each 2-hour session or $250 for all 7 sessions Please send payment via Paypal (to [email protected]) or via Zelle (to [email protected]) Several of my veteran students from my Eastover workshops in Lenox, MA known as "The Old Guard" so you'll be able to see the long-term health benefits on them. Thus, we'll also move forward with advanced forms and the 10K Buddhas Meditation System, which is very powerful in a different way and with an different energy than FP Qigong! One of the 10K Buddhas is seen on this video below. Find out where it is! : I hope to see many of you in New Paltz and on Zoom! mitakuye oyasin, (Lakota prayer that means “To all my relations” or “All are related”, or “Help and Health to all my Brothers and Sisters” ) Sifu Terry P.S. Here is link to my Newsletter issue with complete details about this workshop and how to register for it: https://terencedunn.substack.com/p/flying-phoenix-qigong-workshop-14-fb2 www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html
  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    This is an addition to the Notice above of my Taoist Elixir Method 31 Meditations workshop coming this April 5 to 7: <•> In addition to the TTP-31 Meditation Series, during the last 4 sessions of the workshop (on Saturday and Sunday), I will also teach the Eleven “Shen” Exercises, which is the next level of Tao Tan Pai Nei Gong that follows the TTP-31 Meditations. The Ten Shen Exercises, which I have never taught before in a workshop setting (but only privately over the past 40 years) is a system of 9 standing postures and one sublime, sedentary seated meditation that develops structural sensitivity to ALL forms of energy. That is, the Shen Exercises more deeply integrate mind and body and then the mind itself--so as to perfect intuition as a unified consciousness and thus make you more psychic. No speculation here. I am simply stating the truth about the result of practicing the Shen Exercises. In fact, if one then masters the Tao Tan Pai 5 Animals Kung Fu forms, then the Six Stars, then the Nine Flowers Nei Gong, and then survive the practice of the Five Dragons Nei Gong--one will become very psychic, to the point of literally seeing through one's eyes the karmic past lives of every person that one meets whom one needs to know about. One of the cultivated benefits of practicing the priestly art of Tao Tan Pai. <•> ••> Btw, to better understand what Shen energy is, redouble your practice of the TTP-31 and then read pages 166 to 196 in Manfred Porkert’s classic tome, “Theoretical Foundations of Chinese Medicine: Systems of Correspondence” (1977, MIT Press). [You can find a PDF copy if you subscribe to Library Archives.]: Just from reading the definitions of 30+ forms of Qi and understanding their inter-relationships, especially the relationship between Shen Ch'i and Ching Ch'i, you will have an accurate and precise language and vocabulary to articulate your Qigong experiences and revelations--as opposed to that New Age gobbledy-gook vomited tripe that you heard on those cheesy old Gaiam "Chi For Beginners" videos, which I hope to God are now off the shelves, off the internet, and gone forever. <•• Workshop details are in my posting on Saturday at 03:17 PM above and in this substack Newsletter issue. https://terencedunn.substack.com/p/taoist-elixir-method-tao-tan-pai See you on Zoom or in person at the TTP-31 Workshop! Sifu Terry www.taichimania.com terencedunn.substack.com
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Learner, Sorry I missed seeing your question back in Oct. of last year when you posted it. Egads! Do you start to feel the energy less and less overtime? After your channels are opened? I will first try to answer these two questions separately: Do you start to feel the energy less and less overtime? No. Because I am constantly practicing Tai Chi Chuan, Liu He Ba Fa, and 3 complete Taoist monastic kung fu systems and their integral nei kung subsystems, and am in a meditative state of consciousness for a good number of hours every day, I feel "the energy" within my body and the energies of the Universe more tangibly and profoundly over time--and especially when I practice, depending on how I focus my mind, eyes, breath, and movement or stillness. The whole purpose of training in authentic internal martial arts and their secret Qigong engines is to cultivate super-normal power for self-defense, perfect structural sensitivity by integrating mind and body to pristine all-perceptive state (i.e., to polish the doors of perception, as Aldous Huxley had put it his writings). And whenever one's karmic pursuit of knowledge on one's "Path with Heart" (as per Castaneda's usage) needs it for survival and growth, one just "slip" into the zone, where one's consciousness and kung fu all come into play as a flow or expression of the Tao. After your channels are opened? I can't really answer your question the way its worded. You need to be more precise. What do you mean by "channels"? Do you mean internal energy channels such (e.g., meridians) or macrocosmic channels? Based on my experiential frame of reference after 51 years of training (since 1973), I would have to answer that if one feels less and less energy overtime after one's internal energy channels are opened, that would be mean that one's mind is purposefully not paying attention to one's energy. And if one's integrated mind-body were naturally attuned to the energy of the cosmos, by definition, having one's macrocosmic channels "opened" would mean that one was in a state of Cosmic Consciousness, what the Buddhists call samadhi, and what Hindus call At-Onement. But if I had to answer your question as it's worded, this would be it: No, quite the opposite: I feel the energy within my body much more deeply and I experience the energies of the environment and of all living creatures more and more and more--and at greater distances--as I continue to expand my practices and grow older chronologically because mind, if properly trained, can bend or fold the space-time continuum. And this is true in context of any of the internal arts that I preserve and teach: Yang style Tai Chi chuan, Liu He Ba Fa, Flying Phoenix Qigong, Advanced FP Qigong, Bok Fu Pai Qigong, 10,000 Buddhas Meditations, Tao Tan Pai Kung Fu, Tao Tan Pai Nei Kung (any of its 6 levels), the vast 8 Sections of Energy Combined Kung Fu system, and the Southern Sil Lum 5 Animals Kung Fu form. Interesting question. Please elaborate further by what you mean by "channels" if you want an answer to that question. Sorry for missing your post from 5 months ago. The reason was because I was house-hunting and moving from Connecticut to my present digs near New Paltz, NY. Regards Sifu Terry https://terencedunn.substack.com/p/taoist-elixir-method-tao-tan-pai www.taichimania.com terencedunn.substack.com