
Indonesian Tridaya Similar To Mopai ?

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2006 Ends the Copyright in the Tridaya Manuals.


IMHO © 2001-2006 means that it was written and subsequently ammended in 2001-2006 not that the copyright ends in 2006

(also copyright notice is not required in many countries, likely including US: )



my last post on copyrights in this thread I promise


Lukman Surjana the author has an account here: (if it's actually him)

Edited by Leif
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Quote name="Jock" post="509719" timestamp="1388188937"]Hi everyone I just saw this posted from another forum and thought you might like to read. Im not sure if the guy even knows what he's talking about but it seems legit.-------------------------------------------------------------- Please let me share my experience. Here is an email reproduced with permission from a friend in nevada.I have trained in chen & yang style taichi,qigong, tummo, yoga for over 30 years with little or no result. I have enlisted in new age retreats,breatharian courses with little or no seeable changes in my practice. It wasnt until reading The Magus Of Java that i started searching for other systems that could bring the re. I can say 100% that the method im using right now is very effective in building chi for many purposes. I have not found any stsem that brings results and the feeling of energy so quickly.My understanding is your acupoints or energy points must be activated or filled by a teacher.Many claim to offer energetic adjustments but i just did not see/feel any major change in my energy levels or ability. Apart from that, i dont live in a very safe part of town and wanted something to protect myself. From searching google all about neikung i was able to find Tridaya Inner Power. I dont want to advertise or anything here, But if people are looking for a very powerful system that you can really feel and could bring similar results to mopai, then i would suggest at least looking at it. I did not go for the long distance transmission. I went directly to Jakarta myself and met lukman in person to see what all the hype was about. When he started touching my body and pushing energy inside I thought my hands and stomach were going to explode from the force. Whatever was being done was unlike anything i had experienced before.The crackling and buzzing of energy remained in the centre of my palms for two full days straight. What i have discovered is i can now really sense or feel a persons energy with my palms. Whenever i put my hands close to somebody they can feel buzzing and minute electrical impulses. There is also a heavy pulling or pushing sensation,tingles. I have trained daily for about 6 months using the instructions given to me. I will keep you all updated with any further changes or development. The End. So does tridaya really build super powers like the mopai and is this lukman a real teacher ? Has anybody on the taobums ever practiced this style,and if so what were the results ? Im thinking hitting somebody from a distance would be a cool skill to have. I'm trying to find the innerpower books if anybody has a link to share ? I would be happy to send a few dollars.Maybe it's worth a trip to indonesia.


Jock, see Lukmans thread on TTB's below:


Lukmans website/blog is;


Peace FT

Edited by Formless Tao

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Quote name="Jock" post="509719" timestamp="1388188937"]Hi everyone I just saw this posted from another forum and thought you might like to read. Im not sure if the guy even knows what he's talking about but it seems legit.-------------------------------------------------------------- Please let me share my experience. Here is an email reproduced with permission from a friend in nevada.I have trained in chen & yang style taichi,qigong, tummo, yoga for over 30 years with little or no result. I have enlisted in new age retreats,breatharian courses with little or no seeable changes in my practice. It wasnt until reading The Magus Of Java that i started searching for other systems that could bring the re. I can say 100% that the method im using right now is very effective in building chi for many purposes. I have not found any stsem that brings results and the feeling of energy so quickly.My understanding is your acupoints or energy points must be activated or filled by a teacher.Many claim to offer energetic adjustments but i just did not see/feel any major change in my energy levels or ability. Apart from that, i dont live in a very safe part of town and wanted something to protect myself. From searching google all about neikung i was able to find Tridaya Inner Power. I dont want to advertise or anything here, But if people are looking for a very powerful system that you can really feel and could bring similar results to mopai, then i would suggest at least looking at it. I did not go for the long distance transmission. I went directly to Jakarta myself and met lukman in person to see what all the hype was about. When he started touching my body and pushing energy inside I thought my hands and stomach were going to explode from the force. Whatever was being done was unlike anything i had experienced before.The crackling and buzzing of energy remained in the centre of my palms for two full days straight. What i have discovered is i can now really sense or feel a persons energy with my palms. Whenever i put my hands close to somebody they can feel buzzing and minute electrical impulses. There is also a heavy pulling or pushing sensation,tingles. I have trained daily for about 6 months using the instructions given to me. I will keep you all updated with any further changes or development. The End. So does tridaya really build super powers like the mopai and is this lukman a real teacher ? Has anybody on the taobums ever practiced this style,and if so what were the results ? Im thinking hitting somebody from a distance would be a cool skill to have. I'm trying to find the innerpower books if anybody has a link to share ? I would be happy to send a few dollars.Maybe it's worth a trip to indonesia.


Jock, see Lukmans thread on TTB's below:


Lukmans website/blog is;


Peace FT


The link you gave points to a thread created by a member coming in through proxy. Just sayin.

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Prob a scam, especially considering the content, and the blog being very similar to other known scammers blogs.


I agree totally :) Trying to cash in on someone...

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Its too bad, they could have come on simply and more honestly and struck up similar interest without the spammy frontage.

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Umm how is tridaya similar to mopai......


i thought it only have 3 levels and no thunderbolt stuff...


Its spammy and false advertising.

Edited by thamosh

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Why settle for anything less than the Supremely Powerful?





Nice vid but the only thing i think when i watch that is would someone who knows that try that on a guy who has enough internal power to explode one of your internal organs with a strike? I dont think so.


Well if thats what people are looking for...but holy crap they had everyone out there from young men to grandmas.. For such a deadly school of neikung they sure do have a lot of students but the youtube videos are nice....

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Umm how is tridaya similar to mopai......


i thought it only have 3 levels and no thunderbolt stuff...


Its spammy and false advertising.


The similarity is in the beginning theory and also the practice although the Tridaya system is basically starting off at the mo pai level 2a with the exception being that they do a seated triangle exercise but their standing projection is like mo pai 2a

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Nice vid but the only thing i think when i watch that is would someone who knows that try that on a guy who has enough internal power to explode one of your internal organs with a strike? I dont think so.

I'd be worried about there safety trying against grandparents and children on tricycles. I could be wrong, but I assume despite the mighty bowel moving kiai and outstretched hands most would be able to hit them pretty easily.

Edited by thelerner

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So what exactly is going on in these videos? is there some reason why they can project their energy at their students but not an earnest attacker, or is it just a case of delusion/placebo/hypnosis type effect where the students fall away because they expect to?


I read the other day that it was a question of the type of energy cultivated - that most 'qi' exists on a frequency too high to have that kind of drastic effect unless it's on a student who, through bonding with the teacher and opening their aura, has become 'attuned' to them? Thoughts?


I know video evidence is pretty iffy at the best of times, but are there any examples out there of footage of energy techniques being used in earnest successfully?

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I know video evidence is pretty iffy at the best of times, but are there any examples out there of footage of energy techniques being used in earnest successfully?

Instant effect on non-conforming, unaware subjects are unlikely. In fact, i doubt its even possible.


Harnessing and utilising for inner transformation is a possibility.


The common outcome of having transformed oneself is the feeling of being somehow grander or more advanced than others, thus the karmic need arises to seek, announce and display one's ability, which presents its own challenges, as evidenced in many places, and people that are involved in such endeavours.


There would be less of these challenges if people were to cultivate quietly, building their field like a stalking leopard honing in on its prey.


Human nature demands excitement and stimulation due to a need for sense gratification. Such afflictive habits can be addressed/transformed thru directing attention inwards, beyond the sense doors.



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So what exactly is going on in these videos? is there some reason why they can project their energy at their students but not an earnest attacker, or is it just a case of delusion/placebo/hypnosis type effect where the students fall away because they expect to?


I read the other day that it was a question of the type of energy cultivated - that most 'qi' exists on a frequency too high to have that kind of drastic effect unless it's on a student who, through bonding with the teacher and opening their aura, has become 'attuned' to them? Thoughts?


I know video evidence is pretty iffy at the best of times, but are there any examples out there of footage of energy techniques being used in earnest successfully?


It is the ancient secret technique, which is millennia old, known as ... acting.


In these particular videos anyways.


Anything similar that actually works a bit, from what I've seen, doesn't throw people around like dominos, works differently on each person, doesn't work on all people, is easier on the person's own students for various reasons, and doesn't work at all (or much less) on experienced martial artists.

Edited by BaguaKicksAss

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It is the ancient secret technique, which is millennia old, known as ... acting.


In these particular videos anyways.


Anything similar that actually works a bit, from what I've seen, doesn't throw people around like dominos, works differently on each person, doesn't work on all people, is easier on the person's own students for various reasons, and doesn't work at all (or much less) on experienced martial artists.

Actually Martial Artist are also trained to focus and calm their emotional state.

The stronger their presence the more difficult to use tricks on them.


On own students it works good because of nimbus and the expectation of the student.

In Martial Arts if one get ever punished by the teacher and there is demonstration of a

technique and one remember the punishment one will concious and or unconcious sabotage

oneself to release on the slightest feeling of force from the teacher.


Things are at times a head thing where one just tell that this guy can do nothing

and after the beat up find out he is 5Dan and Champion.

If one has heard the title before one actually get feared and loose because on start to imagine things

instead of with all guts get him good.


Now go and exercise 15 minutes BKA :P

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Another theory is that negative emotions like hatred, anger, a strong desire to harm are thick emotions so they produce a thick energetic resonance. The practitioner who is developing his/her inner power can repel these guys because of that. It's possible that theses students know this so they take a few moments to psych themselves up for the attack.

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Found an awesome graphic that shows top down energy. It's from a website that talks about tenaga dalam. The graphic moves, light flows from the top down to his root. Found this very interesting.


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