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do dragons exist?

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in your guises practices have you ever met a dragon? or heard of people meeting dragons?



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in your guises practices have you ever met a dragon? or heard of people meeting dragons?




You can find discussions about dragons on Healing Tao USA forum. I can't find the threads now but if you have patience you can dig.

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have you met a dragon recently, mewtwo?




nope not in the sence that i am talking about although i have met people in online chat rooms that claim to have the souls of a dragon. but also one person from the same chat room said that lawnmowers could talk so yeah.

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When I was about 17, I was lying on a hill with a friend in Toronto, looking at the sky. The sky was blue but covered over with broken white clouds. Studying the clouds I noticed IN-CREDIBLE detail of a dragon covering the entire sky as far as I could see. The stomach muscles and even the scales were in detail. I can't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure it had wings and legs and tail and a face as well. I pointed it all out to my friend and he he saw it all exactly the same. We looked at it for about 30 minutes. Full dragon across the entire sky in full detail. Unbelievable, but I'll never forget that. I'm sure some Taoist priests have seen such things a few times at least.

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right, dragons are a metaphor for the spirit of a thing itself.


example: "Is not Laozi the dragon? That unfathomable energy of the void."


you are the dragon-- rise and soar

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In terms of metaphors I always understood the Dragon to mean your raw primal energy and power, but then I never really understood the Western fairytales of the knight slaying the Dragon, it makes more sense to tame and conquer the Dragon so you control it rather than try to kill it, I don't think you can kill it anyway, many people try and it just makes the Dragon more angry.

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It is a mythical thing (don't say animal) that exists in all culttures (I know of...) anyway.


It is a very powerful archetype, and therefore it has its own existence in non-physical realms.

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I'm pretty sure I've read that Wang Liping has to get in contact with regional sky dragons in order to influence weather. Reading this reminded me of Native Americans who communicate with "cloud people" to do the same. So I think on some real level they are said to exist as well, though maybe on a less tangible level than clouds.

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I would imagine that they do exist. Perhaps not in the physical sense as the desk and computer in front of me, but certainly in the conceptual. And who knows what other realms they may appear in...


In terms of metaphors I always understood the Dragon to mean your raw primal energy and power, but then I never really understood the Western fairytales of the knight slaying the Dragon, it makes more sense to tame and conquer the Dragon so you control it rather than try to kill it, I don't think you can kill it anyway, many people try and it just makes the Dragon more angry.


My understanding is that the slaying of the dragon is a representation of overcoming one's animal nature. The slaying is usually done with a sword or spear, representing a fortified spinal column through the transmutation of sexual energies.


I went to Victor Hugo's house in Guernsey a couple of years back and the whole house seemed to me to be a representation of his spiritual path. You start at the bottom, where it's dark and full of his ego's creations. To cut a long story short, as you go up the various floors the house becomes brighter, along with increased religious/spiritual adornments. The upper most room is very modest and the brightest and most open in the whole house. On the walls by the window there's two pictures: one of a knight slaying a dragon and the other of the knight being rewarded by a lady in white with a drop of glowing liquid. Interesting stuff :)

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I have 'met' a dragon in meditation/hypnogogic states. Hangs out in a cloud with claws barely showing. Definitely of a 'Chinese' type.

I think it exists as much as I do, but not materially. In other words, it's not 'dense' enough to show up before me over there. Or maybe I'm too dense. I wonder...

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