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What if the universe was to end?

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What if the universe was to end in 2 weeks, and all who were not awake (truth realized), would pass away like the characters of a dream, continuation, no Jesus to save them, no rebirth.

So here you are,...two weeks to wake up, or forever end in an instant. What would you do?


Most would likely go on as they been going on,...others may go on sex or drug binge,...some would pray or meditate, but what good is that, except to hide.

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In the mid-90's, Gregg Braden, a New Age purveyor and accredited geophysist described the Hopi traditions Great Purification as a "shift" that will bring a zeroing-out of the electrodynamic fields on Earth for near 3 days. This temporary voidance of the EMF will bring great fear and panic to the majority of Earths human population, for the EMF is like a glue that holds together most of our beliefs.


Articulating the Hopi prophesy with contemporary themes, Braden likened this Great Purification/Shift to the original computers which did not have internal batteries as our PC's now have. At the Shift, when the EMF zeros-out, will be similar to an older computer "crashing", which meant, it would lose all existing information, and would have to be reprogramed. At the Shift, most people will literally "pass out" due to the exposure of being removed from identification with their beliefs. The one's who remain awake however, their Collective Consciousness, will be the reprogram when the EMF restarts. For those who passed out, when they arise, their past will be erased, and all they will know is what those who remained awake, reprogramed them to know. Under this 2012 paradigm, those who realize and dissolve their belief patterns before 2012, thus being as immune to the shock of zero Electrodynamic field, will be the one's to set the agenda for the next cycle.


The original teachings mentioned in the Hopi Prophesy appear to go much further back, to the time before the Kali Yuga, when the "world turned another way". Those Original Teachings include the Ways of the Feminine,...not the patriarchial feminine of today,...but the authentic feminine, as in Mother Sky. They called it the time of the Blue Star Kachina,...the Birthing of HumanBeingness. (see the discussion "the Other Feminine").


There are stories of ancient temples where Initiates would be shielded from what is called electromagnetic energy; the motion of duality. Reduction in the EM field that surrounds us is said to reduce the EMF around the brain which activates and processes sensory inputs. Perception functions through an energy field. Yet consciousness is not energy. Authentic consciousness is "connected with" when we shutdown brain lobes and senses as experiments with Freethought Meditators have shown. Turning down the EMF of brain lobes uncovers the consciousness that energy has obscured.


Science believes that the EM field around the brain is a byproduct of that brain,...but what if brain function arises from the EM field?


Some temples in Central Asia, Egypt and Mesoamerica, through an awareness of sacred design, are said to have lowered the natural EMF in a particular area within the structure. It is said that the King's Chamber of the Great Giza pyramid, which is not commonly considered a temple, had such a sacred space. One would have to admit that the facts of its architecture is intriguing. First, there is no doubt of the sacred geometric measurements. In addition, there is no evidence that anyone ever occupied the chambers worn down, unremarkable, red granite coffer; which appears too large to have been introduced after construction. That is interesting considering coffins were the most important purchase for a tomb, often ornately decorated, with among other things, false door facades. The 5 chambered anatomy above the King's chamber is also a puzzling, especially for today's object-ive minded sciences. What was the need for such a 51 foot complex above the red granite coffer? Neither the Queens chamber, nor any known tomb appears to have no such construction.


Could the King's chamber of Great Giza pyramid, when it was fully intact, have been a sacred space where Initiates could experience their conscious core by decreasing the EMF? We know today that neuroscientists (Persinger's Helmet) can envelop someone with particular wavelength patterns and have them witness Jesus, Mohammed, or a ghost. But what occurs if we enter a deep relaxation and turn down the wavelength patterns? Would we be free to witness reality through a very thin, marginal EMF filter? Could a sacred space or vehicle liberate us from the accumulated iconography of complex brain activity, and encourage a direct, wave-free experience with non-duality? Collapsing the energy supported wave function and entering a Ki point, guiding our attention towards the motionless Now and the still Light of our Source.

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It's food for thought, certainly.


If not food for the gods.


On the other hand, you are probably encouraging people in their delusions, you naughty boy.


Edited by Captain Mar-Vell
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Immediately prior to setting up " GMP's 'DoomAway' Magic Umbrellas plc ( The ones that really work)" I'd cancel all my magazine subscriptions then buy in a load of cheap Chinese umbrellas from the wholesalers.

Then sit back and watch that money roll in for two weeks.

Has to be worth a punt.

If Doomsday does come then no one wants a refund.

If it doesn't I won't care cos I'll be off on my luxury yacht.



Edited by GrandmasterP

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Or, better yet.. Pull the old fundamentalist scam and carry on trading...

" OK the world hasn't ended as such. That date was for 'heavenly changes' the real end of the world date is ........ (insert preferred date)."


And repeat as necessary.

It works for the Jehovah Witnesses so why not for GMP's ' DoomAway' Magic umbrellas (the ones that really work)?



Edited by GrandmasterP
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do we really always think we have more time?


What if we are always in the now?




Oh, and I'm going the "heavenly changes" route!


Edited by Captain Mar-Vell
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I'm sure Y'all know that this old Materialist is just going to keep on doing what he does until he can't do anything anymore.


And besides, old soldiers never die. they just fade away.

Edited by Marblehead
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If the universe abruptly ends and I am one of the unenlightened masses snuffed out in an instant, I wouldn't know it and I wouldn't be around to worry about it anyhow.


Sounds a lot like the Rapture.

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I find that question often posed by missionaries as bait. When I collected pamphlets I'd find it in about a third of them. There's a wonderful wicked supposition added that THEY KNOW, what will happen and poor little you doesn't, but WAIT, because they know THE TRUTH, they can save you.


Meh... If they're floating in the air or showing off there super powers maybe I'd listen if I had time, but generally I have better things to do and tend to stay and away from missionary types.


edit> If the hidden assumption is the Askers know the real truth. What is their end game exactly? In some Christianity its we're in G-ds loving hands, though 'Loving' G-d has set a system where people are tortured through out eternity.


Yet what is the end game of the proposed enlightenment system? What exactly happens to the Enlightened once earth is destroyed by the meteors, aliens or whatnot. What are they up to for the next couple months, next couple thousand years? I assume, if you're honest, the answer is no freakin clue, its speculation and spit balling.


Course no one said theology had to provide happy endings. Who knows.. maybe folding back into universal consciousness is better then keeping a tiny dated speck of personality for eternity. Or could be the materialists are right and when the brain stops, its game over and all theisms and theories are just mankinds imaginings to combat the fear of death.




On the other hand if there was an impending apocalypse in 2 weeks, I would put even greater priority on hanging out w/ those I love, my family and friends. Chill enjoy life. I'd meditate some. Maybe even dabble in substances. I don't think I'd strive too much to solve the mystery of life, rather I'd strive to appreciate and enjoy it.


And when death comes, I hope to meet it as I have in some of my dream work. Face down the fear, relax and accept it, remember what's been good and compose my soul for what may be next.





On the third hand, in the face of a predicted apocalypse I'd probably keep most of my assets in reserve too. In my lifetime I've heard many a prediction of apocalypse and seen the sad and slightly humorous aftermath of those who bought in and suffered the slings and arrows of nothing much happening.

Edited by thelerner
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Perhaps the universe would end in some sort of big crunch as theorised.


But I don't think it's imminent.


Having said that, I did find what Braden had to say of some interest.


Edited by Captain Mar-Vell

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Of course I would carry on 'as usual' to not do that would imply that something is amiss in my current life expression.


Regardless of any of your religious or 'truth realised' privileges :rolleyes: ...



YOU ARE going to ' FOREVER END in an instant'.


If the 'world ends' and only the 'enlightened' , 'religiously-faithful' , 'self-realised' etc, etc bullshit are left in the world -


they can have it ... they can sort it out and scabble and squabble amongst themselves.


I am glad i am so 'unrealised' that I wont have to be around to watch.

Edited by Nungali

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What if we are always in the now?




The we that we think we are is never in the now,...the 6 senses can only perceive the past.

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If the universe abruptly ends and I am one of the unenlightened masses snuffed out in an instant, I wouldn't know it and I wouldn't be around to worry about it anyhow.


Yes,...the unenlightened would be snuffed out for eternity in an instant. But the point is, if given a choice, could you uncover enlightenment in 2 weeks?


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The we that we think we are is never in the now,...the 6 senses can only perceive the past.


Life is just a continuum, and I'll leave out the concept of 'time' but being perpetually now seems to be what the sense are in.


Maybe you've talked about this in the past but I would be interested (here or in another thread) to see this explained more.

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Empty everything out; hold fast to your stillness.
Even though all things are stirring together,
watch for the movement of return.
The ten thousand things flourish and then
each returns to the root from which it came.
Returning to the root is stillness.
Through stillness each fulfills its destiny.
That which has fulfilled its destiny becomes part of the Always-so.
To be aware of the Always-so is to awaken.
Those who innovate while in ignorance of the Always-so move toward disaster.
Those who act with awareness of the Always-so
embrace all, are not possessed by particular desire,
and move toward the Tao.
Those who are at one with the Tao abide forever.
Even after their bodies waste away, they are safe and whole.




I have no idea where those verses are from.


Drink up dreamers.



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What if the universe was to end in 2 weeks, and all who were not awake (truth realized), would pass away like the characters of a dream, continuation, no Jesus to save them, no rebirth.

So here you are,...two weeks to wake up, or forever end in an instant. What would you do?


Most would likely go on as they been going on,...others may go on sex or drug binge,...some would pray or meditate, but what good is that, except to hide.


I'll go look for front row seats if im not already awake.

i'm ASSUMING i am, but what do "i" know?

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What if the universe was to end in 2 weeks, and all who were not awake (truth realized), would pass away like the characters of a dream, continuation, no Jesus to save them, no rebirth.

So here you are,...two weeks to wake up, or forever end in an instant. What would you do?


Most would likely go on as they been going on,...others may go on sex or drug binge,...some would pray or meditate, but what good is that, except to hide.


What would it matter either way and what can be done? Absolutely nothing!




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I don't agree.

You could to lots of things in two weeks.

A fortnight's all inclusive holiday in Benidorm for example.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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I don't agree.

You could to lots of things in two weeks.

A fortnight's all inclusive holiday in Benidorm for example.


Of course technically you are correct but in the context of the question I could do nothing in order to become truth realised and nothing to avoid annihilation!


Benidorn with it's imported Saharan sand may offer a mild distraction though! :-)




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