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    Welcome Shakti :-)
  3. Dzogchen vs Mahamudra

    Could be Sam van Schaik or Jeffrey Samuel - I have read a lot of both.
  4. LDT meditation without a teacher

    Bak fu Sunn yee gung complete level 1 is doable without a teacher. Not sure if it is available online anymore. Only a breathing sequence is needed then the rest is automatic.
  5. Transgender Q&A

    I have no idea what we're even talking about anymore and I still love it 😊🥴🩷
  6. Dzogchen vs Mahamudra

    I don’t have references to hand I’m afraid.
  7. Dzogchen vs Mahamudra

    Are Afghan/Kashmirian/Parthian/Chinese origins backed by historical research? This is interesting, if you have the time, could you please give pointers as to who has done this research?
  8. Dzogchen vs Mahamudra

    Marpa held two lineages the direct and the indirect - the first from Naropa and the second from Maitripa. The Mahamudra lineage was the second. But of course this was in the tenth century AD and is not relevant to the true origins of either Mahamudra or Dzogchen. The true origins are connected to the kingdoms in the area of the Kashmir and Afghanistan which were in turn connected to the silk route and kingdoms such as Parthia and so on and of course China itself. This is the route along which both goods and knowledge were transmitted.
  9. Today
  10. revisiting this in another context: We could ask if the temptation of Jesus Christ was real? Could he have failed and fallen? Was his life journey painless and smooth, (per all his divine experience, spiritual being, preparations and well developed subtle body of proven acts in the world of mankind) for example there was the mountain of very knarly doubt that he faced such as, "my God, my God why has thou forsaken me"? (along with several other instances)
  11. Transgender Q&A

    It was truly fantastic!
  12. Headache, daydreaming need help

    I'm only responsible for what I wrote though, not for how you interpret it. In any case, there lots of reasons someone can see a therapist for, it's not only for disorder treatment or seeking a behavioural adjustment as you suggest. Eg understanding why things happen is one of the common reasons, which was the question in the OP. Anything that occurs systematically either like in this post through daydreaming ( not because of it ), or a recurring dream is worth exploring. It's ok, it's clear you were reacting to something different to what I wrote but it was also worth discussing that psychotherapists are not there only for disorder treatment. They're also infinitely more likely to help the OP find why it's happening, than internet forums.
  13. LDT meditation without a teacher

  14. LDT meditation without a teacher

    I think @Taoist Texts means to say it doesn't need a teacher because it can not be taught unless you are the chosen one?? Who knows? You could be that chosen one? That is what I think when I play the lottery. But, I never win anything.
  15. Headache, daydreaming need help

    Yes, you did not say that explicitly. But, the way I read your response, it did seem that way. To go to see a psychotherapist to find out why you are seeing violent daydreams. Isn't that what psychotherapist do? Help someone understand themselves so they can correct their behavior?? IDK. Anyway, I apologize for mis-reading your responses. I am very very sorry.
  16. LDT meditation without a teacher

    Of course you are
  17. Dzogchen vs Mahamudra

    BTW, the Kagyu official lineage puts Naropa just before Marpa (thought it names also Maitripa). That's the info I had, but anyway is not that important:
  18. LDT meditation without a teacher

    Thanks so Song Dyn for widespread use of term for a set of practices- is this what you mean by a modern invention?
  19. LDT meditation without a teacher

    no;) not recorded there the term's history: maybe he should, but he wonders what good will possibly come out of it? I am a chosen one. Yet i am a total loser in all other respects, so i dont have any illusions of grandeur. My gift is not bankable. Its more of a curse actually.
  20. LDT meditation without a teacher

    Which one are you?
  21. Dzogchen vs Mahamudra

    A traditional depiction of Marpa painted on a rock on Holy Isle, Firth of Clyde Marpa Lotsāwa (མར་པ་ལོ་ཙཱ་བ་ཆོས་ཀྱི་བློ་གྲོས་, 1012–1097), sometimes known fully as Marpa Chökyi Lodrö (Wylie: mar pa chos kyi blo gros) or commonly as Marpa the Translator (Marpa Lotsāwa), was a Tibetan Buddhist teacher credited with the transmission of many Vajrayana teachings from India, including the teachings and lineages of Mahamudra. Due to this, the Kagyu lineage, which he founded, is often called Marpa Kagyu in his honour.[1] Although some accounts relate that the Mahasiddha Naropa was the personal teacher of Marpa, other accounts suggest that Marpa held Naropa's lineage through intermediary disciples only.[2] Either way, Marpa was a personal student of the Mahasiddha Maitripa and of the dakini Niguma.[3] But anyway Maitripa is also Indian and his teacher Naropa. Doesnt change at all my argument about Mahamudra. You can see the lineagea as Naropa-> Marpa or as Naropa-> Maitripa-> Marpa. Doesnt change that the source of Mahamudra is fully Indian and then fully Tibetan. ZhuangZi is considered to have lived in IV AC so later than Buddha, but again, He, Sakyamuni learnt meditation from older sources. So meditation in Nepal/India at least, was quite older than VI AC. It doesnt change the argment neither. The point is that there was a lot of meditation in India prior to VI AC. Best wishes.
  22. LDT meditation without a teacher

    I’m sure TT is one of those particularly gifted, 1-in-a-billion persons
  23. LDT meditation without a teacher

    isn’t the term neidan used in the cantong qi (sp?)
  24. Dzogchen vs Mahamudra

    Apart from anything else Marpa obtained the Mahamudra lineage from Maitripa and not Naropa. Zouwang is first mentioned in zhuangzi and is probably much older thus pre- dating the Buddha.
  25. LDT meditation without a teacher

    Neidan is a made-up western word which means 1) the teaching of alchemy, 2) the practice of alchemy 3) the product of alchemy (the elixir). These are 3 different things yet the westerners lump all 3 of them into one fake term The westerners made up this fake term in order to delude themselves that they can A) understand the alchemy, B ) practice the alchemy C) teach the alchemy - without ever D) producing the elixir. To answer your question: NO. For normal people, with or without a teacher, it is not possible. YES . For a particularly gifted, 1-in-a-billion person, it is possible . This exceptional book explains " LDT meditation technique" for virtue, health, power and wisdom in complete detail. Who could get these results from this book will be able to advance to neidan.
  26. LDT meditation without a teacher

    If we don’t need a teacher to learn neidan, then he should post every step and instruction here.
  27. Headache, daydreaming need help

    The way I read your response, you seem to assume its about correcting something behaviourally, but never said anything of the sort. The goal may well be ... to understand why he sees what he sees, which was the question in the OP.
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