
Zhan Zhuang - Grounded or Ungrounded

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我說的兩小時,是加上『至少』的,但是就是有人誤會成『剛好兩小時』,完全忽略了『至少』at least,這是很不應該的誤會,甚至我覺得有『可惡』的成分在裡面






When I said two hours, I added "at least", but some people misunderstood it as "exactly two hours" and completely ignored "at least". ingredients in it

The reason why I talk about two hours is because I want to tell you that you have to make enough time for your body to practice thoroughly. Of course, if you can practice 24 hours a day, that is the best.

But if an experienced practitioner, even five minutes, can practice black liver for a short time.

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Some people mentioned whether there is a way to enter the innate, and some people refused to answer. I said to those who want to enter the innate, you don't need to ask these people who practice the transfer method, they don't know what the innate is, and they can't practice the transfer method. The weather is out, so don't bother to ask these people.

The Dan Jing makes it very clear that the way to enter the innate weather is very simple, that is, the repetition of yin and yang. As long as you master the principle of the repetition of yin and yang, you can easily practice the innate weather.

And a big principle of yin and yang repetition is "practice thoroughly", which is why I suggest you prepare for "at least" two hours, because there is no way to practice thoroughly without enough time.

Just as it takes enough time to cook rice, it is the same principle, just like spring, summer, autumn and winter need a whole year to repeat, Dan Dao is Dao Dharma and naturally, you don't need to believe those selling secret methods, Someone who asks you to pay high tuition fees.

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Correct the thanks I mentioned earlier, not crescent moon, it should be liminal_luke, thank you for your righteous words to the truth of Dan Dao.

Edited by awaken
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Some people say that when what is said is not what the other party wants, the other party will not want to hear it. Regarding this, of course I know that I have faced a lot of people who have moved the law, and few people who have moved the law have enough ability to accept the law of inaction, so my goal is not to put the moving method in the head at all. , ingrained people, my goal is to place beginners who have not been misled by the handling method.

Among my students, there are also some people who originally practiced the moving method. These are the few people who can get out of the moving method, but they are very hard. Because the long-term teaching of the moving method is to focus on the sense of breath, so To develop the ability of "evolution", it will be more difficult for them than beginners, and it is easy to make mistakes halfway, and they must be corrected frequently.

Edited by awaken

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I admit that many people practice Spontaneous Gong in the wrong way, such as over-strengthening the movements, adding a lot of unnecessary thoughts, etc., and practicing Spontaneous Gong until there is no movement, it is impossible to practice. These two points are indeed problems of Spontaneous Gong , but I still have to emphasize that I am not a teacher who teaches spontaneous gong, I am a teacher of alchemy. "Seeing the truth" and "practicing thoroughly" are two very important principles. Those who practice spontaneous gong because of It is a fact that failure to grasp these two principles leads to wrong results, and I will not deny that there is such a fact.

But I also told the practitioners of the transfer method that the transfer method also leads to wrong results. The transfer method prevents the evolution from happening, limits the practice to the scope of qi sense, and misleads Dan with the proper term for the scope of qi sense. content of the Tao.

The wrong way to practice spontaneous gong, the wrong place is to "indulge" desire.

The wrong way to carry the method, the wrong place is to "control" the sense of qi.

Both are equally wrong paths, fifty steps and a hundred steps are the same mistakes.




"Middle Way" and "Middle Way" are very important psychological principles, which belong to the scope of sexual energy. Dan Dao is the dual cultivation of life and life. Sexual energy is the correct direction. There is no correct direction. lead to wrong results.




In addition, the same English translation appears in the middle way and the middle way. I don't know how to translate this.

Edited by awaken

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31 minutes ago, awaken said:





Someone mentioned that someone was using spontaneous gong to open a qigong clinic. I don't know what's going on. I don't know who this person is. All I know is that you seem to equate me with that person. The tinted glasses are looking at me and attacking me, this is what I see.

I didn't teach Spontaneous Gong, and I didn't use Spontaneous Gong to open a qigong clinic. What I did was to open a class in QQ to teach people how to lead from Spontaneous Gong to Dan Dao. Here, what I did was to clarify, Let beginners know that the phenomena produced by the two extremes are wrong, whether it is deliberately triggering spontaneous gong, or deliberately manipulating the sense of qi to become a small Zhoutian.


How about asking others to clarify what they mean instead of assuming and going into passive-aggression instead?


What I was saying is that someone opened a qigong clinic and promoted spontaneous practice without recognizing that it can be dangerous without guidance.


What YOU are saying is that I'm attacking you--I left you way back on the other side of the river because of your insults.

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If you want to add a crime, why not worry
You can always pick a bone in an egg



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3 minutes ago, awaken said:




If you want to add a crime, why not worry
You can always pick a bone in an egg



You got warned not to insult and here you are doing it again…

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I don't think spontaneous work is dangerous, it is people who are dangerous, and wrong guidance is the danger

No matter if the guide is spontaneous work or transfer method, the same danger

The danger of carrying the law is even more than the spontaneous practice. I have been in the QQ environment, and many Chinese people have been awakened to this point, because many people in China are studying classical Chinese, and they can see that the law of inaction is very important. The important core spirit, even the word inaction, is placed above the temple and the palace.

Instructors must follow the classics and have the basis of classics, so as not to lead beginners in the wrong direction




When you say that spontaneous work is dangerous, I think your wording is wrong, because spontaneous work is not dangerous, the pursuit of desire is the root of the error

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2 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

You got warned not to insult and here you are doing it again…




I didn't insult you, if you want to think like this, I can't help it



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On 3/15/2022 at 9:01 AM, freeform said:

I don’t know the official rules of the forum - but constantly calling people ‘stupid’ and advising someone who’s got deviation issues to do two hours of zifagong wouldn’t sit well with me if I was running the forum.

None of us "run the forum" 

The thread is under review by the mod team.

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Pointless. It reminds me of:


"The story of the Tower of Babel explains the origins of the multiplicity of languages. God was concerned that humans had blasphemed by building the tower to avoid a second flood so God brought into existence multiple languages. Thus, humans were divided into linguistic groups, unable to understand one another."


All for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall.


~Alexandre Dumas (The Three Musketeers)


ENGLISH FOR ALL, as this the official language for ALL here in this forum. 



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Interesting to see all the energy in the comments about spontaneous movement. My understanding and experience  of it Is that it’s a natural consequence of internal work and relatively simple to trigger. I am surprised it’s not more in the public sphere. When I first experienced it I didnt realize how common it was (or that it had a name) and I didn’t have a teacher available that could explain it in any specific way or help me navigate it. On the plus side this did allow me to experience it without many preconceived ideas about it.

I can see where it excites people when they initially experience this and I can see how it would be possible for a misinformed or abusive teacher to take advantage of this. I can also see how someone could become habituated to it and not let go of it when the time comes.  Personally I think the secrecy/lack of information/lack of proper context around it actually makes these errors and abuses more likely. Based on my experience of it I can see where it can be a useful tool in the early stages of the training process. It can make the training much more tangible, more real. For me it got me to search for new training to help me better understand it and it gave direct feedback on my posture, use of awareness, sinking, use of mudras/hand positions , breathing, etc.that turned out to be quite useful and reinforcing. Perhaps my experience of it has been more positive or more benign than others  - all the more reason for more openness and information to be made available on this topic.

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On 13/3/2022 at 9:42 PM, Shadow_self said:


@almaxyTake heed of what@freeformis saying...This is the actual reality of the matter


While it is true that excess Yin Qi needs to be drawn from the enviornment..



Is this true though, that (excess) Yin Qi needs to be drawn from the environment? Why is that a given? 




The analogies of essences, pneumas and salivary juices with waidan end where those with neidan begin: the adept nourishes himself and his gods not through the ingestion of ‘external’ substances, but through components of his own inner body; he finds the vital ingredients within himself, and their ingestion takes place internally.

page 17



On 13/3/2022 at 9:42 PM, Shadow_self said: is the sequencing that is of critical importance, and what seems to have been lost in translation


  • First you need to activate (or awaken the LDT)
  • You then need to fully strengthen and consolidate the existing Yin field in your body first (The LDT).
  • Once this has been achieved, then it can contain Yang cannot happen before that...
  • Once Yang Qi has reached Critical mass...then you can worry about how to gather excess Yin Qi....there is no point in even thinking about before that

Think about how the law of attraction regarding Yin and Yang works....


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22 hours ago, Bindi said:


Is this true though, that (excess) Yin Qi needs to be drawn from the environment? Why is that a given? 






Yes, it is true


It has to do with the way Yin and Yang Qi work....You cannot build extra Yin Qi within the body


Also, you just quoted a text where the author thinks that all the practices relating to neidan are visualisations...I would caution you from taking that seriously

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38 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:


Yes, it is true


It has to do with the way Yin and Yang Qi work....You cannot build extra Yin Qi within the body


Also, you just quoted a text where the author thinks that all the practices relating to neidan are visualisations...I would caution you from taking that seriously


Are you equating yin qi with physical matter maybe? I really have no idea why else you would be so sure of this, and it probably goes without saying that I perceive yin qi as a subtle energy that can only be developed via subtle energy methods. 

The text is very good IMO for an historical appreciation of the roots of internal alchemy and  neidan, it remains to discover whether progress in ideas led to a greater understanding of the nature of Yin and Yang qi or a slow crumbling of what was once complete. 

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12 minutes ago, Bindi said:


Are you equating yin qi with physical matter maybe? I really have no idea why else you would be so sure of this, and it probably goes without saying that I perceive yin qi as a subtle energy that can only be developed via subtle energy methods. 

The text is very good IMO for an historical appreciation of the roots of internal alchemy and  neidan, it remains to discover whether progress in ideas led to a greater understanding of the nature of Yin and Yang qi or a slow crumbling of what was once complete. 


I'm not equating it with physical matter, nor do I have any idea why you would suggest that


You don't develop Yin via develop Yang...and as you do, at a certain point you will be able to gather excess Yin qi due to the excess Yang...before that point you only work with what is already in your body...To put it bluntly, you cannot generate Yin can only gather it


I rate almost all academic translations of Daoist practices as poor...the consistent misrepresentation of practices and misunderstanding is enough for me to distance myself from them....There are a few worth looking at...this does not appear to be one of them





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3 hours ago, Shadow_self said:


I'm not equating it with physical matter, nor do I have any idea why you would suggest that



Yin Qi was associated with semen and menstrual blood in a previous thread somewhere, on a deeper level Yin Qi was the energy that went into making semen and menstrual blood I seem to recall, I’m just curious about what you think comes from external sources that might affect this energy. I have no idea so I was just guessing really and a lot of people seem to think it revolves around semen and menstrual blood. 




You don't develop Yin via develop Yang...and as you do, at a certain point you will be able to gather excess Yin qi due to the excess Yang...before that point you only work with what is already in your body...To put it bluntly, you cannot generate Yin can only gather it


I am just starting to get a handle on my belief system, it seems to fall somewhere between external alchemy and neidan in time, so what you say above has very little relation to my understanding. For me there is a yin qi component in every dantian, as highly valued as the yang qi component in every dantian, and it has nothing at all to do with semen or menstrual blood even in the lower dantian. Still, I’d like to hear more about what Neidanists  believe about Yin Qi if anyone would be willing to tell me. 

Even better I’d like to talk to someone who recognises the terms I have come across, like Mother Father King Queen left right, but there don’t seem to be any of those, so neidanists are my next best thing. 



I rate almost all academic translations of Daoist practices as poor...the consistent misrepresentation of practices and misunderstanding is enough for me to distance myself from them....There are a few worth looking at...this does not appear to be one of them


I’m interested in the history, not in learning neidan, though I thought Pregadio was generally respected in the neidan field. God knows I could be wrong of course, I reserve the right to be wrong at least once a day :) 



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7 hours ago, Bindi said:



Yin Qi was associated with semen and menstrual blood in a previous thread somewhere, on a deeper level Yin Qi was the energy that went into making semen and menstrual blood I seem to recall, I’m just curious about what you think comes from external sources that might affect this energy. I have no idea so I was just guessing really and a lot of people seem to think it revolves around semen and menstrual blood. 

This is the Yin component of Jing you are thinking of



I am just starting to get a handle on my belief system, it seems to fall somewhere between external alchemy and neidan in time, so what you say above has very little relation to my understanding. For me there is a yin qi component in every dantian, as highly valued as the yang qi component in every dantian, and it has nothing at all to do with semen or menstrual blood even in the lower dantian. Still, I’d like to hear more about what Neidanists  believe about Yin Qi if anyone would be willing to tell me.


The Lower Dan tien is a Yin field...early stages of nei gong are re-consolidating this field


Within that field you can store up Yang Qi once it is consolidated and the other correct qualities are developed


Build enough of that, and you can start to pull excess Yin Qi from the environment into it also if you know how



I’m interested in the history, not in learning neidan, though I thought Pregadio was generally respected in the neidan field. God knows I could be wrong of course, I reserve the right to be wrong at least once a day :) 


Most of them are good for a historical is when they start to talk about technical aspects that they really fall down...because interpretation seems to muddy the perception

Edited by Shadow_self

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31 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

This is the Yin component of Jing you are thinking of



True, I remembered it was Jing Qi a little while ago but left my post as it was. 





The Lower Dan tien is a Yin field...early stages of nei gong are re-consolidating this field


Within that field you can store up Yang Qi once it is consolidated and the other correct qualities are developed


Does this have anything to do with a cauldron being filled with water and a fire underneath it? 




Build enough of that, and you can start to pull excess Yin Qi from the environment into it also if you know how


Does excess yin qi mean excess in the environment, or you need excess yin qi in your system at a certain point? Is environmental Yin Qi like tree energy, ground energy etc? 




Most of them are good for a historical is when they start to talk about technical aspects that they really fall down...because interpretation seems to muddy the perception

Yes, I’m only after the historical overview in this case. 

Edited by Bindi

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25 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

Build enough of that, and you can start to pull excess Yin Qi from the environment into it also if you know how

Just to say that in my own training we don’t need pull anything in from outside. 

Basically following the age old rule:


As above, so below.


Meaning that we have a pure source of Yin qi internally.


Aligning to the earth’s yin qi field can, indeed assist in tapping this internal field. Particularly in the beginning stages.


In Longmen lineages there’s a strong emphasis of working with trees in preparation for alchemical practice… this also works to align oneself to the earths yin field.

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