
Why don't 'high level' beings post on internet forums?

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If they really wanted to end suffering ... IF

Doesnt it seem plausible, that the expectations you have , might not actually be theirs? They dont care?They have no faith that they can be effective? They meditate their compassion ? They leave you to live your life unimposed upon? Uninterfered with?


Whats the best thing you can do for whales? Leave them alone.


People generally defend the ideas they have, really respond negatively to input they dont recognize. I dont think its out of stupidity, because its true for bright folks. Its not out of fear, since they dont feel afraid all the time. Why then are folks resistant? I think its because we love the illusions we hold. There is something we treasure about every stupid thing ,and every other thing ,we chooose for ourselves. So if someone really felt they couldnt overcome that, then any input they could have would just be fruitless interference. A negative.


Or maybe they realize that suffering is sometimes necessary in order for better things to emerge? That's at least one of my theories.

Edited by Perceiver
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Or maybe they realize that suffering is sometimes necessary in order for better things to emerge? That's at least one of my theories.
really? :) thats either taking a very generous stance, or very hard assed one. He he he. But theres truth in it alright :)

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If people are really sincerely interested in this stuff they will go and seek these people out in person.


Its easy at home behind a computer, you aren't really challenged, you can constantly affirm that your existing beliefs and perceptions are correct without the risk of seeing the truth. There you can remain the king of your own domain.

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Has anyone said it yet ?    (in response to post title )


....     I do .     ;)

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I think this is a silly topic based on a very loose preconceived idea that may or may not be true based on ones own definition of a high level being.


Forget about high level beings. It just serves to create separation. "High level" or "low level" beings are able to post the exact same words. The difference is the illusionary idea of the person we imagine to have typed them.

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Silly in one persons mind may be serious in another. Who are we to judge what happens in a world of action/reaction events? Do you think that there was a person behind the poster? What if there was no one there at all? Then you would have to ask yourself, 'Who is talking if no one is there?' Anatta or atta, Bearded Dragon? Anyways, you speak of avoiding thoughts of higher or lower, while at the same time criticizing the post as silly. Speak without contradictions and hypocrisy, and you will be 'higher level,' I say!

Edited by Songtsan
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Is this the tip of a cool burning feud? I wanna answer those. :) but I dont want to intrude on the fun.

Edited by Stosh

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Ah but the the judge is then the person who does not yet understand . So how could such a one be the judge?


This is based on the idea that the goal of any spiritual path is the actualization of your own inner self. Doesn't it make sense then that only this inner self can lead you to its own realization by providing guidance via intuition and synchronicity?


Following a certain tradition can be at least part of this journey, of course, but it is no coincidence that spiritual teachers as diverse as Buddha, Djwhal Khul and Seth all emphasized that their words should only be accepted insofar they hold true in the seeker's intuition and experience. For what may be a valid path for one person, may not be suitable for another. And for some people it's really best to follow a certain path for awhile, then take what they have learned from it with them to another.

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Yeah , but if you Are looking for leadership, as opposed to just following your own intuition... you are in a sticky pickle.

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Well, your intuition might guide you to a certain tradition for you to follow, even if only for a while.


You must give your intuition prevalence over everything else.


Learning to distinguish between helpful and deceiving information is itself part of the initiation that leads to the inner self.

Edited by Michael Sternbach
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You don't seem able to follow me.

You either have the potential to identify a system with potential or you don't.

The second category (which includes most individuals) is f*cked anyways,

practices useles BS all of their lifetime without ever achieving anything of worth

and would not be able to identify a system with potential even if they were directly confronted with it.

Just curious, are you subtly trying to turn this into a mopai thread?  Is the Johny Chang vid the evidence that people are confronted with, next to which everything else is useless, or are you meaning something different?

Even if they would be able to identify it, they then would misunderstand the instructions given to them

so that their practice would not bear fruit.

Even if their practice would bear fruit, it would be the wrong fruit due to their wrong understanding of the instructions,

and so on.

Simple as that.

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Well, your intuition might guide you to a certain tradition for you to follow, even if only for a while.


You must give your intuition prevalence over everything else.


Learning to distinguish between helpful and deceiving information is itself part of the initiation that leads to the inner self.

Ok, ..if you Could know what wasnt right, then you could pick that which was. My own take on intuition, is that its a lump sum assessment of what you innerly choose , its the choice you are willing to get behind. And thats a good thing to be aware of. Without regrets you work with the consequences, firmly setting feet down though the ground itself quavers. Its rich and strong.
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At every dip

A river seeks the sea,

Though it may dry up,

Not yet there,

There it gets,

If being there , Can be.

Edited by Stosh

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In this material world, we are situated horizontally - next to one another on the surface of this planet.


Thus, we are all the same here, and the attempt to deny this horizontal situation and imagine instead vertical "levels" of existence whereby one person is "above" another - this is a trick, a manipulation.


But when the rain comes here, "it don't fall on just one man's head".


In non-material spirit world, there is verticality as a matter of attachment and density/frequency of vibration.


We can see that while still on Earth, and this is what ancestor respect is about, and is what development of consciousness is about. While our body is walking from one place to another next to everyone, our mind has no limit, and can reach spirit realm.


Our conception into this world from the spirit world is our appearance in the all-dark womb realm, where our placenta will guide us through a miniature of evolution on this planet taking about 280 days.


Then upon our birth into the half-light/half-dark air world, the placenta falls off and dries up. Notice that we existed in two parts - placenta and body in womb.


This human body is the placenta that is now developing our spirit body or "consciousness" for birth in the all-light spirit world. Notice that we exist in two parts - body and head.


Upon our birth into the spirit world, commonly called today "death", then body falls off and dries up, and spirit body is born into this realm.


In spirit realm we are moving back to our original home, and our going there is a matter of attachment and density - if we are still attached to this physical realm, we must return here to dissolve this.


Originally, we are the Infinite Universe or "God", and so we are all truly "high level beings" having various levels and types of experiences.




Edited by vonkrankenhaus
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Good start, then it got spooky. May I ask if this is a faith that there is a group of folks who ascribe to, or is it a personal metaphor or conceptualization?

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"Good start, then it got spooky. May I ask if this is a faith that there is a group of folks who ascribe to, or is it a personal metaphor or conceptualization?"



What did you find to be "spooky"?


To me, these things are just easy to see. Does anyone see placenta as different, for example? Like, maybe it teaches us nice songs???




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The disembodied head and shrivelling placentas are spooky. I guess I do see the divisions like placenta vs baby, as untrue , since I see the divisions themselves as arbitrary. We`re a clump of cells, that has vestigial cells within , the placenta is part of the baby ,,I think,, and its attached to the mother,,etc and so on. Just dont take me too extremely on this. I do recognize divions like anyone else,,I just know them to be arbitrary. A deck of playing cards, for example , anyone can pick out the aces, or jokers ,or diamonds ,or flushes etc and so forth, its just mental subdivisions. (I wouldnt mind hearing a placenta song though) :)

Edited by Stosh

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"The disembodied head and shrivelling placentas are spooky. I guess I do see the divisions like placenta vs baby, as untrue , since I see the divisions themselves as arbitrary. We`re a clump of cells, that has vestigial cells within , the placenta is part of the baby ,,I think,, and its attached to the mother,,etc and so on. Just dont take me too extremely on this. I do recognize divions like anyone else,,I just know them to be arbitrary. A deck of playing cards, for example , anyone can pick out the aces, or jokers ,or diamonds ,or flushes etc and so forth, its just mental subdivisions."



Nothing arbitrary about the fact that none of us still has a placenta attached as adults, and that once the placenta is in the air world outside of the womb it does not continue with us, but falls off and dries up.


Same way with our human body upon our "death" - it does not simply "evaporate" or "spiritualize", but it falls down and dries up, returning to the Earth realm.


Physical body is forming more from centrepital Heaven's force and stays on Earth, whereas consciousness is then forming more from centerfugal Earth's force and going outward and becoming less dense.


Main point is just that we have all come here from Infinity, and we are all returning to Infinity, and we are all essentially "high level beings", and here we are, posting on internet.




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Well that would certainly negate the implied assertion of the OP.( I was just originally just applying Occam's razor. ) Your main point, sounds solid to me.

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High level practitioners are insecure ? He he he :)

I guess no one recognizes the fact that I am here.

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That's a good article, but one-sided in that some people, like me, practice martial arts in their head. I ripped a term from Mind-form boxing, or is it form-mind boxing, coupled with the Stages of Change model, and it has born fruit...some people are just in contemplation and planning phases, and this is nothing to sneer at. You can go around judging how you are better than 'those below you' who aren't in some actualization phase, but this reality really is happening in your head regardless if you are practicing in your body or your mind anyways. I may seem to be drive less because I am not out there training every day, but I've been there before and will be there again...I could still beat up half the guys I see without even practicing because I have the will and intent, coupled with fearlessness, to 'go to the burger' - doesn't make me special or not-special. Its the intent behind the form that makes one who they are. Function can trump form any this vain ;) I would say I am a higher level being posting on the internet, as there is always someone 'below you' in this world of duality, in any arena, and always someone above you. I am satisfied with the higher level posters that are above me here, and learning lots....I always just speak what's on my mind, regardless of how silly it is, and if people answer me, knowing that it is silly, well that's silly too. Whether you are pitching or catching, its all the same game. You could just be like Deci Belle and not even acknowledge such a low-brow post, if that's what higher level beings do. But like I said, whether you are pitching or catching.... ;)

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