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About Taoist Texts

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    Joss Beaumont, espionnage et chataigne.

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  1. Developing Right Student Mindset

    one should learn to think in full sentences. a student of what? a teacher of what? if it really does not matter of what exactly, then discipline will be like digging when in a hole.
  2. Zhengyi or Quanzhen

    not for the people just in business for themselves. not cool. not cool at all
  3. What is the dan in neidan and dan tian? 丹

    so What is the dan in neidan and dan tian? 丹 There is a true lineage super secret parable about what this exact dan 丹 actually is. Goes like this: once upon a time there were seven blind gropers getting together to grope an elephant with a view to find out what the elephant looks like. But since they were blind they walked past the elephant, bumped into each other, made a huddle and got to groping each other all the while believing they are groping the elephant. The end.
  4. The Neidan Direct

    may the heavens bless you both not anymore not to my knowledge. All its predecessors such as Xiantiandao were neidan. But YGD changed the tack for the imminent salvation by Maitreya which makes ND useless, since the deserving ones will be saved anyway, while the evil ones will not be regardless.
  5. Lineage of Tao

    all civilisations have myths of archaic gods who were teachers or shamans so they are ones of those similar e.g to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shennong
  6. Taoist methods

    the directions per se are indifferent. it is what you do in that direction either clashes with it or does not. I personally dont find any geomancy useful but to everyone his own. not really since i dont do any fengshui, i just know how it works. but this seems to be ok https://imperialharvest.com/blog/9-flying-stars/
  7. Internal Power (內功, Neigong) in Martial Arts

    yeah me 2! this is the forum for the incredible stories! wwow! thats so amazing! who is he?! does he have a video of flinging heavily armored heavyweights?!!!
  8. Internal Power (內功, Neigong) in Martial Arts

    they can't kill even one. e.g this is physical force plus cooperation from students who fall down on cue. not FJ here the old master is good at jumping but still hits the student muscularly, putting his foot behind the student's who of course is not resisting. nice trick but not FJ the one i posted reportedly did
  9. Internal Power (內功, Neigong) in Martial Arts

    and yet there are still flies in the world
  10. Internal Power (內功, Neigong) in Martial Arts

    no problem. videos usually turn out to be cringe like two senior overweight dudes pushing each other with the remainder of their muscles and gasping for air.AND claiming thats fajin lol hehe;)
  11. Neidan? Definitive Definitions...

    maybe you first need to explain why. if it is an idle curiosity let somebody else to bother
  12. Internal Power (內功, Neigong) in Martial Arts

    thats the analogy the founder of Yiquan used. In his time there was no video. Can you post yours?
  13. What is the dan in neidan and dan tian? 丹

    dan/neidan that would be an english expression, not wenyan. here 之 refers to what was 'lost by me' anyway 达者惟简惟易,迷者愈惑愈繁。
  14. What is the dan in neidan and dan tian? 丹

    these two sentences have a completely identical grammar and subject matter (it=ND), yet you transl them differently. Cleary also messed them up but in a differently naive way: with same grammar but but he mistook the subject for self instead of ND.
  15. What is the dan in neidan and dan tian? 丹

    Cleary got this line wrong while Pregadio omits the line altogether. Should be: 如何谓之返还?返者,我已去而复来之说,还者,我已失而又得之谓。 Reversion means I let go of something and now I bring it back; restoration means I lost something and now I get it again. (a big diff in meaning obviously? may be not )