
Light is Pure Awareness

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Quantum physicist Nick Herbert:

a path that involves neither quantum mechanics nor relativity but a far more fundamental result in physics called Noether’s Theorem after German mathematician Emmy Noether (1882 - 1935) who first derived it.

However, our conscious experience does assign a special time and a special place to the world. We experience the world in the HERE and NOW. Conscious experience seems to break the universal time/space symmetry of physics and hence (via Noether’s Theorem) opens the way for Mind to violate the laws of conservation of Energy and Momentum. [Noncommutative Noether's Theorem]

But perhaps human minds in their normal state exercise only a insignificant influence on Nature’s basic time/space symmetries but in Mesmeric trances, sexual transports or religious ecstasies, the powerfully experienced here/nowness of consciousness might induce extraordinary acts that violate the cherished laws of physics over and over and over again.

Thus Emmy Noether can explain [the flying monk] St. Joseph of Cupertino.

Quantum Physicist Nick Herbert

These novel properties in microscopic world imply that the noncommutative Heisenberg's algebra could be extended to the noncommutative spacetime or phase space to avoid the singularity in particle physics, gravity and early universe in the Planck scale world.

Shi-Dong Liang, 2017 Guangdong Province, China, Sun Yat-Sen University, Physics department

On a fundamental level (below the Planck threshold) it is meaningless even to ask about singularities. The noncommutative geometry shaping this level is totally nonlocal:

Michael Heller (Vatican Observatory) and Wieslaw Sasin (Warsaw University of Poland)

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not exactly on topic but one might imagine someone (with their eyes wide open) moving so very fast around a circle that they go all the way around it and back to where they started instantaneously...thus moving so fast that they end up standing still and being fully aware there,  btw. there is also no where on said circle that they are also not standing still and fully aware  because  as mentioned they are moving so very fast that they are standing still everywhere at once...


(the high wind speed may make their eyes water a bit but what the hell the ride is great)

Edited by 3bob
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Larry Merculieff on Listening with the Inherent Intelligence


And my Grandfather says, [Aleut.....] in that simple phrase, he may have encapsulated, how my people, for 10,000 years, have survived and thrived, in harmony and in connection with spirit and all creation (Aleut....) Basically what he was saying is: Don't use words. Listen. But he's not saying Listen just with the ears. But listen with the inherent intelligence of the entire human being. Using all my senses, my smell, the sense of touch, the sense of feeling, my gustatory sense, my gut feel, my intuition, my heart, my mind. All of it, synthesized and unified, as a real human being. And that's how I am going to Listen. And in that few words, I began to understand the extreme importance of not defining everything. In fact the most important things in life should not be defined. Because as soon as we define it, we diminish its assets. Just like we diminish this what this is by what we label it.


His elder shaman calls it the Womb at the Center of the Universe.



Edited by voidisyinyang
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2 hours ago, Starjumper said:

By the way, the void is NOT yin yang, so you can see this fool tries to mislead people even before he gets started, that's after he mislead himself first, of course.  Thankfully I have him on ignore.

haha. Thank you for sharing your view! I will ask you to consider a philosopher professor who exposes a deep lie about Asian philosophy, rooted in the West.

The standard translation "the ultimate nonbeing" (Chan, 1963; Neville 1980) or "Ultimate of Nonbeing" (Zhang, 2002) has actually reversed the Chinese word order, and renders it as jiwu - the ultimate wu....However even within the Daoist tradition, Wang Bi's interpretation of Laozi's wuji (Chapter 28) is simply "inexhaustible" (wuqiong), and this shows clearly he did not identify wuji with wu itself....Nevertheless, this does not mean that there was a time when Taiji did not exist....Taiji was initially boundless because its existence was beyond both space and time. ... Taiji was initially just one qi, which then separated into yang and yin through motion and rest. ...it was a common view ...to regard Taiji as one qi - before yin and yang are divided. ...vacuums have energy and energy is convertible into mass is to deny that vacuums are empty....vacuums are far from empty. Understood in this light, ...taiji is much more intelligble and plausible....Taiji, the supreme ultimate, is the absolute self-sufficient and self-contained perfection. Exactly because it is relative to nothing else, it is identical with the Boundless (Wuji)....Taiji is simply Being itself; hence it is both supremely massive and boundless (wuji).

Neo-Confucianism: Metaphysics, Mind, and Morality
JeeLoo Liu
John Wiley & Sons, May 19, 2017

Professor of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy

California State University, Fullerton
ACPA (The Association of Chinese Philosophers in North America):
President, 2010-2012

So what happened is that the older image of the Tai Chi got covered up and replaced by this:


So for example the Daoist neidan scholar Pregadio incorrectly claims that explains alchemy when it does not.

He stated that the "hub" was the Emptiness and the yin-yang then revolved around that hub.

But that is not the oldest image of the Tai Chi - it is a later Song derivation.


This is the oldest Tai Chi image - it is yin-yang all the way down! haha.

Taiji refers to the state of integrated yuan qi before the separation of heaven and earth. It is the great beginning and the great one.

The Mind Inside Tai Chi: Sustaining a Joyful Heart
By Henry Zhuang
2015, YMAA

If you read the essay "Zhu Xi's Metaphysical System and the Role of the Taji (Great Ultimate)" by Kim Han-Sang, 2013 it is quite clear Zhu Xi is emphatic that Taiji is wuji - at the same time. Not "prior." For me this completely is understandable in terms of noncommutative phase. In alchemy there is "forward" and "backward" processes at the same time as continual processes. That is noncommutative phase.

Essentially when light is "turned around" then it has zero rest mass but it does have relativistic mass. This is called the secret of, as Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft explains, "Light" being "heavy." haha. Or as Professor B.G. Sidharth explains, light has mass due to noncommutative spacetime. So as de Broglie, the quantum physicist realized, there is a superluminal phase wave when a particle goes towards the speed of light, that secretly guides the particles of matter. This phase wave does not conserve momentum and creates a novel self-force, a new quantum force that qigong master Yan Xin calls "the virtual information field" that does the healing.

So when you put the shen under the jing or alchemically the Fire into the Earth, it turns the Water into Air.

When t’ai chi is at rest, yang and yin are united;
when t’ai chi is in motion, the two opposing forces separate. Herein
lies the secret of immortality.

The Magus of Java: Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal (on John Chang).

"The whole process is ruled by Spirit....It's movement in 'non-doing' is called Original Spirit."

Wang Mu, Foundations of Internal Alchemy.

The primal qi (li yuanqi) ....formless

Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality:

"Since is it the undivided yin-yang it is called the One Vitality."

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5 minutes ago, silent thunder said:

listen through beingness


not the ears


see with beingness


not the eyes

Listen and see with your heart.


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Descartes said "I think, therefore I am". That's nice, but I wish he had said "I perceive, therefore I am", or, "I am aware that I am".


Yeah, that last one works.


Redefining words to mean other things adds confusion. Awareness is awareness. Light is light. Why coerce the one to mean the other?

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23 minutes ago, Lost in Translation said:

Redefining words to mean other things adds confusion. Awareness is awareness. Light is light. Why coerce the one to mean the other?

That is why I defined above a difference between light and energy.


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27 minutes ago, Marblehead said:

That is why I defined above a difference between light and energy.


Interesting... would you say light is a biproduct of energy then?  Or vice versa?  Or perhaps neither...

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6 minutes ago, silent thunder said:

Interesting... would you say light is a biproduct of energy then?  Or vice versa?  Or perhaps neither...


Light is a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and it is also energy, electromagnetic energy.

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the magnitude of the spectrum that we can interact with is so small, yet so utterly captivating(ensnaring).


i wonder what part of the spectrum of electromagnetism dragons reside in...

and dreams...

and sages...



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12 minutes ago, silent thunder said:

the magnitude of the spectrum that we can interact with is so small, yet so utterly captivating(ensnaring).


i wonder what part of the spectrum of electromagnetism dragons reside in...

and dreams...

and sages...




Quantum physicist Olivier Costa de Beauregard

I assert then that relativistic quantum mechanics accounts completely for all this...the observer is also an actor, and therefore what parapsychologists call "psychokinesis" must be logically accepted. "Precognition" too must be logically accepted if the future exists in actuality, and if convergent waves are not to be discounted.
The indirect transmission of messages to Elsewhere along Feynman lines implies "telepathy" and "telekinesis" - and this is what frightened Einstein, twice mentioning "telepathy" in this connection in 1949, Schroedinger using the word "magic" in 1935, and de Broglie, seeing in 1956, "an incompatibility with our conventional notions of space and time."

"Cosmos and Consciousness," in Science and Consciousness: Two Views of the Universe, 1980.


A high-ranked official said the subject is way too hot, it looks like physicists do not agree with each other, and it would look bad in the public and bad for fundraising....Parapsychology, well parapsychology, no one is allowed to talk about it. You may say you don't understand it, me neither, I don't but it is the TRUE reason why they would not let anyone speak about it [EPR nonlocality].


So there is a well-accepted hypothesis now called EPR=ER which means that quantum entanglement as nonlocality is actually a worm hole that connects the past and future and therefore creates 4D spacetime with energy-matter.


George Musser, a science journalist, has a book on this subject and he uses a music analogy to explain what is going on:



The farther apart the keys are on a piano keyboard, the farther apart they are within this imaginary dimension; a given distance along the keyboard translates into a given distance within the dimension. You don’t see this dimension as such; to you, it’s an abstraction that captures the acoustical independence of sound waves. But it’s a remarkably fitting abstraction. Musicians call the difference between pitches a musical “interval,” which has connotations of distance, as if our brains really do think of the differences between pitches as spatial separation. AdS/CFT duality takes this abstraction literally and suggests that one of the dimensions of the space we occupy represents the energy or, equivalently, the size of waves within the underlying system.


So what he really is talking about is what Alain Connes describes as music theory as an "universal scaling system" with (2, 3, infinity) as the basis of it. Again if 1 is the fundamental pitch as C then the octave is 2 as C but 3 is G as overtone while 3 is F as undertone and yet both F and G as the same pitch!! So you have G=3=F at the same time. This means that listening is faster that Fourier Uncertainty of time-frequency because that is a linear operator that requires a "measurement" or "collapse" of the wavefunction using light as the measurement. Physics usually defines time as a symmetric spatial measurement - and this is the big no no. haha.


So in actually at each "zero" point of space there is still a wormhole as quantum entanglement and this is also a new force - that is called superluminal momentum or what Schroedinger called negentropy as the quantum degeneracy pressure that creates the power of stars. So you can have antimatter as phonons because you have reverse time and superluminal frequency as a signal.


Superluminal Phonon Signaling can even be Mozart as Dr. Guenther  Nimtz proved - due to quantum tunneling at "zero time" of noncommutative phase



the superluminal acoustic effect we have described is likely a ubiquitous but imperceptible phenomenon in the everyday world.


Günter Nimtz sent a recording of Mozart's 40th symphony over four times light speed. And for your entertainment you can listen to that superluminal Mozart here. There's a lot of hiss, but it's hard to deny there's a signal. Superluminal Sound


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7 hours ago, Starjumper said:

By the way, the void is NOT yin yang, so you can see this fool tries to mislead people even before he gets started, that's after he mislead himself first, of course.  Thankfully I have him on ignore.



Ohhhh  !    if only  you knew   


what you are missing  ! ! ! ! ! 




Edited by Nungali
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7 hours ago, silent thunder said:

so then as polarity relates to awareness then...


local and non-local seem to be the dynamic instead of aware and not aware.


Well,   circuit 8  has consciousness as 'no-local '   , I dont know how that fits in with 'awareness'  ? 



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4 hours ago, voidisyinyang said:

So what happened is that the older image of the Tai Chi got covered up and replaced by this:


But that is not the oldest image of the Tai Chi - it is a later Song derivation.


This is the oldest Tai Chi image - it is yin-yang all the way down! haha.





No, it doesnt have to be a 'cover up' as you state ; it can be a 'development'  exploring other aspects of the universal energies.


the top image is a good  diagrammatic   mnemonic  for 'Nungali' Law of Three  in duality.  The centre is the first principle ,  that is zero, or 'empty'   then we have that 'begetting the one' the manifestations of the primal  duality , which begets the 2nd ring  and that 'begets'  the next ring ; triplicity (in polarity )  and all appear together as ' a one ' 


- and  obviously a visual representation of ;


Tao Te Ching  - chapter 42

The Tao begot one.
One begot two.
Two begot three.
And three begot the ten thousand things.




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OK, I saw that ridiculosity that Void posted because you shared it.  So who cares about if that other diagram was first anyway, different diagrams represent different people's interpretations of different things, and 'earlier' means nothing, sometimes 'later' is better.   In any case he is incorrect about that diagram being the first one ever.  I can share what is commonly believed to be the first yin yang diagram.

Edited by Starjumper
Foul language
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OK, here ya go, I have it on good authority that this is probably the first yin yang symbol.




As we can see, it is closely related to the I Ching.  If you draw a line from the center to any of the outer lines it will give you one of the hexagrams.

Edited by Starjumper
more foul language
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4 hours ago, silent thunder said:

Interesting... would you say light is a biproduct of energy then?  Or vice versa?  Or perhaps neither...

Light is a by-product of energy, in my not so very humble opinion.


Even a Christian would have to agree with me - first there is the energy of God then God said, "Let there be light."




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1 John 1:5 5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.

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12 minutes ago, Jonesboy said:

1 John 1:5 5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.

Ye have personified God.


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6 minutes ago, Marblehead said:

Ye have personified God.



Kinda like this?


“Let no one deceive you! God is light (11) and to those who have entered into union with Him He imparts of His own brightness to the extent that they have been purified. When the lamp of the soul, that is the mind, has been kindled, then it knows that a divine fire has taken hold of it and inflamed it. How great a marvel! Man is united to God spiritually and physically, since the soul is not separated from the mind, neither the body from the soul… It is evident that just as the Father abides in His own Son (12) and the Son in His Father’s bosom (13) by nature, so those who have been born anew through the divine Spirit (14) and by His gift have become the brothers of Christ our God and sons of God and gods by adoption, by grace abide in God and God in them (15).”


St Symeon The New Theologian And Messalianism

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I can't argue with what is written in your Book.


Actually, my statement above is not properly stated.  It should read:  Ye have reified God.


So from where did this Light of God come from?  Remember, there was no light until God said "Let there be light."


Genesis 1:2-4


2The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. 3Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. 4God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.…

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