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Showing most thanked content on 04/07/2024 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Sunrise at Rainbow Point in Bryce Canyon with my son. He'd never seen anything of it prior. Conditions were absolute perfection. North Campground still open year round. As we were driving up into the snowline in the sleet he turned and said... "well now I know where the other half of my heart has been waiting for me this life..."
  2. 3 points
    I don't think it means this. Any more than we can recall the past with 100% accuracy. If you're speaking of predicting the future, there is no future. It is now. We're watching it unfold now. This is what enlightenment offers. You become infused with a greater essence; it seems that it is infused from elsewhere, but it isn't. It's infused from the god-mind inside you. We become the god-mind, there is the enlightenment. There is no need to refer to websites any longer, your information is directly from the source. The god-mind only needs to be open to the answers to receive them. It does appear that time, our lives, are stretched out like a Slinky. In reality, time and space are the very same thing, and time and space is how our god-mind expresses itself. It's not really stretched out. Both metaphysical reading (metaphysics = the true dynamics that are shared by all viable religions) and having a light understanding of quantum physics, together, will explain the disparity between what appears to be true (slinky time and distant space), and the real Original Intent., The metaphysics are not found within a religious structure.) We ARE time and space.
  3. 3 points
    This 'country boy' is currently flooded in . Fortunately ( for me ) most of it went around our area .... hit some cities south .... now they got some 'country' (no power, no lighting , sewer out etc . ) Sydney's main water supply dam is topping over , if more rain, that could get very ' interesting ' !
  4. 2 points
    Inspired by the video below, I’ve made some effective strides on ren and the whole abdominal region. She instructs along the line of belly dancing … I modify the breathing towards a more Daoist orientation. The tip: 1. Put your finger on any acupoint (indendation) along the abdominal section of ren (below the sternum and above the pubic bone). Whether you place your finger firmly, lightly, or not quite touching at all - will emphasize physical ~ subtle engagement (all good). 2. Do a slow smooth inhale ~ exhale from the center at finger-level. Basically, doing dan tien breathing at the level of the finger. Slowly, so that the layers of tissues gently separate during the (inhale oops!) exhale, often including a gentle tug-pull from the inside at the acupoint. Just 1 to several breaths, then… 3. Next acupoint, repeat 1&2. All up n’ down. I find that this extremely simple tip: - Helps to locate areas of the abdomen that are … unfamiliar, inarticulate, physically, and getting the sensitivity and muscular articulation online. - extraordinarily effective in activating acupoints along ren - overlaps + complements other kinds of deep abdominal work - Trunk
  5. 2 points
    All of these people are training their ethereal body. The practices are not exclusive to any particular tradition and take years to develop, similar to bodybuilding in a gym. Bodies go like this. Physical > Ethereal > Astral > Emotional Mental (Animal Mental) > Thoughts Body (Human Mental) > Spiritual Body (Mage Mental) > Causal Body (God Mental) This can also be linked to seven chakras. Siddhis are not "mystical" or "paranormal." Some people have trained physical bodies, and those who have exceptional genetics can do things most other living humans cannot. These skills or abilities are called "siddhis." The only problem, however, is that the further you go from the physical plane to a spiritual plane, the less it is possible to record or demonstrate. To begin with, most people are only able to see a physical layer of reality and do not perceive directly in astral and mental fields. It often becomes an internet circle-jerking activity where "practitioners" of a certain group believe that only "bodybuilding" is real, while meditation or astral projection is not. That said, any person who works on himself in life and develops abilities and skills on any level instead of wasting time arguing online is doing a good thing for himself. There are clear benefits in each level development.
  6. 2 points
    My cat used to bring home assorted cat toys I didn't buy. Mystery was solved when a neighbor told me that those were his departed cat's toys which he was giving to my cat to play with. He didn't want them back. He was an elderly French guy and one day my cat came home with a pouch filled with vintage French postal stamps depicting cats of various breeds. Possibly valuable but I know nothing about postal stamps. I knocked on the neighbor's door to give them back, but he told me to keep them, as a gift for me for letting him play with my cat. A while ago the guy's adult son decided it was time for dad to live with his family as he was advancing in years, so new neighbors moved in. I thought the supply of cat toys from the outside would stop, and was mighty surprised when new ones started appearing with some regularity. Turned out the new lady next door was a cat lover with an allergic husband, and she happily befriended my cat and started buying toys for her. I have a large Chinese bowl, one of those in which they sometimes keep goldfish, filled to the brim with felt fish, mice, little balls of assorted sizes, cat teaser wands and so on. I don't think I bought any of them.
  7. 1 point
    For so many years, you see so many people just getting enamored with the latest spiritual trends, whatever is cool online, chasing the latest shiny object, getting sucked into lame or weird groups online or in real life, and it's just all so cringe. All the amateur hour bs out there is just ugh! People talk big about Siddhis, spiritual power, energy, shakti this and reiki that. Well time to up your frickin' game people. Let's see it, step up to the plate. This is the new age of the internet. YouTube and internet is almost universal now. Apparently in certain sports because tournament footage is being put up on YouTube instanty all the time, new strategies are developing faster and the sport is developing rapidly So come on, don't sing it bring it. What are some Miracle powers or Siddhi's that are documented? Are there any? Who do you follow and what do they really have when it comes time to put up or shut up? So who's a faker and magician? And who has legit Siddhis? No crap or anything that any trained magician could easily replicate. This is the 21st century, every 5 year old knows magicians aren't real, firewalking isnt a siddhi, and anyone can lay on a bed of nails. I know I've heard scientists have studied Tibetan tummo under scientifically controlled conditions and it was proved to be real. That's probably why a lot of people respect and are interested in Tibetan buddhism. But that doesn't necessarily mean we should absolutely only consider powers or abilities that are shown under absolute strict scientific conditions. That would be assuming all spiritual powers are repeatable at will, but what if they are dependent on circumstances or are extremely rare events not easily reproducible at will? Many spiritual groups report a Guru predicting the day of their death and dying with their disciples as well. Most people will not consider that proof of spiritual power though. Especially since religous and spiritual people talk willy nilly about things way crazier than tummo, like flying, appearing in multiple places at a time, turning a single meal into a feast, and raising the dead. So let's see it. Let's see the proof your spirituality isn't all just in your head or a group delusion? The first example I think of is Grandmaster, a real grandmaster, not a trendy internet Johnny come lately fad, but Grandmaster Yang Mei Jun, the 27th inheritor of the Daoist and Buddhist Dayan Gong lineage. A man had been in a motorcycle accident and been in a coma for many weeks. The doctors at the hospital had determined the man to be brain dead and were going to move him to the morgue. As a last ditch effort Yang Mei Jun came to the hospital to treat him. During the treatment he was revived. I don't know if there is video of the event, but there is photo documentation of the treatment here Next we have a really crazy one. The Earthly spiritual Father, Father Yod, Father Yahowha, on video reviving a dead baby. Like ok, like there weren't scientists monitoring it with instruments in a lab, but it's on video. I know an umbilical cord wrapped around a babies neck is a real thing that happens, and a real danger of not giving birth in a hospital. That baby really does look dead to me in the video. Perhaps I should add it's a pretty graphic scene if you're squeamish, but it's also black and white so not that bad. So read it and weep, can your teacher beat The Father? It's insane, that baby looks dead as a doorknob to me, then comes right to life, and the dude's still alive and a healthy adult to this day! Timestamp of the footage is at 42:30 I'm a bit hesitant but I'm going to include this. Some will probably scoff and laugh, call it the Buddhist stigmata. Like ok obviously stigmata is stupid, I remember hearing about that as a kid and just laughing that people would think it's not a hoax. But Phowa is a little bit different, it's commonly just accepted and repeatable by anyone with enough devotion, and it's based on actual meditation practice. Since ancient times people have long put kush grass on the hole that opened on their heads to demonstrate successfully launching their consciousness to a pure buddha realm. Stigmata seems much more like just a hoax perpetrated by lone hucksters or specific organizations with an agenda to trick people So time to put up or shut up. Talk is cheap punk. Siddhis talk and bs walks. Pics or it didn't happen. Time for the fads and the bs to fade away.
  8. 1 point
    Hello Cobie and idiot_stimpy, Sorry for the delayed response. There is much to read here. And much that is closed to the simple passerby. Anyway, it is nice to meet you. And by looking at your post count, you guys have been here a long time. So, thanks for the welcome. Hoping to see you around the forum. Tommy
  9. 1 point
    Probably a similar technique. Bagus the Leaf Man does Hindu practices so it doesn’t seem like something that’s just found in one religion. The interesting thing is how the emission of qi is different. With Sheikh Muhammad it comes out of his fingers on command, but with Master Jiang Feng and Master Zhou they guide the qi up from their lower dantian and out through the arm to the hands.
  10. 1 point
    Thank you for your explanation @stirling, I had read the article on wiki before, but it seems to have a very wide array of meanings and I was baffled at the plural. It’s clearer now!
  11. 1 point
    Very interesting indeed, what do you reckon these Sufi Masters do to get this zapping effect? Is it essentially the same routine as Daoists?
  12. 1 point
    Dandan noodles. Bobo chicken Twice cooked pork or duck... the list is endless.
  13. 1 point
    Hello S:C, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharma# In this case I mean: • Practices (or teachings) that are in "harmony" or lead to harmony (enlightenment). • ALL "phenomena" that appear in our experience which are themselves already in harmony (enlightened), and are actually teachings themselves. The "dharmakaya" is the term for the space in which all phenomena appear. It is also considered to be the "teaching body" of the Buddhas. These are the two facets of the word "dharma" I am speaking specifically about.
  14. 1 point
    Nice videos! Stigmata in the hands is actually a result of a blockage in your laogong. Here is a video of Sufi master Sheikh Muhammad zapping my wife with qi from his hands. He zapped me too, really powerful stuff. Here’s a video of him zapping some other members of Daobums (watch from 30 seconds onwards): Here are various masters from lineages (the late Master Jiang Feng and Master Zhou) that I follow emitting qi in different ways. I haven’t gone to see them in person, but a few of my friends have: This is a cool video of Bagus “the Leaf Man” emitting qi through a leaf: And another one of Bagus lighting up an LED light with his arm:
  15. 1 point
    forgive yourself now! embrace the judgmental one soft shadows and tears
  16. 1 point
    its amazing how many of us take modern conveniences for granted; electricity being a major one along with water on tap, heat from the furnace, AC, handy phones, pc's, vehicles to drive around in, grocery stores, etc.., imagine if we all had to go back to the early 1800's without such....
  17. 1 point
    I like thin crust with reduced cheese now since I don't need all the carbs and fat from a super deep dish; btw. the company that sells fresh take home and cook it yourself pizza is my favorite, more so with its 20% discount for vets!
  18. 1 point
    你的post並沒有討論合宗明道集,而是研究作者。 爲何不直接討論大江西派呢?
  19. 1 point
    The intelligence of God or Spirit.
  20. 1 point
    This book offers plenty of insight on the topic in question: https://jackkornfield.com/after-the-ecstasy-the-laundry/
  21. 1 point
    OK, other legit teachers are based at UC Davis: https://tccatucd.wordpress.com/instructors/ Particularly Daniel Quincy.
  22. 1 point
    From what I understand in essence there is no difference. They are the same thing ultimately. Nothing anyone said about one couldn't also be said about the other. Some people have called dzogchen the padmasambhava lineage, and mahamudra the tiliopa lineage. There are certain specific practices that can be unique to certain school I believe. Like 5 part mahamudra for example. You can also blend different aspects of your experience in meditation together, love and compassion, wisdom, emptiness, awareness etc. Also you can view meditation in stages, like starting with resting mind and mindfulness, you can have mindful body practice, mindful emotion, mindful consciousness, mindful phenomena, then shamata, vipassana, and fiinally mahanudra/dzogchen At the end they're both about you seeing your true real nature and true nature of reality. The empty and luminous nature, that there is no self, the mind seeing itself, and resting in the natural state of Rigpa, etc and profound deep stuff like that that's hard to grasp or talk about in words and all that.
  23. 1 point
    这部书很不错,但是在大江西派的典籍中,它可能不是最出色的,在当时也根本没挣到钱,因为从始至终(1940年代)它都是作为善书刊印的,免费赠送给好道者。所以在书里你找不到出版商和印刷商的名字,但会看到一个方形印章,里头有16个字:“此书如阅,大益身心。若不欲看,转送别人。” 比较有趣的,是编撰这部书的人和他的团队。从1940年到1944年,大约是中国抗战最艰苦的阶段。作者和他的团队,当时居住在重庆附近。日军飞机在1938到1941年中对重庆轰炸了218次,炸毁房屋1.76万幢,造成2.6万余人死伤。身处战争之中,银镜堂先生想的不是逃离,而是开门度人。他组织了同门学人和弟子,好友,以书信往来的形式开始度人,后来又从大量的书信中,选编了一些具有普遍性和针对性的问答,汇集成书,这就是《明道语录》和《明道语录续集》。而编书印书,邮寄道书和信件,以及其他相关的费用,都是由银镜堂先生个人出资。《合宗明道集》和《明道语录》,可以见证中华道家人士在战火硝烟中的坚持和奉献。 其实我在主帖里的文章,并不是文稿的全部。考虑到最后两段略微偏离了主题,就移出保存了起来。可能以后还会有用,如果有人希望把《明道语录》的作者身份也加以探讨的话。以下就是我未发表的部分。 “再来看图四里银镜堂先生写的“合宗明道集再跋 详说耑渡有缘心印”(道10-542)。此文中未提著书之事,只论耑度有缘人(此处耑同专,发音为zhuān)。并且在文末特意提示读者“早结福缘善果,以免错过此门开方便之机缘也”。有些读者会注意到图三左页下部那一幅图,[耑度有缘心印]。全书九卷但此图只有七幅,初集和中集各三幅,上集一幅。另外,处于耑度有缘四字中心的小图形似桃核,其中是两个古陶文“心印”,而且每一幅图里的这两个字,形状都略有变化。如何解读这幅心印图,在上集卷三(道10-541)开头,“铜梁后学胡燮阳”写的“合宗明道集后跋语”里有所解释。 上集里的题词之一(道10-527)是由“永春山房随缘居士”题写,请见图五左页红线处。其中有一段话值得注意:“非时非人,仙佛有不传之训。今则时不容待而知人又难,只得随缘而已。随缘者,不拘派别年龄,都因缘会以得度。” 读了前面图三和图四里银镜堂署名的题词和再跋,再读过图五左页的题词,估计当年有些读者会大喜过望,因为银先生和永春山房主人明确表示要开门度人,而且不拘派别年龄。众所周知,开门度人是一件大事,不要说是在战乱之中,即使在太平年月,度人之门大开的机缘,恐怕是百年难得一遇。” 图五 (道10-527)
  24. 1 point
    There's another way to look at it too. Non-action toward oncoming dynamics is the operative method, but also looking at it through the lens of time is helpful to me. Science has discovered that time is not really linear. It's really all here and now, only our limited brain band width is set up to experience everything sequentially, day after day. If time is not really linear, this means that everything has already happened, but we are experiencing it in sequence. For some reason, knowing that it's already happened, whatever it is, is pretty comforting. It seems to replace anxiety about things in the future. An inevitability of sorts. Does anyone here ever wonder if 'god' and DNA are the very same thing?
  25. 1 point
    Oh damn ... and I made a shallow dish pizza ! Off the grid weekend is coming ! Parts of Oz nearly had that last summer ! Air con overload .... and wait till it happens mass scale and peeps be realizing their brand new modern apartment does not have windows that open ! Dont need them .... air con !
  26. 1 point
    Misunderstandings of the dzogchen and nondual teachings are often related to conflating the characteristics of the natural state with the characteristics of the practitioner. The natural state has no likes or dislikes but people do. We can approach wisdom in our lives but as long as we have a mind and body we are living in samsara and collecting karma and we will have likes and dislikes. I think this quote is potentially misleading, at least in my limited experience and understanding. In receiving and studying dzogchen teachings, I've never encountered the advice to 'reject the distinction between good and bad in the sphere of my own mind' [sic]. Furthermore, we don't generally deal with thoughts in one way and actions in another. What the teachings are saying to me is that distinctions between good and bad exist in the mind and only in the mind. Such distinctions do not exist in the nature of mind which is free of all partiality. We cannot free ourselves of such distinctions through rejection or denial. As practitioners, we are naturally subject to partiality and we need to be honest with ourselves about that. On the dzogchen path, nothing is rejected and all experiences are taken onto the path. When we get a taste of the nature of mind through our practice we can get a sense of what it is like to be free of judgements and distinctions but that is not our ongoing condition with very rare exceptions. To the extent that we are able to allow the activity and reactivity of the mind to liberate spontaneously, we create no karmic traces and experience no distinction between good and bad. For most of us, this is not a continuous flow of self-liberation so we need to deal with the good, the bad, and the ugly in one way or another. With regards to engaging in harmful or negative actions due to a misinterpretation of these teachings it is said that the dzogchen view should be as boundless as the sky and actions should be as fine as tsampa. This means in the state of the enlightened view (that is, the nature of mind) there is no distinction between good and bad but in the actions there is only the direct manifestation of enlightened activity defined and informed by the four immeasurables - joy, compassion, unconditional love, and equanimity.
  27. 1 point
    Regardless of what qualification/degree you get in your younger years, you will have to change or adapt it 2 or 3 times during your lifetime. If you feel strongly about your desired work place right now as an electrician or care, you could apply the credits you already have to the new profession. But finishing your economics would be good because you will have a degree that will be applicable to any change you might have later in life. Getting something finished is important.
  28. 1 point
    wow, thanks for posting that
  29. 1 point
    You Are a country man. I'm still waiting for the alley cat that prowls around my house daily to bring me some restaurant coupons.
  30. 1 point
    my old cat brought its rabbit kill home to share with me, so I made well cooked rabbit stew out of it.
  31. 1 point
    The truth of the logos cuts through ignorance and mal intent like a sharp sword.
  32. 1 point
    Well he pretty much lays it out in what he says before and after this line, that is, that his doctrine and following will produce dissension within communities and families and the persecution of the disciples.
  33. 1 point
    I suppose the real question is, did Jesus actually say this or since Matthew was written decades after Jesus' death, is it something the author(s) of Matthew wrote for a specific reason? Maybe to explain why the temple was destroyed by the Romans after Jesus had originally promised to come back and establish a kingdom?
  34. 1 point
    Hmmm .... I was pansexual But now I might become a tantara tarantula
  35. 1 point
    I'm a euro too and it would be totally foreign to me hadn't I moved to Australia, where the movement of Wood and Fire are the dominant forces here (South and East). I started Ba Gua Quan/Zhang in 2008 combined with a bit of seated and more moving meditation Vipassana based. The sky is the limit let me tell you that.
  36. 1 point
    3. GT saying 113: His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?" Jesus said, "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'Here it is' or 'There it is'. Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it." 5. GT saying 3: The Kingdom is inside you, and outside you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will realize it is you who are the sons of the living Father. 6. GT saying 50: If they say to you, "Where did you come from?" say to them, "We came from the light, the place where the light came into being by itself, and was revealed through their image. . . We are its children, the chosen of the living Father." 7. GT saying 70: That which you have will save you if you bring it forth from yourselves. That which you do not have within you will kill you if you do not have it within you. John 1:9-13: [Jesus] is the true light, which enlightens everyone . . . To all who received him, he gave the power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood . . .but of God. 3. GT saying 113: His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?" Jesus said, "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'Here it is' or 'There it is'. Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and people do not see it."
  37. 1 point
    Hi HappyAlien. Welcome to the forum, enjoy.
  38. 1 point
    Welcome @HappyAlien, - Trunk