
Are we here for a purpose?

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only if one was projected onto the experiencer, but the experiencer, if they didnt hold the idea in their head, could be said to have no purpose. Purpose is a mind fabrication. End the mind fabrications, and there is no such thing.


You can no more end the "mind fabrication" than you can end the universe. Mind is not something inside our little heads. It is not something that can be contained. Mind creates the forms which we misinterpret as its vessels.


Aside from the profound intellectual arrogance and pride being put on display throughout this thread, the main error I see is in attempting to define purpose as a noun. Purpose is not a thing, a reason, a belief. Purpose is a verb. It is something that flows through us. I am not being symbolic or obtuse here. Purpose can be felt just as surely as you feel your little finger. If you do not feel it, do not assume it can't be felt or that those who claim they do are all lying or deluded. If you do not feel it, it means you have not yet learned how to feel.


Another error I see here is the belief that purpose has anything to do with our personal lives. Whether you are childish or mature, generous and kind, or selfish and contentious, has no bearing on the matter. Purpose transcends these insignificant personalities, the bodies we incorrectly identify with, and not just something we have chosen to wear temporarily.


Whether you are wise or are just an asshole, both are beautiful and true. Just as the pain which comes from immaturity is beautiful and true. It serves a purpose which you cannot see. Just as the delusions of materialism, separateness, and science having all the answers are all beautiful and true. Just as the deaths of billions of people who having experienced profound pain but have no answers and no sense of purpose, are all beautiful and true.


In the same manner, this field of information who is addressing you, which has formed about itself a temporary cloak of matter and energy for the sole purpose of reorganizing itself ever more finely and reducing its entropy, will soon relinquish its garb and will choose to take on a more finely organized form. The common man sees that as the bundle of matter and energy called "UFA" passing on, because he does not see the field of information behind it nor understand its reasons.


You want to know what purpose is? Purpose is all around you but you do not open your eyes. Every phenomena, every iota of matter, every event in your life, no matter how seemingly trivial and mundane, is saturated with purpose. Those who claim purpose is subjective or deny it altogether appear to me as a child trying to hold his breath until he gets his way.


Purpose is matter playing catch up with divine Will. It is the master dancing on the tops of the trees during a tornado. I cannot state it any clearer than that.



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Aside from the profound intellectual arrogance and pride being put on display throughout this thread, the main error I see is in attempting to define purpose as a noun. Purpose is not a thing, a reason, a belief. Purpose is a verb. It is something that flows through us. I am not being symbolic or obtuse here. Purpose can be felt just as surely as you feel your little finger. If you do not feel it, do not assume it can't be felt or that those who claim they do are all lying or deluded. If you do not feel it, it means you have not yet learned how to feel.

I like that.

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Finally!!!  A post I can totally agree with!


actually, my comment about being hosts for microorganisms was meant quite literally and the microbiome dominates my beliefs these days. The bacterial cells in this animated sack outnumber the human cells by a factor of about ten to one. The crazy thing is, roughly the same ratio is true for everything that lives. And that microbiome has been the dominant, arguably the only, lifeform on planet Earth since the Ursoup first bubbled. Our consciousness is their consciousness, our intelligence is their intelligence, our will to survive is their will to survive, and everything we perceive is perceived through their viewpoint.


Kind of like God, you know?


And the illusion is alot more organic than most people realize.


For me, this opens a vast, profound and awesome realm of possibilities.

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Purpose is as purpose does. If I send out the thought form 'cha' as an extended vibratory signature, like in the series Dune, then the purpose is inherent in the intended message. If someone is sleeping however, and in the most deepest of non-mind fabricating states, the 'null intention' or ultimate non-doing, is their purpose self-created or other imposed?

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Is purpose synonymous with intent? I am lackadaisically 'napping' and seeing what arises from my half-assed couch philosopher self and wondering whether it be the intent of the being itself that makes its purpose, or the intent of the creator of the being which defines its purpose...this is tied in with causality of course. Is my purpose directly tied in with my root cause? Tired, dreamy minds want to know. I just cut a tree down with a chainsaw today and I am sad, but one can't stop progress, be it self or other directed....or can one rebel and throw off the chains imposed by ones creator?

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Is purpose synonymous with intent?

To me it is and that is the root of why I am responding the way I am.

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"Only those who are awakened to their inner self are free to manipulate their own existence consciously. The rest are fertilizer from the religious mystic perspective."Shadow Strategies of an American Ninja Master by Glenn Morris

Pretty harsh stuff, but worth contemplating. No one says it quite like Glenn. :)

Edited by OldChi
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"Only those who are awakened to their inner self are free to manipulate their own existence consciously. The rest are fertilizer from the religious mystic perspective."Shadow Strategies of an American Ninja Master by Glenn Morris


Pretty harsh stuff, but worth contemplating. No one says it quite like Glenn. :)


I actually agree with this from my own practice. It would seem until awakened it is best to just be responsible. 

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even Mr. G. renounced his dumb "no soul" sayings, to help out the parrots he helped create.

Edited by 3bob

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parrots are one thing, ravens another....


“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door —
Only this, and nothing more."

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December,
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; — vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow — sorrow for the lost Lenore —
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore —
Nameless here for evermore.

And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
Thrilled me — filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating,
Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door —
Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door; —
This it is, and nothing more."

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
Sir," said I, "or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
That I scarce was sure I heard you"— here I opened wide the door; —
Darkness there, and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore?"
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!" —
Merely this, and nothing more.

Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.
Surely," said I, "surely that is something at my window lattice:
Let me see, then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore —
Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore; —

'Tis the wind and nothing more."..

Edited by 3bob
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You can no more end the "mind fabrication" than you can end the universe. Mind is not something inside our little heads. It is not something that can be contained. Mind creates the forms which we misinterpret as its vessels.


Aside from the profound intellectual arrogance and pride being put on display throughout this thread, the main error I see is in attempting to define purpose as a noun. Purpose is not a thing, a reason, a belief. Purpose is a verb. It is something that flows through us. I am not being symbolic or obtuse here. Purpose can be felt just as surely as you feel your little finger. If you do not feel it, do not assume it can't be felt or that those who claim they do are all lying or deluded. If you do not feel it, it means you have not yet learned how to feel.


Another error I see here is the belief that purpose has anything to do with our personal lives. Whether you are childish or mature, generous and kind, or selfish and contentious, has no bearing on the matter. Purpose transcends these insignificant personalities, the bodies we incorrectly identify with, and not just something we have chosen to wear temporarily.


Whether you are wise or are just an asshole, both are beautiful and true. Just as the pain which comes from immaturity is beautiful and true. It serves a purpose which you cannot see. Just as the delusions of materialism, separateness, and science having all the answers are all beautiful and true. Just as the deaths of billions of people who having experienced profound pain but have no answers and no sense of purpose, are all beautiful and true.


In the same manner, this field of information who is addressing you, which has formed about itself a temporary cloak of matter and energy for the sole purpose of reorganizing itself ever more finely and reducing its entropy, will soon relinquish its garb and will choose to take on a more finely organized form. The common man sees that as the bundle of matter and energy called "UFA" passing on, because he does not see the field of information behind it nor understand its reasons.


You want to know what purpose is? Purpose is all around you but you do not open your eyes. Every phenomena, every iota of matter, every event in your life, no matter how seemingly trivial and mundane, is saturated with purpose. Those who claim purpose is subjective or deny it altogether appear to me as a child trying to hold his breath until he gets his way.


Purpose is matter playing catch up with divine Will. It is the master dancing on the tops of the trees during a tornado. I cannot state it any clearer than that.




One can end ones own mind fabrications though, through sheer force of will, just not the mind fabrications of which case, there will always be noise incoming, but through proper dispersal/dissociative techniques they become white noise, or just muteable energy

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One can end ones own mind fabrications though, through sheer force of will, just not the mind fabrications of which case, there will always be noise incoming, but through proper dispersal/dissociative techniques they become white noise, or just muteable energy


And you know this how...?

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One can end ones own mind fabrications though, through sheer force of will, just not the mind fabrications of which case, there will always be noise incoming, but through proper dispersal/dissociative techniques they become white noise, or just muteable energy




to think in a room with no doors

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And you know this how...?



You can no more end the "mind fabrication" than you can end the universe. Mind is not something inside our little heads. It is not something that can be contained. Mind creates the forms which we misinterpret as its vessels.


Aside from the profound intellectual arrogance and pride being put on display throughout this thread, the main error I see is in attempting to define purpose as a noun. Purpose is not a thing, a reason, a belief. Purpose is a verb. It is something that flows through us. I am not being symbolic or obtuse here. Purpose can be felt just as surely as you feel your little finger. If you do not feel it, do not assume it can't be felt or that those who claim they do are all lying or deluded. If you do not feel it, it means you have not yet learned how to feel.


Another error I see here is the belief that purpose has anything to do with our personal lives. Whether you are childish or mature, generous and kind, or selfish and contentious, has no bearing on the matter. Purpose transcends these insignificant personalities, the bodies we incorrectly identify with, and not just something we have chosen to wear temporarily.


Whether you are wise or are just an asshole, both are beautiful and true. Just as the pain which comes from immaturity is beautiful and true. It serves a purpose which you cannot see. Just as the delusions of materialism, separateness, and science having all the answers are all beautiful and true. Just as the deaths of billions of people who having experienced profound pain but have no answers and no sense of purpose, are all beautiful and true.


In the same manner, this field of information who is addressing you, which has formed about itself a temporary cloak of matter and energy for the sole purpose of reorganizing itself ever more finely and reducing its entropy, will soon relinquish its garb and will choose to take on a more finely organized form. The common man sees that as the bundle of matter and energy called "UFA" passing on, because he does not see the field of information behind it nor understand its reasons.


You want to know what purpose is? Purpose is all around you but you do not open your eyes. Every phenomena, every iota of matter, every event in your life, no matter how seemingly trivial and mundane, is saturated with purpose. Those who claim purpose is subjective or deny it altogether appear to me as a child trying to hold his breath until he gets his way.


Purpose is matter playing catch up with divine Will. It is the master dancing on the tops of the trees during a tornado. I cannot state it any clearer than that.




how do you know this?

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The great laws take and effuse without argument,
I am of the same style, for I am their friend,
I love them quits and quits, I do not halt and make salaams.
I lie abstracted and hear beautiful tales of things and the reasons
of things,
They are so beautiful I nudge myself to listen.
I cannot say to any person what I hear--I cannot say it to myself--
it is very wonderful.
It is no small matter, this round and delicious globe moving so
exactly in its orbit for ever and ever, without one jolt or
the untruth of a single second,
I do not think it was made in six days, nor in ten thousand years,
nor ten billions of years,
Nor plann'd and built one thing after another as an architect plans
and builds a house.
I do not think seventy years is the time of a man or woman,
Nor that seventy millions of years is the time of a man or woman,
Nor that years will ever stop the existence of me, or any one else.
Is it wonderful that I should be immortal? as every one is immortal;
I know it is wonderful, but my eyesight is equally wonderful, and
how I was conceived in my mother's womb is equally wonderful,
And pass'd from a babe in the creeping trance of a couple of
summers and winters to articulate and walk--all this is
equally wonderful.
And that my soul embraces you this hour, and we affect each other
without ever seeing each other, and never perhaps to see
each other, is every bit as wonderful.
And that I can think such thoughts as these is just as wonderful,
And that I can remind you, and you think them and know them to
be true, is just as wonderful.
And that the moon spins round the earth and on with the earth, is
equally wonderful,
And that they balance themselves with the sun and stars is equally


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actually, my comment about being hosts for microorganisms was meant quite literally and the microbiome dominates my beliefs these days. The bacterial cells in this animated sack outnumber the human cells by a factor of about ten to one. The crazy thing is, roughly the same ratio is true for everything that lives. And that microbiome has been the dominant, arguably the only, lifeform on planet Earth since the Ursoup first bubbled. Our consciousness is their consciousness, our intelligence is their intelligence, our will to survive is their will to survive, and everything we perceive is perceived through their viewpoint.


Kind of like God, you know?


And the illusion is alot more organic than most people realize.


For me, this opens a vast, profound and awesome realm of possibilities.


interesting drift although I would take it about a billion times smaller than bacteria, so small that even the most powerful electron microscope doesn't have a chance of seeing it.... and then take it about billion times larger than all known space and its galaxies, so large that even the most powerful telescope will never have a chance of seeing it, then drop all names excepting something like "Mystery".

Edited by 3bob

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Having trouble quoting from my phone.


Why make it mysterious and incomprehensible when the reality can be so simple and elegant and organic?

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Why make it mysterious and incomprehensible when the reality can be so simple and elegant and organic?

We would have to return to the state of duality to speak to this.  Sure, physical reality can be simple, elegant, and organic.  It is, actually.  This we will call the "Manifest".  But the Manifest is only a subset born out of the Mystery.  Mystery, by its own nature, is mysterious and incomprehensible.  So if we return to the root we find no thing, not even a purpose.

Edited by Marblehead
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We would have to return to the state of duality to speak to this.  Sure, physical reality can be simple, elegant, and organic.  It is, actually.  This we will cal the "Manifest".  But the Manifest is only a subset born out of the Mystery.  Mystery, by its own nature, is mysterious and incomprehensible.  So if we return to the root we find no thing, not even a purpose.


and if there really is no mystery? No mystery no fun. Right? That's all it boils down to, as I see it. Some people feel compelled, for whatever reason, to fart around with things, just to keep their minds occupied before their expiration date arrives, I guess.

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