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About johndoe2012

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  1. Wanting to get rid of Heart Demons

    I see. You probably had a crown opening. I had the same thing happen to me. Suddenly I had knowledge of all my past lives, intuition was heightened and I could sense all of my stuff more intensely. It took a long time to calm down my system, 10 years at least. I found out a deep anxiety in my system seemed like an energy imbalance but was just deep tension in the body. Flying phoenix calmed that down. But I had to go through heavy purification to avoid insanity 😊
  2. Wanting to get rid of Heart Demons

    That's a good idea thelerner 😊 By the way, I am still working on trauma that I experienced as a 4 year old when my parents left me. This deep scar has made relationships difficult but at the same time opened my heart a lot and gave me big lessons on love. I've used Metta, flying phoenix meditation and energy healing tools to clear that trauma continuesly.
  3. Wanting to get rid of Heart Demons

    You could try Metta meditation, wishing others well.
  4. Enlightenment - what is it?

    Funny, sometimes I feel that way, that practice is not necessary because everything is completely as it should be.
  5. Daoist Meditation

    It is a good method and a very important one. Since this is the Daoist section, there should be an emphasis on jing also but standing takes care of that. I did the standing from "The Way of Energy" a year everyday (1 hour) when I started my journey here and it did a lot of good things for my system. Only "problem" is that you have more energy than your peers, energy enough for two people or lots of physical practice or any other endavour you pour your energy into.
  6. Daoist Meditation

    For breathing you can also try the 'Resonant Breathing' app. It calms down the nervous system in a very effective manner.
  7. Ming Men

    Did 5 min of this just now, ended up shaking like in kunlun / yigong. Bliss is also similar to kunlun / yigong, probably the same circuit that gets used. It is hard not to smile after this practice 😊
  8. Phone addiction

  9. Daoist Meditation

    Search for Primordial Qigong ebook on pdf sites. Copyright wise is ok since the original site is down. It has a description on wuji standing.
  10. Is there an east/west schism

    Europe lost a lot of wise folks, both male and females due to the Christian church killing them all and purged native traditions in favor of Christianity. Personally I feel people in Northern Europe are way too rational and have closed their hearts. Too little sun could also play a part in this way of being. When I went to China I was positively surprised of how social people were compared to here, where being anti social is the norm.
  11. Intra ocular pressure

    Flying phoenix qigong has a tendency to relax the tension around eyes and improve vision. You can try this free version There are some paid ones by Terry Dunn that work the head more directly.
  12. For chi deviation issues I recommend Flying Phoenix Qigong, a sitting mediation is available on YouTube. Some chi deviations are just tension in the body which FP qigong is good at relaxing. Also instead of directly attacking the trauma / emotional issue which all kinds of healing modalities do, some times it is better to see that is 'not you'. Listen to Paul Hedderman non duality on YouTube, he points to it really well.
  13. Side effects

    The guy goes on a spiritual forum praising pop psychology as if it were the best thing since sliced bread. His pop psychology hasn't managed to dissolve his black and white thinking, a sure sign he hasn't made any progress so far at all.
  14. Edit Side effect, so as evasive as other methods.
  15. Is There Any Way to Know it is Real?

    Even if you experienced something totally out of this world you would probably end up unhappy anyway so it is better to work on increasing your level of joy and contentment on a daily basis. The reason is meditation is a slow process that gives results on a longer timeframe. I found that to focus on eliminating my own beliefs that caused me to be unhappy made me content and happy in daily life and I don't need to do a ton of meditation to keep it up. Also finding something tangible that causes joy is a good antidote to the depressive focus that a lot of spiritual practitioners unfortunately have. Daily note what caused you to be unhappy and eliminate it. Find one thing that makes you happy and focus on that. Suddenly you find yourself in a place where you don't want to be anywhere else than where you are.