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Found 34 results

  1. Greetings all, This post is a copy of a recent statement I made last week on another forum, one dedicated to Carlos Castaneda. However, it is thoroughly relevant here as well, as I'm sure many will agree. I offer it for the sake of discussion... My intent here, (as elsewhere) is to outline various benefits of certain principles of truth. Many years of experience demonstrate to the practitioner, revelations of extremely significant value, to say the least. Such knowledge has saved civilizations, even worlds... it is the very root of life and wise living. This knowledge has been called, “the science of sciences” and it is conveyed here so that others may gain such benefits that I and others have received. “Consciousness” is it's name, and its' expansion is fundamental to all true progress. The reason consciousness is fundamental to all true progress is because it is the basis of life, including every human life. In meditation and similar practices where a state of “no-thought” prevails, certain truths about the self may be readily Seen. Those who engage meditation soon realize that we do not, “lose ourselves” when the mind is no longer dominated by strings of words. This is because we are not thought...thoughts are things that we DO not things that we ARE. On the contrary, we consciously regain focus upon the true self which underlies them....consciousness itself. That consciousness has three fundamental components, which are; intent, awareness and energy, and in that order of importance. All three of these components of the true self, (aka “soul”) can be readily verified by any person who earnestly seeks to know themselves. Our energy, or “chi”, (aka “prana”, “ki”, “orgone”, “sub-atomic energy”, etc) is the animating essence for all our actions, just as it is for all living things. This chi is focused in accordance with our awareness. Awareness is like a magnetic field that coordinates iron filings, (chi) into a cohesive pattern. It clarifies and gives order to the fields of chi-energy which surround us. Intent gives awareness its' parameters of is the manifesting source of all our actions, the very essence of decision-making and change. So in answer to your question about how the self is defined; Intent, awareness and energy are the irreducible essence of the true self, not thought, emotion, memory, culture or any other learned behavior. These three are the essence of the consciousness that we are, and which all other life likewise IS. It is precisely because of this common essence, which we share with each other and all life, that we are capable of knowing other peoples' thoughts, feelings and intentions. This commonality of SOURCE stands behind the truth of the statement “we are all one”. From this truth springs our ability to intimately know nature, natural laws and all living creatures. It is from the consciousness that we are which allows us, “mystical”, gnostic and direct perception into truth, that which is called “God” and the core of the soul/true self. Einsteins' unified field is in fact consciousness. To expand consciousness is to elevate all aspects of the self and society in general. If we have any hope as a species to outlive our own uncontrolled folly, it will not be through political, social or religious measures, it will be through that expansion of the true self. You asked me how I know that, “the purpose of life is the expansion of consciousness”. “All of the above” is the brief answer to that question. In short, this truth can be “cognized”, or “Seen” by anyone who looks deeply into themselves and into the nature of reality. Life is based on consciousness. In fact, life also arises at the behest of consciousness, or in other words, “at the behest of the intent at large”. That which is called “God” is on-going in its' “creation”, and so too are the processes of evolution. As life evolves it's consciousness expands, which is to say, “becomes more sophisticated and capable of higher states and actions”. Likewise, when consciousness expands, it accelerates the further evolution of physical and energetic forms. Contrary to popular opinion, “creation” and “evolution” are therefore complimentary forces. It is interesting to note, however, that the majority of human beings DO NOT See, simply because they don't look. They don't look, because they don't want to know. They don't want to know because of the fear that what will be revealed is contrary to their cherished notions of self and reality. Such notions are usually little more than the product of cultural and historical folly.
  2. Ancient Memories

    Many lives, many worlds, one focus....consciousness and it's expansion. Large scale field coordinator seeks old souls for the purpose of collaboration. Those who walk the Path, reveal yourselves!
  3. Fool's Journey

    Came across an article and movie on the "Magic Mountain". There's a mass quality of peeps interested in "Occult Knowledge or magic", especially within Western tradition. Which relies heavily upon a multi-layered network of corresponding intra-systemic symbols, as a mnemonic system that 'trains' young sponge-like minds throughout adult life-the imaginative faculties heightens the vision of the soul consciousness that peers directly into the divine astral in order to 'transcend' the normal plane of consciousness. Eastern tradition of zen- and yoga practices take the opposite approach by stripping away attachments of the train mind and by stilling the imaginary faculties of mind. To rise beyond-before- below the highs of spiritual occult knowledge takes strength to let go of collecting. Is a deeper conditionings and keep the mind attaining more information in cycles of madness-rabbit hole-pull-push. Sitting and not thinking is never going to become a practice by the masses. Mind is trained and controlled through reputitious collecting for excitement and nervousness. Don't get me wrong, there is a richness within the occult secret knowledge, only if you can read it with an open mind. And, these stories and symbols that can easily be manipulated toward the opposite means, to blind and bind-to blame and praise modes. You, can actually manipulate yourself, thinking someone is actually doing something to you. Once empty consciousness takes hold of the attitude within the belief of an inner-outer play with the imaginary symbolism, it's revealed with a heavy hand that awareness becomes deeply awake of it's play. Reality-One Life with it's surreal beauty-image imagination can be violently symbolic with regards to attachments and trying to attain it's limited content. Collective consciousness as a Planet were educated at a young age to recognize the duality of words, mathematical numbers, symbols to take as; TRUTH and to belief that were these limitless entities within memory-reality tunnels of content of the subconscious, this is false. An Elementary System, a trial if you will to know how words and images play with each other and then eventually cancel each other out. It takes a fool to acknowledge, this. It takes failure to become success. It takes courage-strength-compassion-understanding to walk this pathless empty path, where in actuality there truly is no path! It's the path of the thinking mind that thinks within things, that eventually you can see through this elementary system is coming and going, and continues to do, so! ~Regardie~
  4. Dear Ones, let me cross link the post I made regarding my own experience in Sun Gazing. This topic is highly important for humanity these days, since it boosts consciousness and personal development by lightyears! Feel free to comment on the original post (or here) - since I do not want to double post this here, just make the information more wider available to anyone who is interested. Namaste.
  5. Sufi of Afghanistan

    Here is a cool documentary by Arnaud Desjardin about the Sufi of Afghanistan. Although it is not in english, it is still cool to see- [media][/media ] [media][/media ] [media][/media ]
  6. Hello dear ones, something enormously peculiar ran through my mind today after watching a documentation about quantum physics, quantum field and the unified field. A scientist was talking about highly-trained meditators who had what we would say a next-to (or even) perfect intention. With that intention they managed to alter the PH-level of purified water. It was just an example experiment. If you want my experience, feel free to read the following - if you feel you are in a hurry, please skip down to the nitty gritty after the "-" parting. Now with what I am experimenting in my personal life is, how my intention works. I meditate or let my mindstate change automatically by issueing myself into a wholesome situation and play around how Birds react to me. When you come into our garden, you could say there would be an imaginary aviary for birds... just by seeing how fearless these beings can become when you encounter them with more and more of your purest intention. Anyone can do, if he or she wants. We as an observer become what we observe and change that object unconsciously or consciously with our intention. Our observation is more than just looking with our eyes and seeing something on the other end. There is a connection between the perceiver and the perceived. And here is information being sent. I am not sure to what extend but a large portion of your inner being is transmitted into that object you observe. I notice that when I started this in mid 2012, how many birds flew away and I intuitively became the feeling of their uncomfort. Also when I insisted in my mind for some of my favorite Aves such as ravens to stay in one place, they felt disturbed and flew away. "Chains" and sentences like "you are too heavy, let it be" sprung into my mind. Early 2013 whenever a couple of songbirds gathered on a particular tree in our garden where I stood under and practiced Qi Gong, I noticed them continualy cleaning themselves. This happened quite often. I at that point were and am still cleansing my system, both mentally and physically. So intention seems to extend out of our being, not being limited only by our eye-sight (which can be seen as a laser for intuiton, a precision tool). How could it be any different. I chose birds, because birds are very sensitive beings to intention. I behave like a newbie in these techniques, because I do not yet meditate on a consistant basis (but very soon will come back to and continue) ... and so I have had days where I was just confused what was going on, how birds suddenly react to me and the other day everything seemed to be ponies and sunshine in the forest to every animal that saw me. Even deers. Over the months this now seem to evolve to bigger and (what I would call) more complex or intelligent organisms such as hawks or swarms of birds seen as one group spirit. I do not know yet if something like an animalistic memory exists. That extends from one being to every being in that species. So to speak as a collective animal memory... In any case, all the time it was Me projecting My feelings Into my surroundings. Onto animals. Every Time their reaction was the exact mirror of my inner world. But it is clear to me that when we incorporate the vibrations of nature, automatically animals see us as an integral part of nature again and behave like so. As they did centuries back in time. Where I am sure not a single preditor existed. - Now to get to the nitty gritty! Nearly every meditator wants to understand everything. Regardless if coming from a scientist PoV or a purely spiritual. Or mixed. You name it. And so do I want to purify my intention, want to make it as pure and crystal-clear as the most perfect entity we can describe with our words. And this will obviously be tangible reality for everyone here, by becoming a fully conscious spiritual being. But coming now from a manipulative standpoint... and not meaning this harmful in any shape or form, simply out of curiosity to learn further more from it: If I want to move a feather without blowing wind in it's direction, I must obviously Become the feather. I, as a conscious being, must alter my ... fabric, my inner symmetry of my consciousness ... to basicly assume the formless form of what I would call here, a "feather consciousness". I know this is possible, I am just not sure how. It has been said that long before we become "human consciousness" that we were all sorts of different consciousness. Part of the air, the water... part of all elements. Is there anyone that has a glimpse how this can be done? Now imagine yourself being not a serious "adult human being" for one second and drop your ratio, be the young spirit that wants to discover endless possibilities, in an infinite sandbox and please try to answer this simple question: How can you as pure consciousness, flow into an object and be the object and move yourself momentarily in that way, as the object itself? That is it. All the best to everyone.
  7. The Prophecy of Edgar Cayce- Americas most documented Psychic An Historical Video about Edgar Cayce The History Channel's excellent documentary, The "Other" Nostradamus- Biography- http://www.dreamscap...gana/phoebe.htm A.R.E Association for Research and Enlightenment website http://www.edgarcayc...Temp/index.html Edgar Cayce was known as the "Sleeping Prophet" because he could go into a trance and have access to universal knowledge, even things he couldn't have known. When he came out of his trance he did not remember being in trance. Basically he could answer any question asked. Thousands of his trance readings were completely recorded and are kept in Virginia beach. He is the most documented Psychic in American history He was known for predicting the time of the beginning and the time of the end of World War 2, he predicted an alliance between Germany Italy and Japan that would affect the whole world, the onset of the Great Depression 4 years prior, the assassination of JFK, the civil rights movements for racial equality, the earth changes of today and melting and shifting of the poles, the discovery of a chamber by seismographs underneath the Sphinx, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, he knew that the Nile had at one time flowed the other direction before scientists knew it, and many other things. If Righteous beings are one with Universal Law, some disasters can be postponed , lessened, or eliminated. But some things are past the point of no return. Prophecy on the new cosmic cycle, the shift from the old Piscean Age to the new Aquarian Age- http://www.wolflodge...edgar_cayce.htm More- http://www.bibliotec..._sitchin_3i.htm An actual explanation of exactly how humans evolved and were created in all aspects. On the internet http://www.dreamscap...gana/juliet.htm Some on Atlantis- http://www.shellac.o...u/scayce01.html More on the people of Atlantis- Edgar Cayce on Revelations and Prophecy More Predictions- Global Warming http://www.ucsusa.or...rming/index.cfm Edgar Cayce also speaks of this time period and events, He predicted the arrival of an important spiritual teacher named Jon Peniel. In 1998 the prophecy came true when The then living Grandmaster of the Atlantean lineage made public the teachings of Atlantis- http://www.think-abo...edgar_cayce.htm Cayce was also speaking of the year 1999, and then beyond too ^^^ And this ties in exactly with Nostradamus' 1999 prediction
  8. Self realization is the realization of the Self, or Atman. The Self can be related to the experience of impersonal being, or the sense that you are pure consciousness, or that you are silence itself or awareness itself. Self realization could also be said to be the freedom from the sense of being a personal “me.” You transcend your ego identity and realize that you always were and always will be consciousness itself. Stress is created out of this sense of being a personal “me.” This personal me arises out of identifying with your thoughts. You believe you are the thinker of your thoughts. The thought arises “I don’t like potato chips” and you are the “I” in that sentence. And so every desire, fear, worry and thought that arises, you are the subject that is in fear, that desires, that worries. So it is a feeling of being bound, of being trapped in a separate sense of “I” that is in opposition to the rest of the world. It is the source of all conflict. But once you start turning your attention back upon this “me” that claims to be and have all of these thoughts, you find there is no “me” there. And this happens through meditation. Beyond the thought that “I am this,” there is no sense of personal “me” here. There is only impersonal being. And this being is aware, it is awareness itself. It exists beyond all thoughts. In fact, all thoughts arise out of it. So through this inquiry or other meditation techniques you begin to rest your attention on what is prior to this sense of being a personal me. And after a while there will be a shift, that attachment to being a separate “me” gets broken and you realize the Self, you realize you are consciousness. The feeling of this is very freeing, very peaceful and blissful. It can be a feeling of being silence or being love. But although you realize that consciousness is all that there is, there is still a very subtle sense of separation that is still there. It is not a concrete separation, but it is still there. The experience of Oneness is when you go even beyond The Self, and you feel you are everything. So self realization is you are consciousness and in oneness you are everything. Understanding this from the mind may seem like a small distinction, but it is quite a big difference. In self realization, as you remain identified with The Self, it is an inward experience, not an outward experience and there is that separation between inward and outward. You often here self realized teachers saying there is no world, it is all illusion. But in oneness, there is no separation between inward and outward. There is no denying the world. You are everything. You are fully free from being anything. There is a great release in this, an intense feeling of unconditional love. You feel yourself moving through everyone and everything. Everything is alive and radiating love just as you are alive and radiating love and there is no separation in that. You are the universe. You are the world. You are love itself. To experience either Self Realization or Oneness, spiritual practice especially meditation is needed, a healthy diet and lifestyle is also quite important and other spiritual disciplines beyond that will probably be practiced. But the most important part of attaining self realization or oneness is to receive the shaktipat from an Enlightened Master. When you receive shaktipat, the process of self realization and oneness begin to happen automatically deep within you. You begin to experience a spiritual energy within you, vibrating and moving through your body, awakening you to deep states of meditation and unconditional peace. Kip Mazuy is the Creator of Bliss Music Shaktipat Meditation Music Proven Repeatedly to Awaken You into Deep Meditation & Oneness To Hear Free Samples Visit the Spiritual Awakening Website For More Free Teachings on Meditation & Self Realization Please Visit the Spiritual Enlightenment Website
  9. The Supernaturals

    One of the most mysterious spiritual practices, and one that is often misunderstood by westerners, is the practice of taking Hallucinogenic plants to aid in understanding the universe and nature. Most people know a little bit about beings like Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, etc. but Shamanism can also be very interesting. The Shamans of the Amazon Rainforest have always known about the value of plants to aid in increasing their spiritual knowledge, and in attaining altered states of consciousness. I have heard theories that old meditation and Chi Kung practitioners, thousands of years ago, were very sensitive to the properties of plants, and using plants may even have influenced the development of their exercise practices and knowledge of the energies of the internal organs. There is even a theory that Jesus and his followers took hallucinogenic mushrooms to aid in raising their consciousness. In modern times a few "rogue" researchers have now begun to seriously investigate this phenomena. What has been discovered so far is very interesting. Throughout history, all over the world, the oldest pre-historic art is often found to be depicting a certain type of being. Beings that are half human/half animal hybrids. Not only do they exist in the most ancient Rock and Cave Art, but also in the legends and histories of so many ancient peoples, the Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Greeks, the Hopi, etc. So what does this mean? What is so interesting is that modern researchers who have visited with, and experienced ceremonies with the Shamans of the Amazon Rainforest, have found that these same Hybrid beings come to the Shamans when they take Ayahuasca, also called "the Vine of Souls". The Shamans encounter and communicate with these same Hybrid beings. Add to that, that even people who live in the modern world and who are not Shamans, often independently experience encountering these beings when given DMT, which is one of the main ingredients in the Ayahuasca brew. What this seems to prove is that these "Supernatural" half-human/half-animal hybrids do exist in some objective form. Of course atheists and skeptics will claim the visions are just hallucinations, caused by drugs. However, this does not explain why so many people have the same visions. If it were just hallucinations, you would expect people to see things in line with their cultural programming. What is your explanation and opinion of this? Who are these "Supernaturals" who have guided Shamans for thousands of years? Are they actual beings who exist in another plane, and who communicate with humans who know the right plants and have the right keys? Did these beings actually live on Earth at one time, and have now moved beyond Earth? Is it how we perceive the spirit and consciousness of the plant to look like or their true form? Here is a really cool interview with researcher Graham Hancock, about his experiences taking Ayahuasca with the Shamans of the Amazon, and altered states of consciousness in general- Part 2- Supernatural- Ayahuasca Art-