Guest winpro07

I practice KunLun

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It would be nice to discuss actual practice issues in a public forum, but it can be very difficult. There are so many diverse perspectives out there that there is no ONE way for everyone and everybody reacts differently.


I've had my armor dented on more than one occasion over the past year-and-a-half in here, but I just open that divine energy and shake it all away.


Anyway, it would be nice if people can at least respect your wishes and discuss things without the unwarranted emotion and attacks.


Not likely though.


Of course, this is the product of the forum format. In person we would simply discuss our practices in a helpful, respectful and positive way.



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Hi Mantra,


Look i know i have always been gun-ho regarding the Kunlun advertising and marketing i really hope something gets done about that but i do appoligize in regards on my constant attacks i will make a big effort to discuss the practices and enjoy the company. I know you are a nice guy i can tell im sure if we ever met things would be much better.


Take care

Spirit Ape

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Hi Mantra,


Look i know i have always been gun-ho regarding the Kunlun advertising and marketing i really hope something gets done about that but i do appoligize in regards on my constant attacks i will make a big effort to discuss the practices and enjoy the company. I know you are a nice guy i can tell im sure if we ever met things would be much better.


Take care

Spirit Ape

I believe you.

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I wonder what you think about them, if you could shed some light on why kunlun is attracting such a lot of negativity and wild ideas...


Is there a grain of truth that people are picking up on? Is there a truth that is being distorted, somewhere behind all this, or is it just tabloid hysteria?



Who really can answer this question? There are two groups, one who swear by Kunlun and the other who scream against it. A third voice which does not belong to either sides alone can give a sane answer here. And I doubt, based on older posts of winpro, that he is that person. Of course, sharing opinions are always welcome :)


These are all pretty far out ideas/rumours.


When you pass a judgment here that everything being said is a rumor, what is the need for further inquiry into this subject at all? You've decided this is all being done simply to discredit Max and Kunlun by a bunch for some reason. So, would saying anything more, even if that is saner than an alien implantation theory, be taken with an open mind?


As for the negative hype, if that is what you would like to term this, we could come up with some explanation like: See Jesus taught universal love, but the bad people crucified him... probably that's what is happening here... :)


On a lighter vein, if we can believe stories about a lady finding a technique for world enlightenment in a cave through a divine revelation, or about lightening striking someone repeatedly, of people faking deaths and such stuff, why cannot one entertain oneself with a story involving demons and dragons?



Edited by SiliconValley

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So from this what is it that we are to understand? That you have not been practicing Red Phoneix, or Golden Flower? and you have been practicing alchemy? What do you mean precisely?

Are you practicing Kunlun 1,2 and 3 only?



I dont do the K/RP 1,2,3 thing, did 5 months with the book, after meeting Max my practice evolved rapidly into a sort of upgrade of everything together, very internal, very clear, sort of angelical, highly energized. Pure love is the result; am I a better person? I do feel much more compassionate for all beings around me, have much more patience,

I have open certain doors to what once was completely unknown, and now seems my normal everyday reality.I want more

Edited by nils

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I dunno, I'd say it's just a liiiiiitle bit more serious than a book or movie


Many hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in the name of books. Would that count as a liiiiitle serious?


You raise an interesting point - 'seriousness'... tends to cause a certain heartlessness... the killings in the name of books tend to happen when the books are taken a liiiitle bit too seriously.


Looking for 'truth' is a serious pursuit. It leads away from the heart and into the depths of the mind...


I couldn't agree more on the the 'cautious openness'! I like the term!


That's how I approached Kunlun in the first place. I had both reasons to doubt it and reasons to be interested by it. I was both repulsed and attracted. But I never decided to be fully one or the other.


I really don't need to know about the history, lineage, explanations, descriptions etc. I can feel what the practice does for me - I feel the connection to lineage and the effect it has on me.


The "knowing" forces too much of the mind into something that needs to be felt by the heart.



Cat - you ask a great question. And here's my cautiously open take on it:


Kunlun forces a very quick and sudden disintegration of the ego.


What happens internally is reflected externally - which is - many hidden, unconscious ego aspects arise and can be seen. These doubts, fears, blockages, habitual patterns can be very painful and sore. We habitually like to stay away from this pain so these doubts and illusions take on form to keep us from having to experience it. The illusions and doubts become 'serious' - or rather we start to take them seriously.


As I say - what happens internally is manifested externally - so we have these archetypal monsters, daemons, worms, vampires surface into this 'collective conscious'...


To me this is a good sign - it means it's working.


I feel bad for Chris who has to constantly defend something he loves and wants to share with everyone. The disrespect shown towards his friends and cultivation family is hard to bare. Sometimes it's difficult to not take these things personally. I know that's the case with me. But if we stay compassionate to everyone - including those that instil fear and doubt we can navigate both internally through our own stuff and externally.

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It's good to keep in mind that there used to be full on astral dragon battles in this forum's history... craziness and negativity have always been big ingredients around here.


I like to think that there's an alchemy that comes out of it.



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What happens internally is reflected externally - which is - many hidden, unconscious ego aspects arise and can be seen. These doubts, fears, blockages, habitual patterns can be very painful and sore. We habitually like to stay away from this pain so these doubts and illusions take on form to keep us from having to experience it. The illusions and doubts become 'serious' - or rather we start to take them seriously.


As I say - what happens internally is manifested externally - so we have these archetypal monsters, daemons, worms, vampires surface into this 'collective conscious'...


To me this is a good sign - it means it's working.



This is what I perceive as the root of people's issues with kunlun, whether they see it or not. Not that my perception is impeccable :D There have been parts of myself, habits, what have you, that needed to go - and they kick, scream, manifest, get dragged away with claw marks in the floor as they are disposed of. If there are any demons involved, they are entirely the practitioner's, a creation of the practitioner's, there long before kunlun ever came into the picture of the practitioner in question.

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Kunlun forces a very quick and sudden disintegration of the ego.


I can't say that's true. Not in my case. Not in anyone's case that I've known who has practiced it. In fact the opposite seems to be true, which has been admitted: what's kept inside starts to come out. All of the ugliness and what not. Perhaps the ego becomes more cunning, so that the practitioner will think "Sweet! Kunlun is making my ego go away!" When in fact it's more powerful than ever.


That's what kunlun seems to do...then it's up to the practitioner what they choose...stay with who they are currently or change into someone that doesn't have that stuff. And they have to make the change...that has nothing to do with kunlun.

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Per Keeney per the San, power comes up first, then love in shaking. Getting past power is sort of like getting past the gravitational field chock full of the imps of worldly temptation.

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I can't say that's true. Not in my case. Not in anyone's case that I've known who has practiced it. In fact the opposite seems to be true, which has been admitted: what's kept inside starts to come out. All of the ugliness and what not. Perhaps the ego becomes more cunning, so that the practitioner will think "Sweet! Kunlun is making my ego go away!" When in fact it's more powerful than ever.


That's what kunlun seems to do...then it's up to the practitioner what they choose...stay with who they are currently or change into someone that doesn't have that stuff. And they have to make the change...that has nothing to do with kunlun.

Read my above post bro :)


Well said, Kyle!


It is still up to the individual practitioner to put in the time practicing and not let the shit stick to either the blades of the fan, or the wall its blowing towards :D

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I can't say that's true. Not in my case. Not in anyone's case that I've known who has practiced it. In fact the opposite seems to be true, which has been admitted: what's kept inside starts to come out. All of the ugliness and what not. Perhaps the ego becomes more cunning, so that the practitioner will think "Sweet! Kunlun is making my ego go away!" When in fact it's more powerful than ever.


That's what kunlun seems to do...then it's up to the practitioner what they choose...stay with who they are currently or change into someone that doesn't have that stuff. And they have to make the change...that has nothing to do with kunlun.


Scott - I didn't mean to confuse anyone, I guess "disintegration of the ego" has the connotation of "making the ego go away" - but that's far from what I meant.


By dis-integration I mean literally breaking the integrity of the ego - break the shell - the illusion of "this is who I am". Like breaking the outer shell of the egg - all the content starts oozing out.


It might be surprising - but a lot of people into spirituality only ever bolster the shell - breaking it is hugely difficult. The breaking is not 'killing' - it's the initial penetration of light into the internal darkness of the interior space of the egg.


The 'the ego seeming more powerful than ever' is like finally breaking down the door to your cellar, turning on the light and realising that it's more cluttered than you ever thought possible.


And please - Kunlun is not a third party that does something to you. It's an inter-relationship... your hand is not doing the scratching to your head when you get an itch, it's a far more circular relationship...

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Good stuff, I just misunderstood what you meant by that, freeform.


And joeblast, I agree with what you said of course. The 'demons' are our own issues.

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Guest sykkelpump

Isnt Kunlun very similar or identical to the first (balancing yin and yang) exersize in spring forest qi gong?

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Guest sykkelpump




Ok,I must have misundestood the posture.I thought that if you did it standing the only difference was that palms was facing each other in kunlun, but in sfq they are facing towards body

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I feel bad for Chris who has to constantly defend something he loves and wants to share with everyone. The disrespect shown towards his friends and cultivation family is hard to bare. Sometimes it's difficult to not take these things personally. I know that's the case with me. But if we stay compassionate to everyone - including those that instil fear and doubt we can navigate both internally through our own stuff and externally.



I agree. But he was obviously destined somehow to do this and is able to endure it. I have bowed out from trying to defend or promote the practice. The info is all there. If someone is interested I would recommend they buy the book and practice for a month before going to the workshop. If not, pick one of the other many spiritual practices available.


Best wishes

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Guest winpro07
:mellow: Edited by winpro07

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Guest winpro07
:mellow: Edited by winpro07

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Yes i can feel Qi (BLISS) Anytime anywhere in movement or stillness!


AND yes it feels unbelievable cant discribe it...but its still all ONE Qi!


One love


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Yoda, after the first seminar you attended, did you receive any judgments for doing so, or about the practices? How many negative comments have you read about it? How many times after reading a post like Steve Gray (star jumper) write have you had your own Kunlun ground shaken, and begun to doubt? The ego clings to what ever it must in order to survive, to keep control..there are dark people out there, who will do all they are able to make you lose your potential, and energy. Think of Steve Gray. How has he disrupted the peace, and progress of you on your path? How many times? What kind of energy is he gathering form all he upsets? He seeks anger, malice, hatred. I had never before met a being who could use malice, but here it is. I understood way before meeting Max, just what these simple practice really are. I have never closed my eyes to them People may challenge Kunlun because it seems "to good to be true" and because their ego is immediately threatened.


Whoa, good think I'm so psychic I decided to check this thread just now and find interesting things being said about me. I wasn't planning on getting back into this and haven't read anything except for this last post


I'm sorry for those who have had their practice upset but all I've done is out of trying to be helpful and warn people. I'm not trying to gather any energy from anyone by doing this. It's simply my nature to raise a red flag of alarm when I see danger, that is all. It was never done with malice. I think what you have written there, Win, if you see malice, is a reflection of you and your own level of attainment with kunlun, and guess what, your ego.


Also, keep this in mind, even demons do good things for people some of the time in order to further their own cause, when people are looking.


Win is just trolling for me, because he stands on such shaky ground that his faith in his own practice is so easily shaken when his subconcious sees the truth and he wants to lash out against the bearer of the news. That is all.


So Winpro, you write me some nice friendly PMs, all buddy buddy like, and then this? Looks two faced to me.




What i see when i look at the accusers is not pretty. I mean really, how do their posts make you 'feel' when you read them? Queasy, numb, upset, angry? Why would they like you to feel bad?


I don't care about you, I was trying to warn that person who went to the intro and saw all the bullshit. He said he wasn't going to go but was seriously considering it. I just can't understand how people can see all the BS and then think about going anyway.


If you feel queasy, numb, upset, or angry it's because of 'the worm' trying to separate you from reality.


I know that Star Jumper is several people,


ROFL, are you serious :rolleyes:


and has been helped to see things not intended for him....


I seen the truth man, get over it, if you can.

Edited by Starjumper7

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