
Do you think GSmaster has screw loose?

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Sometimes it helps to hold back a little.  Your view seems to be that your spiritual level is far and away superior to the vast majority here.  Honestly, I don´t have my third eye open, am unable to read energy, and can neither affirm or deny that position.  But for the sake of this post, let´s say I believe you.  From your point of view, you are a God and most bums are comparatively like ants.


No matter how true this is, it doesn´t help to say so.  It doesn´t help the Bums you are talking to, and I dare say it doesn´t help you.  I´m assuming you are here because you´d like to be helpful.  You would like your posts to be useful to others.  Trash talking about other Bums, even the most idiotic among us, even me, just makes the forum uglier.  

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11 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:

Trash talking about other Bums, even the most idiotic among us, even me, just makes the forum uglier.  


This place cannot get any uglier than it already is.





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6 minutes ago, GSmaster said:


This place cannot get any uglier than it already is.






It could be a dank basement oops sorry three level penthouse in Brussels.

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8 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

Did not quote Nungali posts, but the summary there is that Nun is doing verbal Aikido and playing the mirror of the joker, hoping GSM will either eventually see the point he and others are trying to make, and how others see what GSM is saying.


No, Numb Nuts is a jealous gutter crawling troll that twists what his enemies say, which is lying, plus adding outright lies.



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11 minutes ago, Starjumper said:

jealous gutter crawling troll that twists what his enemies say, which is lying, plus adding outright lies.


Wow. Bullseye.


This looks like good empathy skill and reading of @Nungali

SJ is a psychic and I have verified him as soon as I came here, for first time.


I mean this probably hurts the crawling troll :lol:


Whats the point of making up things about basement or world of warcraft -- ?
Thats the weakest insult / personal attack I have ever seen in the whole lifetime in the internet.

I don't play mmo's. I have played good games like Witcher 3.

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7 hours ago, GSmaster said:

I have genuinely had no idea what he meant... 


I will assume good intentions even if my view of his time as admin is lukewarm, but hey, moving forward, things can be better.


7 hours ago, GSmaster said:

Thats true. I particularly dislike when people without qualifications, i.e. housewives, butt in, and start giving incompetent advice and teachings, like @C T

Like not only your not an expert in the topic to give qualified feedback, but you are missing critical skills like empathy and 3rd eye, to give personal advice on a cultivation.


Same with @bax44 if you could ever feel my Qi, you would die out of bliss, and divinity. Its better than drugs. It does not seem like you have qi sensitivity though.


What I read there in the PPJ from CT was that he was one of a few people here who wanted to use the opportunity to nudge you to dial things back a few notches, and what I read there from you was that the thread is for technical discussion only, no bringing up other things in that thread. 


As for bax44, he has his views on current events, though I wouldn't bother with referring to your cultivation skills to deal with him since it's like talking about one's battle scars in Afghanistan and how that made someone a wounded warrior when the topic is why people are getting sick, as though you're indicating you have insight because you've experienced every illness due to surviving a war. It's nice, but it might end up confusing some people even if the discussion ends up being irritating with some of the things other people say, as absurd as they may be. 


7 hours ago, GSmaster said:

I dont mind conflicts or different opinions atleast, but repeated imaginary idiocy by a bunch of a losers is getting boring and dull. 


I mean you have seen my penthouse :lol: Not that it matters, I had contacts with hollywood stars, and did fly private jet, and you probably had similar experiences, and its just meaningless stuff compared to internal arts or even exploring of the other realms / opening portals to other dimensions.


Okay, let me share a few things here I've learned about my recent history with trying to put up threads to ban Everything and @gendao. I'm tagging him because maybe he'll share some insight about what we learned from our conflict on top of what I said. 


Let me first say that I'm trying to reach out to you here publicly for everyone else's benefit too, otherwise, I'd stick with PM. I also want to say that as angry and hostile as I was towards gendao, a few people offered me patience, understanding, and considered what I felt, and were willing to overlook the really nasty things I said and did. I haven't hidden or edited those posts because they serve as a reminder to me how stupid I was, and I personally feel people here want to understand and get along with you if you give them a chance.


Here is a clip I will use for reference for my next example: 



In this clip, a very powerful necromancer (or Devil Forgemaster as he is called) is talking with the ship captain about his desires. His main desire is to destroy humanity because it's rotten and people are rude and not worth it. The captain counters that he obviously has met some good people, and doesn't doubt Isaac's power. The captain then notes something significant: with all his power, he could do a lot better trying to teach and improve humanity than he possibly could by simply giving up on them and exterminating everyone. 


By that token, I believe that with your skill, you could potentially teach people to be better instead of throwing them to the side for pissing you off. You and I didn't start on the right foot, but we managed to do okay after.


Another example, since you love Zhan Zhuang almost as much as I do. Recently, I was meditating on how to deal with this and it came to me that this forum is like Zhan Zhuang: every time I want to reply to each shitpost targeted at me, I have given up and dropped my arms instead of making it the full hour or so. Every time someone is provoking me, I treat it the way that I would an itch and refusing to scratch it until it goes away on its own so that I can get my full standing time. 


Those are two approaches that I have explored recently. 


1 hour ago, liminal_luke said:



Sometimes it helps to hold back a little.  Your view seems to be that your spiritual level is far and away superior to the vast majority here.  Honestly, I don´t have my third eye open, am unable to read energy, and can neither affirm or deny that position.  But for the sake of this post, let´s say I believe you.  From your point of view, you are a God and most bums are comparatively like ants.


No matter how true this is, it doesn´t help to say so.  It doesn´t help the Bums you are talking to, and I dare say it doesn´t help you.  I´m assuming you are here because you´d like to be helpful.  You would like your posts to be useful to others.  Trash talking about other Bums, even the most idiotic among us, even me, just makes the forum uglier.  


As for what LL says here, he's trying to reach out, and yeah, the forum isn't in great shape, but why not try to do a little better by working a little of your magic and possibly even teaching a bit, if even directly from your PPJ?


Just a few thoughts.


I do see you and see your potential. Even if that same patience and understanding wasn't offered to me here before, I offer it to you in hopes of appealing to the part of you that will grow tired of the same dance here. 


See you in the PPJ. 

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6 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

he's trying to reach out, and yeah, the forum isn't in great shape, but why not try to do a little better by working a little of your magic and possibly even teaching a bit, if even directly from your PPJ?


You mean keep doing ppj after 50x goros of 4 dicks? You realize there is nothing can be done, if tomorrow there will be 200x goros, or 500x goros. Nothing can prevent idiots from spamming.


This place is dead, I can only suggest people to move on to some other forums. You might have actually noticed an online going down and active users also down over past few weeks. We have some trolls, and some social club of friends who have long term attachment to this place.


9 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

Another example, since you love Zhan Zhuang almost as much as I do. Recently, I was meditating on how to deal with this and it came to me that this forum is like Zhan Zhuang: every time I want to reply to each shitpost targeted at me, I have given up and dropped my arms instead of making it the full hour or so.


I understand your connection to this place, and your Teacher being here with an official thread, so you cant really leave this place.

You may want to mend it, and keep it alive and well, practicing peaceful coexistence with all the morons, spammers and idiots.

But until Sean (admin) comes back and makes moderators, and cleans up all the mess / bans alot of people, nothing is gonna be normal ever again. This is reality  - Nobody is gonna get banned even if they go binge spamming some gross videos and pics.


@Heartbreak was one of the first signals.


There is also a good chance of Admin never coming back here.


Then, the Best bet for saving TDB could be @MegaMind who seriously wants to buy this board for $1mln bux, as he is insanely stupid, the board with 6000 users after 10 years, 30-40 active, cannot be worth more than 5000$, even with all the history of posts / domain name taken into the account.

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12 minutes ago, GSmaster said:


You mean keep doing ppj after 50x goros of 4 dicks? You realize there is nothing can be done, if tomorrow there will be 200x goros, or 500x goros. Nothing can prevent idiots from spamming.


This place is dead, I can only suggest people to move on to some other forums. You might have actually noticed an online going down and active users also down over past few weeks. We have some trolls, and some social club of friends who have long term attachment to this place.



I understand your connection to this place, and your Teacher being here with an official thread, so you cant really leave this place.

You may want to mend it, and keep it alive and well, practicing peaceful coexistence with all the morons, spammers and idiots.

But until Sean (admin) comes back and makes moderators, and cleans up all the mess / bans alot of people, nothing is gonna be normal ever again. This is reality  - Nobody is gonna get banned even if they go binge spamming some gross videos and pics.


@Heartbreak was one of the first signals.


There is also a good chance of Admin never coming back here.


Then, the Best bet for saving TDB could be @MegaMind who seriously wants to buy this board for $1mln bux, as he is insanely stupid, the board with 6000 users after 10 years, 30-40 active, cannot be worth more than 5000$, even with all the history of posts / domain name taken into the account.


Had you even a hint of genuine cultivation you would have immediately recognized the question regarding Goro as a profound coded inquiry into your levels of attainment- needless to say, your mistaking it for mere shitposting is yet further conclusive evidence of your stunningly low level of cultivation. What to any advanced cultivator is an obvious delivery vessel for the furthest esoteric truths not only missed but repeatedly rejected by you as you wallowed in your numbskulled clinical poopheadedness. When you are not wasting time on this forum you claim to revile or numbing your empty soul with vacuous video games and pr0n, you spend the hours in your Brussels apartment "cultivating" in the so-called Atlantean Sefirot lineage which was in fact proven to be fraudulent 200 years ago at the famed Contest of Hyperborea by those in the authentic Lemurian Sefirot line. Since you are wondering how I was able so effortlessly to pinpoint your Lowlands provenance, know then that to an ascended master, as I am, your posting stinks unmistakably of tulips, windmills, and beer.

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1 hour ago, Earl Grey said:

The captain then notes something significant: with all his power, he could do a lot better trying to teach and improve humanity than he possibly could by simply giving up on them and exterminating everyone. 


The captain is a flawed observer of life.


Life is like an elevator, sometimes, on your way up, you have to stop and let some people off, and the further up you go, the more people have to be let off.  This is a bitter pill to swallow, mostly for those on their way up.



Edited by Starjumper
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1 hour ago, SirPalomides said:

Since you are wondering how I was able so effortlessly to pinpoint your Lowlands provenance, know then that to an ascended master, as I am, your posting stinks unmistakably of tulips, windmills, and beer.


The vast majority of practitioners in the world have ESP abilties. That means they will be able to tell who and what kind of clinical poophead you are without even talking or meeting with you in the first place. Some 97% can scan by photo, and 50% can scan by text. Some people can tell quite a lot by photo including what practice, what experience, which level you have and describe qi and blockages by every chakra. 


1 hour ago, SirPalomides said:

furthest esoteric truths not only missed but repeatedly rejected by you as you wallowed in your numbskulled clinical poopheadedness


well phrased, much better than sad crawling troll @Nungali


divine truths are repeatedly rejected by you as you succumbed in your numbskulled clinical poopheadedness


1 hour ago, SirPalomides said:

your mistaking it for mere shitposting is yet further conclusive evidence of your stunningly low level of cultivation


Yeah, it proves it. You will never be able to tell shitpost / joke from genuine practical experience, as you dont have your own experience. You are like those sad beings who cannot sense energy or dont believe that qi exists. Even the most basic practice will sound like Son Goku casting KameHameHa

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3 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

Okay, let me share a few things here I've learned about my recent history with trying to put up threads to ban Everything and @gendao. I'm tagging him because maybe he'll share some insight about what we learned from our conflict on top of what I said.

Bat signal, lol?

Well, to keep it short, at that very HOT moment whenever we've been triggered and want to immediately clapback (verbally or online) the perfect organic time to hit pause for a quiet meditation/micro-vipassana on feeling how exactly we feel (frustration, anger, fear, sadness, despair, powerless, etc)? 

Instead of kneejerk reflexively spewing that feeling out at someone...just take a good look at it first when it is flared up and easiest to see.  Strike while the iron is HOT! 

And later to dig deeper, then identify what underlying, self-sabotaging belief is causing that feeling?  As usually this is what happens...we somehow get a "bad" line of subconscious code...that then causes "bad" feelings whenever it executes in our lives.  Which gets easy to blame on the trigger/reflection...but really lies within us.


IOW: wrong belief -> bad feeling -> conflict.  So to truly resolve conflict...reverse-engineer this process!


For example, I've often felt scapegoated in life, misunderstood, or not given my fair due, or bashed even when I'm right, etc, etc.  The feeling is of being helplessly and frustratingly unfairly outcast, alienated, stigmatized, and cockblocked.  I recently boiled all this down to a core (mis)belief of, "It is wrong to be right."  And that the more right I am, the more wrong I am for it!  Wow, what an inverse trap I am creating for myself in this life with that!  Where if I'm wrong, I'm wrong...and if I'm right, I'm still wrong, too!


Of course, this can all be easier said than all of these lie within our own blindspots...otherwise, they wouldn't be causing us problems!


(Also, I'm still just beta-testing all this no guarantees yet, lol!  Just thought I'd share it already in case it might help or inspire anyone else!)

Edited by gendao
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4 hours ago, Earl Grey said:


I will assume good intentions even if my view of his time as admin is lukewarm, but hey, moving forward, things can be better.



What I read there in the PPJ from CT was that he was one of a few people here who wanted to use the opportunity to nudge you to dial things back a few notches, and what I read there from you was that the thread is for technical discussion only, no bringing up other things in that thread. 


As for bax44, he has his views on current events, though I wouldn't bother with referring to your cultivation skills to deal with him since it's like talking about one's battle scars in Afghanistan and how that made someone a wounded warrior when the topic is why people are getting sick, as though you're indicating you have insight because you've experienced every illness due to surviving a war. It's nice, but it might end up confusing some people even if the discussion ends up being irritating with some of the things other people say, as absurd as they may be. 



Okay, let me share a few things here I've learned about my recent history with trying to put up threads to ban Everything and @gendao. I'm tagging him because maybe he'll share some insight about what we learned from our conflict on top of what I said. 


Let me first say that I'm trying to reach out to you here publicly for everyone else's benefit too, otherwise, I'd stick with PM. I also want to say that as angry and hostile as I was towards gendao, a few people offered me patience, understanding, and considered what I felt, and were willing to overlook the really nasty things I said and did. I haven't hidden or edited those posts because they serve as a reminder to me how stupid I was, and I personally feel people here want to understand and get along with you if you give them a chance.


Here is a clip I will use for reference for my next example: 



In this clip, a very powerful necromancer (or Devil Forgemaster as he is called) is talking with the ship captain about his desires. His main desire is to destroy humanity because it's rotten and people are rude and not worth it. The captain counters that he obviously has met some good people, and doesn't doubt Isaac's power. The captain then notes something significant: with all his power, he could do a lot better trying to teach and improve humanity than he possibly could by simply giving up on them and exterminating everyone. 


By that token, I believe that with your skill, you could potentially teach people to be better instead of throwing them to the side for pissing you off. You and I didn't start on the right foot, but we managed to do okay after.


Another example, since you love Zhan Zhuang almost as much as I do. Recently, I was meditating on how to deal with this and it came to me that this forum is like Zhan Zhuang: every time I want to reply to each shitpost targeted at me, I have given up and dropped my arms instead of making it the full hour or so. Every time someone is provoking me, I treat it the way that I would an itch and refusing to scratch it until it goes away on its own so that I can get my full standing time. 


Those are two approaches that I have explored recently. 



As for what LL says here, he's trying to reach out, and yeah, the forum isn't in great shape, but why not try to do a little better by working a little of your magic and possibly even teaching a bit, if even directly from your PPJ?


Just a few thoughts.


I do see you and see your potential. Even if that same patience and understanding wasn't offered to me here before, I offer it to you in hopes of appealing to the part of you that will grow tired of the same dance here. 


See you in the PPJ. 

Such a honorable post, IMO: I have a suspicion that a powerful flux has been introduced into our collective mix, and through alchemy we are being cultivated toward greater heights of awareness. Thank You for being a such a strong voice in confirming this wonder to me.

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14 hours ago, GSmaster said:


I have genuinely had no idea what he meant... 



Thats true. I particularly dislike when people without qualifications, i.e. housewives, butt in, and start giving incompetent advice and teachings, like @C T

Like not only your not an expert in the topic to give qualified feedback, but you are missing critical skills like empathy and 3rd eye, to give personal advice on a cultivation.


Same with @bax44 if you could ever feel my Qi, you would die out of bliss, and divinity. Its better than drugs. It does not seem like you have qi sensitivity though.



With every sentence you keep digging yourself a new bottom.


You care so much about where I live. Your like a blind fool swinging his hands in absolute darkness void, hoping to hit someone.


I Cant decide if its comical or sad.



I dont mind conflicts or different opinions atleast, but repeated imaginary idiocy by a bunch of a losers is getting boring and dull. 


I mean you have seen my penthouse :lol: Not that it matters, I had contacts with hollywood stars, and did fly private jet, and you probably had similar experiences, and its just meaningless stuff compared to internal arts or even exploring of the other realms / opening portals to other dimensions.


" I have had contact with Hollywood stars "








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8 hours ago, SirPalomides said:


It could be a dank basement oops sorry three level penthouse in Brussels.


Correction ;


It could be a dank basement oops sorry three level penthouse in Brussels. the big city .


I know !   His  penthouse is actually a Fata Morgana  of his   basement     from an 'underneath perspective '      < snicker > .


Sometime Starjumper turns up to visit him but neither of them can figure out how to get in the basement/penthouse  from underneath it .

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7 hours ago, Starjumper said:


So, Numb Nuts is a jealous gutter crawling troll that twists what his enemies say, which is lying, plus adding outright lies.





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7 hours ago, GSmaster said:


Wow. Bullseye.


This looks like good empathy skill and reading of @Nungali

SJ is a psychic and I have verified him as soon as I came here, for first time.


I mean this probably hurts the crawling troll :lol:


Whats the point of making up things about basement or world of warcraft -- ?
Thats the weakest insult / personal attack I have ever seen in the whole lifetime in the internet.

I don't play mmo's. I have played good games like Witcher 3.


" Nungali lied about me being a basement gamer .... I do not play world of warcraft ...


...  I play good games like Witcher 3     "





You guys are classic !    

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8 hours ago, Starjumper said:
9 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

The captain then notes something significant: with all his power, he could do a lot better trying to teach and improve humanity than he possibly could by simply giving up on them and exterminating everyone. 


The captain is a flawed observer of life.


Life is like an elevator, sometimes, on your way up, you have to stop and let some people off, and the further up you go, the more people have to be let off.  This is a bitter pill to swallow, mostly for those on their way up.


There is the other side of this coin, of course, and that is those who have awakened, or think they have, or have partially seen something, who do try to teach and improve humanity.  There are many of them already, there are thousands of gurus like Sad Guru and other kinds of teachers doing it all the time, and maybe it does help some people in some ways, but it seems to me that it's like putting a band aid on a broken bone.  Even some fundamentalist type mentalities are truly helped and become better people by joining fundamentalist religions.


The thing is, there already are thousands of those types, probably millions.  It takes a certain kind of talent to do that, and some cultivators who have gone far do not have the patience nor the attitude for it.  It is why we see that the highest level masters have the fewest number of students, at very least few inner door students.  it is also common that a lot of the truly powerful masters like to keep real low profiles and tend to be secretive.


There are some, like some avatars, that are able to play both sides of the fence, good for them.

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1 hour ago, Starjumper said:


There is the other side of this coin, of course, and that is those who have awakened, or think they have, or have partially seen something, who do try to teach and improve humanity.  There are many of them already, there are thousands of gurus like Sad Guru and other kinds of teachers doing it all the time, and maybe it does help some people in some ways, but it seems to me that it's like putting a band aid on a broken bone.  Even some fundamentalist type mentalities are truly helped and become better people by joining fundamentalist religions.


The thing is, there already are thousands of those types, probably millions.  It takes a certain kind of talent to do that, and some cultivators who have gone far do not have the patience nor the attitude for it.  It is why we see that the highest level masters have the fewest number of students, at very least few inner door students.  it is also common that a lot of the truly powerful masters like to keep real low profiles and tend to be secretive.


There are some, like some avatars, that are able to play both sides of the fence, good for them.


Nice observations. I admit honestly some days I'm indifferent, other days I feel like helping, and it all depends on where I'm at in my training. I of course have my moments of stupidity and anger--remember, our first interaction here, you and I got off on the wrong foot and then became friends. So hey, people can change and sometimes it's easier when one or both sides or all sides figure something out because we have to meet partway. 

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8 hours ago, gendao said:

Bat signal, lol?

Well, to keep it short, at that very HOT moment whenever we've been triggered and want to immediately clapback (verbally or online) the perfect organic time to hit pause for a quiet meditation/micro-vipassana on feeling how exactly we feel (frustration, anger, fear, sadness, despair, powerless, etc)? 

Instead of kneejerk reflexively spewing that feeling out at someone...just take a good look at it first when it is flared up and easiest to see.  Strike while the iron is HOT! 

And later to dig deeper, then identify what underlying, self-sabotaging belief is causing that feeling?  As usually this is what happens...we somehow get a "bad" line of subconscious code...that then causes "bad" feelings whenever it executes in our lives.  Which gets easy to blame on the trigger/reflection...but really lies within us.


IOW: wrong belief -> bad feeling -> conflict.  So to truly resolve conflict...reverse-engineer this process!


For example, I've often felt scapegoated in life, misunderstood, or not given my fair due, or bashed even when I'm right, etc, etc.  The feeling is of being helplessly and frustratingly unfairly outcast, alienated, stigmatized, and cockblocked.  I recently boiled all this down to a core (mis)belief of, "It is wrong to be right."  And that the more right I am, the more wrong I am for it!  Wow, what an inverse trap I am creating for myself in this life with that!  Where if I'm wrong, I'm wrong...and if I'm right, I'm still wrong, too!


Of course, this can all be easier said than all of these lie within our own blindspots...otherwise, they wouldn't be causing us problems!


(Also, I'm still just beta-testing all this no guarantees yet, lol!  Just thought I'd share it already in case it might help or inspire anyone else!)


Honestly, pausing even for a minute is great. You're also doing a shorter version of Gurdjieff's 24-hour rule that he takes before responding to anyone. 


Your scapegoat feeling actually is eerily similar to mine, but makes no surprise because that highlights our karmic issue our conflict brought out for us. If it weren't for our conflict, then hey, we could have continued further down the spiral. 


As for the beta-test--it works. Like I said, Gurdjieff did it in a similar manner too. 

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14 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

Honestly, pausing even for a minute is great. You're also doing a shorter version of Gurdjieff's 24-hour rule that he takes before responding to anyone. 


Your scapegoat feeling actually is eerily similar to mine, but makes no surprise because that highlights our karmic issue our conflict brought out for us. If it weren't for our conflict, then hey, we could have continued further down the spiral. 


As for the beta-test--it works. Like I said, Gurdjieff did it in a similar manner too. 

Right, well there are many deepening layers of truth in the onion...for example, let's peel back mine here.


On the surface lies the pretext, or the conflict at face value.  Conflicts never gets resolved on this level.  For example, in my case here it was arguing over Anunnaki/Christian colonialism.


But underlying this is a subtextual feeling.  Let's say it is feeling like an unfairly-blamed scapegoat.  Now, when we respond reactively...what we are really doing is trying to avoid that familiar feeling that is arising.  No, no,'s not my fault, don't make me the scapegoat AGAIN!  Whereas just feeling that feeling can actually allow us to sink deeper into its origins.


If I allow myself to really feel that pain with curiosity, instead of reflexive judgment...then it might lead me to deeper insights.  Maybe underlying my anger at Anunnaki/Christian colonialism...lies a subconscious attempt/coping mechanism to shift/project all the blame/fault I feel inside (?) at something else...  Basically, the scapegoat scapegoating something else!  When maybe I should determine if and why I am feeling a lot of repressed blame/fault?


And underlying that, might lie the belief that, "It is wrong to be right" - perhaps the subconscious mantra of a scapegoat complex that causes it to serve as a scapegoat to begin with!


And perhaps releasing that belief is my real core resolution here?


Anunnaki culture uses a lot of scapegoats (Eve, humans, Jesus, Judas, Satan, etc).  And there's a lot of psychoanalysis written about the scapegoat archetype, but none of them get past blaming someone else for them...which is why none of them lead to any real healing.


What would be cool is if we could create a core conflict resolution guide that listed the common archetypes or psychological roles (like Cluster B personality disorders) causing conflicts and their underlying beliefs.  Releasing these beliefs would then release people from their roles and could theoretically resolve all the conflicts caused by them AT THEIR ROOTS!

Edited by gendao

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On 02.04.2020 at 7:09 PM, Earl Grey said:

let me share a few things here I've learned about my recent history with trying to put up threads to ban Everything and @gendao. I


I had similar observation.


I had a bunch of haters on some other forum, It was way way worse than your verbal assault with gendao :D, at some point I just had my hands tingling to get rid of them. But I held my power back. Few months later.


They all turned around, and became followers / fans.

The transformation happened after they have finally realized my skill is real deal. 

I have trained some of them, and skill progresses leaps and bounds in short time. 


The point is, difference in opinions or views is never a critical thing, as it can change over time. There is always a chance for someone alter their view / path.

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In another forum I offered a simple suggestion, to another poster. I found out later that he was a temple master in some major group or other he took offense. Later that night he came over in his avatar and we had quite the duel.:)

Edited by mrpasserby
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4 hours ago, GSmaster said:


I had similar observation.


I had a bunch of haters on some other forum, It was way way worse than your verbal assault with gendao :D, at some point I just had my hands tingling to get rid of them. But I held my power back. Few months later.


They all turned around, and became followers / fans.

The transformation happened after they have finally realized my skill is real deal. 

I have trained some of them, and skill progresses leaps and bounds in short time. 


The point is, difference in opinions or views is never a critical thing, as it can change over time. There is always a chance for someone alter their view / path.



I see what you mean ... as time goes on ... I am kinda thinking of becoming a BSMaster disciple   myself







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