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  1. Haiku Chain

    This gave birth to an alternative vision of the famous Zhuangzi's butterfly dream. Zhuzangzi fell asleep, dreamt he was a butterfly, and as a butterfly he played with his dog. Eventually the dog got carried away, snapped its jaws and swallowed the butterfly. Well, that sucks, the dream butterfly thought, but then it's only a dream -- I'm really a taoist philosopher dreaming I'm a butterfly, so I don't have to reincarnate. I only have to wake up. But what about the dog, the butterfly surmized. If the dog ate a dream butterfly, does it mean the dog is also dreaming? And what will happen if I wake up -- will the dog wake up too and turn into Laozi or something? And if I'm really Zhuangzi, will it explode?.. Why reincarnate when I can wake up instead? Timeline-hopping game.
  2. fairly safe for awhile?

    Me ? I am hiding out ' down in the 'crack ' ( subduction fault , valley floor of sub tropical rain forest ) .... up the back of a 'hippy commune' , they will never find me here . That was the plan, anyway . My best tactic to avoid 'all that bother' was some tricky per-incarnation business that I cant tell you about ( because I dont know it myself, at this stage ) . lets call it 'the fortuitous birth ' - good times, place, environs, parents , etc . I used to think I was born at a 'perfect; time ' ... the boom time here . Compared to now, like even 15 years ago was a 'dream' , more so before that . I dont even tell the kids about it anymore , too sad for them to know how good it was . At one stage I used to think, " if only I was born a bit earlier , I would have had access to all those retro English motorcycles - brand new ! But that would have made me old enough for Vietnam War conscription ( they nearly got my big brother ) ... I was just the right age for 'free university' when it came in . And I won;t be here any morte when the shit really hits the fan . Good luck you younger generations !
  3. In praise of ideas

    Ideas ; They flash forth like fire in inspiration. They settle like water in consideration. Their details are aired within mentation. But they need an earthy solid manifestation. Otherwise its just a pipe dream or some silly new age scheme. if only we had ideas that seem in retrospect, what they should have been . .
  4. Re Shamanic journeying, my view is, if you have ancestry or close ties with these cultures, then try it. If not, as you mention, active imagination hands down. Also active imagination is not for everyone, like anything else it has its risks. Tbh I'd only recommend doing active imagination with a Jungian analyst. If you want to give it a go solo and interpret your dreams, because we all dream anyhow, buy Von Franz's dreams book and her books on interpretations of faerie tales ( she's written 4-5 of them ). Keep in mind Jungian analysts spend 4 or more years of training to do this properly, and for some of them this is after having previously done another of 4+ years of training in psychotherapy and/or psychology.
  5. Robert Moss' Dream Re-entry sounds like a derivation of Jung's Active Imagination. Active Imagination is a potent practice Jung developed later in life. It's based on Hermetic Alchemical principles, where you actively engage with your subconscious mind through dream imagery and active questioning/exploring. It's entirely personal and very useful in my experience. A simple and direct method is to use a moment/memory from a dream that resonates and carries potency for you, anything that has impact. Your Fox seems perfect for this. Dreams are your subconscious reaching out and communicating with your active local mind through symbols and emotional context. Sit and take a few minutes to settle in quiet and then engage the image and actively, sincerly inquire of your source, if there is more to be shared. Then remain open to any images, impulses, thoughts, scenarios that arise in response. This process can become quite vivid and intense. In the meantime, have you explored the broader and more general social meanings of Fox via Euro-pagan historical and Indigenous American Native Lore to see if these social structures have any useful context.
  6. So... Many years ago, reading one of Robert Moss books, I performed a, "Dream Re-entry." I have talked about this before. On successfully doing this one time, the only time (to my memory) I recall ever doing it, a fox showed up. The fox was not there in the original dream. Around the time I started doing some sort of Chakra meditation or work, and the fox appeared again and was with me during this. The name that came to me for the fox is Ayhunna. For some reason, I stopped doing these meditations. I stopped doing the visualizations, and I stopped interacting with Ayhunna. I feel bad about that. I don't know what changed in me. But with certain things I am considering, and my mood at the moment, I miss playing "Chase the Fox" with my friend/guide/teacher. I would like to hang out with them again. I've got some Shamanic drumming tracks so I am covered there. But I don't have any ready visualizations or anything to work with. I had the thought that maybe I should find an authentic Native American Shaman on YouTube, if there is such a person, or failing that, find a Native American Shaman author - some sort of teaching that would be used with the Native Americans when working with a spirit animal or guide. I don't really know who or what Ayhunna is. Only that I think of him as a him, I see him as a fox (and I'm not ready to deal with seeing him as anything else) and he first showed up during that dream re-entry where I was using Shamanic Drumming. So I figure the best way to honor him would be with some sort of authentic Native American practice. Please note I am not Native American, except maybe in heart or spirit. I was egoically thinking of myself as a Shaman for a short period of time, but right now I want to keep it real, and it seems more genuine to say I feel connected or drawn to what little I know of the Shamanic path. Hopefully there are some authentic Native American teachers around, and maybe someone here in these forums can point me to them? I will look myself of course. But this is really the only spiritual community I am a part of at the moment, and I thought I would come here and ask for help first. Appreciate your help with this, and thank you! Now you know, those of you familiar with my avatar before, why I chose that particular avatar, and why Nungali enjoyed calling me, "Little Fox" for a time.
  7. Very unpopular opinions

    Take the Backward Step On a forum site I frequent, someone wrote: Even if you have no identity, you still exist. As what? The spirituality that I follow would say “as existence”, or “as pure consciousness”. I was reminded of Nisargadatta, a famous teacher who lived in India in the last century: You are not your body, but you are the consciousness in the body, because of which you have the awareness of “I am”. It is without words, just pure beingness. Meditation means you have to hold consciousness by itself. The consciousness should give attention to itself. (Gaitonde, Mohan [2017]. Self – Love: The Original Dream [Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s Direct Pointers to Reality]. Mumbai: Zen Publications. ISBN 978-9385902833) “The consciousness should give attention to itself”—in thirteenth-century Japan, Eihei Dogen wrote: Therefore, …take the backward step of turning the light and shining it back. (“Fukan zazengi” Tenpuku version; tr. Carl Bielefeldt, “Dogen’s Manuals of Zen Meditation”, p 176) That’s a poetic way to say “the consciousness should give attention to itself”. I used to talk about the location of consciousness, but a friend of mine would always respond that for him, consciousness has no specific location. As a result, I switched to writing about the placement of attention: There can… come a moment when the movement of breath necessitates the placement of attention at a certain location in the body, or at a series of locations, with the ability to remain awake as the location of attention shifts retained through the exercise of presence. (A Way of Living) In his “Genjo Koan”, Dogen wrote: When you find your place where you are, practice occurs, actualizing the fundamental point. (“Genjokoan [Actualizing the Fundamental Point]”, tr. Tanahashi) Given a presence of mind that can “hold consciousness by itself”, activity in the body begins to coordinate by virtue of the sense of place associated with consciousness. A relationship between the free location of consciousness and activity in the body comes forward, and as that relationship comes forward, “practice occurs”. Through such practice, the placement of consciousness is manifested in the activity of the body. Dogen continued: When you find your way at this moment, practice occurs, actualizing the fundamental point… (ibid) “When you find your way at this moment”, activity takes place solely by virtue of the free location of consciousness. A relationship between the freedom of consciousness and the automatic activity of the body comes forward, and as that relationship comes forward, practice occurs. Through such practice, the placement of consciousness is manifested as the activity of the body. I sit down first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and I look to experience the activity of the body solely by virtue of the free location of consciousness. As a matter of daily life, just to touch on such experience as occasion demands—for me, that’s enough.
  8. The feel of a place/space

    Good point . The bedrock , regolith and intrusions and mineral seams play an important part in this . Much of the 'energy' in Australia , specifically in the dry interior , is basically so old and eroded its 'skeletal' . We have some of the first cratons ever formed as the Earth solidified here . Many years ago I was fascinated by a dream phenomena I was having ; I would be walking through the forest , up to the back ridge of the property , everything normal, then the next step, I would be somewhere else , as if I stepped though a 'portal' . I had an indigenous elder visiting and asked him about this . He asked me to describe it . I said the spot where things changed is where the old lightening tree is ( a spot that gets hit by lightening sometimes ; one bolt hit a big tree there , blew the outer wood off in four pieces in four directions , the crown got blown to 'smithereens' , the interior upper part got wedged down sideways through the thick, split base making a weird blackened cross on the hill ) . He closed is eyes and sussed out the energy ; " It 'comes out ' down there in the ground .... somehow ( it was night, he had not seen the terrain in daytime , arriving that night . He had pointed out and down at a window . I told him that is right as out there the land drops steeply away and goes down to the river . I told him about the unusual rock formation there and a little yoni shaped cave at water level . he nodded and said, " Yes .... women's place .... probably birthing pool . It comes up here in a line , through your place , over there and goes up steep ." Me : " Thats 'Pyramid Hill ' its pretty 'energetic up there . " " Then it turns, rises steeply , comes near the surface , probably at that tree , goes up, keeps going, leaves the land behind . Thats where you 'step off' in your dream . " I talked to a guy that was into 'magick stuff' that was also a professor in geology , he said it is probably a quartz seam, where they come near the surface they attract lightening . Not many can handle this energy , I like it . I got my place as no one else wanted it . One woman that was thinking of buying before me slept her one night and said she never would do that again . However many people I know (including my indigenous teacher ) like to go to Nimbin and a feature there 'Lillian Rocks ' - I can t go near the place ! Gets weird vibes just doing a drive by . And at nearby Cathedral Rocks , like the place , but stay longer than an hour a bad headache develops . Having two huge boulders either side of the track in that look like two matching big brained alien heads is a good intro the place Also, at the top (if you make it ) there is a step up with a small cave under it . It gives a strong message to put your hand in . Why ? What is in there ? Something good, or a tiger snake ? even so I could not resist the compulsion, had to lie down and put arm in up to the shoulder, then I felt a little rock, picked it up , it was a black smokey quartz crystal . I took it home and told the story. Someone said I should show it to Loris and tell him . I did , apparently he had exactly the same experience and has a black crystal from there too . he said I should talk to Eleni . I did , she had the exact experience but put her hand in plan up and a crustal fell onto it from the roof of the little cave ! The top :
  9. The feel of a place/space

    Sort of like an undercurrent of a pleasant, vivid, semi-lucid dream.
  10. Very unpopular opinions

    'You are not your body, but you are the consciousness in the body, because of which you have the awareness of 'I am'. It is without words, just pure beingness. Meditation means you have to hold consciousness by itself. The consciousness should give attention to itself. (Gaitonde, Mohan [2017]. Self - Love: The Original Dream [Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj's Direct Pointers to Reality]. Mumbai: Zen Publications. ISBN 978-9385902833) Question is, how to Incorporate that experience in daily life, no? Dogen wrote: When you find your place where you are, practice occurs, actualizing the fundamental point. (“Genjo Koan”, Dogen, tr. Tanahashi) Given a presence of mind that can “hold consciousness by itself”, activity in the body begins to coordinate by virtue of the sense of place associated with consciousness. A relationship between the free location of consciousness and activity in the body comes forward, and as that relationship comes forward, “practice occurs”. The “place where you are”, the “fundamental point”, is “actualized”. Dogen went on: When you find your way at this moment, practice occurs, actualizing the fundamental point… (“Genjo Koan”, Dogen, tr. Tanahashi) Activity can take place solely by virtue of the free location of consciousness. “When you find your way at this moment”, habit and volition in the activity of the body has ceased, first and foremost with regard to the movement of breath. Instead, the activity of the body comes automatically with the free location of consciousness. I sit down first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and I look to experience the activity of the body solely by virtue of the free location of consciousness. As a matter of daily life, just to touch on such experience as occasion demands—for me, that's enough. (hopefully part of an upcoming post of mine) As Neil Young sang: It's hard to make that changeWhen life and love turns strangeAnd cold To give a love You gotta live a love To live a love You gotta be part of When will I see you again? ("A Man Needs A Maid")
  11. Very unpopular opinions

    I dont dream about being naked . I dream about other people being naked though ; Taoist Texts , Apech, Steve , Limnal Luke ....
  12. Very unpopular opinions

    I once had a dream where I went to work naked, and in the dream everybody was annoyed with me. Not because I was naked at the office, but I was naked at the office on the wrong day. Apparently if someone came in naked on the wrong day, it could jeopardize the chances of an office vacation to Cancun. My real life is far less interesting.
  13. Very unpopular opinions

    The "unreal" position is really a Mahamudra/Vajrayana proposition, just to acknowledge our Theravada friends who would talk about this in a different way. The relative and absolute proposition is that both are "real", but not in the same way or at the same level. While the relative has its own internal consistency and makes sense self-referentially, it is not how reality absolutely is. I have read Ken Wilber pose it as something like: "Absolute reality includes but supercedes relative reality". So the always changing relative is, in a sense, dreamlike because it isn't truly comprised of objects that have any permanent reality, whereas the "emptiness" (or maybe awareness might be a more useable term) is omnipresent. What "we" actually ARE is this "emptiness"/awareness, so "we" also are omnipresent. This is of course a conceptual description lacking massive amounts of nuance and depth of understanding. My observation is that, as insight deepens, reality DOES become less real. "Self" is silent and centerless and mostly no longer internally or externally a referential construct. Time and space continue to lose solidity as an experience. There is a frequent flow of synchronicity (using THIS definition), increases in deeper intuition that are nearly mind-reading, increasing sleeping and waking visionary experiences and more. Having done a little reading on Magick (mostly Chaos Magick), I see how most "spells" only work where there is at least some internal logic for how they might manifest. This is a fundamental recognition of how reality is, in my opinion. My sense of reality is softened in a number of aspects, so there are venues for how certain things might be manifested now. The more these boundaries are stretched, the more some things become possible. I can't walk through a tree, but maybe it is possible to soften things to that degree at some point? I don't know. The more possible walking through a tree seems, the more likely it is to happen? Having said all of that, this doesn't mean that anyone else will be able to see or experience what is experienced by the yogi. The idea of there being a single causal relative reality just isn't real, in my opinion. My experience is that it IS a dream-like and ephemeral as the Diamond Sutra suggests: I think the tree appears as a tree because your "story" of the world (karma) is arising at the moment you view the tree, along with your story about where you live, who you are, how the world is and all of the other sensate phenomena. It is a construction of this moment, lasting as it appears, just for this moment. The trees reality depends on your internally consistent experience of it, whether you can hang from it, climb it, gather olives from it, or walk through it.
  14. Very unpopular opinions

    why can’t you walk through the wall in your dream- do you have repressed wall traumas?
  15. Very unpopular opinions

    you guys are so funny with this 'walk through the tree a reality test' business.;) i can walk through air - is air unreal? a radio-wave goes right through the tree - is the tree unreal? i cannot walk through a wall in my dream - is the wall real? hehe;)
  16. Very unpopular opinions

    Imo it does make a difference, eg if miracles were true, and all humans could do them aka step through the tree, which means physical laws wouldn't need to be obeyed by humans, then there's no need to symbolise the tree. Impossibility of miracles is what makes the tree in your yard real as opposed to a tree seen in a dream. Otherwise reality would be like a lucid dream where we can do all sorts of stuff. We all are a collection of parts, all modern forms of therapy reflect that in one way or another in their personality structure models. These parts were created as we grew up and developed. Integrating these parts is key and a lifelong process, at its core, this is what (longer term) therapy does. Here though what I was referring to is beyond these parts. Perhaps a better way of putting it is, realisation of and integration of ( or to ) a part of us that transcends self. For me that's what spirituality is about, experiencing interconnectedness.
  17. Very unpopular opinions

    I see, I remember the reality as a dream being part of teachings in yogas of dream and sleep. I never took it seriously, I'm sure the teachers too would be well aware of the difference of a lion eating a leg in a dream vs reality. It's a useful suggestion during the day for the purposes of having lucid dreams at night though. A suggestion can cause an outcome even if based on false premises, even if someone knows the premises to be false. Eg it's been measured that if a doctor gives a sugar pill to their patients and openly says it may work because of placebo, then , even though the patient knows, placebo still may kick in. If someone believes the statement, suggestion is even more powerful ( even if the statement itself is false ) Bicameral mind is a hypothesis, likely untestable and unverifiable. We probably will never know if it's true or not, unless we find a well preserved brain from that era and also test the hypothesis on it. I wanted to use a non-clinical example to examine how everyone's subjective reality at some point intersects with physical reality even assuming a completely different state of consciousness. I don't believe in miracles of that flavour, ie walking on water. I choose to accept synchronicities as true/believe in them even though they're not subject to scientific testing , so neither probable nor falsifiable. But if something is falsifiable then I won't believe in it. Biblic visions on the other hand could be eg daydreaming+synchronicities. For me spirituality is about something entirely different to miracles, it's about integration beyond parts of self, ie about experiencing interconnectedness.
  18. Very unpopular opinions

    I'm looking for a solution to a problem posed by the 'unreal' position in Buddhism, where we are often encouraged to view the world as like a dream or a magic display etc. I find this unsatisfactory although I understand the basis for it. In my view the tree is a real tree as distinct to an imaginary tree - this distinction is perhaps magnified by the modern tendency towards 'fantasy' and the the like and the preference for the imaginary digital world over the substantial 'real' existence - even though the latter may at time be dull and uninspirational. I appreciate that perception is far from the simple camera lens analogy which we sometimes use. Much of what we call perception is interpretation by our brains using a world model built from both our indivaidual experience and encoded experience from millions of years of evolution. In that sense we carry a world in our heads which forms the basis for each actual incidence of seeing. But that doesn't remove the question of whether the observed is real - is the tree real and what distinguishes from an unreal tree. I am not sure about the 'bicameral mind' which I believe has received some criticism in recent years. But I am sure that early man was much more open to what Blake would call imaginative vision. Angels in trees and wotnot. We used to have an access to reality which surpassed what our narrow minds will now let us see. I am sure of this. Well there are plenty of stories of people doing exactly that kind of thing. Miracles as they are called in the Bible or, for example yogis putting their foot and hand prints in solid rock. If a great mystic came and wolked through my tree I don't think this would make it any less real. I just think that this would tell us something about the fundamental nature of the real - something we previously did not understand.
  19. Very unpopular opinions

    Because trying to step through it will fail, unlike eg in a dream where you can step through a tree. Reality obeys laws that are independent of how we constructed the tree-object inside our minds.
  20. Very unpopular opinions

    This is a great question for investigation. What does "real" feel like? What is the basis for designation of "real"? What would an illusory tree feel like? How should a tree feel if it wasn't real? The other day, I was touching a mirror with my fingers as a dream state reality check. It was reflective, resistant to my fingers, smooth, and solid to the touch. I tried to push my finger through it, but it didn't budge. It felt like many mirrors I had touched over the course of my life. But in this case, I was dreaming. Sat/asat is usually used in the way we use "real" and "unreal" in my experience.
  21. Christianity

    You didn't give a source, on your quote. As to "born to the rulers of the Sakyan clan": I know that while my father, the Sakyan, was ploughing, and I was sitting in the cool shade of a rose-apple tree, aloof from pleasures of the senses, aloof from unskilled states of mind, I entered on the first meditation, which is accompanied by initial thought and discursive thought, is born of aloofness, and is rapturous and joyful, and while abiding therein, I thought: ‘Now could this be a way to awakening?’ Then, following on my mindfulness, Aggivissana, there was the consciousness: This is itself the Way to awakening. This occurred to me, Aggivissana: ‘Now, am I afraid of that happiness which is happiness apart from sense-pleasures, apart from unskilled states of mind?’ This occurred to me…: I am not afraid of that happiness which is happiness apart from sense-pleasures, apart from unskilled states of mind.’ (MN 1 246-247, Pali Text Society Vol I pg 301) I'm thinking the rulers of the Sakyan clan didn't plow fields much, and Gautama was therefore probably not born to a ruler of the Sakyan clan. His aunt raised him, as his mother died at childbirth. Can't give a source on that, but I think it's commonly accepted. It was his aunt who, many years later, appealed to Gautama to admit woman to the order--or rather, Gautama's attendant Ananda appealed to Gautama on her behalf. Three times Ananda asked, and on the third Gautama relented and admitted them, warning that it would shorten the life of the Order from a thousand to five hundred years ("The Gotamid", Pali Text Society AN vol IV p181) One of the most amazing events in the history of Buddhism was the first schism, when the order of monks couldn't agree on whether or not an arahant (an enlightened individual) could have a wet dream (could be seduced by a Succubus, in their sleep). I believe that split was the beginning of the distinction between Theravadin and Mahayanin traditions (this from "Indian Buddhism", by A. K. Warder). A strange religion getting stranger. Gautama put forward a way of living that he said was: … something peaceful and choice, something perfect in itself, and a pleasant way of living too. (SN V 320-322, Pali Text Society SN V p 285) That way of living, Gautama said, was his way of living both before and after enlightenment. The fact that he recommended a way of living that could be realized without enlightenment gets lost, in all the hullabaloo about enlightenment. A favorite passage from the Pali sermons: But when walking along the highway, Nagita, I see nothing whatever in front nor behind, it suits me, even over the calls of nature. (AN VI, IV 42 Pali Text Society vol 3 p 243) Buddhism is a strange religion!
  22. Christianity

    so what some don't get imo is that unconditionally throwing out all the babies with the bathwater is also a form of being or having a spiritually destructive and obedient (dis) belief. btw Spirit will try and use any form as a vehicle to get through our thick skulls, evil will try to do the same with any form to corrupt and destroy... btw I'd say that what is REAL in the vastness of all the upper, middle and lower astral realms or dimension's and or "dream time" worlds does not lend itself well to what is only known and understandable per human intellectual reasoning...thus being able to step off a "hundred foot pole" would at least be problematic!
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Chirising, Answers to your questions: Are form corrections more suited for one on one sessions? Or do you make these in the group sessions as well? I just assumed that wasn’t possible in a group zoom session. • In every group class, I instruct a round or two of practice where I watch everyone's practice. Sometimes, if I have a large group of in-person students and more than a handful of Zoom students, I may miss a form flaw by a remote student. Thus form corrections are naturally more thorough and complete during one-on-one private sessions. It would be cool if you visited my dream, though I understand you are a busy man, with better things to do than entertain me while I sleep. Not to boast of latent powers, but in some--not all--Chinese traditions, initiated students will warrant dream visitation from their master or from an ancestral lineage teacher through either exceptionally good behavior or exceptionally bad behavior. The comment from the real you about expectations is much more uplifting than the one from my projected Terry Dunn - very, very nice to hear! Enjoy the good and uplifting news from the real me. And since you brought him up, I had to clarify for you that my dream double only makes Kung Fu business calls! Enjoy your practice! Sifu Terry
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thank you everyone for your answers. Much appreciated. Are form corrections more suited for one on one sessions? Or do you make these in the group sessions as well? I just assumed that wasn’t possible in a group zoom session. It would be cool if you visited my dream, though I understand you are a busy man, with better things to do than entertain me while I sleep. The comment from the real you about expectations is much more uplifting than the one from my projected Terry Dunn - very, very nice to hear!
  25. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hello Chirising, I'm glad to hear that you've been doing Vol.1 of the CKFH DVD series for 5 months now. However, I want to recommend that you do what both "Miffymog" and "Pak_Satrio" have suggested above: that you start concentrating on practicing Bending the Bows, a cornerstone moving meditation of the FP system, and practice it in complete sets of 18 repetitions, and also do "Wind Above the Clouds". Although FP Qigong has 3 stationary standing meditations in MGM, MHPeach and MHPearl, this powerful Qigong is ultimately a moving meditation system...because the goal of training is to (A) attain proficiency in the Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditation (aka, the "Long Form Sanding Meditation" taught on Volume 4, which subsumes all the preceding standing meditations), and (B) memorize at least 8 of the 24 seated Monk Serves Wine Meditations. I’m wondering if I could get some input on what I could do to troubleshoot? My guess is to seek out a teacher in person. But if that’s the case, can I find any in Europe? • I don't have student-instructors in Europe yet, nor in the U.S. for that matter (--because attaining certification to teach FP Qigong is a very long apprenticeship that requires one to learn the Bok Fu Pai Kung Fu and the BFP Tui Na and Energy Healing skills, plus herbology-- that enable one to handle/treat any form of "internal energy sickness" that can arise from practicing the FP Qigong incorrectly--or from an attack by someone using martial Qi. Or is my best bet to save up for a trip to see Terry himself? • Short of coming to the U.S. in person, you can get form corrections from me, thorough feedback and advice as to how to perfect your FP practice by doing a private Zoom lesson or by taking a few of my weekly Zoom classes on Sundays 4-6pm EST, which is even more economical. But most effectively and efficiently of all, you can participate in my next 3-day, 14-hour immersive FP Qigong workshop on May 24-26 via Zoom. [ ** You can verify with FPCK subscribers "Tao Stillness", "Fu_Dog", "Earl Grey," Pak Satrio, "Astral Butterfly" (a Theravadan Buddhist nun), and others who have taken my online classes and workshops] A. Details about this May 24-26 workshop plus registration info are on this issue of my free monthly Newsletter: B. This is the May issue of my Newsletter with the schedule of my weekly classes in: Qigong for Health for 1st Responders (1 hr. of FP qigong following 1 hr. of Taois Elixir Method 31 Meditations), Intermediate Class (in Qigong and Basic Kung Fu), and Yang Tai Chi Chuan --during which all participants can ask questions and get form corrections and sufficient feedback to move forward. •• BTW, your dream of me on a swing came from your own mind. It's what we experienced hypnotherapists call "an early morning venting dream"--i.e., one that results from your own mental housekeeping--i.e. your mind resolving issues that you had not resolved during waking hours. And these venting dreams occur in the morning before you awaken. When I do visitations through dreamstate (very rarely), it is to initiates who are in the psychic and spiritual "groove" or "trunk" of Flying Phoenix Healing Qi from having cultivated a super-abundance of it through correct and diligent practice. And those advisory--or corrective--dreams come in the middle of the sleep cycle--during or right after REM sleep. Plus, in my 44 years of teaching, I have never had occasion to tell any student that their expectations for the Tai Chi, FP Qigong, or Tao Tan Pai Kung Fu they were learning from me were too high(!!!) Furthermore, the arts that I teach and preserve, such as FP Qigong and Taoist Elixir Method Nei Kung , HAVE NO CEILINGS as to their healing, restorative, and--I dare say-- their spiritually enlightening potential. So you can hold even higher expectations from this FP Qigong system than you alreadty presently have. And I will make certain that you experience this truth about these two arts (as well as the Tai Chi I teach)--if you work with me either in person or via my Zoom classes/workshops. Keep on practicing, Sifu Terry