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Tonight's listening...


I always thought John Lennon's "Imagine" was profound... till I heard his "Instant Karma" [gonna get you]... 

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If you are having a hard time waking up in the morning these guys will help you along:




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You went way back into the woods to find those.


I was just listening to this guy:




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Had never paid attention to the lyrics of that song before... whoa! 



I got a question about it, are the englishes lyrics generally easily understandable (by native speakers of course)?

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That song was often heard playing in the background within many of my youthful abodes     :)

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That was cute although I had to pretend I was a kid to keep listening to it.


(I'm listening to some Faron Young now.)

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I got a question about it, are the englishes lyrics generally easily understandable (by native speakers of course)?

Sure.  What's your question?

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Sure.  What's your question?


Actually I'm questioning an awful cliché. For us (Frogs) we tend to consider in matter of songs, you (English speaking people) have the music while we have the lyrics. (I know Dylan, Cohen, etc but we talk awful generalities).


I'm asking if Englishes songs are in fact easily understandable for you. When I listen to your music, it seems to me like you play a lot with the sound of the words to value the music, well... more than we do. I give you an example : whatever the language opera is fucking hard to understand.


When you listen to the verve or nirvana or oasis or the stones, do you get the lyrics the first time you listen to the song or not ?

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Hi CloudHands,


I'm not going to speak to your question as it is pointed to Silent Thunder but I do want to speak to things you said in the post.


(Frogs) I am assuming to be French.  The first time I was stationed in Germany (1960 - 1964) I enjoyed listening to French music, especially performed by females.  I even bought one LP, a female, can't recall her name,  All the songs were covers of Elvis' more popular songs, and many of them were rearranged into French.


Many years later I started listening to (and collecting) French Cajun and Zydeco music.  There are significant differences between the three styles of music.


I don't understand French but I do love the way the lyrics flow so well with the instrumentation.  


Funny thing though, after a few years of listening to Cajun and Zydeco music sung in French I felt like the true French music was missing something:  soul.  Sure, the heart is there but the soul seems to be missing.


I had the same feeling with German music.  It was an exception where a song (and the performance) had soul.


Soul in music, as far as European based music goes, seems to be a unique American thing.  (Yes, it can be found in music from the Middle East though.)

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